since i had a fatal hdd-crash, i had to restore all the data. it was not possible to save the users and groups, everything was root,root, so i changed most of them manual. everything is working fine in the meanwhile, except one thing:
i was always using the theme x_treme 1.0.2 and it worked fine. no i'm not able to make any changes in the theme on the admin-page. always if the X_treme-tab is selected, i get the following lines if i push the Save-button:
** Security Violation **
** The action you attempted is not permitted. **
** Back to the Gallery **
What I already did:
-) executet all maintainance-scripts
-) reinstalled apache2
-) reinstalled php5 module
-) checked databasetables for errors, permissions
-) uninstalled x_treme-theme and deleted all config-entries from database and made a new fresh install
-) upgraded gallery2 to 2.2.1
-) when i make settings in the database directly it works, but it's not practicable
-) clear the cache -> no changes including smarty-templ...
now i tried the following: i made a complete new installation from gallery2. i have the same problems there??!? very strange, maybe there is something missconfigured in my system?
Error (ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED) : user id: 4 doesn't have permission: core.edit for item id: 62622
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryUserHelper_simple.class at line 47 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 477 (GalleryUserHelper_simple::assertHasItemPermission)
* in modules/core/ at line 51 (GalleryCoreApi::assertHasItemPermission)
* in main.php at line 231 (ItemEditController::handleRequest)
* in main.php at line 94
* in main.php at line 83
Debug Output
file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/cache/module/_all/0/0/ Unimplemented: GalleryUrlGenerator getParameter language.useBrowserPref for core plugin file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/cache/module/core/0/0/ controller core.ItemEdit, view Loading plugin core Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/ core plugin successfully instantiated file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/versions.dat) file(/home/elias/gallery2_data/versions.dat, ) getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin [1182146124] can't guarantee 5 -- extending! file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/cache/entity/0/0/ Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/cache/module/_all/0/0/ The version of the core plugin is ok file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/ file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/cache/entity/6/2/ (mysqlt): SET NAMES "utf8" (mysqlt): SELECT g2_Group.g_id, g2_Group.g_groupName FROM g2_UserGroupMap, g2_Group WHERE g2_Group.g_id = g2_UserGroupMap.g_groupId AND g2_UserGroupMap.g_userId = 4 ORDER BY g2_Group.g_groupName LIMIT 2147483647 file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/cache/module/_all/0/0/ (mysqlt): SELECT g_module, g_permission, g_description, g_bits, g_flags FROM g2_PermissionSetMap realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_core -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_comment -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/comment/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_cart -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/cart/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_photoaccess -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/photoaccess/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_shutterfly -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/shutterfly/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_fotokasten -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/fotokasten/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_rating -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/rating/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_ecard -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/ecard/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_digibug -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/digibug/locale (mysqlt): SELECT DISTINCT g2_AccessMap.g_accessListId FROM g2_AccessMap WHERE g2_AccessMap.g_userOrGroupId IN (4,3) AND g2_AccessMap.g_permission & 32 = 32 Loading plugin imageblock Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/imageblock/ imageblock plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin thumbnail Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/thumbnail/ thumbnail plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin comment Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/comment/ comment plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin customfield Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/customfield/ customfield plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin thumbpage Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/thumbpage/ thumbpage plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin albumselect Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/albumselect/ albumselect plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin sizelimit Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/sizelimit/ sizelimit plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin multilang Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/multilang/ multilang plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin hidden Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/hidden/ realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_hidden -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/hidden/locale hidden plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin linkitem Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/linkitem/ linkitem plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin rating Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/rating/ rating plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin rss Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/rss/ rss plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin password Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/password/ realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_password -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/password/locale password plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin x_treme Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/themes/x_treme/ x_treme plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the x_treme plugin file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/cache/theme/_all/0/0/ The version of the x_treme plugin is ok Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin (mysqlt): SELECT g_userId FROM g2_UserGroupMap WHERE g_userId=4 AND g_groupId=2 LIMIT 1 realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../../) realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/) file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/smarty/templates_c/%%1907907931) is_dir(/home/elias/gallery2_data/smarty/templates_c/%%1907907931) file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/smarty/templates_c/%%1907907931) is_writeable(/home/elias/gallery2_data/smarty/templates_c/%%1907907931) file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/smarty/templates_c/%%1907907931/v_12) file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../../lib/javascript/local/BlockToggle.js) realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: themes_x_treme -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/themes/x/locale file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/../../themes/x_treme/local/theme.css) file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../../themes/x_treme/local/theme.css)
i really tried everythin , maybe you have another idea? i would be pleased!!!
thanks in advice,
Gallery-Version = 2.2.1 Kern
PHP-Version = 5.2.0 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.3 (Linux/SUSE)
Datenbank = mysqlt 5.0.26, lock.system=flock
Werkzeuge = Exif, NetPBM, Thumbnail, ArchiveUpload, Gd, Getid3, LinkItemToolkit
Beschleunigung = partial/1800, full/3600
Betriebssystem = Linux asterix #1 SMP Mon Nov 27 11:46:27 UTC 2006 i686
Standard-Motiv = x_treme
gettext = Aktiviert
Sprache = de_DE
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; de; rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/
Zeilen in der GalleryAccessMap Tabelle = 68
Zeilen in der GalleryAccessSubscriberMap Tabelle = 10120
Zeilen in der GalleryUser Tabelle = 34
Zeilen in der GalleryItem Tabelle = 10116
Zeilen in der GalleryAlbumItem Tabelle = 178
Zeilen in der GalleryCacheMap Tabelle = 22
Joined: 2007-05-19
Posts: 27
Posted: Sun, 2007-06-24 04:42
I like your theme very much and thanks for your creation... can you tell me how I can allow users to download a image/picture from the uploaded picture
As when I try to right mouse click, but the option for saving the picture/image is not available...
pls help
Joined: 2007-06-24
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2007-06-24 20:09
I've found some mistakes in various templates files, preventing x_treme to work well in certain cases:
templates/album.tpl: impossible to create a PO file using Gallery's script
On lines 789, 793, 987, 991: Change {g->text text="▪} to {g->text text="▪"}
templates/photo.tpl: Full size image not visible in PopUp window in Firefox (if height not provided Firefox assumes 0)
I added the "height" value to the javascript.
template/photoNavOver.tpl: If photo height is odd and we are using prev/next thumbnails at top and bottom of image, Firefox does't like to have a non integer for the height of thumbnails (he simply do not show the thumbnails assuming 0 as height). I added to all mathematical actions an number format.
{$imageheight/2} becomes {$imageheight/2|string_format:"%d"}
Same for all others similar lines
In the same case, the SPAN tag containing the navigations thumbnails is rounded down and an ugly scroller is showing up
Change css in photoNavOver.tpl from overflow: auto to overflow: hidden
I've also made a small add, I wanted the Panorama viewer been shown directly in the photo page and not in a new window. I don't know if what a made is right.
Here's the diff for
And the last point, but not the least. One I've created un PO file I was unable to see my translations. I figured out that Gallery is splitting names of components on the "_" sign to rebuild the path to te MO file.
For x_treme, Gallery is looking for "themes/x/locale/...". The only way I've seen is to rename x_treme to xtreme, but that meens changes in every file. If someone has a better solution, it will be welcome.
Hope this all helps,
Joined: 2007-06-14
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2007-06-25 11:01
Along possibly the same lines as Daniel's post above... (cheers Daniel for pointing out the fixes)
When I view the photos in Firefox I can happily see the "Full Size" and "Navigation" options on the actual photos, but cannot in IE7.
I seem to be getting there with the package and the theme.
Joined: 2005-08-18
Posts: 37
Posted: Wed, 2007-06-27 02:39
I got almost the same error as Elias above w/ authentication failure:
Authentication Failure
Your change cannot be completed due to a loss of session data. Please try again. If it still doesn't work, try logging out and logging back in.
Back to the Gallery
Error Detail -
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryController.class at line 239 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in main.php at line 224 (GalleryController::assertIsGenuineRequest)
* in main.php at line 94
* in main.php at line 83
System Information
Gallery version 2.2.2
PHP version 5.2.2 cgi-fcgi
Webserver Apache/2.0.54 (Unix) PHP/4.4.7 mod_ssl/2.0.54 OpenSSL/0.9.7e mod_fastcgi/2.4.2 DAV/2 SVN/1.4.2
Database mysql 5.0.24a-standard-log
Toolkits ImageMagick, Gd
Operating system Linux aaaaa 2.4.32-grsec+f6b+gr217+nfs+a32+fuse23+++opt+c6+gr2b-v6.192 #1 SMP Wed Dec 14 17:06:16 PST 2005 i686
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/
and this happened after I upgraded to x_treme 1.0.2, was working fine w/ 1.0.1. Also, if I switch the theme back to the default Matrix .. everything is working fine. I got stuck on these error for the past month. I cannot do anything, even logging out gives me that error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Joined: 2007-06-27
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2007-06-27 16:25
I've used your theme on a website for a photographer friend of mine with great results. Nevertheless, I have encountered a small bug in the album page navigation when the album has. When clicking on one of the page number links, it takes me to the main gallery page instead of the corresponding album page. The next/previous icon links work fine. I'm using Gallery core and xTreme 1.0.1. Do I need to upgrade?
Joined: 2005-03-28
Posts: 157
Posted: Mon, 2007-07-02 15:10
It seems that user doesn't have permitions for theme administration, as site administrator try to check permitions and give them to the user you want.
If this wont work please made another topic this is not theme related.
X_treme version 1.0.3 (Change Log)
* Date 01/07/2007 - From version 1.0.2:
* Fixed photo hover navigation and small changes on it's behaviour and at administration panel options
* Move style for photo hover thumbnails from "photoNavOver.tpl" into "theme.tpl" to xhtml validation
* Fixed mouse right click behaviour and small chages ant administration panel options
* "module.tpl" changed in order to to display image block on the left only for comments
* Fixed some incorrect text
Thanks to danielmuller
* Added image.height value to popup full size image
* Added to all mathematical actions an number format at "photo.tpl"
Thanks to Valiant (andy_st)
* Fixed some undefined index / typos issues (no PHP notices on theme installation anymore)
Thanks to bharat, mindless, Valiant (andy_st), jozefs
* Minor fixes and some code cleanup
I hope this can fix the recent bugs you have reported
I want to change encoding for the pages and can not find it in main administrator panel. It can be changed in some main page might be but can not find it.
Anyone can give me a small support please,
Joined: 2006-02-07
Posts: 45
Posted: Mon, 2007-07-02 21:55
Valiant solved the problem! everybody who has similar problems (e.g. nocloo) please try to disable the php Suhosin extension!!! in my case this was autom. enabled when i upgraded from OpenSuse 10.1 to 10.2, afterwards strange things happened. the x_treme-theme didn't work, cause it has too much vaiables in the config-site! Suhosin allows only 100 by default! you can change all the Suhosin-parameters, that the fit to the x_treme-theme or better you deaktivate it! cause you also will have problems when you want to upload a large number of pictures directly from the server!
thanks a lot for this great theme!!! 1.0.3 fixed a lot of things i was wining to!!! thanks soooo much!
Joined: 2005-08-18
Posts: 37
Posted: Mon, 2007-07-02 23:04
Hi Elias,
I was looking at my php config and didn't have the sohusin mods loaded. Also did a clean install of the latest x_treme 1.03 ... and it worked until I start to customize x_treme theme to bring it up to what it was. Now I'm getting that same Authentication Error again, everything works fine in Matrix ... not sure what I did wrong w/ my x_treme. But I'm stuck for over a month now ... No luck here. Glad you got it fixed.
Joined: 2006-02-07
Posts: 45
Posted: Mon, 2007-07-02 23:42
hi nocloo,
i didn't find how to deactivate the suhosin-plugin in the php.ini, i changed the parameters in the ./conf.d/suhosin.ini, there i activated and changed
suhosin.request.max_varname = 1000; = 1000; = 200;
then you can also try to set apache's LimitRequestBody size to a higher value...
i think the problem is somewhere in the configuration of your webserver or php, cause especially the x_treme-theme is very complex and uses hundrets of variables...
good luck!
Julian Gray
Joined: 2005-10-26
Posts: 17
Posted: Tue, 2007-07-03 15:23
So, I've updated to 1.0.3. Having copied the files into place I had to do a Gallery update before Gallery was happy. I find that the "Get more plugins" option isn't working for me - do other people experience this? Is this a feature of using X_treme? Having posted 3 times with no responses from anyone I'm beginning to feel invisible! Do other people get errors I'm seeing?
1) var text = el.innerText; // IE (etc)
2) Webcam not updating properly
3) Get more plugins goes to 61% then dies and doesn't complete. (Or am I just impatient?)
Joined: 2006-10-17
Posts: 177
Posted: Wed, 2007-07-04 07:55
Hi Julian Gray
I also had to do a manual update & dont have the option to update X-treme from the pluggins page. As for your other errors I don't have these.
Joined: 2005-03-28
Posts: 157
Posted: Wed, 2007-07-04 10:00
Julian Gray wrote:
So, I've updated to 1.0.3. Having copied the files into place I had to do a Gallery update before Gallery was happy. I find that the "Get more plugins" option isn't working for me - do other people experience this? Is this a feature of using X_treme? Having posted 3 times with no responses from anyone I'm beginning to feel invisible! Do other people get errors I'm seeing?
1) var text = el.innerText; // IE (etc)
2) Webcam not updating properly
3) Get more plugins goes to 61% then dies and doesn't complete. (Or am I just impatient?)
1) I'm, using IE7 and don't see that error
2) I' dont use it, but when possible i'll try to see it.
I it could be some incompatibility width image fading or thumbs on photo mouse hover, do you have this options selected?
3) I also have no problem with getting more plugins.
since this is my first post, I would like to thank Pedro for all his efforts reagarding the development of this theme - it is just amazing and I love it.
I have recently upgraded to X_treme 1.0.3 and when using Firefox 2 (which is my main browser) I notice that my album thumbnails (128 x 128) show a dark bar at the bottom, as can be seen here:
Hovering over the thumbnails shows them correctly. This effect is only visible with FF2, not with IE7. I can definitely confirm that this was not the case with X_treme 1.0.2 and earlier versions.
Any ideas?
Kind regards, Robert
Joined: 2005-03-28
Posts: 157
Posted: Thu, 2007-07-05 23:41
RobertR wrote:
Hello Pedro, all,
since this is my first post, I would like to thank Pedro for all his efforts reagarding the development of this theme - it is just amazing and I love it.
I have recently upgraded to X_treme 1.0.3 and when using Firefox 2 (which is my main browser) I notice that my album thumbnails (128 x 128) show a dark bar at the bottom, as can be seen here:
Hovering over the thumbnails shows them correctly. This effect is only visible with FF2, not with IE7. I can definitely confirm that this was not the case with X_treme 1.0.2 and earlier versions.
Any ideas?
Kind regards, Robert
* The album.tpl attached will fix that (thumbnail background color settings at colorpacks/color.css: .opacityT{background-color: #??? !important;} and .opacityT:hover{background-color: #??? !important}
* will fix also rendering for safari (thank's to Dayo Akanji)
* will allow different number of columns for album's 1st page
* photo.tpl and iFrameRender.tpl will fix (temporarily) videoflash rendering for IE (frames it will not display correctly)
Thank you Pedro. I am out of the town now, but will implement the fix later this evening. This is excellent support, highly appreciated.
Kind regards, Robert
Joined: 2007-04-09
Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 2007-07-10 21:08
Julian Gray wrote:
3) Get more plugins goes to 61% then dies and doesn't complete. (Or am I just impatient?)
This is an issue of Gallery2 itself, not of the theme per se. You may not have given PHP enough memory.
set this
or bigger in your index.php. if you have some thousands of images and lots of modules loaded, increase to 64M or more.
Gallery2 docs say one should increase PHP memory to at least 16M, but that is the bare _minimum_ to get it up and running. I've had some login problems in the past, and I *think* that they may be related to this as well, because after I increased memory they (mostly) have gone away.
BTW: thanks PG for a very beautiful and well-made theme
Joined: 2004-12-27
Posts: 72
Posted: Wed, 2007-07-11 17:08
ramind wrote:
Julian Gray wrote:
3) Get more plugins goes to 61% then dies and doesn't complete. (Or am I just impatient?)
This is an issue of Gallery2 itself, not of the theme per se. You may not have given PHP enough memory.
set this
or bigger in your index.php. if you have some thousands of images and lots of modules loaded, increase to 64M or more.
Gallery2 docs say one should increase PHP memory to at least 16M, but that is the bare _minimum_ to get it up and running. I've had some login problems in the past, and I *think* that they may be related to this as well, because after I increased memory they (mostly) have gone away.
BTW: thanks PG for a very beautiful and well-made theme
Okay so maybe I've come to X_treme via the wrong route, but I've tried to do things as per whatever instructions I could find!
It seems the file "Manifest" for X_treme references files that don't exist:
I think they are present in the zip file but in a completely different path of modules/colorpacks/packs/*
Can you confirm the actions I should implement here please?
Joined: 2004-12-27
Posts: 72
Posted: Mon, 2007-07-16 17:06
Julian Gray wrote:
Okay so maybe I've come to X_treme via the wrong route, but I've tried to do things as per whatever instructions I could find!
It seems the file "Manifest" for X_treme references files that don't exist:
I think they are present in the zip file but in a completely different path of modules/colorpacks/packs/*
Can you confirm the actions I should implement here please?
it's not just the color packs, it's also the icon packs, comments, and image frames. I did a find and replace on all of these to correct the path. and reuploaded the Manifest file
Joined: 2006-10-17
Posts: 177
Posted: Tue, 2007-07-17 16:29
I have my gallery setup for 1024*768 as default, but my monitor is much larger and all the page elements are spread out over the page
ie menu bar on the left, pics in the middle & micro thumbs over on the right.
I seem to remember seeing all the elements centered on another website that used this theme,
but cant find out how to do this.
Cheers for the help.
Joined: 2006-10-17
Posts: 177
Posted: Wed, 2007-07-18 08:35
I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem?
If I click a page number at the bottom of a dynamic page,
rather than taking me to the next page I get sent to my home
page. the only way to get to the next page is to click on an
i've finally updated x_treme to 1.0.3 and i started to customize it a little bit. i got a problem that i could not resolve it:
i set " GLOBAL :: Mouse Right Click action" to <<Show "Copyright Alert Message">> and it works as expected but where and how can i
customize the actual copyright message? cause at any right click the popup message windows says only
(c) Copyright -
This page is copyrighted and all content is protected.
quite unusefull without info about copyright owner. Can anyone please help me a little bit?
Thank you for your time
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Tue, 2007-07-31 05:47
how can i customize the actual copyright message?
Did you look in the template files of the theme?
// Set the message for the alert box
var msgmouse="{/literal}(c) Copyright - {$}{literal}\nALL RIGHTS RESERVED\n\n";
msgmouse += "This page is copyrighted, and ";
msgmouse += "all content is protected.";
Joined: 2005-08-08
Posts: 12
Posted: Tue, 2007-07-31 11:38
mucho tpl files. i didnt wanted to mess things up. the code you pointed looks like a winner. thanx alot dave
dragonsys: read my previous post. i just said i tried what you suggest and i got only a "?". the symbol it might be ascii but i am using a character set, on the server side it might be another char set and in the browser could be another one. that's the problem. that's one of the reasons that html identities had been invented - you use plain ascii to tell browser to render extended ascii chars
dragonsys: read my previous post. i just said i tried what you suggest and i got only a "?". the symbol it might be ascii but i am using a character set, on the server side it might be another char set and in the browser could be another one. that's the problem. that's one of the reasons that html identities had been invented - you use plain ascii to tell browser to render extended ascii chars
hmmmm it worked perfectly fine for me, as long as I use the one I posted above.
Try what floridave suggested.
Joined: 2007-07-09
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2007-08-02 04:33
Can anyone help me get Lightbox working for this theme. I love this theme and it works great, but I don't care for the page being regenerated with every picture change. I tried to implement it myself, but it didn't work. I think the x-treme theme is a little too advanced for me. Thanks for any help or guidance.
Joined: 2006-12-28
Posts: 21
Posted: Fri, 2007-08-03 21:08
I was looking at this reflection site and wanted to implement something like this in X_treme. Is it doable ? Has anyone tried it ? I have least knowledge of JS, so please let me know how this can be done.
Thanks in advance.
Joined: 2006-04-22
Posts: 35
Posted: Sat, 2007-08-11 23:26
Is there a way to remove the link back to the main gallery?
To be more precise: when using Xtreme or PG theme with the Google maps plugin, the image of the main thumbnail from the Gallery is shown on the left side of the map. It says "Go to:" on the top of the thumbnail and "Back" on the bottom. I would like to remove it and show only the map.
I know Google maps plugin isn't causing it, because if I change the theme to Matrix for instance, it only shows the map, without the link/thumbnail back to Gallery. Here is the example
Joined: 2005-12-21
Posts: 138
Posted: Sun, 2007-08-12 05:42
I posted this elsewhere but I think it may be an x_treme specific issue.
I run Drupal 5.x with G2 2.2, and use the Drupal G2 module to embed G2. I'm using x_treme theme. When I open a G2 page, I have this repeated error at the top of the page in a box:
* warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/.olwen/myadvent/ on line 69.
* warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/.olwen/myadvent/ on line 69.
My G2 line 69 has this:
foreach ($theme['params'][$key . 'Blocks'] as $entry) {
From other things I've read, I suspect this is an issue between the 2 themes or CSS?
Anybody can help with this error?
Gallery version = 2.2-rc-2 core 1.1.30
PHP version = 4.4.7 cgi
Webserver = Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) mod_throttle/3.1.2 DAV/1.0.3 mod_fastcgi/2.4.2 mod_gzip/ PHP/4.4.7 mod_ssl/2.8.22 OpenSSL/0.9.7e
Database = mysqlt 4.1.16-standard-log, lock.system=database
Toolkits = Exif, Gd, ImageMagick, NetPBM, Getid3, ArchiveUpload, LinkItemToolkit, SquareThumb, Ffmpeg
Acceleration = partial/900, none/900
Operating system = Linux rampart 2.4.32-grsec+f6b+gr217+nfs+a32+fuse23+tg+++opt+c8+gr2b-v6.194 #1 SMP Tue Jun 6 15:52:09 PDT 2006 i686
Default theme = MyX_treme
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 250
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 863
Rows in GalleryUser table = 76
Rows in GalleryItem table = 853
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 65
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 3970
Joined: 2005-12-21
Posts: 138
Posted: Sun, 2007-08-12 06:13
I have this error and just posted a request about it before finding this.
What exactly is the "emergency edit item"? I have no idea and don't want to delete anything before I know what it is!
PS Have you ever found any other solution?
Also, I haven't run into the issue you mentioned when there is no previous or next image, but I do have an issue where the display freaks out when moving the mouse over the left or right side of an opened image on the photo page, where the popup thumbnails show the previous or next image. I can see the thumbnail as intended, but the whole left or right side of the photo (wherever I hover to get that thumbnail popup) gets covered up with a blue bar while the thumbnail is popped up. Any ideas about this?
I'm using Drupal 5.x with the cleanslate theme, and x_treme G2 theme charcoal.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Sun, 2007-08-12 15:38
core.EmergencyEditItemLink serves just one purpose: if you edit your theme settings and remove the "item actions" block from all your block lists then when you return to the album you'd have no way to edit the album or its photos again! All this block does it show a simple "Edit" link when it finds none of the specified blocks have Item Actions.
I don't know what problem the theme has to get this error (maybe just go into theme settings and click "save".. does that help?), but if you do have item actions somewhere, you could comment out this block in your tpl.
Joined: 2004-12-27
Posts: 72
Posted: Mon, 2007-08-13 12:41
oggg wrote:
Is there a way to remove the link back to the main gallery?
To be more precise: when using Xtreme or PG theme with the Google maps plugin, the image of the main thumbnail from the Gallery is shown on the left side of the map. It says "Go to:" on the top of the thumbnail and "Back" on the bottom. I would like to remove it and show only the map.
I know Google maps plugin isn't causing it, because if I change the theme to Matrix for instance, it only shows the map, without the link/thumbnail back to Gallery. Here is the example
Edit /{path-to-G2}/modules/core/templates/blocks/BreadCrumb.tpl
Comment out the below code then save it to
When I delete (comment out) these lines, I get absolutely nothing in my G2 page below the top horizontal menu links. No albums, no text, nothing. I'm stuck. My error is exactly the same, the error with on line 69. Help?
flyer wrote:
I am getting an error on an embedded installation on vbdrupal and gallery 2.2
I do not get these errors running gallery directly and not embedded, so it looks like this only a problem with an embedded installation.
Hope this helps. If someone comes up with a real fix for the emergency edit item link it would be nice to know.
Joined: 2005-12-21
Posts: 138
Posted: Tue, 2007-08-14 16:34
mindless wrote:
core.EmergencyEditItemLink serves just one purpose: if you edit your theme settings and remove the "item actions" block from all your block lists then when you return to the album you'd have no way to edit the album or its photos again! All this block does it show a simple "Edit" link when it finds none of the specified blocks have Item Actions.
I don't know what problem the theme has to get this error (maybe just go into theme settings and click "save".. does that help?), but if you do have item actions somewhere, you could comment out this block in your tpl.
I have verified that this error only happens when using the x_treme theme. I really don't want to change themes. I tried commenting out all the lines that were suggested in a previous post (from but that only left me with no display below the line of links that go accrross the top of the page. Can anyone tell me please exactly which lines I should comment out? Again, in my case the error is stated twice at the top of the page when viewing G2 with X_treme theme inside drupal. Like this:
* warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in \www\gallery2\modules\core\ on line 69.
* warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in \www\gallery2\modules\core\ on line 69.
Its big and ugly and wastes a lot of space at the top of every integrated page. Please help.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Tue, 2007-08-14 18:56
did you try removing/commenting the g->block for EmergencyItemEditLink in album.tpl?
Joined: 2005-12-21
Posts: 138
Posted: Wed, 2007-08-15 02:31
Thanks, that did fix me!
Joined: 2005-12-21
Posts: 138
Posted: Wed, 2007-08-15 02:46
How do I find out which version of Xtreme theme I currently have installed?
If I upgrade from an earlier version and I've used the /extras folder for any modifications, can I just install or unpack directly on top of the old installation?
Any issues to consider in upgrading?
Posts: 45
since i had a fatal hdd-crash, i had to restore all the data. it was not possible to save the users and groups, everything was root,root, so i changed most of them manual. everything is working fine in the meanwhile, except one thing:
i was always using the theme x_treme 1.0.2 and it worked fine. no i'm not able to make any changes in the theme on the admin-page. always if the X_treme-tab is selected, i get the following lines if i push the Save-button:
** Security Violation **
** The action you attempted is not permitted. **
** Back to the Gallery **
What I already did:
including smarty-templ...
-) executet all maintainance-scripts
-) reinstalled apache2
-) reinstalled php5 module
-) checked databasetables for errors, permissions
-) uninstalled x_treme-theme and deleted all config-entries from database and made a new fresh install
-) upgraded gallery2 to 2.2.1
-) when i make settings in the database directly it works, but it's not practicable
-) clear the cache -> no changes
now i tried the following: i made a complete new installation from gallery2. i have the same problems there??!? very strange, maybe there is something missconfigured in my system?
have a look at:
maybe you can have a short look, the gallery is in debugmode and you have all rights on the topalbum with
user: test
pswd: test
maybe you have an idea?
thanks a lot!
i put the gallery in debugmode, so you can have a look:
user: test
pswd: test
with all permissions in this album
try to make some changes in x_treme-theme
you'll get the follwing error:
Error (ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED) : user id: 4 doesn't have permission: core.edit for item id: 62622
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryUserHelper_simple.class at line 47 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 477 (GalleryUserHelper_simple::assertHasItemPermission)
* in modules/core/ at line 51 (GalleryCoreApi::assertHasItemPermission)
* in main.php at line 231 (ItemEditController::handleRequest)
* in main.php at line 94
* in main.php at line 83
Debug Output
file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/cache/module/_all/0/0/ Unimplemented: GalleryUrlGenerator getParameter language.useBrowserPref for core plugin file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/cache/module/core/0/0/ controller core.ItemEdit, view Loading plugin core Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/ core plugin successfully instantiated file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/versions.dat) file(/home/elias/gallery2_data/versions.dat, ) getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin [1182146124] can't guarantee 5 -- extending! file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/cache/entity/0/0/ Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/cache/module/_all/0/0/ The version of the core plugin is ok file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/ file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/cache/entity/6/2/ (mysqlt): SET NAMES "utf8" (mysqlt): SELECT g2_Group.g_id, g2_Group.g_groupName FROM g2_UserGroupMap, g2_Group WHERE g2_Group.g_id = g2_UserGroupMap.g_groupId AND g2_UserGroupMap.g_userId = 4 ORDER BY g2_Group.g_groupName LIMIT 2147483647 file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/cache/module/_all/0/0/ (mysqlt): SELECT g_module, g_permission, g_description, g_bits, g_flags FROM g2_PermissionSetMap realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_core -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_comment -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/comment/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_cart -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/cart/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_photoaccess -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/photoaccess/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_shutterfly -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/shutterfly/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_fotokasten -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/fotokasten/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_rating -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/rating/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_ecard -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/ecard/locale realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_digibug -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/digibug/locale (mysqlt): SELECT DISTINCT g2_AccessMap.g_accessListId FROM g2_AccessMap WHERE g2_AccessMap.g_userOrGroupId IN (4,3) AND g2_AccessMap.g_permission & 32 = 32 Loading plugin imageblock Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/imageblock/ imageblock plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin thumbnail Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/thumbnail/ thumbnail plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin comment Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/comment/ comment plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin customfield Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/customfield/ customfield plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin thumbpage Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/thumbpage/ thumbpage plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin albumselect Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/albumselect/ albumselect plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin sizelimit Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/sizelimit/ sizelimit plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin multilang Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/multilang/ multilang plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin hidden Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/hidden/ realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_hidden -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/hidden/locale hidden plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin linkitem Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/linkitem/ linkitem plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin rating Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/rating/ rating plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin rss Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/rss/ rss plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin password Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/password/ realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: modules_password -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/password/locale password plugin successfully instantiated Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin x_treme Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/themes/x_treme/ x_treme plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the x_treme plugin file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/cache/theme/_all/0/0/ The version of the x_treme plugin is ok Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin (mysqlt): SELECT g_userId FROM g2_UserGroupMap WHERE g_userId=4 AND g_groupId=2 LIMIT 1 realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../../) realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/) file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/smarty/templates_c/%%1907907931) is_dir(/home/elias/gallery2_data/smarty/templates_c/%%1907907931) file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/smarty/templates_c/%%1907907931) is_writeable(/home/elias/gallery2_data/smarty/templates_c/%%1907907931) file_exists(/home/elias/gallery2_data/smarty/templates_c/%%1907907931/v_12) file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../../lib/javascript/local/BlockToggle.js) realpath(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../..) Binding text domain: themes_x_treme -> /home/elias/public_html/gallery2/themes/x/locale file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/../../themes/x_treme/local/theme.css) file_exists(/home/elias/public_html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/../../../themes/x_treme/local/theme.css)
i really tried everythin
, maybe you have another idea? i would be pleased!!!
thanks in advice,
Gallery-Version = 2.2.1 Kern
PHP-Version = 5.2.0 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.2.3 (Linux/SUSE)
Datenbank = mysqlt 5.0.26, lock.system=flock
Werkzeuge = Exif, NetPBM, Thumbnail, ArchiveUpload, Gd, Getid3, LinkItemToolkit
Beschleunigung = partial/1800, full/3600
Betriebssystem = Linux asterix #1 SMP Mon Nov 27 11:46:27 UTC 2006 i686
Standard-Motiv = x_treme
gettext = Aktiviert
Sprache = de_DE
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; de; rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/
Zeilen in der GalleryAccessMap Tabelle = 68
Zeilen in der GalleryAccessSubscriberMap Tabelle = 10120
Zeilen in der GalleryUser Tabelle = 34
Zeilen in der GalleryItem Tabelle = 10116
Zeilen in der GalleryAlbumItem Tabelle = 178
Zeilen in der GalleryCacheMap Tabelle = 22
Posts: 27
I like your theme very much and thanks for your creation... can you tell me how I can allow users to download a image/picture from the uploaded picture
As when I try to right mouse click, but the option for saving the picture/image is not available...
pls help
Posts: 1
I've found some mistakes in various templates files, preventing x_treme to work well in certain cases:
templates/album.tpl: impossible to create a PO file using Gallery's script
templates/photo.tpl: Full size image not visible in PopUp window in Firefox (if height not provided Firefox assumes 0)
I added the "height" value to the javascript.
template/photoNavOver.tpl: If photo height is odd and we are using prev/next thumbnails at top and bottom of image, Firefox does't like to have a non integer for the height of thumbnails (he simply do not show the thumbnails assuming 0 as height). I added to all mathematical actions an number format.
In the same case, the SPAN tag containing the navigations thumbnails is rounded down and an ugly scroller is showing up
I've also made a small add, I wanted the Panorama viewer been shown directly in the photo page and not in a new window. I don't know if what a made is right.
Here's the diff for
And for templates/photo.tpl:
And the last point, but not the least. One I've created un PO file I was unable to see my translations. I figured out that Gallery is splitting names of components on the "_" sign to rebuild the path to te MO file.
For x_treme, Gallery is looking for "themes/x/locale/...". The only way I've seen is to rename x_treme to xtreme, but that meens changes in every file. If someone has a better solution, it will be welcome.
Hope this all helps,
Posts: 8
Along possibly the same lines as Daniel's post above... (cheers Daniel for pointing out the fixes)
When I view the photos in Firefox I can happily see the "Full Size" and "Navigation" options on the actual photos, but cannot in IE7.
Does anyone else have this issue??
example : and choose the "Wedding" or "Gallery" option
I seem to be getting there with the package and the theme.
Posts: 37
I got almost the same error as Elias above w/ authentication failure:
Authentication Failure
Your change cannot be completed due to a loss of session data. Please try again. If it still doesn't work, try logging out and logging back in.
Back to the Gallery
Error Detail -
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryController.class at line 239 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in main.php at line 224 (GalleryController::assertIsGenuineRequest)
* in main.php at line 94
* in main.php at line 83
System Information
Gallery version 2.2.2
PHP version 5.2.2 cgi-fcgi
Webserver Apache/2.0.54 (Unix) PHP/4.4.7 mod_ssl/2.0.54 OpenSSL/0.9.7e mod_fastcgi/2.4.2 DAV/2 SVN/1.4.2
Database mysql 5.0.24a-standard-log
Toolkits ImageMagick, Gd
Operating system Linux aaaaa 2.4.32-grsec+f6b+gr217+nfs+a32+fuse23+++opt+c6+gr2b-v6.192 #1 SMP Wed Dec 14 17:06:16 PST 2005 i686
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/
and this happened after I upgraded to x_treme 1.0.2, was working fine w/ 1.0.1. Also, if I switch the theme back to the default Matrix .. everything is working fine. I got stuck on these error for the past month. I cannot do anything, even logging out gives me that error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 4
I've used your theme on a website for a photographer friend of mine with great results. Nevertheless, I have encountered a small bug in the album page navigation when the album has. When clicking on one of the page number links, it takes me to the main gallery page instead of the corresponding album page. The next/previous icon links work fine. I'm using Gallery core and xTreme 1.0.1. Do I need to upgrade?
Posts: 157
It seems that user doesn't have permitions for theme administration, as site administrator try to check permitions and give them to the user you want.
If this wont work please made another topic this is not theme related.
Posts: 157
*********************** X_treme theme ***********************
X_treme version 1.0.3 (Change Log)
* Date 01/07/2007 - From version 1.0.2:
* Fixed photo hover navigation and small changes on it's behaviour and at administration panel options
* Move style for photo hover thumbnails from "photoNavOver.tpl" into "theme.tpl" to xhtml validation
* Fixed mouse right click behaviour and small chages ant administration panel options
* "module.tpl" changed in order to to display image block on the left only for comments
* Fixed some incorrect text
Thanks to danielmuller
* Added image.height value to popup full size image
* Added to all mathematical actions an number format at "photo.tpl"
Thanks to Valiant (andy_st)
* Fixed some undefined index / typos issues (no PHP notices on theme installation anymore)
Thanks to bharat, mindless, Valiant (andy_st), jozefs
* Minor fixes and some code cleanup
I hope this can fix the recent bugs you have reported
Browse SVN Repository:
Posts: 2
I like this theme very and thansk for making it.
I want to change encoding for the pages and can not find it in main administrator panel. It can be changed in some main page might be but can not find it.
Anyone can give me a small support please,
Posts: 45
Valiant solved the problem! everybody who has similar problems (e.g. nocloo) please try to disable the php Suhosin extension!!! in my case this was autom. enabled when i upgraded from OpenSuse 10.1 to 10.2, afterwards strange things happened. the x_treme-theme didn't work, cause it has too much vaiables in the config-site! Suhosin allows only 100 by default! you can change all the Suhosin-parameters, that the fit to the x_treme-theme or better you deaktivate it! cause you also will have problems when you want to upload a large number of pictures directly from the server!
for more details to this problem see topic:
thanks a lot for this great theme!!! 1.0.3 fixed a lot of things i was wining to!!! thanks soooo much!
Posts: 37
Hi Elias,
I was looking at my php config and didn't have the sohusin mods loaded. Also did a clean install of the latest x_treme 1.03 ... and it worked until I start to customize x_treme theme to bring it up to what it was. Now I'm getting that same Authentication Error again, everything works fine in Matrix ... not sure what I did wrong w/ my x_treme. But I'm stuck for over a month now ... No luck here. Glad you got it fixed.
Posts: 45
hi nocloo,
i didn't find how to deactivate the suhosin-plugin in the php.ini, i changed the parameters in the ./conf.d/suhosin.ini, there i activated and changed
suhosin.request.max_varname = 1000; = 1000; = 200;
then you can also try to set apache's LimitRequestBody size to a higher value...
i think the problem is somewhere in the configuration of your webserver or php, cause especially the x_treme-theme is very complex and uses hundrets of variables...
good luck!
Posts: 17
So, I've updated to 1.0.3. Having copied the files into place I had to do a Gallery update before Gallery was happy. I find that the "Get more plugins" option isn't working for me - do other people experience this? Is this a feature of using X_treme? Having posted 3 times with no responses from anyone I'm beginning to feel invisible! Do other people get errors I'm seeing?
1) var text = el.innerText; // IE (etc)
2) Webcam not updating properly
3) Get more plugins goes to 61% then dies and doesn't complete. (Or am I just impatient?)
Posts: 177
Hi Julian Gray
I also had to do a manual update & dont have the option to update X-treme from the pluggins page. As for your other errors I don't have these.
Posts: 157
1) I'm, using IE7 and don't see that error
2) I' dont use it, but when possible i'll try to see it.
I it could be some incompatibility width image fading or thumbs on photo mouse hover, do you have this options selected?
3) I also have no problem with getting more plugins.
Posts: 5
Hello Pedro, all,
since this is my first post, I would like to thank Pedro for all his efforts reagarding the development of this theme - it is just amazing and I love it.
I have recently upgraded to X_treme 1.0.3 and when using Firefox 2 (which is my main browser) I notice that my album thumbnails (128 x 128) show a dark bar at the bottom, as can be seen here:
Hovering over the thumbnails shows them correctly. This effect is only visible with FF2, not with IE7. I can definitely confirm that this was not the case with X_treme 1.0.2 and earlier versions.
Any ideas?
Kind regards, Robert
Posts: 157
* The album.tpl attached will fix that (thumbnail background color settings at colorpacks/color.css: .opacityT{background-color: #??? !important;} and .opacityT:hover{background-color: #??? !important}
* will fix also rendering for safari (thank's to Dayo Akanji)
* will allow different number of columns for album's 1st page
* photo.tpl and iFrameRender.tpl will fix (temporarily) videoflash rendering for IE (frames it will not display correctly)
Posts: 5
Thank you Pedro. I am out of the town now, but will implement the fix later this evening. This is excellent support, highly appreciated.
Kind regards, Robert
Posts: 11
This is an issue of Gallery2 itself, not of the theme per se. You may not have given PHP enough memory.
set this
or bigger in your index.php. if you have some thousands of images and lots of modules loaded, increase to 64M or more.
Gallery2 docs say one should increase PHP memory to at least 16M, but that is the bare _minimum_ to get it up and running. I've had some login problems in the past, and I *think* that they may be related to this as well, because after I increased memory they (mostly) have gone away.
BTW: thanks PG for a very beautiful and well-made theme
Posts: 72
not in index.php, but in main.php and install/index.php
More Info here -
Posts: 17
Am applying passwords to some albums. I get a different behaviour on the dialogue boxes between FIrefox (which works cleanly) and IE7 (Which doesnt.)
Examples attached.
Posts: 17
Okay so maybe I've come to X_treme via the wrong route, but I've tried to do things as per whatever instructions I could find!
It seems the file "Manifest" for X_treme references files that don't exist:
I think they are present in the zip file but in a completely different path of modules/colorpacks/packs/*
Can you confirm the actions I should implement here please?
Posts: 72
it's not just the color packs, it's also the icon packs, comments, and image frames. I did a find and replace on all of these to correct the path. and reuploaded the Manifest file
Posts: 177
I have my gallery setup for 1024*768 as default, but my monitor is much larger and all the page elements are spread out over the page
ie menu bar on the left, pics in the middle & micro thumbs over on the right.
I seem to remember seeing all the elements centered on another website that used this theme,
but cant find out how to do this.
Cheers for the help.
Posts: 177
I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem?
If I click a page number at the bottom of a dynamic page,
rather than taking me to the next page I get sent to my home
page. the only way to get to the next page is to click on an
Posts: 2
I have realy big problems with my album.
The thumbnails have not been posted.
As well when I add a possibility to see the image in other size he automatacly change it to 96x96.
As well I am trying to setup the display settings for albums and when I untick settings and save tick comes back.. and nothing have been changed.
Anyone can help me pelase
Posts: 27300
I suspect it is a image toolkit issue not related to this theme at all.
Please start a new topic in the troubleshooting forums.
FAQ: When I upload an image, G2 doesn't seem to create sized images or thumbnails... also, when I enter an album for the first time it takes a LONG time to load. What is the deal, yo?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 12
i've finally updated x_treme to 1.0.3 and i started to customize it a little bit. i got a problem that i could not resolve it:
i set " GLOBAL :: Mouse Right Click action" to <<Show "Copyright Alert Message">> and it works as expected but where and how can i
customize the actual copyright message? cause at any right click the popup message windows says only
quite unusefull without info about copyright owner. Can anyone please help me a little bit?
Thank you for your time
Posts: 27300
Did you look in the template files of the theme?
Posts: 12
mucho tpl files. i didnt wanted to mess things up. the code you pointed looks like a winner. thanx alot dave
now, i know no javascript: how do i change the (c) with the actual copyright symbol (ie html entity ©)?
Posts: 27300
did you try © ?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 12
yes, i did: it shows up exactly like this "© Copyright 2007 -..."
i've tried also to put the symbol obtained in my windows box with alt+0169. in the tpl file appears as copyright symbol but in the popup message there's only a ? instead of it. i know it's quite stupid to do this but i've tried.
Posts: 72
Try to copy and paste the symbol itself - ©
it is an ASCII character afterall
Posts: 12
dragonsys: read my previous post. i just said i tried what you suggest and i got only a "?". the symbol it might be ascii but i am using a character set, on the server side it might be another char set and in the browser could be another one. that's the problem. that's one of the reasons that html identities had been invented - you use plain ascii to tell browser to render extended ascii chars
Posts: 8601
G2 uses UTF-8. this forum does too, so the character in Dragonsys' post is UTF-8.. I copy/pasted it into a tpl file (my terminal also set to UTF-8) and the javascript alert() showed the copyright character ok. I also found that © literally showed the characters ©.
Posts: 27300
should work as well.Dave
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 72
hmmmm it worked perfectly fine for me, as long as I use the one I posted above.
Try what floridave suggested.
Posts: 2
Can anyone help me get Lightbox working for this theme. I love this theme and it works great, but I don't care for the page being regenerated with every picture change. I tried to implement it myself, but it didn't work. I think the x-treme theme is a little too advanced for me. Thanks for any help or guidance.
Posts: 21
I was looking at this reflection site and wanted to implement something like this in X_treme. Is it doable ? Has anyone tried it ? I have least knowledge of JS, so please let me know how this can be done.
Thanks in advance.
Posts: 35
Is there a way to remove the link back to the main gallery?
To be more precise: when using Xtreme or PG theme with the Google maps plugin, the image of the main thumbnail from the Gallery is shown on the left side of the map. It says "Go to:" on the top of the thumbnail and "Back" on the bottom. I would like to remove it and show only the map.
I know Google maps plugin isn't causing it, because if I change the theme to Matrix for instance, it only shows the map, without the link/thumbnail back to Gallery. Here is the example
Posts: 138
I posted this elsewhere but I think it may be an x_treme specific issue.
I run Drupal 5.x with G2 2.2, and use the Drupal G2 module to embed G2. I'm using x_treme theme. When I open a G2 page, I have this repeated error at the top of the page in a box:
* warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/.olwen/myadvent/ on line 69.
* warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/.olwen/myadvent/ on line 69.
My G2 line 69 has this:
foreach ($theme['params'][$key . 'Blocks'] as $entry) {
From other things I've read, I suspect this is an issue between the 2 themes or CSS?
Anybody can help with this error?
Gallery version = 2.2-rc-2 core 1.1.30
PHP version = 4.4.7 cgi
Webserver = Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) mod_throttle/3.1.2 DAV/1.0.3 mod_fastcgi/2.4.2 mod_gzip/ PHP/4.4.7 mod_ssl/2.8.22 OpenSSL/0.9.7e
Database = mysqlt 4.1.16-standard-log, lock.system=database
Toolkits = Exif, Gd, ImageMagick, NetPBM, Getid3, ArchiveUpload, LinkItemToolkit, SquareThumb, Ffmpeg
Acceleration = partial/900, none/900
Operating system = Linux rampart 2.4.32-grsec+f6b+gr217+nfs+a32+fuse23+tg+++opt+c8+gr2b-v6.194 #1 SMP Tue Jun 6 15:52:09 PDT 2006 i686
Default theme = MyX_treme
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_US
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070515 Firefox/
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 250
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 863
Rows in GalleryUser table = 76
Rows in GalleryItem table = 853
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 65
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 3970
Posts: 138
I have this error and just posted a request about it before finding this.
What exactly is the "emergency edit item"? I have no idea and don't want to delete anything before I know what it is!
PS Have you ever found any other solution?
Also, I haven't run into the issue you mentioned when there is no previous or next image, but I do have an issue where the display freaks out when moving the mouse over the left or right side of an opened image on the photo page, where the popup thumbnails show the previous or next image. I can see the thumbnail as intended, but the whole left or right side of the photo (wherever I hover to get that thumbnail popup) gets covered up with a blue bar while the thumbnail is popped up. Any ideas about this?
I'm using Drupal 5.x with the cleanslate theme, and x_treme G2 theme charcoal.
Posts: 8601
core.EmergencyEditItemLink serves just one purpose: if you edit your theme settings and remove the "item actions" block from all your block lists then when you return to the album you'd have no way to edit the album or its photos again! All this block does it show a simple "Edit" link when it finds none of the specified blocks have Item Actions.
I don't know what problem the theme has to get this error (maybe just go into theme settings and click "save".. does that help?), but if you do have item actions somewhere, you could comment out this block in your tpl.
Posts: 72
Edit /{path-to-G2}/modules/core/templates/blocks/BreadCrumb.tpl
Comment out the below code then save it to
Posts: 35
Posts: 138
When I delete (comment out) these lines, I get absolutely nothing in my G2 page below the top horizontal menu links. No albums, no text, nothing. I'm stuck. My error is exactly the same, the error with on line 69. Help?
Posts: 138
I have verified that this error only happens when using the x_treme theme. I really don't want to change themes. I tried commenting out all the lines that were suggested in a previous post (from but that only left me with no display below the line of links that go accrross the top of the page. Can anyone tell me please exactly which lines I should comment out? Again, in my case the error is stated twice at the top of the page when viewing G2 with X_treme theme inside drupal. Like this:
* warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in \www\gallery2\modules\core\ on line 69.
* warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in \www\gallery2\modules\core\ on line 69.
Its big and ugly and wastes a lot of space at the top of every integrated page. Please help.
Posts: 8601
did you try removing/commenting the g->block for EmergencyItemEditLink in album.tpl?
Posts: 138
Thanks, that did fix me!
Posts: 138
How do I find out which version of Xtreme theme I currently have installed?
If I upgrade from an earlier version and I've used the /extras folder for any modifications, can I just install or unpack directly on top of the old installation?
Any issues to consider in upgrading?