Excellent. Push stuff up to your branch and I'll pull it in to the main line and make sure that we're in sync.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Fri, 2010-09-03 19:47
@Serge comparing the css on yours to the standard theme it seems you are missing a lot of the table css that is in the standard theme. Also your theme roller icons aren't showing up. It looks like you have removed themeroller?
@bharat. Just pushed. Found a couple of bugs that the merge had introduced as well and sorted them out.
@glooper: yes, I am not using much of standard css, if it is requirement, I can check it out, I was hoping it was not it
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Fri, 2010-09-03 20:31
@serge - best thing to do is to have a look at http://www.pikitia.co.nz/g3dev/index.php/ use your browsers developers tools to find out what css is being used in the sidebar-basket and all it's child html nodes and copy them into your theme. I don't think it uses that much of the css in the standard theme to be honest.
I guess there needs to be some guidelines between theme developers and module writers to help interoperability. I guess either...
- each module makes no assumptions on the CSS and provides it's own on everything (which is probably overkill especially with regards to icons and could lead to big css files)
- or there is a core set of css that each theme should support that module writers should only use. (i.e. theme should support themeroller and yui reset... or something...)
Of course this has probably been discussed somewhere else and I've just not paid attention.
and I'm getting a result:success screen after adding an item to my basket. Any way to get this to return me to the original screen?
Known issue with prior version. I would suggest to try 2.4.0 version of the theme. it now uses standard dialog engine and deals better with dialogs. It would require latest experimental G3 code though.
Upgraded to latest GIT and version 2.4.0 and still seeing the result:success screen when using greydragon
Joined: 2010-04-07
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2010-09-21 17:12
Hi, I've been watching this thread with interest.
@glooper I love what you are doing, great module and I love your photography! Hope to visit NZ next Easter and find your photography very inspiring.
Anyway, I've had the same problem for a couple of weeks and have been doing updates with no resolve. I've got the latest RC2 and latest version of Shopping Basket from http://www.gallerymodules.com/ but I have the problem where after adding a picture to the basket the dialogue box doesn't disappear or page refresh / update.
I've done a few fresh rebuilds but no luck. I see other people have mentioned a similar problem. Is it just me or is this common to everyone?
Many thanks
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Wed, 2010-10-06 18:08
I am trying a fresh install of gallery 3.0, and I got the latest basket from github. While the version on github says its 5, when I install it, under modules, it says it is version 4, and I get a warning that one of my modules is out of date... Where can I get version 5?
@richbhp - Are you still seeing this problem? Can you check the logs to see if there is any errors in there.
You'll love New Zealand, it's a great place to be a photographer!
@Glopper, yes, gallerymodules gets update automatically, but I'm not sure of the time interval. Also for the git stuff, I believe it's only pulling from the master branch and -contrib so if it's not in there it doesn't get it. If you have access to commit to -contrib, great it'll happen automatically. If not, then it needs to get into -contrib so it'll get pulled over automatically.
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Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Wed, 2010-10-06 18:38
That is where I got the version from, www.gallerymodules.com... If I re-download it from there, will it be fixed Ben?
Thanks a lot!
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Thu, 2010-10-07 16:53
Not yet markmac. I'll try and sort it out over the weekend. It should actually be fine to use still, it's just the version number is wrong.
Thank you Glooper for creating such an awesome plugin!
However, i'm missing a few things
- Taxes. Let the admin configure the included / to be added tax percentage.
- Creation of invoices as .pdf, option to include them in the mail
- Translations. I'd love if there was an easy, upgrade-compatible way to translate basket (promise: if you do this, i'll provide you with a german translation, just PM me)
Other than that: keep up the good work
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Fri, 2010-10-08 14:07
Great, thanks Ben! I figured as much... Love the improvements you made since I installed it last!
Joined: 2010-04-07
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2010-10-16 22:52
@Glooper Reinstalled with the latest versions and happy to report my issues have been resolved!
Re NZ, It's a beautiful country - I've been a few time and my parents have moved out there from the UK but I haven't been there with my new wife or since being into photography so should be a different experience this time.
Anyway thanks Ben, this is an awesome module! A donation is on its way as token of my appreciation.
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Sun, 2010-10-17 00:25
Hey Ben!
I received an order today through the shopping basket module, via paypal.
When I look at the order through the view orders interface, and click on the view Paypal IPN messages, I get an "Uh oh its broken" message, stating
Database_Exception [ Database Error ]: #1146: Table 'gallery.gallery_ipn_messages' doesn't exist [ SHOW COLUMNS FROM `gallery_ipn_messages` ]
Any ideas?
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Sun, 2010-10-17 02:23
@richbhp - Glad the latest version worked OK. .
@markmac - There's a problem with the naming of one of the table not picking up the table prefix. I have just fixed it in the code but unfortunetly it will only fix it for new installs. If you know anything about databases then its easy to fix... in your case you will need to change the name of the table ipn_messages to gallery_ipn_messages... if not then let me know and I'll have a think how else it can be fixed.
I just have to tell Ben and the G3 developers, this is such an awesome module!!! With researching the internet and seeing so many designers and photographers all searching for this very thing and it is so limited out there, if G3 continues to emphasize and grow this shopping cart basket module, you could really become even more popular than you already are! This is one very important and crucial module! People are desperate for this shopping cart and gallery integration. Ben great job!
ETA: If I can request something to be put on a wishlist...how about different variables of options for the basket, for instance now you can put in the size and price. My client needs for example 8x10, but then also have the variables...glossy, matte, color, b/w.
The G2 basket was sorta like that.
For now I just have to work with the one option and just run down each as a separate product, i.e. 8x10 glossy, 8x10 matte, 8x10 B/W, etc but my drop down list is going to be massive. I think my photographer is going to have to cut down on his options for now. He's wanting to sell a lot of various sizes.
Would love to have this on the wishlist! Thanks!
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Wed, 2010-10-20 12:46
Thanks Ben! That seems to have fixed it... However when I look at an order that someone has made via paypal, I click on view IPN info, and all it says is Order from Joe Blow awaiting payment... Should it not show that it was paid by paypal?
Guess I am just not sure what I am supposed to be seeing.
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Wed, 2010-10-20 18:15
@markmac... I think that bug would have stopped the order from updating correctly.
When paypal transfers the money it will contact G3 with an IPN (Instant Payment Notifications) message. This message is put in that table and the contents used to update the order status. As that table name wasn't correct then it wouldn't have managed to update the order status. However this shouldn't stop paypal from making the transaction. The best thing is to check your paypal account to ensure the money is there.
I would recommend you (and anyone else using paypal) to do a test run of buying some good from your site to ensure everything is up and running correctly and paypal and your server can communicate. Paypal will allow you to refund any credit card transactions and will return all it's fees so you won't loose any money doing that.
Yep, reading your first post on this thread cleared that all up!
Thanks for your help!
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Thu, 2010-10-21 00:32
Hey again Ben!
I have another question regarding the IPN message feature... Since I corrected this table in my database, I have had 2 orders show up in my email that were from 5 or 6 days ago.. I would assume that when the order is placed via paypal, I get the confirmation email from paypals site stating the money was sent, and then when the IPN messages get sent back to G3, G3 sends an email to me with the order.. My question is, what email is sent to the customer? In my email template to the customer, I have a thank you message, along with an address to send a cheque or money order to. Is this the email that also gets sent when the IPN comes back complete? Reason I ask is I had one of my customers call me to see if I had gotten payment. I informed him that I had, and he said he just got an email that almost sounded like I did not and was looking for payment.
If this is the case, then perhaps a seperate template for completed paypal orders thanking them for their business when the IPN comes back complete? Rather than the email asking them for payment?
Let me know what you think.
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Thu, 2010-10-21 07:30
The customer only receives one e-mail. This is the "order complete email" which can be found under the templates section. When paying by paypal this is sent when the payment is received. If paying by another method then it is sent before payment is received, but when the order has been completed. If you only accept one payment method (paypal or offline) then this is simple to word.. if Paypal you can word the e-mail to say something like.. "Thanks for your order. Payment has been received. you will receive it in the next couple of days.. blah blah blah.."...
I can see however that if you except both paypal and offline payments this might be a bit harder to word. I think it's a valid thing to add to the wish list for the next version .
Great Module - I too would like to choose products by different attributes. Another thing for your wish list to help with navigation. . Not everyone knows to click on the logo to return home and some themes don't always show the home button. Can we have a Breadcrumb Trail and/or 'Return to album' Button. Eg exif-gps uses:
<? if ($return_url != ""): ?>
<br /><a href="<?=$return_url; ?>"><?=t("Return to album"); ?></a>
<? endif ?>
Joined: 2010-11-21
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2010-11-21 05:43
I turned on the basket module and saved and then didn't have time to finish the setup properly so I unclicked the box in modules. Now when I go to set it back up again, the module errors (An error occurred while installing the Shopping Basket module) and I can't get it to restart. I am new at this so I would like some guidance as to what, if anything I can do, other than starting all over again.
Joined: 2010-05-30
Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 2010-11-21 09:07
There is seems to be a problem with install procedure - attempt to activate it second time gives me this
2010-09-02 16:09:15 -07:00 --- error: exception 'Database_Exception' with message '#1060: Duplicate column name 'name' [ ALTER TABLE gd_orders ADD COLUMN `name` varchar(1024); ]' in zzzzz/gallery3/system/libraries/Database_Mysqli_Result.php:27
Stack trace:
I have also this problem with RC2 and tried many times and with different basket.zip but nothing, when I activate the module and save changes the box return uncheked.
The message returned is a little bit different:
2010-11-20 23:42:59 -08:00 --- error: exception 'Database_Exception' with message '#1060: Duplicate column name 'postage_band_id' [ ALTER TABLE products ADD COLUMN `postage_band_id` int(9) default 1 ]' in ...../system/libraries/Database_Mysqli_Result.php:27
Stack trace:
I did not find an answer in the forum. Any idea?
Thanks a lot
Joined: 2003-09-21
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2010-11-22 22:08
Is there any solution for the page not refreshing?
I've tried this on Mac in Safari & on PC in IE. Whenever I update the Product Line or Add an Item to the cart, the popup window does not close and the page does not refresh.
Using Gallery 3 RC2 (Sante Fe) and the latest version of the module.
Thank you.
Joined: 2010-11-25
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2010-11-25 07:01
I have the same problem as Jan.
Workaround was to edit the table directly with phpMyAdmin.
Lots of strings can`t be translated, maybe the t(..) is missing?
Some countries have a different order for house number and street, postal code and city.
Joined: 2010-11-04
Posts: 20
Posted: Tue, 2010-11-30 21:21
Hello! Mod is great! Works good with my 3.0.x install.
One question. Is there a way, that I can add one more currency to the list?
Joined: 2010-11-04
Posts: 20
Posted: Wed, 2010-12-01 21:39
figured it out. I missed the file during my search. you need to edit basket/helpers/basket.php
Joined: 2010-12-03
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2010-12-03 22:06
I get an Internal Server Error when I click 'confirm order' on an offline order.
But throws the error. Is this a permissions thing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Never mind, I forgot to figure in the possibility that I am an idiot (I forgot to set the offline email address in basket config settings).
Joined: 2010-12-05
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2010-12-05 16:11
I would like to take your module and re-work it for a jewelry website. In this situation, every picture is an item that has an independent price. First, I'm looking for permission to start from your module. Second, the version I've downloaded off the forum has no formatting in the code, is it possible to get a version that is easier to read?
Is here anyone that can solve this problem or maybe guide me
in the right direction on this, I have try install this model more
than 10 times, on Santa fe 3.0 without any luck. The logs says,
2010-12-05 22:13:54 +01:00 --- error: exception 'Database_Exception' with
message '#1060: Duplicate column name 'postage_band_id'
`postage_band_id` int(9) default 1 ]' in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/system/libraries/Database_Mysqli_Result.php:27
I have a request - now that gallery3 integration is closer for wordpress - I'd like for the module to be exposed in the rest api - so it can be used in the WPG3 plugin - or some pointers to help me achieve this myself - I'm not strong in php but if I'm given some pointers I might be able to figure it out - there is a lot of demand for this
Joined: 2010-11-04
Posts: 20
Posted: Sat, 2010-12-11 23:56
@ halinab
this will solve your problem with the sidebar:
For those who want to fix this on their own, the error is in views/basket-side-bar.html.php on line 9:
if ($item->is_photo() && product::isForSale($theme->item()->id)){
This needs to be changed to:
if ($item && $item->is_photo() && product::isForSale($theme->item()->id)){
Otherwise is_photo() will be called without an object, which crashes Gallery and generates a nasty 500 response and a broken page.
inposure posted this on the top of the page. Thanks to him!
Joined: 2010-12-15
Posts: 8
Posted: Wed, 2010-12-15 04:49
Just installed version 5.
Database_Exception [ Database Error ]:
#1146: Table 'mydb_gallery.g3_ipn_messages' doesn't exist [ SHOW COLUMNS FROM `g3_ipn_messages` ]
The table g3_ipn_messages didn't get created in the database when the plugin was installed.
Culprit looks to be line 71 in basket_installer.php:
`ipn_messages` should be {ipn_messages} or similar to rewrite for installations using table prefixes
I'm having an issue with the latestupdates module (shows the latest additions to the gallery) and the greydragon theme. If the basket is enabled in that situation, the latest updates page returns a page with no images. Also having issues disabling then re-enabling the plugin with these errors:
2010-12-15 14:36:24 -08:00 --- error: exception 'Database_Exception' with message '#1060: Duplicate column name 'name' [ ALTER TABLE orders ADD COLUMN `name` varchar(1024); ]' in /home/greg/www/gregschneiderphotography.com/html/images/messages/system/libraries/Database_Mysqli_Result.php:27
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Thu, 2010-12-16 05:13
@halinab: that's awesome! Next step if you're game is to fork gallery3-contrib on github and insert your REST APIs into the basket module itself in the modules/basket/helpers directory. Then you and Glooper can work together to get it smoothed out.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Joined: 2010-12-09
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2010-12-17 17:33
I added a function and the hooks into basket so that a Zip file is created when an order is placed.
All images bought will be placed in directories by product type. IE:
I want to add a method in which thumbnails can have checkboxes for quick ordering from the album page, or from another page titled quick order.
Im very interested in working on this with the original creators. I messaged them at their private websites and have not heard back.
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Fri, 2010-12-17 19:14
It's been a while since I've had time to look at this module! Sorry for the lack of support but I think most people are sorting the issues out!
thanks for this fix I'll put it in the next build
@Geoff Cloake
Will work something out for the next release. perhaps the bread trail will work well.
@sharle @ape @pixelshooter
There is a bug in the installer that meant the version number was not correct. I will try and sort this out for the next release.
@jallinder @weegee77
Not seen this issue? What table did you have to change?
Of course you can use and develop this module for your own use . Not sure what you mean about it not being formatted.. it's probably not the prettiest code but It is formatted!
Good work on the rest api. I'll include the code in the next version. Let me know if you get any further with it
Thanks for the fix. I'll include it in the next build
Good spot.. will sort too
Excellent stuff.. would be good to add this to the module. I've been busy so might have missed your email... so apologise for not getting back in contact.
Hi Glooper - this module is great, but I'm hoping you'd consider adding other payment gateways in addition to paypal. I use authorize.net for my credit card processing. They have an api that looks not too obnoxious - http://developer.authorize.net/api/dpm/ - any chance you'd be able to add them as a gateway option?
Posts: 225
I think I've sorted it.. but I might be wrong!!
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 7994
Excellent. Push stuff up to your branch and I'll pull it in to the main line and make sure that we're in sync.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 225
@Serge comparing the css on yours to the standard theme it seems you are missing a lot of the table css that is in the standard theme. Also your theme roller icons aren't showing up. It looks like you have removed themeroller?
@bharat. Just pushed. Found a couple of bugs that the merge had introduced as well and sorted them out.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 225
@serge. Looked through some of your css and it looks like you have removed some of the themeroller icons that the basket uses.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 2466
@glooper: yes, I am not using much of standard css, if it is requirement, I can check it out, I was hoping it was not it
Posts: 225
@serge - best thing to do is to have a look at http://www.pikitia.co.nz/g3dev/index.php/ use your browsers developers tools to find out what css is being used in the sidebar-basket and all it's child html nodes and copy them into your theme. I don't think it uses that much of the css in the standard theme to be honest.
I guess there needs to be some guidelines between theme developers and module writers to help interoperability. I guess either...
- each module makes no assumptions on the CSS and provides it's own on everything (which is probably overkill especially with regards to icons and could lead to big css files)
- or there is a core set of css that each theme should support that module writers should only use. (i.e. theme should support themeroller and yui reset... or something...)
Of course this has probably been discussed somewhere else and I've just not paid attention.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 33
Upgraded to latest GIT and version 2.4.0 and still seeing the result:success screen when using greydragon
Posts: 2
Hi, I've been watching this thread with interest.
@glooper I love what you are doing, great module and I love your photography! Hope to visit NZ next Easter and find your photography very inspiring.
Anyway, I've had the same problem for a couple of weeks and have been doing updates with no resolve. I've got the latest RC2 and latest version of Shopping Basket from http://www.gallerymodules.com/ but I have the problem where after adding a picture to the basket the dialogue box doesn't disappear or page refresh / update.
I've done a few fresh rebuilds but no luck. I see other people have mentioned a similar problem. Is it just me or is this common to everyone?
Many thanks
Posts: 89
I am trying a fresh install of gallery 3.0, and I got the latest basket from github. While the version on github says its 5, when I install it, under modules, it says it is version 4, and I get a warning that one of my modules is out of date... Where can I get version 5?
Posts: 16504
Try: http://www.gallerymodules.com/
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 225
Actually.. just checked the code and it's a bug..
I put the wrong version at the end of the install..
I'm just checking in a fixed version... Does GalleryModules page update automatically?
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 225
@richbhp - Are you still seeing this problem? Can you check the logs to see if there is any errors in there.
You'll love New Zealand, it's a great place to be a photographer!
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 16504
@Glopper, yes, gallerymodules gets update automatically, but I'm not sure of the time interval. Also for the git stuff, I believe it's only pulling from the master branch and -contrib so if it's not in there it doesn't get it. If you have access to commit to -contrib, great it'll happen automatically. If not, then it needs to get into -contrib so it'll get pulled over automatically.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 89
That is where I got the version from, www.gallerymodules.com... If I re-download it from there, will it be fixed Ben?
Thanks a lot!
Posts: 225
Not yet markmac. I'll try and sort it out over the weekend. It should actually be fine to use still, it's just the version number is wrong.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 4
Thank you Glooper for creating such an awesome plugin!
However, i'm missing a few things
- Taxes. Let the admin configure the included / to be added tax percentage.
- Creation of invoices as .pdf, option to include them in the mail
- Translations. I'd love if there was an easy, upgrade-compatible way to translate basket (promise: if you do this, i'll provide you with a german translation, just PM me)
Other than that: keep up the good work
Posts: 89
Great, thanks Ben! I figured as much... Love the improvements you made since I installed it last!
Posts: 2
@Glooper Reinstalled with the latest versions and happy to report my issues have been resolved!
Re NZ, It's a beautiful country - I've been a few time and my parents have moved out there from the UK but I haven't been there with my new wife or since being into photography so should be a different experience this time.
Anyway thanks Ben, this is an awesome module! A donation is on its way as token of my appreciation.
Posts: 89
Hey Ben!
I received an order today through the shopping basket module, via paypal.
When I look at the order through the view orders interface, and click on the view Paypal IPN messages, I get an "Uh oh its broken" message, stating
Database_Exception [ Database Error ]: #1146: Table 'gallery.gallery_ipn_messages' doesn't exist [ SHOW COLUMNS FROM `gallery_ipn_messages` ]
Any ideas?
Posts: 225
@richbhp - Glad the latest version worked OK.
@markmac - There's a problem with the naming of one of the table not picking up the table prefix. I have just fixed it in the code but unfortunetly it will only fix it for new installs. If you know anything about databases then its easy to fix... in your case you will need to change the name of the table ipn_messages to gallery_ipn_messages... if not then let me know and I'll have a think how else it can be fixed.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 23
I just have to tell Ben and the G3 developers, this is such an awesome module!!! With researching the internet and seeing so many designers and photographers all searching for this very thing and it is so limited out there, if G3 continues to emphasize and grow this shopping cart basket module, you could really become even more popular than you already are! This is one very important and crucial module! People are desperate for this shopping cart and gallery integration. Ben great job!
ETA: If I can request something to be put on a wishlist...how about different variables of options for the basket, for instance now you can put in the size and price. My client needs for example 8x10, but then also have the variables...glossy, matte, color, b/w.
The G2 basket was sorta like that.
For now I just have to work with the one option and just run down each as a separate product, i.e. 8x10 glossy, 8x10 matte, 8x10 B/W, etc but my drop down list is going to be massive. I think my photographer is going to have to cut down on his options for now. He's wanting to sell a lot of various sizes.
Would love to have this on the wishlist!
Posts: 89
Thanks Ben! That seems to have fixed it... However when I look at an order that someone has made via paypal, I click on view IPN info, and all it says is Order from Joe Blow awaiting payment... Should it not show that it was paid by paypal?
Guess I am just not sure what I am supposed to be seeing.
Posts: 225
@markmac... I think that bug would have stopped the order from updating correctly.
When paypal transfers the money it will contact G3 with an IPN (Instant Payment Notifications) message. This message is put in that table and the contents used to update the order status. As that table name wasn't correct then it wouldn't have managed to update the order status. However this shouldn't stop paypal from making the transaction. The best thing is to check your paypal account to ensure the money is there.
I would recommend you (and anyone else using paypal) to do a test run of buying some good from your site to ensure everything is up and running correctly and paypal and your server can communicate. Paypal will allow you to refund any credit card transactions and will return all it's fees so you won't loose any money doing that.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 225
Hi Dianna...
thanks for your comments. Have put the feature request on the wish list.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 89
Hey Ben!
Yep, reading your first post on this thread cleared that all up!
Thanks for your help!
Posts: 89
Hey again Ben!
I have another question regarding the IPN message feature... Since I corrected this table in my database, I have had 2 orders show up in my email that were from 5 or 6 days ago.. I would assume that when the order is placed via paypal, I get the confirmation email from paypals site stating the money was sent, and then when the IPN messages get sent back to G3, G3 sends an email to me with the order.. My question is, what email is sent to the customer? In my email template to the customer, I have a thank you message, along with an address to send a cheque or money order to. Is this the email that also gets sent when the IPN comes back complete? Reason I ask is I had one of my customers call me to see if I had gotten payment. I informed him that I had, and he said he just got an email that almost sounded like I did not and was looking for payment.
If this is the case, then perhaps a seperate template for completed paypal orders thanking them for their business when the IPN comes back complete? Rather than the email asking them for payment?
Let me know what you think.
Posts: 225
The customer only receives one e-mail. This is the "order complete email" which can be found under the templates section. When paying by paypal this is sent when the payment is received. If paying by another method then it is sent before payment is received, but when the order has been completed. If you only accept one payment method (paypal or offline) then this is simple to word.. if Paypal you can word the e-mail to say something like.. "Thanks for your order. Payment has been received. you will receive it in the next couple of days.. blah blah blah.."...
I can see however that if you except both paypal and offline payments this might be a bit harder to word. I think it's a valid thing to add to the wish list for the next version
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 89
Sounds good Ben. I will modify the email to incorporate both scenarios, and will keep my fingers crossed for the wish list
Posts: 304
Basket breaks the page layout when looking at the About page (using the About module) and watching the pages generated by the module Latest updates.
It seems to be a list that is broken when the usual layout breaks.
See example here: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/98203
Posts: 304
For those who want to fix this on their own, the error is in views/basket-side-bar.html.php on line 9:
if ($item->is_photo() && product::isForSale($theme->item()->id)){
This needs to be changed to:
if ($item && $item->is_photo() && product::isForSale($theme->item()->id)){
Otherwise is_photo() will be called without an object, which crashes Gallery and generates a nasty 500 response and a broken page.
Posts: 31
Great Module - I too would like to choose products by different attributes. Another thing for your wish list to help with navigation. . Not everyone knows to click on the logo to return home and some themes don't always show the home button. Can we have a Breadcrumb Trail and/or 'Return to album' Button. Eg exif-gps uses:
<? if ($return_url != ""): ?>
<br /><a href="<?=$return_url; ?>"><?=t("Return to album"); ?></a>
<? endif ?>
Posts: 1
I turned on the basket module and saved and then didn't have time to finish the setup properly so I unclicked the box in modules. Now when I go to set it back up again, the module errors (An error occurred while installing the Shopping Basket module) and I can't get it to restart. I am new at this so I would like some guidance as to what, if anything I can do, other than starting all over again.
Posts: 5
I have also this problem with RC2 and tried many times and with different basket.zip but nothing, when I activate the module and save changes the box return uncheked.
The message returned is a little bit different:
2010-11-20 23:42:59 -08:00 --- error: exception 'Database_Exception' with message '#1060: Duplicate column name 'postage_band_id' [ ALTER TABLE products ADD COLUMN `postage_band_id` int(9) default 1 ]' in ...../system/libraries/Database_Mysqli_Result.php:27
Stack trace:
I did not find an answer in the forum. Any idea?
Thanks a lot
Posts: 3
Is there any solution for the page not refreshing?
I've tried this on Mac in Safari & on PC in IE. Whenever I update the Product Line or Add an Item to the cart, the popup window does not close and the page does not refresh.
Using Gallery 3 RC2 (Sante Fe) and the latest version of the module.
Thank you.
Posts: 7
I have the same problem as Jan.
Workaround was to edit the table directly with phpMyAdmin.
Lots of strings can`t be translated, maybe the t(..) is missing?
Some countries have a different order for house number and street, postal code and city.
Posts: 20
Hello! Mod is great! Works good with my 3.0.x install.
One question. Is there a way, that I can add one more currency to the list?
Posts: 20
figured it out. I missed the file during my search. you need to edit basket/helpers/basket.php
Posts: 3
I get an Internal Server Error when I click 'confirm order' on an offline order.
But throws the error. Is this a permissions thing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Never mind, I forgot to figure in the possibility that I am an idiot (I forgot to set the offline email address in basket config settings).
Posts: 1
I would like to take your module and re-work it for a jewelry website. In this situation, every picture is an item that has an independent price. First, I'm looking for permission to start from your module. Second, the version I've downloaded off the forum has no formatting in the code, is it possible to get a version that is easier to read?
Posts: 6
Is here anyone that can solve this problem or maybe guide me
in the right direction on this, I have try install this model more
than 10 times, on Santa fe 3.0 without any luck. The logs says,
2010-12-05 22:13:54 +01:00 --- error: exception 'Database_Exception' with
message '#1060: Duplicate column name 'postage_band_id'
`postage_band_id` int(9) default 1 ]' in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/system/libraries/Database_Mysqli_Result.php:27
Posts: 43
when viewing the basket in the dark canvas theme the sidebar disappears...any hints on how I can fix this?
Posts: 43
I have a request - now that gallery3 integration is closer for wordpress - I'd like for the module to be exposed in the rest api - so it can be used in the WPG3 plugin - or some pointers to help me achieve this myself - I'm not strong in php but if I'm given some pointers I might be able to figure it out - there is a lot of demand for this
Posts: 20
@ halinab
this will solve your problem with the sidebar:
For those who want to fix this on their own, the error is in views/basket-side-bar.html.php on line 9:
if ($item->is_photo() && product::isForSale($theme->item()->id)){
This needs to be changed to:
if ($item && $item->is_photo() && product::isForSale($theme->item()->id)){
Otherwise is_photo() will be called without an object, which crashes Gallery and generates a nasty 500 response and a broken page.
inposure posted this on the top of the page. Thanks to him!
Posts: 8
Just installed version 5.
Database_Exception [ Database Error ]:
#1146: Table 'mydb_gallery.g3_ipn_messages' doesn't exist [ SHOW COLUMNS FROM `g3_ipn_messages` ]
The table g3_ipn_messages didn't get created in the database when the plugin was installed.
Culprit looks to be line 71 in basket_installer.php:
`ipn_messages` should be {ipn_messages} or similar to rewrite for installations using table prefixes
Posts: 43
just wrote a rest api for basket - its my first crack at it but you can see it working at
its read only at the moment - still working on it - but my ultimate aim is to update a basket in wordpress
Posts: 51
I'm having an issue with the latestupdates module (shows the latest additions to the gallery) and the greydragon theme. If the basket is enabled in that situation, the latest updates page returns a page with no images. Also having issues disabling then re-enabling the plugin with these errors:
Posts: 7994
@halinab: that's awesome! Next step if you're game is to fork gallery3-contrib on github and insert your REST APIs into the basket module itself in the modules/basket/helpers directory. Then you and Glooper can work together to get it smoothed out.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 3
I added a function and the hooks into basket so that a Zip file is created when an order is placed.
All images bought will be placed in directories by product type. IE:
I want to add a method in which thumbnails can have checkboxes for quick ordering from the album page, or from another page titled quick order.
Im very interested in working on this with the original creators. I messaged them at their private websites and have not heard back.
Posts: 225
It's been a while since I've had time to look at this module! Sorry for the lack of support but I think most people are sorting the issues out!
thanks for this fix I'll put it in the next build
@Geoff Cloake
Will work something out for the next release. perhaps the bread trail will work well.
@sharle @ape @pixelshooter
There is a bug in the installer that meant the version number was not correct. I will try and sort this out for the next release.
@jallinder @weegee77
Not seen this issue? What table did you have to change?
. Not sure what you mean about it not being formatted.. it's probably not the prettiest code but It is formatted!
Of course you can use and develop this module for your own use
Good work on the rest api. I'll include the code in the next version. Let me know if you get any further with it
Thanks for the fix. I'll include it in the next build
Good spot.. will sort too
Excellent stuff.. would be good to add this to the module. I've been busy so might have missed your email... so apologise for not getting back in contact.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 1
Hi Glooper - this module is great, but I'm hoping you'd consider adding other payment gateways in addition to paypal. I use authorize.net for my credit card processing. They have an api that looks not too obnoxious - http://developer.authorize.net/api/dpm/ - any chance you'd be able to add them as a gateway option?