Drupal 4.7 Support

 TopicRepliesCreatedsort iconLast reply
G2 and Drupal 4.7.3 - click on thumbnail in DRUPAL nodes links to blank grey image314 years 6 weeks ago
by lcampb22
14 years 6 weeks ago
by kiz_0987
G2 + Drupal 4.7, problems with the hybrid theme314 years 8 weeks ago
by FlorisDP
14 years 3 weeks ago
by mindless
Drypal 4.7 + G2 and Bad Path Error214 years 8 weeks ago
by stenjo
14 years 8 weeks ago
by stenjo
G2 embedded in Drupal 4.7: Gallery sidebar not working114 years 8 weeks ago
by albertc
14 years 8 weeks ago
by kiz_0987
gallery2 embedded in drupal 4.7 - "page not found" error linking to album214 years 10 weeks ago
by Colin.Chisholm
12 years 51 weeks ago
by annsera
Drupal 4.72 Gallery 2.12 - Won't link to Album Picts414 years 10 weeks ago
by vstults
14 years 7 weeks ago
by vstults
blank modules page after adding gallery.module314 years 13 weeks ago
by mswnt
14 years 13 weeks ago
by mswnt
Gallery 2.1.1, Drupal 4.7.2 and gallery integration module1014 years 16 weeks ago
by pishmishy
10 years 5 weeks ago
by bobmorton
Images don't appear : there is text instead214 years 19 weeks ago
by CyberKate
14 years 19 weeks ago
by kiz_0987
[Drupal] Authentification problem014 years 19 weeks ago
by CyberKate
Drupal + G2214 years 21 weeks ago
by MikeAngove
14 years 21 weeks ago
by MikeAngove
Gallery2-Drupal Sync Status - different values1214 years 23 weeks ago
by caplain
14 years 2 weeks ago
by JohnEvans
G2.1 +Drupal 4.7= huge fonts314 years 23 weeks ago
by Yazon
14 years 23 weeks ago
by Yazon
G2 embedded in Drupal - G2 Clean URLs fail to work properly.314 years 23 weeks ago
by dbmathis
14 years 23 weeks ago
by dbmathis
How to deny Anonymous read/view access to G2 module embedded in Drupal214 years 24 weeks ago
by dbmathis
14 years 24 weeks ago
by dbmathis
Forcing group sync with Drupal1014 years 24 weeks ago
by stephthegeek
14 years 23 weeks ago
by kiz_0987
Gallery Item Admin page width problem014 years 25 weeks ago
by mangz74
Drupal Embedded - Gallery stays logged in after logout from Drupal214 years 27 weeks ago
by nzwhost
14 years 26 weeks ago
by nzwhost
G2 + Drupal Menus214 years 28 weeks ago
by cstenson
14 years 26 weeks ago
by mph
Single Login (Drupal + Gallery2014 years 29 weeks ago
by bluster
Drupal 4.7 RC2 + G2.1 Database Error114 years 31 weeks ago
by lvthunder
14 years 31 weeks ago
by lvthunder
Gallery2 Drupal Links Broken214 years 32 weeks ago
by artnpics
14 years 32 weeks ago
by artnpics
integrating drupal and g2114 years 32 weeks ago
by patchak
14 years 29 weeks ago
by Majnoona
URL Rewrite & Redirection314 years 33 weeks ago
by kiz_0987
14 years 11 weeks ago
by nzwhost
Counter under Drupal counts x2 times114 years 33 weeks ago
by Continental
14 years 29 weeks ago
by Continental