login returns success but doesn't go to logged-in page


Joined: 2013-05-10
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2013-05-10 17:19

Steps taken:
I installed G3.0.7 on a linux host, AISO, with suPHP. with report of success. I tried both AISO's auto-install (3.0.6), my own install by unzipping on the host and going through the install procedure, and unzipping locally then uploading and going through the install procedure. For the rest of this post, I will discuss doing my own install on the host.
I was given an admin user and pass.
I went to index.php, clicked login, entered credentials, but the index.php did not show that I was logged in. It's as if I never logged in. Same story every try.

Entering credentials in http://shawnreeves.net/gallery3/index.php/login/ajax leads to {"result":"success"}
Entered debug mode using local.php, no errors thrown.

Sessions are being created, I can see the session_id show up in the database.

The logs table in the database shows admin logging in.

Tried multiple browsers.

Tried deleting cookies.

Tried different module-names in /gallery3/index.php/INSERT_MODULE_NAME_HERE such as admin_dashboard. That usually leads me to a "Dang... Page not found! Hey wait, you're not signed in yet!" message.

There is one module, however, that does something tantalizing:
If I go to /gallery3/index.php/admin, I get the "Dang..." page but when I enter credentials, I actually get to an index page that acknowledges I am signed in ("Logged in as Gallery Administrator" shows at the top and there are more options), but when I click on a link there like Upload or Admin, I am sent immediately back to the black hole, the pre-login home page, or the "Dang..." page. However, if I merely refresh the index page without clicking on any links, I still see "Logged in as Gallery Administrator".
If, on that logged-in-as-administrator page I control-click a link and open in a new window, I get the "Dang..." page in the new window, and a refresh in the old window now shows I've been logged out. So, running the code for the new page is logging me out. Anything I do seems to be logging me out. I though it was a cache problem, but now I think there is some hook that is erasing the sense of being logged in.

Logs after going through the above rigamarole with the admin module:
2013-05-09 18:52:29 -07:00 --- error: Missing messages entry kohana/core.errors.403 for message kohana/core
2013-05-09 18:54:54 -07:00 --- error: File not found: login
2013-05-09 18:54:54 -07:00 --- error: php_uname() has been disabled for security reasons
#0 [internal function]: gallery_error_Core::error_handler(2, 'php_uname() has...', '/var/www/vhtdoc...', 4, Array)
#1 /gallery3/modules/gallery/views/admin_block_platform.html.php(4): php_uname('n')
#2 /gallery3/system/libraries/View.php(318): include('/var/www/vhtdoc...')
#3 /gallery3/system/libraries/View.php(260): View_Core->load_view('/var/www/vhtdoc...', Array)
#4 /gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/MY_View.php(75): View_Core->render(false, false, false)
#5 /gallery3/system/libraries/View.php(226): View->render()
#6 /gallery3/themes/wind/views/block.html.php(8): View_Core->__toString()
#7 /gallery3/system/libraries/View.php(318): include('/var/www/vhtdoc...')
#8 /gallery3/system/libraries/View.php(260): View_Core->load_view('/var/www/vhtdoc...', Array)
#9 /gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/MY_View.php(75): View_Core->render(false, false, false)
#10 /gallery3/system/libraries/View.php(226): View->render()
#11 /gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/Block.php(28): View_Core->__toString()
#12 /gallery3/modules/gallery/views/error_admin.html.php(179): Block_Core->__toString()
#13 /gallery3/modules/gallery/views/kohana/error.php(20): include('/var/www/vhtdoc...')
#14 /gallery3/system/core/Kohana_Exception.php(186): include('/var/www/vhtdoc...')
#15 [internal function]: Kohana_Exception_Core::handle(Object(Kohana_404_Exception))
#16 {main}
2013-05-09 18:55:51 -07:00 --- error: File not found: login


Joined: 2013-04-25
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2013-07-09 17:59

I am experiencing the exact same problem.

However, I noticed that the problem is present only for administrators. Functionality for regular users is as expected. Switching a user from regular to admin to regular toggles the problem.

The specifics of my install are as follows:

Version: 3.0.8 (Seine)
Albums: 0
Photos: 117
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-348.4.1.el5
PHP: 5.3.25
MySQL: 5.5.30-cll