Installation & Configuration

 TopicRepliesCreatedsort iconLast reply
User Permissions with Wordpress Auth module17 years 30 weeks ago
by williew
7 years 30 weeks ago
by floridave
How to start at a login page?27 years 29 weeks ago
by mikaelo
7 years 29 weeks ago
by mikaelo
G2 to G3 @todo g2_function_failed error.17 years 29 weeks ago
by ryano
7 years 29 weeks ago
by JadeFalcon
Create library without copying files07 years 29 weeks ago
by rappersjors
[SOLVED] Upgrade 3.0.6 to 3.0.7 problem27 years 29 weeks ago
by bebebunny
7 years 29 weeks ago
by bebebunny
Shut off login87 years 29 weeks ago
by gym4jim
7 years 29 weeks ago
by floridave
Gallery 3 won't install with Safe Mode off17 years 29 weeks ago
by nephrus
7 years 28 weeks ago
by nephrus
[SOLVED] install mysql connect error37 years 28 weeks ago
by eyeentertaining
7 years 28 weeks ago
by jnash
[SOLVED] 3.07 install trouble37 years 28 weeks ago
by globelily
7 years 28 weeks ago
by jnash
[SOLVED] How to uninstall module completely?37 years 28 weeks ago
by bebebunny
7 years 28 weeks ago
by jnash
[SOLVED] Gallery 3.07 installer - connecting to mysql failure. Solved27 years 28 weeks ago
by sysbt
7 years 28 weeks ago
by sysbt
changing photos per row27 years 28 weeks ago
by joedel263
7 years 27 weeks ago
by jnash
[SOLVED] Upgrading 3.06 to 3.0737 years 27 weeks ago
by dgfphoto99
7 years 27 weeks ago
by jnash
login returns success but doesn't go to logged-in page17 years 27 weeks ago
by gshawn
7 years 19 weeks ago
by ad11
Can't upgrade from version 3.0.207 years 27 weeks ago
by gypsypix
Just installed and the admin stuff dosent work37 years 27 weeks ago
by cruisecritic
7 years 27 weeks ago
by floridave
disallow direct access to gallery3/var/albums folder17 years 26 weeks ago
by flmma
7 years 26 weeks ago
by floridave
Installing Gallery 3 on Wamp Local HostThis topic has been moved
Question about user registrations Gallery 347 years 24 weeks ago
by MikeLFD
7 years 24 weeks ago
by MikeLFD
Redirect to in Gallery 367 years 24 weeks ago
by daholzer
7 years 24 weeks ago
by floridave
change background color for header27 years 24 weeks ago
by iconographer
7 years 24 weeks ago
by iconographer
Rebuild Gallery 3 installation from only a /albums directory?17 years 23 weeks ago
by joeicooper
7 years 23 weeks ago
by floridave
Secure file access on the nginx way17 years 23 weeks ago
by al-gallery3
7 years 19 weeks ago
by tempg
[SOLVED] How to redirect database to url47 years 23 weeks ago
by klinion
7 years 22 weeks ago
by klinion
SOLVED (I hope)Cannot Upgrade17 years 23 weeks ago
by klinion
7 years 23 weeks ago
by klinion