How can I see my change if I can not restart apache on a shared host?


Joined: 2009-01-26
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2009-01-26 05:26

Hi guys,

I just try gallery2 and ready fall in love w it. Very nice app and everything is smooth... but, excepts the localization, it's a nightmare of me. I play w it since yesterday and no any luck. Please help.

I have 2 problems:

1. I try to modify a po, then make its mo. Restart apache (I use wamp) and see nothing changes. What I done are:
- Installed gallery2, turned php ext gettext on, updated vietnamese language. New language works!
- After that, I used poedit to try to modify a po in <gal2_path>\modules\register\po and save to make a new mo.
- Restarted apache... and even tried to restart my pc, but nothing changes???
Do I miss step?

2. I search on the net a while, is that whenever I modify just a string in po-mo, I have to restart webserver again??? Oh man, how can I do this with shared host??? Am I wrong or any solution for this? May another way to do localize?

Many thanks


Joined: 2006-08-01
Posts: 4342
Posted: Mon, 2009-01-26 15:25
Do I miss step?

rename the .mo file modules_<moduleName>.mo and put it in the g2data/locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/ folder


Joined: 2009-01-26
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2009-01-26 16:07

Oh it works! Thank you for your help! But why don't put this important step to


Joined: 2006-08-01
Posts: 4342
Posted: Mon, 2009-01-26 17:46

Because the instructions are how to localize a module before you install it (the .mo files are renamed and put in to the module/locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/ foder by the make file in the po directory, and then copied to g2data/ etc. when the module is installed. It's unusual to edit the po file unless you're the module author or translator, and then you'd include the edited files in the distribution.