Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests

 TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
Tag aliases & artists field67 years 37 weeks ago
by Sangie
7 years 29 weeks ago
by tempg
SQL query performance problem68 years 11 weeks ago
by udaraaka
8 years 10 weeks ago
by floridave
Child image items?56 years 40 weeks ago
by Sangie
6 years 38 weeks ago
by jnash
Album Owner permissions56 years 48 weeks ago
by AngusCS
6 years 47 weeks ago
by AngusCS
Rebuild Images by album57 years 31 weeks ago
by mervyngroves
7 years 31 weeks ago
by tempg
Server Add Skip Existing Files (autosync sort of)57 years 41 weeks ago
by enone
7 years 40 weeks ago
by floridave
Alt tag - description rather than title58 years 9 weeks ago
by broadcast_techie
8 years 9 weeks ago
by floridave
Facebook 58 years 9 weeks ago
by selectglass
8 years 4 weeks ago
by wavelength
disable download button in Pear Theme Slideshow58 years 12 weeks ago
by bburnett
7 years 34 weeks ago
by tempg
Module: Histogram block58 years 15 weeks ago
by nachonnr
8 years 14 weeks ago
by floridave
show all thumbnails on single page (auto load without pagination)58 years 21 weeks ago
by eeldivad
8 years 14 weeks ago
by ceylon
Main Page Title - Possible to Customize47 years 14 weeks ago
by nomisdice
7 years 13 weeks ago
by nomisdice
Backup & Restore Gallery 347 years 27 weeks ago
by RalphTheWonderLlama
7 years 27 weeks ago
by RalphTheWonderLlama
simple sidebar text box47 years 43 weeks ago
by billjones
7 years 43 weeks ago
by Stan T
Am I missing something... redirect 404 errors to homepage48 years 3 weeks ago
by froginternet
8 years 2 weeks ago
by tempg
Any chance for a flowplayer buffering indicator?48 years 5 weeks ago
by jorgenqv
8 years 5 weeks ago
by jorgenqv
Album Cover: Most Recent Upload48 years 6 weeks ago
by Y060N
8 years 6 weeks ago
by Y060N
Where are the most recent files?48 years 9 weeks ago
by BillWill
7 years 45 weeks ago
by BillWill
mp3 player module for G348 years 13 weeks ago
by bburnett
7 years 48 weeks ago
by suprsidr
What about twitter integration36 years 42 weeks ago
by UfukBuyukozkaya
6 years 41 weeks ago
by UfukBuyukozkaya
Place for meta tags36 years 49 weeks ago
by Robvv
6 years 49 weeks ago
by scoachby11
Drill-down / selection / advanced search option's.37 years 6 weeks ago
by veggie
7 years 6 weeks ago
by floridave
Request: Limit number of views by time for a guest or group37 years 24 weeks ago
by ammaya
7 years 24 weeks ago
by ammaya
Deleting albums37 years 27 weeks ago
by jpk_56
7 years 27 weeks ago
by floridave
Lovely clean theme concept begging to be coded!!37 years 33 weeks ago
by TimBird
7 years 29 weeks ago
by Stevensen