Troubleshooting and Problems

 TopicRepliesCreatedsort iconLast reply
JS errors on upgrade to G2.3 ( Plugins page blank )2611 years 50 weeks ago
by floridave
10 years 5 weeks ago
by fansi
Langues in edit photos and else options only english06 years 9 weeks ago
by msconnect
Can't load installed gallery26 years 12 weeks ago
by FL Mom
6 years 12 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Error (ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE)16 years 14 weeks ago
by DesireeStar
6 years 14 weeks ago
by suprsidr
[SOLVED] Can not login116 years 15 weeks ago
by Artflux
6 years 15 weeks ago
by Artflux
Checkout module problems26 years 19 weeks ago
by garynesbit
6 years 18 weeks ago
by garynesbit
Missing argument 3 for GdFunctionality::imageJpeg()66 years 19 weeks ago
by Nautilus
6 years 16 weeks ago
by Nautilus
[SOLVED] dont create album in Gallery but on server 36 years 19 weeks ago
by Smoere
6 years 19 weeks ago
by Smoere
Thumbnail background color wont change on ll Thumbs76 years 20 weeks ago
by mjkmedia
6 years 20 weeks ago
by Dayo
Migrating gallery 2 to another server16 years 20 weeks ago
by javitox22
6 years 20 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Thumbnail not displaying properly46 years 21 weeks ago
by jgatliff
6 years 21 weeks ago
by jgatliff
Error (ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE)86 years 21 weeks ago
by kidvoltage
6 years 10 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Problem after disabling module rewrite86 years 23 weeks ago
by di-spora
6 years 23 weeks ago
by di-spora
[SOLVED] Update has older files than on server26 years 23 weeks ago
by leslienord
6 years 23 weeks ago
by leslienord
Help with Gallery216 years 24 weeks ago
by Seoveinte
6 years 24 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Ubuntu 14.04 & GD16 years 24 weeks ago
by oscar69
6 years 24 weeks ago
by Dayo
Can't get past upgrade/index.php page after migration from server (authentication half-working?)26 years 25 weeks ago
by fdelente
6 years 25 weeks ago
by Dayo
[SOLVED] Upload Applet Captions26 years 26 weeks ago
by accphotography
6 years 26 weeks ago
by accphotography
Pemissions Issues26 years 27 weeks ago
by jbchurchill
6 years 27 weeks ago
by jbchurchill
[SOLVED] Watermarks Broken/Missing26 years 27 weeks ago
by accphotography
6 years 27 weeks ago
by accphotography
Retrieve Photo Captions26 years 27 weeks ago
by claidheamdanns
6 years 23 weeks ago
by claidheamdanns
[SOLVED] Unable to add albums - assistance validating file system permission error46 years 30 weeks ago
by kpeden
6 years 29 weeks ago
by kpeden
Gallery 2 removed from Ubuntu repositories?16 years 30 weeks ago
by joecoolio
6 years 30 weeks ago
by Dayo
[ SOLVED} No video with supported format and MIME type found56 years 31 weeks ago
by AnneFTL
6 years 31 weeks ago
by AnneFTL
Internal Server Error on Upload126 years 32 weeks ago
by Captenaj
6 years 30 weeks ago
by Dayo