Gallery v1.4.1 Release Candidate 2 Available!

The second *release candidate* for Gallery v1.4.1 is now available. New features for this version include:
    • Voting/ranking of images
    • Optional user self-registration
    • Lost password reset feature
    • Optional e-mail notification of changes/updates
    • Option to restrict commenting permissions
    EZ Prints photo print service added
    • Support for "skins" to customize Gallery's look and feel
    • New image frame styles
    • Clearer, easier to follow Config. Wizard
    • Optional auto-resize of images on upload
    • Gallery-wide slideshow, and choice of random order
    • Copy image feature
    • Gallery internationalized in many more languages!
    • Tons of small improvements and bugfixes
Download Gallery v1.4.1-RC2 from the Gallery Download Page now!

Note: This is a *pre-release* version, and you should be sure to BACK UP YOUR GALLERY *before* installing and upgrading your current Gallery. Read on for information on how to back up critical data...

We have provided a small PHP script with this version to assist you in making a backup. When you download and decompress this release, the script will be located in:

To run this script, copy it out of its location in the setup directory and into your existing main Gallery directory. Log in to Gallery as an administrator, then run this script from your browser. It will package the important album data and save a backup to your computer, in one of two formats: .tar.gz (useful on Unix/Linux systems) or .zip (useful on Windows systems).

The script gives you the option of backing up your entire albums ("All files") directory or just the Gallery database files ("Data files only"). While you should have a backup copy of all your photos, for most upgrades, it is sufficient to just back up the data files only. Note that backing up all the files could produce a *huge* file, since all of your photos will be included.

Finally, verify the contents of the downladed backup file to make sure the files were indeed saved. Once you have the data files backed up, you can confidently upgrade to this version.

dmd's picture

I think enough people want this that it should be added -- besides the "default" skin, also include a "default blue" skin which is identical except that it uses the old blue-colored background instead of the green one which so many people hate. Yes, it's easy to modify the CSS. But with thousands of people doing so, why not just have it as an option?

virshu's picture

It looks like there are plenty of places like <blockquote>echo _("output text"):</blockquote> which causes an error ('function _() undefined'). Obviously, I can stick the fix in the config.php -<blockquote>function _($txt) { return $txt; }</blockquote> but am I missing something?

I upgraded from 1.4-pl1 running standalone and embedded with PHPNuke along with "Random" and "Latest Gallery" blocks without a single hitch or error generated. :thumbsup:<br />
<br />

Looks like there's a bug in the util.php initLanguage() function. At line 2308, if you change this:

<pre> if (isset($gallery->app->ML_mode)) {
if($gallery->app->ML_mode == 0) {

To this:
<pre> if (isset($gallery->app->ML_mode)) {
if($gallery->app->ML_mode == 0) {
function _($search) {
return $search;

It works correctly, and doesn't disable the multi-language features (except when it is supposed to! ;))

It's great, very great. But with little bug, <br />
if I create a sub album there isn't a top link to back in up album.<br />
Or is a feature? mmm

Taomyn's picture

add_photo.php seems to be broken. Under Windows all I get when I submit the form is that the file C:\WINNT\TEMP\php2D5.tmp does not exist.<br />
<br />
Firstly, the file I tried was C:\Test.png<br />
Secondly, my local system is C:\Windows<br />
Thirdly, the servers TEMP setting is set to "D:\PHP\Temp"<br />
<br />
The "add photos" option appears to be okay, and looking at the code for add_photo.php it looks like you have a problem with using $userfile and $userfile_name (the former being the posted variable that wasn't really used in v1.4).<br />
<br />
I'm using PHP v4.3.4 so POSTED vars need to be read in properly.<br />
<br />
BTW. Should I have posted this to the forum, and if so to where?<br />
<br />
Cheers,<br />