Added support for missing images in the thumbs to allow proper operations with empty albums or albums with broken thumbs
Some color optimizations
Color improvements for "Add Image" dialog
Better support for Basket module
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sat, 2010-04-17 18:03
markmac wrote:
Using the wind theme colorpack, it somewhat messes up the java/flash uploader... It appears like this... Another not big issue, just a cosmetic thing.
Should be better with latest release
markmac wrote:
in the basket.css I changed
I have incorporated your changes plus some
I have discussed with Ben some possible improvements in the markup, which would allow better styling of the forms, links, pages, but I will have to wait for him to find time. then I will be able to style it to match the theme
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sun, 2010-04-18 03:03
Version 2.2.0 is coming and I want to test drive a new feature : slideshow mode in Photo Preview
Click on the image - usual Resize preview would open
Notice that if there are more then 1 image in the album, navigation controls would be added to the Shadowbox window
with 5 seconds delay, all images from current album would be displayed
As usual you can pause/resume it or close the window
Please comment
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-19 00:26
Hey Serge!
I tried 2.1.7 out and it looks good!
First thing that really jumps out at me is again with the Shopping Basket module... When I click on Add to basket link, it opens a window to select the item and whatnot, and the window is not big enough to show the screen without scroll bars...
I will keep putzing around with it and let you know other things I find out.
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-19 01:40
One last thing for tonight.
I am using the wind color pack... I had to add height: 100% and width: 100% to the css for the picture uploader screen, because it was still jumbled up a bit.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-19 13:12
First thing that really jumps out at me is again with the Shopping Basket module... When I click on Add to basket link, it opens a window to select the item and whatnot, and the window is not big enough to show the screen without scroll bars...
Mine fits fine. Screenshot?
Keep in mind that Basket in its current state
Glooper wrote:
To be honest.. I never imagined this module to be used with the positioning etc I put in there... Certainly where I've used this module I've customised it within the theme to get the effect I want/ creating my own basket.css to override the basket.css in the module... which is why the basket.css included is a little bit rough around the edges!
While I am trying accomodate some popular 3rd party modules, it is impossible to cover all. So help and suggetsions are welcomed.
I had to add height: 100% and width: 100% to the css for the picture uploader screen, because it was still jumbled up a bit
Same as before? What is your screen resolution?
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-19 13:58
Here is the screenshot of the add to basket screen.... I tried tinkering with a LOT of sizes in different places, but I havent hit upon the one that is responsible for changing this size.
The uploader was not completely the same as it was before you did this update, but the top window still overflowed on the bottom window, and the contents of the top window was not centered, it started about half way in the window horozontally. Adding the 100% for both of those has centered both problems.
My resolution currently is 1440x900, but last night at home it was 1280x1024 or 960 or 800, not completely sure..
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-19 14:10
v 2.2.0 Looks good. One minor thing that you may have no control over. It's a minor distraction: the frame shrinks in then grows back when the image changes. I think it takes one's focus away from the photos. Your focus changes to the frame momentarily.
Arrow keys work the same as before. Clicking an arrow key takes you to the next photo, but in normal photo view. Spacebar does work to start and stop the slide show as it should.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-19 19:37
One minor thing that you may have no control over. It's a minor distraction: the frame shrinks in then grows back when the image changes. I think it takes one's focus away from the photos. Your focus changes to the frame momentarily.
I have suspect as much Animation has been disabled.
Arrow keys work the same as before. Clicking an arrow key takes you to the next photo, but in normal photo view. Spacebar does work to start and stop the slide show as it should.
There is no support for keys in Preview at this time
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-19 22:24
My resolution at home is 1280x800
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Thu, 2010-04-22 18:02
Hey Serge,
Have you had a chance to look at the sizing of the add to basket screen yet? In the previous version of greydragon it displayed fine, and in 2.1.7 it became too small... Like I said, I have been tinkering with sizes in a bunch of different files, and I have yet to come across the one that sizes that window.
Thank you!
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2010-04-22 18:19
@markmac: In /gallery3/themes/greydragon/js/ there is a line Shadowbox.setup("#add_to_basket .g-dialog-link"...
it specifies the size of Ajax based dialogs. Could you play with it to see which one would fit your screen.
It applies to both width and height.
Let me know then and I will include your dimensions.
Note: originally, height was 420
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Thu, 2010-04-22 18:22
Thanks Serge...
I just tried to upgrade to RC1 P1, and something hoobed up pretty bad, so I have to reinstall everthing from scratch... I will let you know when I get to that point again...
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Thu, 2010-04-22 19:05
Yesssss, that did the trick... I changed it back to 420, and the box is much bigger..
Thanks again Serge!!
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2010-04-22 19:28
can you tell me smallest hight which would fit your screen?
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Thu, 2010-04-22 19:38
Serge, I put it at 320px and it seems to fit everything in nicely... However, I do not have any portrait photos in my album yet as I just freshly installed it. The only pic I have in there now is landscape... When I get home and start loading some of the pictures back on again, I will retest with a portrait picture, I may have to make the box a bit bigger.
I will let you know
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Thu, 2010-04-22 21:09
Hey Serge,
360px seems to be right around the right size for that box
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2010-04-22 21:37
Great, thanks! Changed
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Fri, 2010-04-23 01:00
Hey Serge,
Found another little bug to tinker with if ya want... I am using the wind color pack, so I am not sure if it happens in all packs, but if I have a album name that is more than 2 lines long, the title spills over the bottom of the box that it is in.... I have the album names always displayed at the bottom.
Not a big deal, just something to look at if you are looking for something to do
Thanks Serge.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-04-23 06:06
will check. there is a way to cut the name
do you expect "..." to be added if too long?
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Fri, 2010-04-23 12:44
No, I dont think "..." would be good for this case... It is the album title, so people should be able to see it in its entirety... I would think that maybe the box size would get slightly larger to accomodate the title length.. JMO though
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-04-23 13:26
This would either require preparsing of all titles to be shown or boxes would be of different sizes - it is not a table cell so row does not adjust automatically. I do not want to do JS either.
it is doable.
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Fri, 2010-04-23 14:06
Ok, not a big deal. It still looks alright even though the title spills over the bottom of the box a little bit.
On a seperate note, the uploader screen has reverted back to the top box being a little too big and overflowing on top of the bottom box. I remember I changed it somewhere in the css, but I can't seem to find the combination I used before I had to reinstall everything. Any pointers?
Here is what it looks like:
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-04-23 16:28
I do not see this in my environment
may be it is resolution releated again
if you find a fix just let me know and i will incorporate it
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Fri, 2010-04-23 16:32
I thought I was using a pretty standard resolution range. What is your resolution?
Theme primarily tested/designed for 1280×1024. Lower resolutions could show some problems with dialogs
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sat, 2010-04-24 23:38
65% does not work for me
I put 100% instead and tested for 1280x800 and it looks ok
another thing could be if you are using not default font size - box size changed to use 100px
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sat, 2010-04-24 23:44
version 2.2.0 is out
Added support for slideshow mode in Photo Preview
Fixed issue with Info side block - missing markup
Fixed issue with Upload dialog layout with some resolutions/fonts
ADMIN: Added option to hide breadcrumbs
ADMIN: Added prerequisite check for Info module - required for Thumb meta data display
Joined: 2009-02-01
Posts: 23
Posted: Sun, 2010-04-25 03:48
Man again I love what you have done with this amazing theme! It is so much better than any of the other themes out there. Someone else mentioned this issue and I wanted to bring it up because I could really use it. I want to use the Register module so I can control who views the pictures in my gallery. Everything with the module works except for one thing that I have noticed. When the user clicks register and feels out the information everything is perfect. When I log on as the admin and approve the registration the user gets an email. Everything is working as it is supposed to. However when the user clicks the link to go to the gallery it is supposed to prompt a window to change the password and it doesn't. Basically when the user clicks the link they are in the gallery but can't change the password which will prevent them from logging back in after logging out. Is there any way to fix this. I haven't found any other issues except this one and for me it is a big deal because I would like to get tabs on who accesses these pictures. Thanks again for all your HARD work we really do appreciate everything that you do!!
I have added the picture of what greydragon is missing as far as the register module.
Joined: 2009-02-26
Posts: 180
Posted: Sun, 2010-04-25 17:04
Hi, had the same problem with the register module. It has been fixed and you need to get the revised version, Ken
Hello Klinion, I am sorry maybe I did not explain myself well enough. The Register module works PERFECTLY in the wind theme however I am using Greydragon 2.2.0 which I believe is the latest version along with the latest version of the Register module April 1st, as well as the latest build of Gallery3. If I change the theme to wind again everything works as normal however when I am on the greydragon theme it does not prompt to change the password. Is there something else I need to be doing?
Joined: 2010-02-18
Posts: 79
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-26 06:50
I just installed your v. 2.2.0 theme and while working as Admin, I found issues as mentioned in the image.
Further, when viewing gallery on other system, I found following issues (when logged in a guest).
The Album title is getting merged with the Album image on left side. See the underline part of one of the album (See insects album (i) is not visible because there is no space between the I and the image appearing just before the title.
If logged in as Admin, I'm seeing all the matter. (See image top and also the highlighted part of image under insects gallery.
Work fine on my side
From picture, CSS was not loaded properly. Try to do clean reinstall of the theme (not gallery)
What 3rd party modules are installed? Try to disable them and see if problem still present.
What browser? In Chrome, Firefox, try to do a full page refresh to clear caches. menus.css is now referenced from inside of main CSS and not within the page as before.
Joined: 2008-01-28
Posts: 46
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-26 12:12
works fine with a full reinstall thanks
Joined: 2009-06-01
Posts: 129
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-26 12:40
Yes, right now this is the most sophisticated theme out there.
Just a quick question:
Would it be possible to enhance this theme with some ajax-capabilities?
In particular I'm talking about reloading only(!) the picture when you jump from one picture to another one (instead of right now reloading the whole page).
In my opinion this would smooth the interaction and speed it up.
What do others think about this?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-26 13:06
Not easy to do from G3 core structure (see below).
I was thinking about it in terms of some other project, but you can add it to the wish list here.
Notice that this would not change current URL and as a result if page is refreshed would bring you back to a starting point.
General things to think about:
Also, within image preview pop-up window you now can view all the images for the album as a slideshow
There are some modules which could be confused if url is not changed and there is no way I know about to tell core that current image index has been changed.
It would be great to have OnImageIndexChanged event of some sort that modules could be subscribed for and reload itself if necessary. There is no such facility right now or would be in any near future. Without it it is actually dangerous to support such Ajax based logic.
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-26 13:27
I had the same jumbled screen upon upgrade to 2.2.0, a refresh of my browser fixed it... I would say there was still some stuff cached that was causing problems.
Joined: 2010-02-18
Posts: 79
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-26 14:38
Replacing screen.cssd resolved the issue.
Joined: 2009-02-26
Posts: 180
Posted: Tue, 2010-04-27 18:23
For welchyboy
Maybe the Greydragon theme has it's own module folder with an out of date register module. Worth a try. After that I guess Serge might know, Ken
Can someone post here source of register module in question
I would prefer not to digg through entire Git contrib content
Joined: 2009-02-01
Posts: 23
Posted: Tue, 2010-04-27 23:36
As for Klinion you are correct but I have been putting it into the modules folder on the GreyDragon theme. As I stated earlier the Register module is showing up the admin portion of the gallery. I am able to activate it and for the most part it works.
As for Serge I completely understand and I would love to make your job that much easier by posting the source for you. Anything to help you out because you have really helped us out with all of our questions and I really do appreciate your time and effort. I zipped the register module and attached it to the post. As I said before just so you are aware. The module works all the way through except for when the user clicks on the email that was automatically generated to them. They click on it and it automatically logs them into the gallery for the first time. In the Wind them it gives the user the option to change their password. However this window never shows up when using the greydragon. If there is anything further I can explain or help with please let me know. Thanks again.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sun, 2010-05-02 22:12
Thank you, after some digging I think I have found incompatibility - nature of GD theme - I do not have all default JS scripts and Register module does depend on dialog related functions of default theme.
I have to do some special coding for it or sacrifice lightness of the theme to carry over all unnecessary JS needed.
I may just have to hack Register module instead.
This "default" JS functionality what did bother me from the start, it removes flexibility of theme/module development introducing too much dependency for no reason at all...
If I could negotiate with talmdal on the mater of this one JS call, it would be great!
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-05-03 04:30
OK, there goes nothing
version 2.2.1
Redesigned Ready event handler for the theme to ensure proper ShadowBox initialization
Added support for gallery_dialog() function call used by some 3rd party modules - some sync issues are solved by imposed delay of 1 second
GPS module - better action list alignment in the sidebar
Be aware that it is very experimental version. Due to some major logic redesign in JS there could be problems. I have tested under IE.
Let me know if you find problems under other browsers. Make sure you have flashed browser caches.
Joined: 2009-02-01
Posts: 23
Posted: Tue, 2010-05-04 23:13
WOW you ROCK!!! It works like a charm. There is one thing that it does in both IE and FF however this is minor for me as long as it works but just wanted to let you you can have feedback for future updates. When the user gets the email and clicks on the link the pop up comes up PERFECTLY! Once I have changed the password I get a white page with black text at the very top saying
(result":" success","resource":"VgalleryVindex.phpVusersV14")
If I hit back I get a message that says the password has changed. I can log out and log back in with that password so everything works great. Just that white page with the lettering and not buttons might confuse them a bit. Again thanks so much for all your hard work I really really appreciate it.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Wed, 2010-05-05 14:40
ah, ajax handler needed. will check
Joined: 2009-02-01
Posts: 23
Posted: Fri, 2010-05-07 02:40
Joined: 2010-05-08
Posts: 21
Posted: Sat, 2010-05-08 17:45
Nice theme. Just downloaded and liking it very much.
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Tue, 2010-05-11 03:11
I want to style <div id="g-info"><div class="g-description"> differently on Album and Photo pages. Can this be done in CSS? In other words is there a higher level div that can be used to differentiate the two pages? I can't see anything like this.
I want the description to be left justified on the album page and centered on the photo page. Normally it works centered except when the Description is long. Example: (will look fine when it's fixed).
Or can I put a wrapper div in the album.html.php and photo.html.php around all but the first statement? Will that likely screw something up when the page is put together by PHP? And then change themes/greydragon/css/colorpacks/greydragon/colors.css as needed.
Posts: 2466
version 2.1.7 is out
Posts: 2466
Should be better with latest release
I have incorporated your changes plus some
I have discussed with Ben some possible improvements in the markup, which would allow better styling of the forms, links, pages, but I will have to wait for him to find time. then I will be able to style it to match the theme
Posts: 2466
Version 2.2.0 is coming and I want to test drive a new feature : slideshow mode in Photo Preview
How to test:
Please comment
Posts: 89
Hey Serge!
I tried 2.1.7 out and it looks good!
First thing that really jumps out at me is again with the Shopping Basket module... When I click on Add to basket link, it opens a window to select the item and whatnot, and the window is not big enough to show the screen without scroll bars...
I will keep putzing around with it and let you know other things I find out.
Posts: 89
One last thing for tonight.
I am using the wind color pack... I had to add height: 100% and width: 100% to the css for the picture uploader screen, because it was still jumbled up a bit.
Posts: 2466
Mine fits fine. Screenshot?
Keep in mind that Basket in its current state
While I am trying accomodate some popular 3rd party modules, it is impossible to cover all. So help and suggetsions are welcomed.
Same as before? What is your screen resolution?
Posts: 89
Here is the screenshot of the add to basket screen.... I tried tinkering with a LOT of sizes in different places, but I havent hit upon the one that is responsible for changing this size.
The uploader was not completely the same as it was before you did this update, but the top window still overflowed on the bottom window, and the contents of the top window was not centered, it started about half way in the window horozontally. Adding the 100% for both of those has centered both problems.
My resolution currently is 1440x900, but last night at home it was 1280x1024 or 960 or 800, not completely sure..
Posts: 172
v 2.2.0 Looks good. One minor thing that you may have no control over. It's a minor distraction: the frame shrinks in then grows back when the image changes. I think it takes one's focus away from the photos. Your focus changes to the frame momentarily.
Arrow keys work the same as before. Clicking an arrow key takes you to the next photo, but in normal photo view. Spacebar does work to start and stop the slide show as it should.
Posts: 2466
I have suspect as much
Animation has been disabled.
There is no support for keys in Preview at this time
Posts: 89
My resolution at home is 1280x800
Posts: 89
Hey Serge,
Have you had a chance to look at the sizing of the add to basket screen yet? In the previous version of greydragon it displayed fine, and in 2.1.7 it became too small... Like I said, I have been tinkering with sizes in a bunch of different files, and I have yet to come across the one that sizes that window.
Thank you!
Posts: 2466
@markmac: In /gallery3/themes/greydragon/js/ there is a line Shadowbox.setup("#add_to_basket .g-dialog-link"...
it specifies the size of Ajax based dialogs. Could you play with it to see which one would fit your screen.
It applies to both width and height.
Let me know then and I will include your dimensions.
Note: originally, height was 420
Posts: 89
Thanks Serge...
I just tried to upgrade to RC1 P1, and something hoobed up pretty bad, so I have to reinstall everthing from scratch... I will let you know when I get to that point again...
Posts: 89
Yesssss, that did the trick... I changed it back to 420, and the box is much bigger..
Thanks again Serge!!
Posts: 2466
can you tell me smallest hight which would fit your screen?
Posts: 89
Serge, I put it at 320px and it seems to fit everything in nicely... However, I do not have any portrait photos in my album yet as I just freshly installed it. The only pic I have in there now is landscape... When I get home and start loading some of the pictures back on again, I will retest with a portrait picture, I may have to make the box a bit bigger.
I will let you know
Posts: 89
Hey Serge,
360px seems to be right around the right size for that box
Posts: 2466
Great, thanks! Changed
Posts: 89
Hey Serge,
Found another little bug to tinker with if ya want... I am using the wind color pack, so I am not sure if it happens in all packs, but if I have a album name that is more than 2 lines long, the title spills over the bottom of the box that it is in.... I have the album names always displayed at the bottom.
Not a big deal, just something to look at if you are looking for something to do
Thanks Serge.
Posts: 2466
will check. there is a way to cut the name
do you expect "..." to be added if too long?
Posts: 89
No, I dont think "..." would be good for this case... It is the album title, so people should be able to see it in its entirety... I would think that maybe the box size would get slightly larger to accomodate the title length.. JMO though
Posts: 2466
This would either require preparsing of all titles to be shown or boxes would be of different sizes - it is not a table cell so row does not adjust automatically. I do not want to do JS either.
it is doable.
Posts: 89
Ok, not a big deal. It still looks alright even though the title spills over the bottom of the box a little bit.
On a seperate note, the uploader screen has reverted back to the top box being a little too big and overflowing on top of the bottom box. I remember I changed it somewhere in the css, but I can't seem to find the combination I used before I had to reinstall everything. Any pointers?
Here is what it looks like:
Posts: 2466
I do not see this in my environment
may be it is resolution releated again
if you find a fix just let me know and i will incorporate it
Posts: 89
I thought I was using a pretty standard resolution range. What is your resolution?
Posts: 89
What fixed this problem for me is:
In forms.css
I changed
#g-uploadifyQueue { overflow: auto; height: 7em; }
#g-uploadifyQueue { overflow: auto; height: 65%; }
Posts: 2466
Theme primarily tested/designed for 1280×1024. Lower resolutions could show some problems with dialogs
Posts: 2466
65% does not work for me
I put 100% instead and tested for 1280x800 and it looks ok
another thing could be if you are using not default font size - box size changed to use 100px
Posts: 2466
version 2.2.0 is out
Posts: 23
Man again I love what you have done with this amazing theme! It is so much better than any of the other themes out there. Someone else mentioned this issue and I wanted to bring it up because I could really use it. I want to use the Register module so I can control who views the pictures in my gallery. Everything with the module works except for one thing that I have noticed. When the user clicks register and feels out the information everything is perfect. When I log on as the admin and approve the registration the user gets an email. Everything is working as it is supposed to. However when the user clicks the link to go to the gallery it is supposed to prompt a window to change the password and it doesn't. Basically when the user clicks the link they are in the gallery but can't change the password which will prevent them from logging back in after logging out. Is there any way to fix this. I haven't found any other issues except this one and for me it is a big deal because I would like to get tabs on who accesses these pictures. Thanks again for all your HARD work we really do appreciate everything that you do!!
I have added the picture of what greydragon is missing as far as the register module.
Posts: 180
Hi, had the same problem with the register module. It has been fixed and you need to get the revised version, Ken
Posts: 23
Hello Klinion, I am sorry maybe I did not explain myself well enough. The Register module works PERFECTLY in the wind theme however I am using Greydragon 2.2.0 which I believe is the latest version along with the latest version of the Register module April 1st, as well as the latest build of Gallery3. If I change the theme to wind again everything works as normal however when I am on the greydragon theme it does not prompt to change the password. Is there something else I need to be doing?
Posts: 79
I just installed your v. 2.2.0 theme and while working as Admin, I found issues as mentioned in the image.
Further, when viewing gallery on other system, I found following issues (when logged in a guest).
The Album title is getting merged with the Album image on left side. See the underline part of one of the album (See insects album (i) is not visible because there is no space between the I and the image appearing just before the title.
If logged in as Admin, I'm seeing all the matter. (See image top and also the highlighted part of image under insects gallery.
Posts: 46
Same problem here.
When I'm connect in admin I could see this:
Posts: 2466
Work fine on my side
From picture, CSS was not loaded properly. Try to do clean reinstall of the theme (not gallery)
What 3rd party modules are installed? Try to disable them and see if problem still present.
What browser? In Chrome, Firefox, try to do a full page refresh to clear caches. menus.css is now referenced from inside of main CSS and not within the page as before.
Posts: 46
works fine with a full reinstall thanks
Posts: 129
Yes, right now this is the most sophisticated theme out there.
Just a quick question:
Would it be possible to enhance this theme with some ajax-capabilities?
In particular I'm talking about reloading only(!) the picture when you jump from one picture to another one (instead of right now reloading the whole page).
In my opinion this would smooth the interaction and speed it up.
What do others think about this?
Posts: 2466
Not easy to do from G3 core structure (see below).
I was thinking about it in terms of some other project, but you can add it to the wish list here.
Notice that this would not change current URL and as a result if page is refreshed would bring you back to a starting point.
General things to think about:
Posts: 89
I had the same jumbled screen upon upgrade to 2.2.0, a refresh of my browser fixed it... I would say there was still some stuff cached that was causing problems.
Posts: 79
Replacing screen.cssd resolved the issue.
Posts: 180
For welchyboy
Maybe the Greydragon theme has it's own module folder with an out of date register module. Worth a try. After that I guess Serge might know, Ken
Posts: 2466
Can someone post here source of register module in question
I would prefer not to digg through entire Git contrib content
Posts: 23
As for Klinion you are correct but I have been putting it into the modules folder on the GreyDragon theme. As I stated earlier the Register module is showing up the admin portion of the gallery. I am able to activate it and for the most part it works.
As for Serge I completely understand and I would love to make your job that much easier by posting the source for you. Anything to help you out because you have really helped us out with all of our questions and I really do appreciate your time and effort. I zipped the register module and attached it to the post. As I said before just so you are aware. The module works all the way through except for when the user clicks on the email that was automatically generated to them. They click on it and it automatically logs them into the gallery for the first time. In the Wind them it gives the user the option to change their password. However this window never shows up when using the greydragon. If there is anything further I can explain or help with please let me know. Thanks again.
Posts: 2466
Thank you, after some digging I think I have found incompatibility - nature of GD theme - I do not have all default JS scripts and Register module does depend on dialog related functions of default theme.
I have to do some special coding for it or sacrifice lightness of the theme to carry over all unnecessary JS needed.
I may just have to hack Register module instead.
This "default" JS functionality what did bother me from the start, it removes flexibility of theme/module development introducing too much dependency for no reason at all...
If I could negotiate with talmdal on the mater of this one JS call, it would be great!
Posts: 2466
OK, there goes nothing
version 2.2.1
Be aware that it is very experimental version. Due to some major logic redesign in JS there could be problems. I have tested under IE.
Let me know if you find problems under other browsers. Make sure you have flashed browser caches.
Posts: 23
WOW you ROCK!!! It works like a charm. There is one thing that it does in both IE and FF however this is minor for me as long as it works but just wanted to let you you can have feedback for future updates. When the user gets the email and clicks on the link the pop up comes up PERFECTLY! Once I have changed the password I get a white page with black text at the very top saying
(result":" success","resource":"VgalleryVindex.phpVusersV14")
If I hit back I get a message that says the password has changed. I can log out and log back in with that password so everything works great. Just that white page with the lettering and not buttons might confuse them a bit. Again thanks so much for all your hard work I really really appreciate it.
Posts: 2466
ah, ajax handler needed. will check
Posts: 23
Posts: 21
Nice theme. Just downloaded and liking it very much.
Posts: 172
I want to style <div id="g-info"><div class="g-description"> differently on Album and Photo pages. Can this be done in CSS? In other words is there a higher level div that can be used to differentiate the two pages? I can't see anything like this.
I want the description to be left justified on the album page and centered on the photo page. Normally it works centered except when the Description is long. Example: (will look fine when it's fixed).
Or can I put a wrapper div in the album.html.php and photo.html.php around all but the first statement? Will that likely screw something up when the page is put together by PHP? And then change themes/greydragon/css/colorpacks/greydragon/colors.css as needed.