Secure file access on the nginx way


Joined: 2013-06-09
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2013-06-10 11:13

Dear Forum-Readers.

I'am new to gallery3, so if I have the wrong forum please redirect me to
the right one, thanks.

Due to the fact that nginx does not handle the .htaccess files I wanted to
solve the 'direct access to files' on the nginx way.

This means to use the performance benefits of nginx for file delivering
and the build-in security.

Is it possible to define other directories for


As far as I know there are at least three directories for which I need
this protection.


There are some possibilities which I know.

1.) currently used
2.) use HTTP-Auth
3.) use X-accel
4.) A possibility which I don't know

1.) currently used

Based on I have now the following working setup.

        location /var/ {
          rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php?kohana_uri=/file_**proxy$1;

Pro: Easy to configure and currently possible.
Con: This mean that the files are delivered thru php-fpm => nginx => client not directly from nginx => client.

2.) use HTTP-Auth

based on and the nginx module ask on every file (Picture, Movie) gallery if the user is allowed to see the file.

Pro: This mean that the files are delivered nginx => client.
Con: I don't know how difficult this setup is to build.

3.) use X-accel

based on**XSendfile<>add "X-Accel-Redirect:" to the file_proxy.php.

I have added the following lines to file_proxy.php

      error_log("file     to serve :$file:");
      header("X-Accel-Redirect: " . Input::instance()->server("REQUEST_URI"));

and the following lines to nginx.conf

         location /var/thumbs {
           root /home/phpapps/apps/gal/var/**thumbs/;

         location /var/resizes {
           root /home/phpapps/apps/gal/var/**resizes/;

         location /var/albums {
           root /home/phpapps/apps/gal/var/**albums/;


The Problem with this setup is that the client request '/var/albums/$ALLBUMM/$FILE' and get a 404 from nginx.
To get this setup working must be something changed in gallery3.

1.) create a possibility to change the request PATHs of the three directories.
2.) Add the X-Accel-Redirect snipped to the file_proxy.php

4.) A possibility which I don't know

Please can you tell me your opinions about this issue, thanks.

cheers Al


Joined: 2005-12-17
Posts: 1857
Posted: Tue, 2013-07-09 15:14

Not sure I understand fully (I don't use nginx for things like this). You can check to see if that works for you.