I just wanna comment that.....

Kandlelight's picture

Joined: 2005-01-19
Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 2005-12-12 02:53

I really don't care for the new Gallery set up:(

I can't figure out how to incorporate my gallery into my existing site (I'm not very knowledgeable regarding php) and I don't like the way gallery creates the thumbnails:(. When I go to edit the thumbnail and crop it in a fashion that looks better, it gives a "broken" image icon. :(


Just very very disappointed with this upgrade :( Wish I had left my site like it was:(


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-12-12 03:19

@integrate into your own website:

maybe just disable the square thumbnails module if you don't like square thumbnails?
maybe try:
FAQ: Thumbnails / resized images don't get generated properly, how can it be fixed?

@general look:
you can always change the theme:
a gallery of themes:

and take a look at the demos topic in the Gallery 2.x forum, G2 actually can look really nice and can be embedded seamlessly into your website.

Kandlelight's picture

Joined: 2005-01-19
Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 2005-12-12 16:25

Thank you for your response. I *tried* reading and working on the

and also

but I just couldn't get it through my thick skull. It took me forever to figure out how to incorporate the photo gallery into my website before... I'm afraid it's going to take me just as long if not longer now.:(

I have a template set up for my gallery pages, it would be so nice if I could just plug some html into the place where the gallery is supposed to be to finish up the page:(.

Template page: http://www.kandlelight.net/Gallery_template.html


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-12-12 17:29

theme.tpl replacement, of course you'll have to deal with css issues yourself and i think another g2 theme would be more appropriate:

 * $Revision: 1.7 $
 * If you want to customize this file, do not edit it directly since future upgrades
 * may overwrite it.  Instead, copy it into a new directory called "local" and edit that
 * version.  Gallery will look for that file first and use it if it exists.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
    {* If Gallery doesn't provide a header, we use the album/photo title (or filename) *}
    {if empty($head.title)}
      <title>Illuminated by ]{literal}{{/literal}andlelight ~ {$theme.item.title|default:$theme.item.pathComponent|markup:strip}</title>
      <title>Illuminated by ]{literal}{{/literal}andlelight ~ Pictures</title>

<meta name="description" content="Personal website of Kandlelight">
<meta name="keywords" content="kandlelight, incredimail, ADHD, Work from Home">
<meta name="copyright" content="kandlelight.net  All rights reserved.">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="kandlelight.css" type="text/css">
<script language="JavaScript">
function doClock(){
  var t=new Date(),a=doClock.arguments,str="",i,a1,lang="1";
  var month=new Array('January','Jan', 'February','Feb', 'March','Mar', 'April','Apr', 'May','May', 'June','Jun', 'July','Jul', 'August','Aug', 'September','Sep', 'October','Oct', 'November','Nov', 'December','Dec');
  var tday= new Array('Sunday','Sun','Monday','Mon', 'Tuesday','Tue', 'Wednesday','Wed','Thursday','Thr','Friday','Fri','Saturday','Sat');
  for(i=0;i<a.length;i++) {a1=a[i].charAt(1);switch (a[i].charAt(0)) {
  case "M":if  ((Number(a1)==3) && ((t.getMonth()+1)<10)) str+="0";
  case "D": if ((Number(a1)==1) && (t.getDate()<10)) str+="0";str+=t.getDate();break;
  case "Y": str+=(a1=='0')?t.getFullYear():t.getFullYear().toString().substring(2);break;
  case "W":str+=tday[t.getDay()*2+Number(a1)];break; default: str+=unescape(a[i]);}}return str;
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function MM_reloadPage(init) {  //reloads the window if Nav4 resized
  if (init==true) with (navigator) {if ((appName=="Netscape")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) {
    document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=MM_reloadPage; }}
  else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW || innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload();
<script src="banners/bannerad3.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    {* Let Gallery print out anything it wants to put into the <head> element *}

    {* Include this theme's style sheet *}
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{g->theme url="theme.css"}"/>
<div id="Layer1" style="position: absolute; left: 213px; top: 97px; width: 521px; height: 24px; z-index: 10"> 
  <div align="center"> 
    <map name="Map">
      <area shape="rect" coords="214,99,354,118" href="index.html">
      <area shape="rect" coords="356,99,481,119" href="pictures.html">
      <area shape="rect" coords="482,99,608,119" href="geocaching.html">
      <area shape="rect" coords="610,99,732,119" href="imstats.html">

<div id="Layer22" class="btdate" style="position:absolute; width:152px; height:21px; z-index:20; left: 11px; top: 128px;"> 
  <div align="center"> 
    <script language="JavaScript">
<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Body" -->
<div id="Layer11" style="position:absolute; width:557px; height:395px; z-index:25; left: 202px; top: 175px;"> 
    <div {g->mainDivAttributes}>
       * Some module views (eg slideshow) want the full screen.  So for those, we
       * don't draw a header, footer, navbar, etc.  Those views are responsible for
       * drawing everything.
      {if $theme.useFullScreen}
	{include file="gallery:`$theme.moduleTemplate`" l10Domain=$theme.moduleL10Domain}
      <div id="gsHeader">
        <img src="{g->url href="images/galleryLogo_sm.gif"}" width="107" height="48" alt=""/>

      <div id="gsNavBar" class="gcBorder1">
        <div class="gbSystemLinks">
          {g->block type="core.SystemLinks"
		    order="core.SiteAdmin core.YourAccount core.Login core.Logout"

        <div class="gbBreadCrumb">
          {g->block type="core.BreadCrumb"}

      {* Include the appropriate content type for the page we want to draw. *}
      {if $theme.pageType == 'album'}
        {g->theme include="album.tpl"}
      {elseif $theme.pageType == 'photo'}
        {g->theme include="photo.tpl"}
      {elseif $theme.pageType == 'admin'}
        {g->theme include="admin.tpl"}
      {elseif $theme.pageType == 'module'}
        {g->theme include="module.tpl"}
      {elseif $theme.pageType == 'progressbar'}
        {g->theme include="progressbar.tpl"}

      <div id="gsFooter">
        {g->logoButton type="validation"}
        {g->logoButton type="gallery2"}
        {g->logoButton type="gallery2-version"}
        {g->logoButton type="donate"}
      {/if}  {* end of full screen check *}

     * Give Gallery a chance to output any cleanup code, like javascript that
     * needs to be run at the end of the <body> tag.  If you take this out, some
     * code won't work properly.

    {* Put any debugging output here, if debugging is enabled *}


<!-- InstanceEndEditable --> 
<div id="Layer2" style="position: absolute; left: 11px; top: 686px; width: 152px; height: 23px; z-index: 11"><img src="images/btm.gif" width="152" height="23"></div>
<div id="Layer3" class="btcopyrights" style="position: absolute; left: 17px; top: 640px; width: 140px; height: 28px; z-index: 12">&copy; 
  1998-2005 kandlelight.net<br>
  All rights reserved.<br>
  <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
  <!-- // hide from old browsers
  var user = "kandle"; //for example - "webmaster"
  var domain = "kandlelight.net"; //for example - "kandlelight.net"
  var subject = "Your site"; //for example = "Website feedback"
  var bodytext = "I wanted to express a comment on your site."; //for example - "Hi Lynn aka Kandlelight,"
  document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + user + '@' + domain + '?subject=' + subject + '&body=' + bodytext + '\">'); 
  document.write('Send Me An Email</a>');  
  // -->
<div id="Layer4" style="position: absolute; left: 11px; top: 616px; width: 152px; height: 23px; z-index: 13"><img src="images/top.gif" width="152" height="23"></div>
<div id="Layer5" style="position: absolute; left: 11px; top: 565px; width: 152px; height: 23px; z-index: 14"><img src="images/btm.gif" width="152" height="23"></div>
<div id="Layer6" class="btnavbk" style="position: absolute; left: 11px; top: 391px; width: 152px; height: 173px; z-index: 15"> 
  <div align="center"> 
    <h4><a href="http://www.momswin.com/kandlelight/index.cfm?page=requestInfo" target="_new">Work 
      from Home<br>

      <img src="images/small_WAHM.jpg" width="120" height="148" border="0"></a></h4>
<div id="Layer7" style="position: absolute; left: 11px; top: 368px; width: 152px; height: 23px; z-index: 16"><img src="images/top.gif" width="152" height="23"></div>
<div id="Layer8" style="position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 318px; width: 152px; height: 23px; z-index: 17"><img src="images/btm.gif" width="152" height="23"></div>
<div id="Layer9" class="menubk" style="position: absolute; left: 11px; top: 165px; width: 152px; height: 152px; z-index: 18; vertical-align: middle"> 
  <div><br> &nbsp;<a href="http://www.kandlelight.net/gallery"><font size="2">*Photo 
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-- <a href="http://kandlelight.net/gallery/Genealogy">Genealogy</a><br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-- <a href="http://kandlelight.net/gallery/Vacations">Vacations</a><br>

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-- <a href="http://kandlelight.net/gallery/Geocaching">Geocaching</a><br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-- <a href="http://kandlelight.net/gallery/North-Carolina">North 
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-- <a href="http://kandlelight.net/gallery/Martin_n_Lynn">Me 
    &amp; My Honey</a><br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-- <a href="http://kandlelight.net/gallery/Our-Wedding">Our 

    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-- <a href="http://kandlelight.net/gallery/Family-Photos">Family 
<div id="Layer19" style="position: absolute; left: 11px; top: 143px; width: 152px; height: 23px; z-index: 19"><img src="images/top.gif" width="152" height="23"></div>
<div id="Layer20" class="btcontent" style="position: absolute; left: 180px; top: 123px; width: 554px; height: 48px; z-index: 21"></div>
<div id="Layer21" style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 746px; height: 124px; z-index: 23"><img src="images/header.jpg" width="746" border="0" height="124" usemap="#Map"></div>
Kandlelight's picture

Joined: 2005-01-19
Posts: 17
Posted: Mon, 2005-12-12 17:49

Thank you so very much for your responses. I do appreciate you trying to help me with my gallery. I see what you mean by the css issues because I'll have to incorporate the css from the theme and the css from my website. I think I can do that with a little time:(. I hope that is why it's not working now. http://www.kandlelight.net/trialerror.html

Other G2 themes are ok... but they aren't "me". They don't fit the style of my website and I want my website to be flowing and all the same. I don't want it to look separate from my site. KWIM?


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-12-12 18:26

no, what you have there is not a css issue.
you should replace the contents of your mthemes/matrix/templates/theme.tpl with the above code.