Suggestions and Feedback

 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
Feature Request: Slideshow Images links back to full image216 years 11 weeks ago
by stevewest15
16 years 11 weeks ago
by stevewest15
Feature Request: support for exiftags instead of jhead217 years 8 weeks ago
by mariusstrom
17 years 8 weeks ago
by mariusstrom
Feature Request: Thumbnail Jpeg Quality117 years 5 weeks ago
by martinconway
17 years 1 week ago
by beckett
Feature Request:nested albums -> nested directory structu116 years 33 weeks ago
by rchady
16 years 33 weeks ago
by h0bbel
Feature: allowing logged in users to modify own comments116 years 9 weeks ago
by voodoo-070
16 years 8 weeks ago
by Haplo
Features to consider618 years 13 weeks ago
by forrie
10 years 36 weeks ago
by reenasanam
Feedack from my Host's Techie217 years 41 weeks ago
by forest
17 years 41 weeks ago
by forest
feedback 1.3.3017 years 21 weeks ago
by holgerholgerde
feedback on v1.4-rc1217 years 12 weeks ago
by jspeybro
17 years 12 weeks ago
by beckett
feedback: aosdASLDJFNASDLJFBASDFasdfas!!!!!!!!216 years 5 weeks ago
by yqbd
16 years 5 weeks ago
by signe
feedback: gr8 product!016 years 38 weeks ago
by wilhelmtell
Feuture request: selecting multiple images for printing serv417 years 12 weeks ago
by bobob
17 years 10 weeks ago
by AndyCouch
Filename as Caption017 years 46 weeks ago
by opel70
filesize would be nice317 years 41 weeks ago
by seehundnz
17 years 41 weeks ago
by alindeman
filetype support115 years 49 weeks ago
by rpyne
15 years 49 weeks ago
by h0bbel
Filtering117 years 20 weeks ago
by ika
17 years 20 weeks ago
by joan
Finer access control.018 years 10 weeks ago
by jbi130
firefox default live bookmark?[solved - done in gallery 1.5]415 years 32 weeks ago
by danieljuh
15 years 31 weeks ago
by danieljuh
First of all, I would like to say....016 years 1 week ago
by whathepho
first time install, feedback215 years 11 weeks ago
by Grendel
15 years 11 weeks ago
by fryfrog
Fix the window name for upload315 years 48 weeks ago
by fluor
15 years 48 weeks ago
by signe
FIXED: jpegtran lossly rotate316 years 23 weeks ago
by ewaters
16 years 22 weeks ago
by signe
Flip browser in fulscreen mode118 years 13 weeks ago
by Totoro
18 years 13 weeks ago
by bharat
Flip image?018 years 6 weeks ago
by gomiboy
For the Gallery Team people ... READ!018 years 5 weeks ago
by josephp