using latest Google CHROME --
new Login.
Shows your non-js dialog for name/PW.
Returns "Success" screen and stays right there unless a reverse is chosen.
Chrome is too quick to give back control to the user...
Step 1: Click refresh in Chrome
Step 2: let page to load in full - give it a few seconds, make sure it is fully loaded.
Step 3: Try again
This is a fundamental issue I have with G3 structure. Too much is depend on JS - ex: all dialogs.
If JS is disabled, there is no way gallery could be used today. If JS events are incomplete, inconsistency in response.
cajun100 wrote:
Sorry I cannot see results of "larger font" ???? At least on login and main link choices.
I do not know what exactly you mean. Make sure you have reloaded page all the way. Chrome may still cache some of the prior CSS settings.
Size of font now almost the same as with Wind theme, so I would expect it to work for you.
The "font size" issue is tied directly to Google Chrome. "Normal" zoom setting makes revised Dragon fonts larger, but not optimal yet etc. But this blows up other websites to much larger than optimum. So it's a browser thing.
Firefox handles better, normal zoom is fine. I realize Chrome is still in infancy but I like it and will continue to pass on anything I think MIGHT be useful.
1.8.2 looking very good, overall. I am really enjoying it.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sun, 2010-03-07 23:04
I'm working on the new version and I am going to try a new approach - hide all AJAX links until page is fully loaded.
This will prevent situation above., but it will disable functionality as well... I do not know yet if it is good or bad though.
Chrome is another IE 6... will see what I can do about it, but it is not my primary browser.
Joined: 2008-04-18
Posts: 424
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-12 03:23
finally got 1.8.2 working..not sure what I did, but it's working...anyway to make the font on the album smaller so they fix inside the box? see here:
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-12 03:45
@Shemo725: If you visit my site you notice that there is a change how thumbs work.
Issue above would no longer apply because it would resize itself.
Joined: 2008-04-18
Posts: 424
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-12 06:15
Serge D wrote:
@Shemo725: If you visit my site you notice that there is a change how thumbs work.
Issue above would no longer apply because it would resize itself.
nice..cleans it up.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-13 03:37
OK, beast is out
version 2.0.0
Major redesign of the gallery flow.
Added caption and metadata (Admin/optional) overlay for thumbs.
Added description overlay in individual Photo view (look for "Learn More" marker).
Based on Admin setting, thumbs are adjusted to fit Digital/Film/Actual size.
Attempt to fix issue with JS load latency to prevent unhandled AJAX calls
Added code protection for theme initialization procedure
ADMIN: Thumb Aspect Ratio option. See help section for more info.
This is first rollout, so things could happen. Post any issues here.
I am looking for suggestions on how differentiate between albums and individual photos. Do you think it is necessary? Is marker in overlay description enough?
Joined: 2008-04-18
Posts: 424
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-13 06:05 looks great man.....question do I go about changing the thumbnail sizes so it fits the boxes appropriately? basically..what are the sizes of the box so I can adjust the thumbnails.
I agree with you though..we need a way to tell the difference between an album and a photo. there a way to bring up the 'login' option to the top right or have an admin option to select where you want it?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-13 06:56
Quote: looks great man.....question do I go about changing the thumbnail sizes so it fits the boxes appropriately? basically..what are the sizes of the box so I can adjust the thumbnails.
Check in Theme's admin panel - Thumbs: aspect ratio - until G3 supports INVERSE or SQUARE mode I cannot do much natively. I would suggest to choose [Film] or [Digital] aspect. This would make it more consistent.
Do not forget to rebuild thumbs after (maintenance section)
is there a way to bring up the 'login' option to the top right or have an admin option to select where you want it?
[Place Login Link in the Header]
Joined: 2009-11-12
Posts: 33
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-13 15:26
Great job!
Joined: 2008-04-18
Posts: 424
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-13 17:47
Serge, see the attachment. this happens when you're viewing a photo.
and how do I change a main album photo? can't find the damn option.
you'll see 'trips within the USA' I want to change that album cover, but dunno how to with all the sub-albums in that main album.
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-13 19:02
Fantastic. Just looking again at updates to G3 and GreyDragon since early in the year. Lots of progress, particularly with GD. I can now think seriously about migrating to G3. Without GreyDragon I might not do it.
Just looking at GD options. I like the idea of not showing sidebar on photo page. In fact was looking to do that until I found EXIF GPS. So now the request to make any developer crazy: Is there a way to have different sidebars for Albums and Photo pages? Or is this in the core? If not it should be.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-13 20:00
@Shemo725: fixed for next release
@MtnBiker: Thank you it was discussed some time ago and it has be part of the core sidebar block management code. I would suggest to use WordPress apprach on that. To get it moving -
It is complex ticket and I would not expect it to be done soon, but it is essential.
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-13 20:33
@Serge: Thanks for filing the ticket. Is a "necessary" feature.
@MtnBiker: will see how final version of Organize would look like. I hope it would be self contained and abstracted from the theme's logic/JSs.
Joined: 2010-03-14
Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 2010-03-14 22:18
Been adapting your theme to my new website and gallery and noticed a few things. Love the new release...
As I believe has been said, it would be great to come up with a way to differentiate between an album and a photo.
Also with the latest release I notice this error with the comment module (see attached image). An error that I've had since the first installation of the theme is upon logout I get a 403 Forbidden error, not sure if this is a theme error or not so just want to confirm if I have to look into something on my end.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sun, 2010-03-14 22:31
Well, I have to fix the styling. Override the CSS provided, because again it is Wind centristic...
I will include it with next release
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sun, 2010-03-14 23:51
New version is up
version 2.0.1
Enable BBCode/HTML support in individual photo descriptions
Fixed main menu overlay issue when in top position
Theme's credits moved into dedicated method
CSS clean up
Comments module layout enhancements
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-15 01:06
Thanks for updating.
The following can be ignored. Read the last sentence. It's fixed itself!
I don't know where it's coming from, but I get two columns in Safari and three in Firefox on a Mac.
With default theme three columns in both browsers. I haven't changed many options, but I do have some other modules installed. Gallery RC1.
OK I Reset Theme to Default State and Safari is OK. I set some of the options to what I thought I had and it's still OK. Maybe something had to reset with the updated theme. Can't image what, but all is OK.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-15 02:07
I would think that some CSS was still cached. but glad it is working now for you.
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-15 04:25
Makes sense about the cache. Not doing much web mastering I forget about things like that.
As I explore the theme, I want more and wish I knew how to do it.
When a photo is clicked on to expand it. Why can't one just click on it again to close it?
Why don't the arrow keys take me to the next photo?
I have no idea how much work this is or if it's even possible in G3.
Not that I really want to but I can't click on Learn More because the drop down Album and Title block the Learn More. And I don't see how to change it. I think I rather just have the Title show, actually I want the Caption to show if available.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-15 05:37
MtnBiker wrote:
Makes sense about the cache. Not doing much web mastering I forget about things like that.
As I explore the theme, I want more and wish I knew how to do it.
When a photo is clicked on to expand it. Why can't one just click on it again to close it?
Just click anywhere outside the photo to close it.
MtnBiker wrote:
Why don't the arrow keys take me to the next photo?
I have no idea how much work this is or if it's even possible in G3.
No keyboard support as of yet. but it is possible.
MtnBiker wrote:
Not that I really want to but I can't click on Learn More because the drop down Album and Title block the Learn More. And I don't see how to change it. I think I rather just have the Title show, actually I want the Caption to show if available.
Title is in just above the navigator, below header
[Learn more] is an indicator that there is more info available for the photo, you do not click on it, just hover over
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-15 15:38
Thanks for the responses.
I think arrow keys would be great addition.
When I hover over Learn More, the drop down Title and Caption hide the Learn More and nothing shows up—maybe there's nothing to learn.
I see that Caption does show up in the drop down (most of my photos don't have captions, so didn't notice that caption is displayed). I can work with the CSS to not show the Title and just have Caption show up. Maybe most people's photos aren't named IMG_1234 or some other ugly name, but I don't want to show or see that information. Picasa seems to not show this Title and shows Caption. I don't have a Picasa account but saw some photos there recently. I have no idea if that's by default or some user controlled item.
Thanks again for the great theme.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-15 21:11
When I hover over Learn More, the drop down Title and Caption hide the Learn More and nothing shows up—maybe there's nothing to learn.
do you have url for it to show?
[More] is displayed if description is not empty. I do not check for empty string hovewer, may be I should. Could you check if Photo Description field is really empty for you (not even spaces)?
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-15 22:35
Serge D wrote:
When I hover over Learn More, the drop down Title and Caption hide the Learn More and nothing shows up—maybe there's nothing to learn.
do you have url for it to show?
[More] is displayed if description is not empty. I do not check for empty string hovewer, may be I should. Could you check if Photo Description field is really empty for you (not even spaces)?
I didn't understand the interface. But now I get it. I was expecting to be able to click on Learn More. But it's just an invitation to get the roll over (what I've been calling the drop down). So I think it's working as you designed. I was expecting Learn More to show EXIF/IPTC type information and assumed the Description showing up was a different feature. I guess most people wouldn't be confused.
Nonetheless I think the interface is a bit non-standard, but I'm not sure how to approach it. You can't have many words in the box or it would get too big, so more descriptive would defeat the purpose. I might go with italic type on a translucent background which you could use with a slightly more box text—I say might because I might not agree after I saw it. I was then trying to think of more complete text, but then how many don't understand "hover" or "rollover".
When all is said and done, I guess I'd rather just have an option to show the Caption under the photo.
I have seen a blank drop down, but maybe there's a space or something's changed. If I find one I'll post later.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Tue, 2010-03-16 16:13
I didn't understand the interface. But now I get it. I was expecting to be able to click on Learn More. But it's just an invitation to get the roll over (what I've been calling the drop down). So I think it's working as you designed. I was expecting Learn More to show EXIF/IPTC type information and assumed the Description showing up was a different feature. I guess most people wouldn't be confused.
Will see if we get other comments.
Nonetheless I think the interface is a bit non-standard, but I'm not sure how to approach it.
It is used in photo galleries to display extra information without poluting main interface, but I am no authority here
You can't have many words in the box or it would get too big, so more descriptive would defeat the purpose.
Purpose is not to have page of text, but to give small reference. For more information, link could be used to point at external source.
I might go with italic type on a translucent background which you could use with a slightly more box text—I say might because I might not agree after I saw it. I was then trying to think of more complete text, but then how many don't understand "hover" or "rollover".
I have changed it to simple "More" not to raize expectations to high
When all is said and done, I guess I'd rather just have an option to show the Caption under the photo.
I can consider it as a choice between hover and inline, but for later.
Joined: 2008-04-18
Posts: 424
Posted: Tue, 2010-03-16 03:59
how do I make the thumbnails it possible in your theme?
Joined: 2008-02-11
Posts: 172
Posted: Tue, 2010-03-16 04:32
More is good.
I realize part of the reason I got confused was that rolling over any part of the image puts up the drop down not just near the More, but I agree to wait and see what others experience is.
Thanks for putting hover vs. inline on the maybe list.
Thanks for listening.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Tue, 2010-03-16 04:44
@Shemo725: no
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Tue, 2010-03-16 16:23
MtnBiker wrote:
Thanks for putting hover vs. inline on the maybe list.
I am begining a test drive of the new supported layout. Comments are welcome. (Alart! Work in progress)
Joined: 2008-03-03
Posts: 63
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-19 07:29
I installed this great theme yesterday and it really looks fine.
But i'm struggling a little bit with the theme options.
The thumbnailks are ar the top of the frames, not centered. Where can i change this?
And at least i would like to see the difference between pictures and albums without hovering them with the mousepointer. Is there a way to make albums look like a pile of photos? In one of the G2 standard theme this was possible, there were some thin lines at the right side and at the bottom making the thumb/frame look like a pile of photos.
Joined: 2010-02-18
Posts: 79
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-19 13:13
Hi Serge
I just downloaded your Theme and it is awesome.
Few questions :
1. How to change fonts ?
2. How to remove "By : Gallery Administrator" from the Albums.
3. How do I add some Fixed images in Side Bar ?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-19 14:58
@huebi: what do you mean by "on top of the frames"?
i would like to see the difference between pictures and albums
i would be happy add that but I haven't come up with elegant way of doing it. Suggestions?
Thin lines from G2 is possible, but it would complicate the thumb structure. I will explore this.
1. In theme's folder locate /css/screen.css and change font-family rule for BODY tag.
2. it is default codegen. it is all or nothing at this point - you can hide metadata block. See admin options
3. Side bar is managet via sidebar modules. You can have random image (default Image Block module) or Image Block Ex with small slideshow.
Joined: 2005-05-18
Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-19 15:20
Very nice theme Serge! Appreciate it a lot and compliments on your effort!!
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-19 15:46
@sendhil76: thank you
Joined: 2005-05-18
Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-19 17:31
Hello Serge,
[/i]I enabled your theme and logged out. Now when i try to login again...i only get a blank white page with a "result":"success" msg??
Now if i close the page and try opening the gallery home page opens my site and shows me logged in!
P.s: Same results with Opera 10.10 as well as Firefox 3.0.17.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-19 17:53
@sendhil76: Saw it on FF/Chrome couple times. Usually it is related to not loaded in full. Hard refresh the page and let it sit for a second. See if it would help. I am looking for good solution for that, but as it seems it is not yet reliable.
Joined: 2010-02-18
Posts: 79
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-19 18:12
Is there any way, I can increase the no. of columns for display of Albums and Images depending on the Screen Resolution of Guest/Visitor.
Because if I run the theme on 1024x768 thenb it looks fine but if I run it at 1920x1080 then the space between columns is too high.
Also I attempted to include TagCloud but after adding the module, gallery is not loading.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-19 19:12
Is there any way, I can increase the no. of columns for display of Albums and Images depending on the Screen Resolution of Guest/Visitor.
Short answer is - no. It would require JS post processing and dynamic page content load. G3 does not support it.
I am considering to make 1280 a requirement for the theme instead of 1024 based on my visitor's stats.
Also I attempted to include TagCloud
which TagCloud module are you using? I am using 3D tag cloud on my web-site without any big problems.
Joined: 2008-03-03
Posts: 63
Posted: Fri, 2010-03-19 19:37
@huebi: what do you mean by "on top of the frames"?
Edit: You want to use "actual apect" size option as it seems.
I was not doing centering in this case, but I include it in the next rollout.
Otherwise, you can try to chanage aspect to Digital or Film layout under Theme Options.
And at least i would like to see the difference between pictures and albums without hovering them with the mousepointer. Is there a way to make albums look like a pile of photos?
Please visit my web-site and let me know if double borders added would be sufficient.
Joined: 2008-04-18
Posts: 424
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-20 03:07
Serge D wrote:
huebi wrote:
And at least i would like to see the difference between pictures and albums without hovering them with the mousepointer. Is there a way to make albums look like a pile of photos?
Please visit my web-site and let me know if double borders added would be sufficient.
nice..I like it.
Joined: 2008-04-18
Posts: 424
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-20 03:08
Serge....since you now have a wish list..I'd love to see the ability to change the thumbnail sizes in the admin cp...
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-20 03:22
@Shemo725: I would have to make CSS to dance around thumb size or hardcode styles in the code. I do not want to do it.
I will offer larger thumbs soon, since I am introducing [1280px wide] min size for the theme.
Joined: 2008-04-18
Posts: 424
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-20 03:34
Serge D wrote:
@Shemo725: I would have to make CSS to dance around thumb size or hardcode styles in the code. I do not want to do it.
I will offer larger thumbs soon, since I am introducing [1280px wide] min size for the theme.
why the minimum size of 1280px wide when most users use 1024?
Joined: 2010-02-18
Posts: 79
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-20 03:49
Serge D wrote:
Is there any way, I can increase the no. of columns for display of Albums and Images depending on the Screen Resolution of Guest/Visitor.
Short answer is - no. It would require JS post processing and dynamic page content load. G3 does not support it.
I am considering to make 1280 a requirement for the theme instead of 1024 based on my visitor's stats.
Also I attempted to include TagCloud
which TagCloud module are you using? I am using 3D tag cloud on my web-site without any big problems.
Hi Serge
I added Cloud 3D Tag but after this it is not showing albums and sidebar.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-20 03:56
it is hard to find 1024 wide monitors this days, other then in netbooks.
As you can see from the stats below (this is my visitors over month time) - only 10% are using small resolutions.
When visiting photo oriented web-sites, to go anywhere below 1280 is to loose quality of the photo since you would be resizing down the image.
Posts: 2466
Chrome is too quick to give back control to the user...
Step 1: Click refresh in Chrome
Step 2: let page to load in full - give it a few seconds, make sure it is fully loaded.
Step 3: Try again
This is a fundamental issue I have with G3 structure. Too much is depend on JS - ex: all dialogs.
If JS is disabled, there is no way gallery could be used today. If JS events are incomplete, inconsistency in response.
I do not know what exactly you mean. Make sure you have reloaded page all the way. Chrome may still cache some of the prior CSS settings.
Size of font now almost the same as with Wind theme, so I would expect it to work for you.
Posts: 23
Double checked. The "result:success" page comes up only in Google Chrome (at any "zoom" setting, and for any login). The "result" page ID is:
The sequence of pages runs just fine in Firefox.
The "font size" issue is tied directly to Google Chrome. "Normal" zoom setting makes revised Dragon fonts larger, but not optimal yet etc. But this blows up other websites to much larger than optimum. So it's a browser thing.
Firefox handles better, normal zoom is fine. I realize Chrome is still in infancy but I like it and will continue to pass on anything I think MIGHT be useful.
1.8.2 looking very good, overall. I am really enjoying it.
Posts: 2466
I'm working on the new version and I am going to try a new approach - hide all AJAX links until page is fully loaded.
This will prevent situation above., but it will disable functionality as well... I do not know yet if it is good or bad though.
Chrome is another IE 6... will see what I can do about it, but it is not my primary browser.
Posts: 424
finally got 1.8.2 working..not sure what I did, but it's working...anyway to make the font on the album smaller so they fix inside the box? see here:
Posts: 2466
@Shemo725: If you visit my site you notice that there is a change how thumbs work.
Issue above would no longer apply because it would resize itself.
Posts: 424
nice..cleans it up.
Posts: 2466
OK, beast is out
version 2.0.0
This is first rollout, so things could happen. Post any issues here.
I am looking for suggestions on how differentiate between albums and individual photos. Do you think it is necessary? Is marker in overlay description enough?
Posts: 424 looks great man.....question do I go about changing the thumbnail sizes so it fits the boxes appropriately? basically..what are the sizes of the box so I can adjust the thumbnails.
see here:
I agree with you though..we need a way to tell the difference between an album and a photo. there a way to bring up the 'login' option to the top right or have an admin option to select where you want it?
Posts: 2466
Check in Theme's admin panel - Thumbs: aspect ratio - until G3 supports INVERSE or SQUARE mode I cannot do much natively. I would suggest to choose [Film] or [Digital] aspect. This would make it more consistent.
Do not forget to rebuild thumbs after (maintenance section)
[Place Login Link in the Header]
Posts: 33
Great job!
Posts: 424
Serge, see the attachment. this happens when you're viewing a photo.
and how do I change a main album photo? can't find the damn option.
if you look here:
you'll see 'trips within the USA' I want to change that album cover, but dunno how to with all the sub-albums in that main album.
Posts: 172
Fantastic. Just looking again at updates to G3 and GreyDragon since early in the year. Lots of progress, particularly with GD. I can now think seriously about migrating to G3. Without GreyDragon I might not do it.
Just looking at GD options. I like the idea of not showing sidebar on photo page. In fact was looking to do that until I found EXIF GPS. So now the request to make any developer crazy: Is there a way to have different sidebars for Albums and Photo pages? Or is this in the core? If not it should be.
Posts: 2466
@Shemo725: fixed for next release
it was discussed some time ago and it has be part of the core sidebar block management code. I would suggest to use WordPress apprach on that. To get it moving -
@MtnBiker: Thank you
It is complex ticket and I would not expect it to be done soon, but it is essential.
Posts: 172
@Serge: Thanks for filing the ticket. Is a "necessary" feature.
FYI: talmdal says that he's upgrading Organize to work like GWT Organize. Hope's to have it done by final release.
Posts: 2466
@MtnBiker: will see how final version of Organize would look like. I hope it would be self contained and abstracted from the theme's logic/JSs.
Posts: 6
Been adapting your theme to my new website and gallery and noticed a few things. Love the new release...
As I believe has been said, it would be great to come up with a way to differentiate between an album and a photo.
Also with the latest release I notice this error with the comment module (see attached image). An error that I've had since the first installation of the theme is upon logout I get a 403 Forbidden error, not sure if this is a theme error or not so just want to confirm if I have to look into something on my end.
Posts: 2466
Well, I have to fix the styling. Override the CSS provided, because again it is Wind centristic...
I will include it with next release
Posts: 2466
New version is up
version 2.0.1
Posts: 172
Thanks for updating.
The following can be ignored. Read the last sentence. It's fixed itself!
I don't know where it's coming from, but I get two columns in Safari and three in Firefox on a Mac.
With default theme three columns in both browsers. I haven't changed many options, but I do have some other modules installed. Gallery RC1.
OK I Reset Theme to Default State and Safari is OK. I set some of the options to what I thought I had and it's still OK. Maybe something had to reset with the updated theme. Can't image what, but all is OK.
Posts: 2466
I would think that some CSS was still cached. but glad it is working now for you.
Posts: 172
Makes sense about the cache. Not doing much web mastering I forget about things like that.
As I explore the theme, I want more and wish I knew how to do it.
When a photo is clicked on to expand it. Why can't one just click on it again to close it?
Why don't the arrow keys take me to the next photo?
I have no idea how much work this is or if it's even possible in G3.
Not that I really want to but I can't click on Learn More because the drop down Album and Title block the Learn More. And I don't see how to change it. I think I rather just have the Title show, actually I want the Caption to show if available.
Posts: 2466
Just click anywhere outside the photo to close it.
No keyboard support as of yet. but it is possible.
Title is in just above the navigator, below header
[Learn more] is an indicator that there is more info available for the photo, you do not click on it, just hover over
Posts: 172
Thanks for the responses.
I think arrow keys would be great addition.
When I hover over Learn More, the drop down Title and Caption hide the Learn More and nothing shows up—maybe there's nothing to learn.
I see that Caption does show up in the drop down (most of my photos don't have captions, so didn't notice that caption is displayed). I can work with the CSS to not show the Title and just have Caption show up. Maybe most people's photos aren't named IMG_1234 or some other ugly name, but I don't want to show or see that information. Picasa seems to not show this Title and shows Caption. I don't have a Picasa account but saw some photos there recently. I have no idea if that's by default or some user controlled item.
Thanks again for the great theme.
Posts: 2466
do you have url for it to show?
[More] is displayed if description is not empty. I do not check for empty string hovewer, may be I should. Could you check if Photo Description field is really empty for you (not even spaces)?
Posts: 172
I didn't understand the interface. But now I get it. I was expecting to be able to click on Learn More. But it's just an invitation to get the roll over (what I've been calling the drop down). So I think it's working as you designed. I was expecting Learn More to show EXIF/IPTC type information and assumed the Description showing up was a different feature. I guess most people wouldn't be confused.
Nonetheless I think the interface is a bit non-standard, but I'm not sure how to approach it. You can't have many words in the box or it would get too big, so more descriptive would defeat the purpose. I might go with italic type on a translucent background which you could use with a slightly more box text—I say might because I might not agree after I saw it. I was then trying to think of more complete text, but then how many don't understand "hover" or "rollover".
When all is said and done, I guess I'd rather just have an option to show the Caption under the photo.
I have seen a blank drop down, but maybe there's a space or something's changed. If I find one I'll post later.
Posts: 2466
Will see if we get other comments.
It is used in photo galleries to display extra information without poluting main interface, but I am no authority here
Purpose is not to have page of text, but to give small reference. For more information, link could be used to point at external source.
I have changed it to simple "More" not to raize expectations to high
I can consider it as a choice between hover and inline, but for later.
Posts: 424
how do I make the thumbnails it possible in your theme?
Posts: 172
More is good.
I realize part of the reason I got confused was that rolling over any part of the image puts up the drop down not just near the More, but I agree to wait and see what others experience is.
Thanks for putting hover vs. inline on the maybe list.
Thanks for listening.
Posts: 2466
@Shemo725: no
Posts: 2466
Not to forget anything Wish List has been created
Posts: 2466
I am begining a test drive of the new supported layout. Comments are welcome. (Alart! Work in progress)
Posts: 63
I installed this great theme yesterday and it really looks fine.
But i'm struggling a little bit with the theme options.
The thumbnailks are ar the top of the frames, not centered. Where can i change this?
And at least i would like to see the difference between pictures and albums without hovering them with the mousepointer. Is there a way to make albums look like a pile of photos? In one of the G2 standard theme this was possible, there were some thin lines at the right side and at the bottom making the thumb/frame look like a pile of photos.
Posts: 79
Hi Serge
I just downloaded your Theme and it is awesome.
Few questions :
1. How to change fonts ?
2. How to remove "By : Gallery Administrator" from the Albums.
3. How do I add some Fixed images in Side Bar ?
Posts: 2466
@huebi: what do you mean by "on top of the frames"?
i would be happy add that but I haven't come up with elegant way of doing it. Suggestions?
Thin lines from G2 is possible, but it would complicate the thumb structure. I will explore this.
1. In theme's folder locate /css/screen.css and change font-family rule for BODY tag.
2. it is default codegen. it is all or nothing at this point - you can hide metadata block. See admin options
3. Side bar is managet via sidebar modules. You can have random image (default Image Block module) or Image Block Ex with small slideshow.
Posts: 7
Very nice theme Serge! Appreciate it a lot and compliments on your effort!!
Posts: 2466
@sendhil76: thank you
Posts: 7
Hello Serge,
[/i]I enabled your theme and logged out. Now when i try to login again...i only get a blank white page with a "result":"success" msg??
Now if i close the page and try opening the gallery home page opens my site and shows me logged in!
P.s: Same results with Opera 10.10 as well as Firefox 3.0.17.
Posts: 2466
@sendhil76: Saw it on FF/Chrome couple times. Usually it is related to not loaded in full. Hard refresh the page and let it sit for a second. See if it would help. I am looking for good solution for that, but as it seems it is not yet reliable.
Posts: 79
Is there any way, I can increase the no. of columns for display of Albums and Images depending on the Screen Resolution of Guest/Visitor.
Because if I run the theme on 1024x768 thenb it looks fine but if I run it at 1920x1080 then the space between columns is too high.
Just have a look @
Also I attempted to include TagCloud but after adding the module, gallery is not loading.
Posts: 2466
Short answer is - no. It would require JS post processing and dynamic page content load. G3 does not support it.
I am considering to make 1280 a requirement for the theme instead of 1024 based on my visitor's stats.
which TagCloud module are you using? I am using 3D tag cloud on my web-site without any big problems.
Posts: 63
have a look at this screebshot: [img][/img]
There is a frame having two thin lines around, the picture is on top, can i center it vertically?
If i can customize albums looking as a pile in g2 would be great.
Posts: 2466
Access denied...
Edit: You want to use "actual apect" size option as it seems.
I was not doing centering in this case, but I include it in the next rollout.
Otherwise, you can try to chanage aspect to Digital or Film layout under Theme Options.
Posts: 63
Posts: 2466
Please visit my web-site and let me know if double borders added would be sufficient.
Posts: 424
nice..I like it.
Posts: 424
Serge....since you now have a wish list..I'd love to see the ability to change the thumbnail sizes in the admin cp...
Posts: 2466
@Shemo725: I would have to make CSS to dance around thumb size or hardcode styles in the code. I do not want to do it.
I will offer larger thumbs soon, since I am introducing [1280px wide] min size for the theme.
Posts: 424
why the minimum size of 1280px wide when most users use 1024?
Posts: 79
Hi Serge
I added Cloud 3D Tag but after this it is not showing albums and sidebar.
Posts: 2466
it is hard to find 1024 wide monitors this days, other then in netbooks.
As you can see from the stats below (this is my visitors over month time) - only 10% are using small resolutions.
When visiting photo oriented web-sites, to go anywhere below 1280 is to loose quality of the photo since you would be resizing down the image.
I saw similar stats in other places