Installation & Configuration

 TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
After upgrade from 3.0.4 -> 3.0.567 years 37 weeks ago
by Stack
7 years 36 weeks ago
by thecroztm
403 Forbidden - so whats the problem :-(67 years 42 weeks ago
by derilzemer
7 years 42 weeks ago
by tempg
How to install PHP?67 years 44 weeks ago
by jackjill692
7 years 41 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Other Thumbnails 67 years 52 weeks ago
by alkaraz
7 years 51 weeks ago
by alkaraz
[SOLVED] Benchmark.php not found68 years 3 weeks ago
by johnmag4u
8 years 2 weeks ago
by johnmag4u
Gallery 1 > Gallery 3 upgrade68 years 4 weeks ago
by RonSa
8 years 3 weeks ago
by RonSa
[SOLVED] Move Gallery Installation to New Folder on Same Server68 years 5 weeks ago
by lodge308
8 years 5 weeks ago
by lodge308
Gallery 3.0.4, Picasa slide show slow68 years 14 weeks ago
by dkerlee
8 years 13 weeks ago
by dkerlee
User permissions to add an album68 years 14 weeks ago
by echo-creations
8 years 14 weeks ago
by floridave
Upgrade from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4 ok but albums & pictures have no images68 years 19 weeks ago
by webbmonster
8 years 18 weeks ago
by webbmonster
Upgrading From Gallery 2?68 years 24 weeks ago
by gabstero
8 years 24 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Moving from host to host upgrading from G2 to G368 years 28 weeks ago
by alexman
8 years 28 weeks ago
by alexman
Intro; What I'm Looking For; Outro76 years 30 weeks ago
by Frohner1
6 years 30 weeks ago
by Frohner1
Maintaining 300dpi images76 years 43 weeks ago
by dan_m2k
6 years 39 weeks ago
by tempg
Can I use a Shared Server76 years 45 weeks ago
by lloyd709
6 years 45 weeks ago
by floridave
Change data directory77 years 1 week ago
6 years 44 weeks ago
by floridave
Updating ImageMagick and FFMPEG77 years 12 weeks ago
by joecooper84
7 years 10 weeks ago
by floridave
How do you incorporate gallery3 into exisiting website design?77 years 16 weeks ago
by Dave3
7 years 11 weeks ago
by tempg
[SOLVED] Installation issue77 years 39 weeks ago
by andybt
7 years 38 weeks ago
by floridave
Protect groups with password77 years 40 weeks ago
by Joombler
7 years 40 weeks ago
by Joombler
SIdebar info gone!77 years 49 weeks ago
by drive88mph
7 years 47 weeks ago
by floridave
Migrating to new server - Open Suse to CentOs78 years 2 weeks ago
by rberthold01
8 years 2 weeks ago
by floridave
Album first78 years 4 weeks ago
by mbuild
8 years 2 weeks ago
by tempg
Successful install, but can't login> Unable to Serve This Request78 years 12 weeks ago
by eudesco
7 years 48 weeks ago
by cyberspeed
Upgrade steps dont make sense to me78 years 18 weeks ago
by evobenno
8 years 17 weeks ago
by evobenno