[SOLVED] 3.07 install trouble


Joined: 2013-05-03
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2013-05-03 18:14

Tried upgrading our 3.06 to 3.07 but it failed (twice.) Decided to do a completely clean install as we weren't that far along in our customization of 3.06 but the fresh install failed as well. The upgrade/install did appear to work at first but was broken when trying to do anything in Admin. The error messages were the same in both cases (see below). We can revert to 3.06 and just not do this upgrade but sure would like to start with the most current version. Advice is appreciated.


Hey wait, you're an admin! We can tell you stuff.

There's an error message below and you can find more details in gallery3/var/logs (look for the file with the most recent date on it). Stuck? Stop by the Gallery 3 Forums and ask for help. You can also look at our list of open tickets to see if the problem you're seeing has been reported. If you post a request, here's some useful information to include:
Platform information

Host name: Linux infong 2.4 #1 SMP Thu Feb 14 13:02:49 CET 2013 i686 GNU/Linux
Operating system: Linux infong 2.4 #1 SMP Thu Feb 14 13:02:49 CET 2013 i686 GNU/Linux Linux infong 2.4 #1 SMP Thu Feb 14 13:02:49 CET 2013 i686 GNU/Linux
Apache: Unknown
PHP: 5.2.17
MySQL: 5.1.67-log
Server load: 3.32 4.74 4.41
Graphics toolkit: imagemagick

Gallery stats

Version: 3.0.7 (Rive Droite)
Albums: 0
Photos: 0

Kohana_Exception [ Framework Error ]: The requested views, admin.html, could not be found

SYSPATH/core/Kohana.php[ 810 ]
805 if ($found === NULL) 806 { 807 if ($required === TRUE) 808 { 809 // If the file is required, throw an exception 810 throw new Kohana_Exception('The requested :resource:, :file:, could not be found', array(':resource:' => __($directory), ':file:' =>$filename)); 811 } 812 else 813 { 814 // Nothing was found, return FALSE 815 $found = FALSE;

SYSPATH/libraries/View.php[ 83 ] » Kohana_Core::find_file( arguments )

SYSPATH/libraries/View.php[ 49 ] » View_Core->set_filename( arguments )

MODPATH/gallery/libraries/MY_View.php[ 62 ] » View_Core->__construct( arguments )

MODPATH/gallery/libraries/Admin_View.php[ 30 ] » View->__construct( arguments )

MODPATH/gallery/controllers/admin_dashboard.php[ 22 ] » Admin_View_Core->__construct( arguments )

{PHP internal call} » Admin_Dashboard_Controller->index()

MODPATH/gallery/controllers/admin.php[ 62 ] » call_user_func_array( arguments )

{PHP internal call} » Admin_Controller->__call( arguments )

SYSPATH/core/Kohana.php[ 331 ] » ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs( arguments )

{PHP internal call} » Kohana_Core::instance( arguments )

SYSPATH/core/Event.php[ 208 ] » call_user_func_array( arguments )

APPPATH/Bootstrap.php[ 67 ] » Event_Core::run( arguments )

DOCROOT/index.php[ 116 ] » require( arguments )


jnash's picture

Joined: 2004-08-02
Posts: 814
Posted: Fri, 2013-05-03 19:00

Joined: 2013-05-03
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2013-05-04 20:47

thank you. you're right and we had completely forgotten we did that the first time around. much appreciated!


jnash's picture

Joined: 2004-08-02
Posts: 814
Posted: Sat, 2013-05-04 22:20

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