General Discussion and Feedback

 TopicRepliesCreatedLast replysort icon
Google indexing of photos214 years 36 weeks ago
by senhwei
14 years 36 weeks ago
by senhwei
Slide show114 years 36 weeks ago
by ronanmaguire
14 years 36 weeks ago
by mindless
im a n00b... someone help!114 years 36 weeks ago
by puroeuro
14 years 36 weeks ago
by mindless
What else can I upload to Gallery sites, etc?114 years 36 weeks ago
by leuce
14 years 36 weeks ago
by Ouch
Customising IPTC Field Names014 years 36 weeks ago
by photomanNZ
RSS module questions114 years 39 weeks ago
by lvthunder
14 years 36 weeks ago
by ckdake
possible to show interactive panoramas with help of a viewer applet?514 years 38 weeks ago
by adriwu
14 years 36 weeks ago
by mindless
Rendom Image114 years 36 weeks ago
by Galileo
14 years 36 weeks ago
by ckdake
How to generate video thumbnails214 years 37 weeks ago
by voidtrance
14 years 36 weeks ago
by ckdake
New user about to install Gallery 2... protection issues?114 years 37 weeks ago
by Erocental
14 years 37 weeks ago
by mindless
[Feature request] Message user integration?114 years 37 weeks ago
by tlmothy
14 years 37 weeks ago
by ckdake
HELP US check XHTML validity714 years 44 weeks ago
by mindless
14 years 37 weeks ago
by mindless
for better integration: Wordpress or Movable Type?114 years 37 weeks ago
by altar
14 years 37 weeks ago
by valiant
timed permissions114 years 37 weeks ago
by HorstFuchs
14 years 37 weeks ago
by valiant
Is Gallery 2.1 coded in xhtml and CSS with no tables?414 years 37 weeks ago
by kaya
14 years 37 weeks ago
by kaya
are member uploads and a voting system possible?114 years 37 weeks ago
by altar
14 years 37 weeks ago
by ckdake
I wanna join Gallery team114 years 37 weeks ago
by mihu
14 years 37 weeks ago
by valiant
Kudos to the Gallery Team from a Yahoo Small Business Web Hosting Customer314 years 38 weeks ago
by LemonHead
14 years 37 weeks ago
by LemonHead
How can I get the real URL of my Images on Gallery2?114 years 38 weeks ago
by voider
14 years 37 weeks ago
by valiant
Gallery2-cart question and redirection question1814 years 39 weeks ago
by pexel
14 years 38 weeks ago
by ckdake
Data Model?114 years 38 weeks ago
by DavidF
14 years 38 weeks ago
by ckdake
Link Items Isn't What I Thought...114 years 38 weeks ago
by macinjoshdotcom
14 years 38 weeks ago
by mindless
Album Thumbnail114 years 38 weeks ago
by rocdawg
14 years 38 weeks ago
by dying_breed
Help with My setup314 years 38 weeks ago
by bjackson3
14 years 38 weeks ago
by mindless
picasa module, please add watermark support!114 years 38 weeks ago
by Luxus
14 years 38 weeks ago
by valiant