
 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
Swedish letters becomes '?'.214 years 33 weeks ago
by Stechen
14 years 32 weeks ago
by brigt
Strings.raw Problems112 years 35 weeks ago
by Canaris
12 years 33 weeks ago
by d055
Specifying a Path to the Locale Files117 years 9 weeks ago
by doughboy
17 years 9 weeks ago
by alindeman
Spanish: untranslated words116 years 10 weeks ago
by bingucho
16 years 10 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Spainish and Portguese translation show up as english515 years 19 weeks ago
by akiwitz
15 years 19 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Sort order using swedish åäö314 years 33 weeks ago
by Robert57
14 years 33 weeks ago
by Robert57
some zh-CN phrase is not translated in G2314 years 43 weeks ago
by kk5
14 years 42 weeks ago
by mindless
some wierd config errors, locale_alias <- errors317 years 2 weeks ago
by torgeit
17 years 2 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Some strings (in zh_CN at least) resist translation516 years 11 weeks ago
by Yuan
14 years 36 weeks ago
by Yuan
Slovenan language translates114 years 3 weeks ago
by tophit1
14 years 3 weeks ago
by mindless
Site admin UTF-8/1252 problem213 years 32 weeks ago
by andersostberg
13 years 32 weeks ago
by andersostberg
Simple question816 years 6 weeks ago
by kiddi
16 years 6 weeks ago
by kiddi
Show only my Languages?213 years 39 weeks ago
by psc
13 years 38 weeks ago
by psc
Serbo-Croation/Bosnian Translation316 years 4 days ago
by jgarton77
15 years 32 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Serbian Language problem 913 years 31 weeks ago
by ladjo78
11 years 19 weeks ago
by Veola
selecting a language doesn't affect controls&navigation617 years 11 weeks ago
by osz
17 years 10 weeks ago
by Tim_j
search function broken after upgrading to 1.4-pl2 from 1.3.3617 years 5 weeks ago
by Mulder
17 years 5 weeks ago
by Mulder
Scandinavian characters not shown217 years 5 weeks ago
by Einstein
17 years 5 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Running not working217 years 7 weeks ago
by aavdberg
17 years 5 weeks ago
by Tim_j
RSS Feed for this %s1014 years 38 weeks ago
by lai
10 years 38 weeks ago
by samenzhen
Romanian translation3216 years 15 weeks ago
by cosmin
13 years 11 weeks ago
by serbanc
Restrict number of countries for same language511 years 38 weeks ago
by miguel_pt
11 years 38 weeks ago
by DiZin
Replace words512 years 2 weeks ago
by xhd
11 years 19 weeks ago
by Veola
Registration in finnish, no "new album" or anythin816 years 38 weeks ago
by Samdus
15 years 17 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Register module and language313 years 45 weeks ago
by live_73
13 years 45 weeks ago
by live_73