
 TopicRepliesCreatedLast replysort icon
X-treme Theme how to translate and install translation012 years 33 weeks ago
by ivan_fsg
problem to make a little change012 years 32 weeks ago
by armetiz
adapt a translation by editing .po file?513 years 2 weeks ago
by slomoman
12 years 31 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Problem localizing G2.1.2 theme extensions: not found212 years 30 weeks ago
by Bimble
12 years 29 weeks ago
by Bimble
New translation (Greek) - Do I need to contact someone?317 years 9 weeks ago
by pj
12 years 27 weeks ago
by californiaCTA
Errors in dutch translation version 2.2.4 during install012 years 24 weeks ago
by ewieldra
duplicate message definitions412 years 14 weeks ago
by Lapinoo
12 years 13 weeks ago
by Lapinoo
Edit language file step by step under Windows system312 years 13 weeks ago
by NewVar
12 years 13 weeks ago
by Tim_j
.po to .mo012 years 12 weeks ago
by Placebo2
Deadline for 2.3 RC2?012 years 7 weeks ago
by Strickz
Only English (USA)112 years 2 days ago
by mlluis
12 years 2 days ago
by suprsidr
where do i get translation/locale file?111 years 52 weeks ago
by Szarley
11 years 51 weeks ago
by Szarley
Traditional Chinese update011 years 51 weeks ago
by stephenju
How to modify language for portuguese211 years 50 weeks ago
by paulo.joomla
11 years 50 weeks ago
by paulo.joomla
make-Problems011 years 46 weeks ago
by eiapopeia
Trying to find G2 translation for Portuguese-Brasil (pt-BR)212 years 1 week ago
by skuba
11 years 46 weeks ago
by jucaff
translate 811 years 50 weeks ago
by paulo.joomla
11 years 45 weeks ago
by Beolint
Pliz, create normal thread for russian support611 years 49 weeks ago
by Ser Moro
11 years 41 weeks ago
by artych002
How can I see my change if I can not restart apache on a shared host?411 years 42 weeks ago
by durianjc
11 years 41 weeks ago
by artych002
Restrict number of countries for same language511 years 38 weeks ago
by miguel_pt
11 years 38 weeks ago
by DiZin
How install gettext on Windows XP413 years 5 weeks ago
by xavier75
11 years 34 weeks ago
by phpWalter
New, better and wider translation of core module in Slovenian language212 years 24 weeks ago
by jureb
11 years 34 weeks ago
by giovanni000
How to activate a modified .po file?411 years 34 weeks ago
by gaiwan
11 years 32 weeks ago
by kenac
Korean Translation1217 years 14 weeks ago
by ehyi
11 years 24 weeks ago
by johnparker
How to edit language411 years 33 weeks ago
by lklk
11 years 19 weeks ago
by Veola