
 TopicRepliesCreatedLast replysort icon
Statistics on Gallery 2.3 with X-treme 09 years 29 weeks ago
by bphos
using superscripts in the descriptions and summaries99 years 30 weeks ago
by alforddm
9 years 28 weeks ago
by alforddm
Club Setup?29 years 27 weeks ago
by steamer
9 years 27 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Remove "Album:" text not working510 years 9 weeks ago
by FlipC_WC
9 years 26 weeks ago
by elitemodelsmexico
link on my website29 years 26 weeks ago
by elitemodelsmexico
9 years 26 weeks ago
by elitemodelsmexico
how parsing the XML generate by RSS module ?49 years 24 weeks ago
by psychonaute
9 years 24 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Thubmnails size widht and height29 years 26 weeks ago
by elitemodelsmexico
9 years 24 weeks ago
by elitemodelsmexico
Gallery as a "platform" for web app09 years 22 weeks ago
by wrlee
Floatrix I want something to appear only in the home29 years 22 weeks ago
by roro
9 years 21 weeks ago
by roro
Photo viewing size39 years 20 weeks ago
by manderly
9 years 20 weeks ago
by manderly
adding additional argument to link for albums79 years 20 weeks ago
by kraej
9 years 19 weeks ago
by kraej
shopping cart - just send email alert?29 years 18 weeks ago
by liaj
9 years 17 weeks ago
by liaj
[SOLVED] Description under the Albums and Pictures, not right of them79 years 17 weeks ago
by uv22e
9 years 17 weeks ago
by uv22e
Autoload image according to user screen size19 years 16 weeks ago
by kdji123
9 years 16 weeks ago
by suprsidr
<title> tag display19 years 15 weeks ago
by BillWill
9 years 15 weeks ago
by suprsidr
show {if admin} only19 years 15 weeks ago
by liaj
9 years 15 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Change Images/Thumbnails Displayed per Page?310 years 10 weeks ago
by UncleIrohAP
9 years 15 weeks ago
by ptogel
changing the theme layout...49 years 14 weeks ago
by osyrys14
9 years 14 weeks ago
by floridave
Changing thumbnails19 years 14 weeks ago
by mbalensiefer
9 years 14 weeks ago
by nivekiam
remove your account url29 years 13 weeks ago
by doomel
9 years 13 weeks ago
by doomel
Keywords checkbox instead of textarea29 years 17 weeks ago
by srnec
9 years 12 weeks ago
by srnec
Last and random additions49 years 27 weeks ago
by StevenWobs
9 years 12 weeks ago
by Dayo
Allow Tags to be added directly under pictures39 years 12 weeks ago
by wittenbp
9 years 11 weeks ago
by wittenbp
Itemlinks customization in floatrix theme49 years 16 weeks ago
by kdji123
9 years 11 weeks ago
by kdji123
How to get the path of derivative (thumbnail) images?19 years 10 weeks ago
by flyingFox11
9 years 10 weeks ago
by suprsidr