General Discussion and Feedback

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I just wanna comment that.....514 years 49 weeks ago
by Kandlelight
14 years 49 weeks ago
by valiant
pictures straight to the site without using "gallery" software414 years 50 weeks ago
by homeboi777
14 years 49 weeks ago
by notgoddess
Feature request: setting release date for galleries114 years 49 weeks ago
by Benqo
14 years 49 weeks ago
by valiant
ABU@DOG POWER114 years 49 weeks ago
by bdlcm1101
14 years 49 weeks ago
by ckdake
External Image114 years 49 weeks ago
by tanzil2k
14 years 49 weeks ago
by valiant
DownloadItem by path?614 years 49 weeks ago
by nrutman
14 years 49 weeks ago
by mindless
Tag for multiple photos014 years 49 weeks ago
by arkam
zip download and upload(any easy to follow documentation?)114 years 49 weeks ago
by MetalHellsAngel
14 years 49 weeks ago
by valiant
20-30000 pictures, can they be searchable?314 years 49 weeks ago
by stevenrushing
14 years 49 weeks ago
by valiant
Image map for detailed information214 years 50 weeks ago
by nicheplayer
14 years 49 weeks ago
by valiant
Private Album is not about username/password.114 years 49 weeks ago
by ivan1
14 years 49 weeks ago
by valiant
Random link114 years 49 weeks ago
by sorabji
14 years 49 weeks ago
by valiant
Been a user for 3 days and have this to say...214 years 49 weeks ago
by gdot9669
14 years 49 weeks ago
by parki
Can Gallery be integtrated with Xoops and quesion about Thumbnail114 years 49 weeks ago
by Abdow
14 years 49 weeks ago
by valiant
Upload multiple photo's to multiple albums214 years 50 weeks ago
by stroop
14 years 50 weeks ago
by stroop
Move a sub gallery out into the main gallery?214 years 50 weeks ago
by losille
14 years 50 weeks ago
by losille
Great Project114 years 50 weeks ago
by stephenmcd1
14 years 50 weeks ago
by valiant
Whats the best cms that integrates gallery and user funcionality314 years 50 weeks ago
by dotnature
14 years 50 weeks ago
by Colt45
newest pictures in front of gallery314 years 50 weeks ago
by nicanor76
14 years 50 weeks ago
by fryfrog
Gallery 2 Qustions114 years 50 weeks ago
by ggouweloos
14 years 50 weeks ago
by valiant
Hi- I just wanted to say thank you for a great product and all the help114 years 50 weeks ago
by jinspin
14 years 50 weeks ago
by valiant
Ecard Module !114 years 50 weeks ago
by mmlug
14 years 50 weeks ago
by valiant
Rearranged picture order in ZIP download?114 years 50 weeks ago
by phaze
14 years 50 weeks ago
by valiant
array in album.tpl114 years 51 weeks ago
by arnthorsnaer
14 years 51 weeks ago
by valiant
G2 Set Watermark on all Pics in a album315 years 5 weeks ago
by slaterch
14 years 51 weeks ago
by smartdroid