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Class: ItemEditOption

Source Location: /modules/core/

Class ItemEditOption

Class Overview

Interface for options to the ItemEdit view and controller.

Options allow us to provide extra UI in the views and extra processing in the controller so that we can add new functionality to various ItemEditPlugins

Located in /modules/core/ [line 473]

API Tags:


[ Top ]
Direct descendents
Child Class Description
HiddenItemOption ItemEditOption for hiding an item
ImageBlockOption This option selects whether an album may be included in image blocks
PermalinksOption This edit option allows you to create Permalinks for your item
SizeLimitOption This ItemEditOption allows the user to set size limits for an album.
PasswordOption ItemEditOption for adding password protection to an item or album
CustomThumbnailOption ItemEditOption for uploading a custom thumbnail for an item
RatingItemEdit This ItemEdit option will handle storing rating options for Gallery albums
ItemEditControllerTestOption Test ItemEditOption that returns warnings and errors and doesn't require a progress bar.
ItemEditControllerTestOptionWithProgressBar Test ItemEditOption that returns warnings and errors and requires a progress bar.
ReuploadPhotoOption This ItemEditOption will handle the reupload of a photo
LinkItemOption ItemEditOption for editing the target of a LinkItem
PanoramaOption This ItemEditOption will handle adding/removing the Panorama renderer
RandomHighlightOption This ItemEditOption allows the user to activate random highlight for an album.

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Method Summary
static array   getAllOptions()   Return all the available option plugins
array   handleRequestAfterEdit()   Let the plugin handle the incoming request. We expect the $item to be locked.
array   isAppropriate()   Is this option appropriate at this time?
array   loadTemplate()   Load the template with data from this plugin
boolean   requiresProgressBar()   Will this task run so long that it requires a progress bar?

[ Top ]
static method getAllOptions  [line 485]

  static array getAllOptions( string $editPlugin, GalleryItem $item, GalleryDerivative $thumbnail  )

Return all the available option plugins

string   $editPlugin:  name of ItemEditPlugin
GalleryItem   $item: 
GalleryDerivative   $thumbnail: 

API Tags:
Return:  GalleryStatus a status code array ItemEditOption instances

[ Top ]
handleRequestAfterEdit  [line 539]

  array handleRequestAfterEdit( array $form, &$item, &$preferred, GalleryItem $item, GalleryDerivative $preferred  )

Let the plugin handle the incoming request. We expect the $item to be locked.

array   $form:  the form values
GalleryItem   $item:  reference to the item
GalleryDerivative   $preferred:  reference to preferred derivative

API Tags:
Return:  GalleryStatus a status code array error messages array localized warning messages
See:  GalleryController::handleRequest

Redefined in descendants as:

[ Top ]
loadTemplate  [line 524]

  array loadTemplate( &$template, &$form, GalleryItem $item, $thumbnail, GalleryTemplate $template, array $form  )

Load the template with data from this plugin

GalleryTemplate   $template: 
array   $form:  the form values
GalleryItem   $item: 

API Tags:
Return:  GalleryStatus a status code string the path to a template file to include string localization domain for the template file
See:  GalleryView::loadTemplate

Redefined in descendants as:

[ Top ]
requiresProgressBar  [line 561]

  boolean requiresProgressBar( array $form  )

Will this task run so long that it requires a progress bar?

array   $form:  the state of the current form

Redefined in descendants as:

[ Top ]

Documentation generated on Fri, 08 Oct 2010 05:26:36 -0700 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC6