I added Cloud 3D Tag but after this it is not showing albums and sidebar
I'm not quite sure... is it the same as [3D tag cloud]?
Attached is the one I am using
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-20 04:02
I haven't looked at the page structure yet, so don't know whats involved in this comment/request, but the double border discussion got me to looking at the page a little more carefully.
I think I'd like the frame to fit the thumbnail without the letterboxing. Is that a possible option?
BTW the Smugmug handles the columns dynamically. Do they use a fundamentally different underlying technology?
I'd vote for wider screen.
Thanks for your great theme.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-20 04:19
I like some of the SmugMug concepts but not all. I have a friend using them to and this drove me toward Picnik on-line editor.
I am trying integrate it with G3...
Now to original discussion... let's dissect the frog...
SM recompute layout when user resize the window - in some strange way, but still - look at number of pages pictures are displayed in. On one of my secondary monitors simple maximizing of the browser screen would change it from 5 to 4.
It would be hard, if not impossible, to do with G3.
if you look at the source there will be a lot of JS referenced... Do not like it.
Plus I think G3 is not yet up to the challenge with the speed...
Page you have referenced is actually an individual photo page with thumb navigator on the side.
Album page would be this http://adventureplus.smugmug.com/Canoe-Kayak and I am not sure if we would want that layout.
Thumb navigator module would be nice to have. I hope someone would bring it over from G2.
Image is centered when "Actual Size" aspect is used for thumbs
Added support for color packs - included: greydragon, wind
ADMIN: Improved error handling
ADMIN: Disable submit button on click to prevent Dbl-click
ADMIN: New option: Enable page cache - adds header marker for page to be cached for 60 seconds
ADMIN: ColorPacks selection
This is major change release - support of color packs added
By default I include greydragon - same as before, and wind - this is a 5 minutes put-together customization.
See included screenshot
If anyone feel to help out with Wind CP, I'll appreciate it.
Goal is not to change layout, but to fine tune colors of fonts, menus, lines, backgroundsa and icons.
Let me know if you have customization of the wind theme you feel worth make part of the package.
I would also consider other color packs meeting criteria above.
Joined: 2008-04-18
Posts: 424
Posted: Sun, 2010-03-21 04:35
serge..your add photo box is screwed up again..please see the attachment.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sun, 2010-03-21 05:15
works fine for me and I cannot make it to shrink as in your case
Joined: 2008-04-18
Posts: 424
Posted: Sun, 2010-03-21 23:22
Serge D wrote:
works fine for me and I cannot make it to shrink as in your case
does it for me at 1280X720 & 1024X768...
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-22 00:08
@Shemo275: Try to replace with file below
Joined: 2008-04-18
Posts: 424
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-22 02:19
Serge D wrote:
@Shemo275: Try to replace with file below
seems like it worked..check out the attachment.
Joined: 2009-02-19
Posts: 74
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-22 03:05
@SergeD -- I love the idea of color packs. I may try to contribute another one in the coming weeks.
Would it be possible to add a parameter that makes the album/image name mouseover effect an option? I prefer to see the names of my albums, particularly on the main page, without having to mouseover them.
Serge D
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Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-22 03:54
@Shemo725: will be available in next release
@pinn8: depend. if you need to change html, then I need mockup, if it is just CSS, then you can do it through color pack.
Joined: 2009-02-19
Posts: 74
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-22 04:01
@SergeD: What I meant is that I would like to see the names of albums and images in the grey box by default (this is the way it worked up through 2.0, I think), but have an ADMIN option to hide the titles until you do a mouseover of the box (this is the way it works with 2.1).
Serge D
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Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-22 04:24
@pinn8: just to confirm - put name of the item under the thumb and make it always visible.
Ok, but it would not be a default state though, you would need to turn it on via Admin panel.
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Posts: 172
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-22 05:09
Serge: I'm glad you're planning to put in pinn8's option.
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Posted: Mon, 2010-03-22 11:09
@SergeD -- Yes, and I agree that it should be turned on via admin panel.
Joined: 2010-02-18
Posts: 79
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-22 16:26
Serge D
When we can expect your latest build of themes.
Also you have recently added colorpacks, please let me know how to use ?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-22 16:55
@micrographics: At the moment I am only maintaining GreyDragon (and no maintenance for GreyDragon Wind).
am I on schedule now? 8^)
2.1.0 was released Saturday (with color pack support)
2.1.1 is coming with a few fixes and support for thumb with description - as soon as it is ready ( let's say today/tomorrow)
I have extended Theme description on Codex page with a little more info about color packs.
Please feel free to ask for any additional information.
I would also appreciate any help in creating new color packs and extending [wind] edition.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-22 19:28
put name of the item under the thumb and make it always visible
SergeD -- one other minor item. On my site, the Exif information screen cuts off the bottom. You can see an example of this if you click the Exif icon on this image: http://pinnacle8.com/galleries/index.php/Raptors/IMG_1850. IE8 and Firefox 3.5 are both affected by this. I am running your theme version 2.1.1.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Tue, 2010-03-23 04:04
cannot access the picture
try attaching it in the post
yes, in your case you have big copyright info, which pushes rest of the rows out
I will try to enable scrolling...
in the mean time, open forms.css and modify overflow: hidden to overflow: auto for
Nice shot!
Joined: 2010-02-18
Posts: 79
Posted: Tue, 2010-03-23 09:49
Srge D.
I just downloaded and activated the new version. I found following issue :
If I break the copyright message into 2 or three lines, then the right side footer part gets overlapped with Login.
Can you guide me how to avoid this.
Joined: 2009-02-19
Posts: 74
Posted: Tue, 2010-03-23 11:04
SergeD: your CSS tweak works. In addition to the Copyright notice, I also have a bunch of keywords set for each of my images, which were not appearing until I modified the CSS. I put them in there so the images are searchable by keyword.
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Tue, 2010-03-23 16:09
Thanks Serge. The "Extended" option is great. It could probably just be named "Below" or "Below thumb". Extended sounds like it's something unusual or adding more information.
Now I need to figure out how to have nothing show if there is no Caption. My viewers aren't in seeing IMG_1358 or similar.
And would still like the surrounding box to fit the thumbnail.
But a good, usable theme now. Thanks for your hard work.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Tue, 2010-03-23 16:37
@pinn8: sample URL? I do not see it using your prior links or glancing around the gallery
@MtnBiker: well, it does add more info, but I can come up with better wording For the caption thing... it is feature of G3 itself on import of the photo. You could however edit individual photo and remove filename from the title.
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Posts: 172
Posted: Tue, 2010-03-23 19:31
Serge: Yes it adds more info, but not more (extended) than most photo gallery programs and it's no more information than the rollover. It's all relative, but no big deal either way.
And I'll look at the G3 import. Most of my photos were brought over from G2. Even if I wanted to edit thousands of photos, I just want it to be blank if no Caption. I'll look into it. Some G2 themes allowed the distinction I think.
Thanks again.
Serge D
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Posts: 2466
Posted: Tue, 2010-03-23 22:29
I renamed it to [Bottom]
I have no control over item's title field. It is populated by the import process for you.
I would be reluctant to put a hack into theme to check if caption match file name.
I think it should be an option of the import process, if anything.
If you have access to MySQL, just run an update statement for the field to clear it out in this case.
And I would suggest to file enhancement request for G3
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Tue, 2010-03-23 22:37
Serge. I don't see an option on uploading. But I'll communicate with G3. Thanks for the MySQL solution, but I don't want to have to do this each time. Bottom is good.
Serge D
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Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2010-03-24 13:11
@micrographics: sorry for late response...
If I break the copyright message into 2 or three lines, then the right side footer part gets overlapped with Login.
I do not see this issue per se. If you visit my web-site you would see copyright having two rows (<br /> in the copyright message) because site's credits would stretch the footer.
In your case you probably hidden the credits part.
Then you would need to force it.
I would suggest create your own color pack and put the following new rule in it
#g-footer { min-height: 4em; /* you may need 5em */ }
you could do the same by adjusting it in layouts.css. but then you would have to remember to bring it along on update.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2010-03-24 14:12
Question to people who are using my theme : I see weird thing with one of my albums.
All of the sadden 4th element need extra space and jumps to the right...
It happens in some other albums as well.
I do not see apparent reason for it, so I need second pair of eyes...
I suspect it is border issue since first item is double border - album
Edit: Ok, found it. yes, it is related to borders, I just need to compensate for it. I have included the fix with next release.
Joined: 2008-07-23
Posts: 12
Posted: Wed, 2010-03-24 18:36
First, thanks for this great theme! I use it for testing gallery3 - great work!
Nevertheless, I would like to make some annotations ;-)
- There is an error in /css/screen.css on line 11. [...] font-family: Arial, veranda, [...] - should be verdana ;-)
- In the german version the word "Page" is not translated. Is this a static word?
- Portrait format images in the random image field are shown up in full portrait format, they are not croped to 4:3.
- You can only show three (3) columns of images in an album even if you disable the sidebar.
- It would be nice, if there is a way to use different graphical frames around images and albums like in gallery2.
It's a long time ago since I last edited gallery2's custom files, so I dont know if it's in gallery3 or if you need a plugin first.
- There is an issue in the dropdown-menue on the top (Home, Add, ...) if you switch to german language.
When you move over "Album options", the width of the dropdown menue is not enough - the german word of "enable notifications" juts out of the menue.
Maybe there should be an variable width.
That's it for now ;-) Thanks again for the great work.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2010-03-24 20:49
MFR2000 wrote:
- There is an error in /css/screen.css on line 11. [...] font-family: Arial, veranda, [...] - should be verdana ;-)
In the german version the word "Page" is not translated. Is this a static word?
Portrait format images in the random image field are shown up in full portrait format, they are not croped to 4:3.
Crop is not a resized/cropped to that proportion thumb image, it is a view window applied onto the existing thumb image. For example, portrait thumb is resized to be as wide as necessary and then view area applied on the page to only make center part visible. Similar logic applied to landscape oriented images. if you have photos which are in film format and you show it as digital thumbs, top/bottom part of the thumb would become invisible.
We need more flexibility with functionality exposed by G3 core in order to get better results (ex: square resize mode, resize by smallest dimension)
You can only show three (3) columns of images in an album even if you disable the sidebar.
Not true. Set Allowed Sidebar Positions to [Default Only] and Default Sidebar Position to [No sidebar] to get 4 columns.
I do not support 3->4 change of the layout on visitor level due to limitations of the G3 core.
It would be nice, if there is a way to use different graphical frames around images and albums like in gallery2.
With latest version there is right/bottom double border for albums if you are not using [Thumb: Item's Title Display Mode] = Extended/Bottom, in which case item's title would include album marker.
There could have been a problem with Wind color pack, but it should be fixed now.
It's a long time ago since I last edited gallery2's custom files, so I dont know if it's in gallery3 or if you need a plugin first.
- There is an issue in the dropdown-menue on the top (Home, Add, ...) if you switch to german language.
When you move over "Album options", the width of the dropdown menue is not enough - the german word of "enable notifications" juts out of the menue.
Maybe there should be an variable width.
Look for 12em in menus.css for #g-site-menu rules and try to increasing it. Let me know which width would work for you.
Serge D
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Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2010-03-24 22:50
And now tested under IE 9! It actually works!
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Tue, 2010-04-06 23:13
v 2.1.1 Extended view working on Album page, but not Photo page.
PS I hacked the theme to show Description instead of Title on the album page.
Edit: But then the Albums of Albums have description instead of title.
Serge D
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Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2010-03-24 23:43
Please clarify
you have descriptions under the thumbs. this is expected
what is not working?
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Thu, 2010-03-25 01:51
I expected to see the description under the photo too on the photo page.
Serge D
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Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2010-03-25 02:15
ah. no, it was not an intention
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Posts: 172
Posted: Thu, 2010-03-25 02:39
Then I'd like to request that feature if it's not too much trouble.
Joined: 2007-07-17
Posts: 23
Posted: Thu, 2010-03-25 18:51
Really enjoying use of 2.1.1 now. Nice work.
Couple of comments:
The "status message" bar that fades away after modifying album or photo is in a conflict with the "edit" dialog boxes in both album and photo page views.
Selection of the dialog box choice is restricted until message bar fades.
This consistent in Firefox 3.6 and off and on in Chrome.
If you moved a couple of items in the header on login screen the links would be more visible as the window is reduced in size -- not everyone runs higher than 1024x768, especially those with eye problems.
For example, Logged in as Gallery Administrator and Logout might be:
Logged in as Gallery Administrator Logout
And for a new login, if you moved the position of Login to the left, it would also be more visible and obvious as window size is reduced.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-26 01:48
version 2.1.2 is out
Fixed issue with Album thumbs - empty space under
Thumb Item's Title Display Mode expanded to be applied to Item's description in Photo page
More documentations in CSS files, some movements
Some cleanup for Wind color pack
Fixed font name typo in screen.css
Fixed "Waiting" roller for Wind theme to match background
Added "up" button in navigation
@MtnBiker: description would be included below for photos and for albums if present
Note: I won't be doing any changes to the theme or monitor forum for next 10 days. You can comment, but do not expect me replying in timely manner.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-26 01:06
cajun100 wrote:
The "status message" bar that fades away after modifying album or photo is in a conflict with the "edit" dialog boxes in both album and photo page views.
By edit box you mean search? I do not see it happening on 1024x768. it is centered in the screen between logo and the search
Selection of the dialog box choice is restricted until message bar fades. This consistent in Firefox 3.6 and off and on in Chrome.
I do not see it. Please provide more details. There is a restriction on main menu/login until JS is fully loaded (or attempt to do so for AJAX purposes), but rather then that "status message" should not prevent anything
If you moved a couple of items in the header on login screen the links would be more visible as the window is reduced in size -- not everyone runs higher than 1024x768, especially those with eye problems.
Theme is designed to fit 1024 (and it is minimum requirement) so login should be fine on the right. If you'd like to move it elsewhere, create a new color pack and put a new rule there to move it around as you would like.
In general it is even possible to make low resolution/people with disabilities (there would be more rules there in this case) color pack and give visitor a choice to switch to use it at runtime as it is possible for sidebar positioning.
I will be willing to add such color pack in default install if someone is up to the challenge to develop one.
Joined: 2010-03-14
Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-26 01:18
A little tweak for the screen.css is needed to cover instances in which the path to the image or image name causes the path to flow over the menu options (see attached for example). This would only affect people who are either logged in as admin or if they have the option to show the main menu to guests as well.
The css that needs edited I believe is the following:
.g-breadcrumbs.default { right: 14px; }
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-26 01:28
@SeverePlains: mmm, any change here would not help much
I did not want to use extra line for BC, but it is possible as with default Wind theme
I would think that more elegant solution would be to restrict individual BC element to let's say 15 chars with "..." at the end and ability to collaps remaining. Option could be provided to specify number of levels to display
Then yours would look like
Serge, that would be a great implementation to do in this instance. You could provide the option if you would like, but even simply setting it within the css to a value would be sufficient. I would think 4 like you indicated in your example above would be sufficient, perhaps 5 at most. Thanks
Posts: 2466
I'm not quite sure... is it the same as [3D tag cloud]?
Attached is the one I am using
Posts: 172
I haven't looked at the page structure yet, so don't know whats involved in this comment/request, but the double border discussion got me to looking at the page a little more carefully.
I think I'd like the frame to fit the thumbnail without the letterboxing. Is that a possible option?
Here's a site that does it that way. http://adventureplus.smugmug.com/Canoe-Kayak/Mississippi-River/11201909_MBu9e#785422246_XobDR
Not my site, but a friend's so I've been looking at it lately.
BTW the Smugmug handles the columns dynamically. Do they use a fundamentally different underlying technology?
I'd vote for wider screen.
Thanks for your great theme.
Posts: 2466
I like some of the SmugMug concepts but not all. I have a friend using them to and this drove me toward Picnik on-line editor.
I am trying integrate it with G3...
Now to original discussion... let's dissect the frog...
SM recompute layout when user resize the window - in some strange way, but still - look at number of pages pictures are displayed in. On one of my secondary monitors simple maximizing of the browser screen would change it from 5 to 4.
It would be hard, if not impossible, to do with G3.
if you look at the source there will be a lot of JS referenced... Do not like it.
Plus I think G3 is not yet up to the challenge with the speed...
Page you have referenced is actually an individual photo page with thumb navigator on the side.
Album page would be this http://adventureplus.smugmug.com/Canoe-Kayak and I am not sure if we would want that layout.
Thumb navigator module would be nice to have. I hope someone would bring it over from G2.
Posts: 172
Serge D
Thanks for responding.
I like the thumb navigator too, but then sidebar stuff such as Exif GPS Data would be harder to incorporate. My G2 site uses thumb navigators, http://knobby.ws/gallery/v/album_001/ParkGlaciares/Chalten-016.jpg.html. Oh, I see yours does too.
Agree the SM album page in not very G3 like.
Posts: 63
Please dont do that. Screen size has often nothing to do with the canvas size of the browser.
Your attempt of visualizing albums as a pile of pictures look great - when is it available?
Posts: 2466
version 2.1.0
This is major change release - support of color packs added
By default I include greydragon - same as before, and wind - this is a 5 minutes put-together customization.
See included screenshot
If anyone feel to help out with Wind CP, I'll appreciate it.
Goal is not to change layout, but to fine tune colors of fonts, menus, lines, backgroundsa and icons.
Let me know if you have customization of the wind theme you feel worth make part of the package.
I would also consider other color packs meeting criteria above.
Posts: 424
serge..your add photo box is screwed up again..please see the attachment.
Posts: 2466
works fine for me and I cannot make it to shrink as in your case
Posts: 424
does it for me at 1280X720 & 1024X768...
Posts: 2466
@Shemo275: Try to replace with file below
Posts: 424
seems like it worked..check out the attachment.
Posts: 74
@SergeD -- I love the idea of color packs. I may try to contribute another one in the coming weeks.
Would it be possible to add a parameter that makes the album/image name mouseover effect an option? I prefer to see the names of my albums, particularly on the main page, without having to mouseover them.
Posts: 2466
@Shemo725: will be available in next release
@pinn8: depend. if you need to change html, then I need mockup, if it is just CSS, then you can do it through color pack.
Posts: 74
@SergeD: What I meant is that I would like to see the names of albums and images in the grey box by default (this is the way it worked up through 2.0, I think), but have an ADMIN option to hide the titles until you do a mouseover of the box (this is the way it works with 2.1).
Posts: 2466
@pinn8: just to confirm - put name of the item under the thumb and make it always visible.
Ok, but it would not be a default state though, you would need to turn it on via Admin panel.
Posts: 172
Serge: I'm glad you're planning to put in pinn8's option.
Posts: 74
@SergeD -- Yes, and I agree that it should be turned on via admin panel.
Posts: 79
Serge D
When we can expect your latest build of themes.
Also you have recently added colorpacks, please let me know how to use ?
Posts: 2466
@micrographics: At the moment I am only maintaining GreyDragon (and no maintenance for GreyDragon Wind).
am I on schedule now? 8^)
2.1.0 was released Saturday (with color pack support)
let's say today/tomorrow)
2.1.1 is coming with a few fixes and support for thumb with description - as soon as it is ready (
I have extended Theme description on Codex page with a little more info about color packs.
Please feel free to ask for any additional information.
I would also appreciate any help in creating new color packs and extending [wind] edition.
Posts: 2466
@MtnBiker: It is almost ready, please test drive - http://photo.dragonsoft.us/
See attachment for admin option
Posts: 424
serge..the new version is looking good. I like the new thumbnails with the hover.
Posts: 74
@SergeD -- looks good to me. Thanks.
Posts: 2466
version 2.1.1 is out in the wild. Enjoy.
Like the theme - vote
Posts: 74
SergeD -- one other minor item. On my site, the Exif information screen cuts off the bottom. You can see an example of this if you click the Exif icon on this image: http://pinnacle8.com/galleries/index.php/Raptors/IMG_1850. IE8 and Firefox 3.5 are both affected by this. I am running your theme version 2.1.1.
Posts: 2466
cannot access the picture
try attaching it in the post
Posts: 74
SergeD -- Sorry, I typo'ed the BBCode for the URL. It is fixed now, and here is the correct URL again: http://pinnacle8.com/galleries/index.php/Raptors/IMG_1850
Posts: 2466
yes, in your case you have big copyright info, which pushes rest of the rows out
I will try to enable scrolling...
in the mean time, open forms.css and modify overflow: hidden to overflow: auto for
Nice shot!
Posts: 79
Srge D.
I just downloaded and activated the new version. I found following issue :
If I break the copyright message into 2 or three lines, then the right side footer part gets overlapped with Login.
Can you guide me how to avoid this.
Posts: 74
SergeD: your CSS tweak works. In addition to the Copyright notice, I also have a bunch of keywords set for each of my images, which were not appearing until I modified the CSS. I put them in there so the images are searchable by keyword.
Posts: 172
Thanks Serge. The "Extended" option is great. It could probably just be named "Below" or "Below thumb". Extended sounds like it's something unusual or adding more information.
Now I need to figure out how to have nothing show if there is no Caption. My viewers aren't in seeing IMG_1358 or similar.
And would still like the surrounding box to fit the thumbnail.
But a good, usable theme now. Thanks for your hard work.
Posts: 2466
@pinn8: sample URL? I do not see it using your prior links or glancing around the gallery
@MtnBiker: well, it does add more info, but I can come up with better wording
For the caption thing... it is feature of G3 itself on import of the photo. You could however edit individual photo and remove filename from the title.
Posts: 172
Serge: Yes it adds more info, but not more (extended) than most photo gallery programs and it's no more information than the rollover. It's all relative, but no big deal either way.
And I'll look at the G3 import. Most of my photos were brought over from G2. Even if I wanted to edit thousands of photos, I just want it to be blank if no Caption. I'll look into it. Some G2 themes allowed the distinction I think.
Thanks again.
Posts: 2466
I renamed it to [Bottom]
I have no control over item's title field. It is populated by the import process for you.
I would be reluctant to put a hack into theme to check if caption match file name.
I think it should be an option of the import process, if anything.
If you have access to MySQL, just run an update statement for the field to clear it out in this case.
And I would suggest to file enhancement request for G3
Posts: 172
Serge. I don't see an option on uploading. But I'll communicate with G3. Thanks for the MySQL solution, but I don't want to have to do this each time. Bottom is good.
Posts: 2466
@micrographics: sorry for late response...
I do not see this issue per se. If you visit my web-site you would see copyright having two rows (<br /> in the copyright message) because site's credits would stretch the footer.
In your case you probably hidden the credits part.
Then you would need to force it.
I would suggest create your own color pack and put the following new rule in it
#g-footer { min-height: 4em; /* you may need 5em */ }
you could do the same by adjusting it in layouts.css. but then you would have to remember to bring it along on update.
Posts: 2466
Question to people who are using my theme : I see weird thing with one of my albums.
All of the sadden 4th element need extra space and jumps to the right...
It happens in some other albums as well.
I do not see apparent reason for it, so I need second pair of eyes...
I suspect it is border issue since first item is double border - album
Edit: Ok, found it. yes, it is related to borders, I just need to compensate for it. I have included the fix with next release.
Posts: 12
First, thanks for this great theme! I use it for testing gallery3 - great work!
Nevertheless, I would like to make some annotations ;-)
- There is an error in /css/screen.css on line 11. [...] font-family: Arial, veranda, [...] - should be verdana ;-)
- In the german version the word "Page" is not translated. Is this a static word?
- Portrait format images in the random image field are shown up in full portrait format, they are not croped to 4:3.
- You can only show three (3) columns of images in an album even if you disable the sidebar.
- It would be nice, if there is a way to use different graphical frames around images and albums like in gallery2.
It's a long time ago since I last edited gallery2's custom files, so I dont know if it's in gallery3 or if you need a plugin first.
- There is an issue in the dropdown-menue on the top (Home, Add, ...) if you switch to german language.
When you move over "Album options", the width of the dropdown menue is not enough - the german word of "enable notifications" juts out of the menue.
Maybe there should be an variable width.
That's it for now ;-) Thanks again for the great work.
Posts: 2466
Crop is not a resized/cropped to that proportion thumb image, it is a view window applied onto the existing thumb image. For example, portrait thumb is resized to be as wide as necessary and then view area applied on the page to only make center part visible. Similar logic applied to landscape oriented images. if you have photos which are in film format and you show it as digital thumbs, top/bottom part of the thumb would become invisible.
We need more flexibility with functionality exposed by G3 core in order to get better results (ex: square resize mode, resize by smallest dimension)
Not true. Set Allowed Sidebar Positions to [Default Only] and Default Sidebar Position to [No sidebar] to get 4 columns.
I do not support 3->4 change of the layout on visitor level due to limitations of the G3 core.
With latest version there is right/bottom double border for albums if you are not using [Thumb: Item's Title Display Mode] = Extended/Bottom, in which case item's title would include album marker.
There could have been a problem with Wind color pack, but it should be fixed now.
Look for 12em in menus.css for #g-site-menu rules and try to increasing it. Let me know which width would work for you.
Posts: 2466
And now tested under IE 9!
It actually works!
Posts: 172
v 2.1.1 Extended view working on Album page, but not Photo page.
Example: http://knobby.ws/gallery3/Skiing/SanJacinto2010
PS I hacked the theme to show Description instead of Title on the album page.
Edit: But then the Albums of Albums have description instead of title.
Posts: 2466
Please clarify
you have descriptions under the thumbs. this is expected
what is not working?
Posts: 172
I expected to see the description under the photo too on the photo page.
Posts: 2466
ah. no, it was not an intention
Posts: 172
Then I'd like to request that feature if it's not too much trouble.
Posts: 23
Really enjoying use of 2.1.1 now. Nice work.
Couple of comments:
The "status message" bar that fades away after modifying album or photo is in a conflict with the "edit" dialog boxes in both album and photo page views.
Selection of the dialog box choice is restricted until message bar fades.
This consistent in Firefox 3.6 and off and on in Chrome.
If you moved a couple of items in the header on login screen the links would be more visible as the window is reduced in size -- not everyone runs higher than 1024x768, especially those with eye problems.
For example, Logged in as Gallery Administrator and Logout might be:
Logged in as Gallery Administrator
And for a new login, if you moved the position of Login to the left, it would also be more visible and obvious as window size is reduced.
Posts: 2466
version 2.1.2 is out
@MtnBiker: description would be included below for photos and for albums if present
Note: I won't be doing any changes to the theme or monitor forum for next 10 days. You can comment, but do not expect me replying in timely manner.
Posts: 2466
By edit box you mean search? I do not see it happening on 1024x768. it is centered in the screen between logo and the search
I do not see it. Please provide more details. There is a restriction on main menu/login until JS is fully loaded (or attempt to do so for AJAX purposes), but rather then that "status message" should not prevent anything
Theme is designed to fit 1024 (and it is minimum requirement) so login should be fine on the right. If you'd like to move it elsewhere, create a new color pack and put a new rule there to move it around as you would like.
In general it is even possible to make low resolution/people with disabilities (there would be more rules there in this case) color pack and give visitor a choice to switch to use it at runtime as it is possible for sidebar positioning.
I will be willing to add such color pack in default install if someone is up to the challenge to develop one.
Posts: 6
A little tweak for the screen.css is needed to cover instances in which the path to the image or image name causes the path to flow over the menu options (see attached for example). This would only affect people who are either logged in as admin or if they have the option to show the main menu to guests as well.
The css that needs edited I believe is the following:
.g-breadcrumbs.default { right: 14px; }
Posts: 2466
@SeverePlains: mmm, any change here would not help much
I did not want to use extra line for BC, but it is possible as with default Wind theme
I would think that more elegant solution would be to restrict individual BC element to let's say 15 chars with "..." at the end and ability to collaps remaining. Option could be provided to specify number of levels to display
Then yours would look like
Gallery > ... > 2005 Accounts > May 5 > Continued_lo...
It will even address issue of too many levels
Posts: 6
Serge, that would be a great implementation to do in this instance. You could provide the option if you would like, but even simply setting it within the css to a value would be sufficient. I would think 4 like you indicated in your example above would be sufficient, perhaps 5 at most. Thanks