gallery2 embedded in drupal 4.7 - "page not found" error linking to album


Joined: 2005-12-31
Posts: 37
Posted: Sun, 2006-09-10 03:50

I just installed Gallery 2.1.2 and Drupal 4.7.3:
Drupal is in my website's root at
Gallery2 is located at

Both work OK alone (I have one small test album in my gallery2).

But even though Drupal has the gallery module successfully installed, there is this problem
(and I've seen a few other people report the exact same problem, but no I've seen no solution):
From Drupal's "gallery" link, clicking on the album gives a "page not found" indication.
What it is trying to do is find the image at
That just doesn't work ("page not found").
Can anyone provide any guidance on how to fix this?



Joined: 2005-02-27
Posts: 189
Posted: Sun, 2006-09-10 13:14

See and note that the .htaccess file that is required must be your main drupal one (not just an "extra one").


Joined: 2007-11-25
Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 2007-11-25 21:51

I'm having the same problem as the original author. I took kiz_0987's sage advice and checked the URL_Rewrite settings. The .httaccess files in the drupal and in the gallery directories both needed to be changed to 666 access. The "Test" tab in URL_rewrite admin area seemed to pass (got one green PASSED stamp at the top right of the screen). When inspecting the .httaccess files in the gallery directory and the drupal directory, I see the automatically generated lines placed in there by the URL_rewrite module.

So, what's the problem then?

I think the problem must derive from the fact that my drupal site is operating as a subdomain. That is, is set to the directory: \home\bla\bla\html\mysubdomain\ and the drupal CMS is installed at mysubdomain. However, gallery is not in the mysubdomain directory, it's at the level: \home\bla\bla\html\gallery.

I suspect this is at the heart of my problem.
Does anyone have any experience with using gallery embedded in a drupal install that's being used as a subdomain?