Modules & Themes

 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
Registered users VS unregistered users07 years 50 weeks ago
by neuman1812
Registration user module28 years 1 week ago
by phala
8 years 3 days ago
by phala
Remove Download Album from Gallery87 years 11 weeks ago
by wamfgcom
7 years 11 weeks ago
by floridave
remove image width and height on full size57 years 11 weeks ago
by prophoto1
6 years 36 weeks ago
by petri
remove photo names under thumbnails (but keep album names) theme edit help needed!16 years 9 weeks ago
by the_dragon_no1
6 years 9 weeks ago
by floridave
remove things through module or through coding (php)????58 years 1 week ago
by artostudo
8 years 1 week ago
by floridave
Remove word "Gallery" on frontapge17 years 15 weeks ago
by Snooze
7 years 15 weeks ago
by floridave
Removing Album Info from Sidebar18 years 24 weeks ago
by Vic Lou
8 years 24 weeks ago
by Serge D
Rename several images at the same time48 years 27 weeks ago
by Pardit
8 years 27 weeks ago
by floridave
Report Information about Images and Albuns07 years 36 weeks ago
by Tony Franco
REQ: flickr to galley3 importer?48 years 23 weeks ago
by gabstero
8 years 23 weeks ago
by gabstero
Resize thumbs on different screen resolutions18 years 26 weeks ago
by knorde
8 years 26 weeks ago
by knorde
Resizing the main screen. 28 years 5 weeks ago
by Levertje
8 years 5 weeks ago
by Levertje
Rest API 37 years 51 weeks ago
by CinLe
7 years 50 weeks ago
by floridave
RSS based Gallery3 integration with Wordpress47 years 34 weeks ago
by micks80
7 years 34 weeks ago
by micks80
RSS Feed for Specific Tags showing 20 newest photos57 years 26 weeks ago
by CWhitmer
7 years 26 weeks ago
by floridave
RSS feed for subtree of albums?08 years 15 weeks ago
by mattdm
RSS feeds (album exclusion)27 years 33 weeks ago
by tempg
7 years 33 weeks ago
by tempg
scripted or command line module installation07 years 23 weeks ago
by paraponera
ScrollTop JS27 years 33 weeks ago
by Gilmore1
7 years 33 weeks ago
by Gilmore1
Search field for searching complete names46 years 29 weeks ago
by archivo
6 years 29 weeks ago
by archivo
Search results from hidden albums56 years 40 weeks ago
by Ploink
6 years 39 weeks ago
by tempg
Searching for a extremely simple theme157 years 47 weeks ago
by ms
7 years 45 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Self Printing Album Mod47 years 22 weeks ago
by gym4jim
7 years 22 weeks ago
by gym4jim
Sell module?17 years 44 weeks ago
by dyrer
7 years 44 weeks ago
by suprsidr