I downloaded this module but when I go to Admin > Module and select thius module and click on Activate then nothing happens and module automatically gets deselected.
Can you highlight the reason behind this behaviouir.
Joined: 2009-03-30
Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 2010-07-27 05:41
I have followed the installation instructions and am unable to activate the module. I'm running Gallery 3.0 RC2 (Santa Fe).
Please let me know how I can fix this.
Thank you,
Josh Kellman
Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2010-07-28 23:19
Make sure you guys are using the latest version of the basket module. Looks like there are at least 4 versions that I can see (really wish these guys would STOP posting their work in the forums and use git, it would make EVERYONES life easier) http://gallery.menalto.com/node/90636?page=1#comment-338706
hmm, then perhaps it needs some updating for RC2. Glooper has been pretty good about keeping things up and I believe he was working on something else so hopefully he'll be able to make sure it's working with the current code soon.
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Posted: Wed, 2010-07-28 23:56
Yeah.. sorry.. I've been out the loop for the last few months working on another project. I hadn't even realised RC2 was even out! . I'll see if I can allocate some time in next couple of weeks to bring it up to date.
Hey Ben, if you're going to update the basket module, might as well git pull for G3 as there have been lots of changes since RC2 and will hopefully mean fewer (or no) changes for you for G3's final release.
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Posted: Thu, 2010-08-05 19:54
There is a lot of material here to read through, so I hope I'm not stirring dust that has already been dealt with. I have need of a shopping cart, but not physical delivery. I want the system to e-mail the buyer a digital copy of the image upon paypal authorization. I know there is a plugin for OSCommerce ( http://www.oscommerce.com/ ) that provides this exact function, so it is possible, I just don't have the coding know-how to make it work. Gallery is a MUCH better interface for image viewing, but oscommerce has the advanatge on sales... if the two could be combined....... < insert evil grin, maniacal laughter, and methodical rubbing of hands here >
Joined: 2010-08-05
Posts: 3
Posted: Sat, 2010-08-07 16:30
Just wondering if anyone had come across this error before - the basket doesn't like adding the same thing twice. This is running Gallery 3 RC2 with the latest Basket version that I could find, which is "basket_2.zip". I'm running a testing version of Gallery 3 RC2 on XAMPP for OSX v1.7.3 (Apache 2.2.14, mySQL5.1.44, PHP5.3.1). The Basket module installs fine, shows up fine, allows me to edit and change the product line fine. All is well! However, then I run into the follow set of events.
I add one product to the basket. The basket displays 1 product. I then add any number of the same product to the basket again. The basket now displays [1 + the image's ($item->id) number] eg if the $item->id is 39, then the basket displays 40 items. The same thing occurs whatever the different numbers; the basket has the initial number of products + the image identification number. There doesn't seem to be a way to add the same item twice in two separate goes to the basket.
I did think that it might just be XAMPP, so I tried a fresh installation of Gallery 3 RC2 with Basket on my webhost; unfortunately this still had the same glitch, whether the default set of modules was activated or just the Basket module It looks as if the "id" input gets muddled with the "gQuantity" input, but with my limited experience I can't figure out how to prevent this.
The obvious solution is to tell people not to add the same thing twice, but that doesn't really fix the problem. This is preventing me using this module, which is a real shame since it is fantastic in every other respect. I would really appreciate any advice in how I can solve the problem so I can use the module Is it likely my setup needs altering in both live and local environments? Or is it a glitch in the way I've installed Gallery 3? Again, I really really appreciate any help with this Thank you
Joined: 2010-02-14
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2010-08-10 18:39
I need help to move "add to cart" and "basket" to sidebar block. Is here anyone who can help a little bit?
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Tue, 2010-08-10 20:30
Hi All,
I'm currently working on a new version of this module.. I'll try and sort out some of the bugs people have mentioned. I'm also going to add Paypal IPN and an order status system so you can keep track of whether an order has been paid for or processed.
Side-bar integration is done. You can have a preview here http://pikitia.co.nz/g3dev/index.php/bens try adding some photos to the basket and you should see them appear in the basket in the side bar. Still working on the IPN integration before I can release this version. Let me know if you have any feedback.
Fantastic! Can't wait till it's available. Great work.
Joined: 2010-08-05
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2010-08-15 08:43
The preview looks really good; the sidebar gives a lot more info, something which is quite reassuring. Can't wait either!
Joined: 2010-02-14
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-16 21:55
Fantastic, waiting new version to get change payment type to my gallery...
Joined: 2010-02-14
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Posted: Mon, 2010-08-16 21:59
I tested your demo. If customer make order with 20 pics, to page is quite long.....
Is it better that if order including more than 5 photos, then only link to separate checkout page?
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Tue, 2010-08-17 01:34
Would have had this finished by now.. 'cept I'm in a losing battle with Paypal's sandbox at the moment!
Not sure what to do about a large basket. I don't really like the idea of hiding the basket when it gets too big. The other option is to only show the first five or last give items in your basket.. or have a scroll bar and still show them all?
any news on when the new version may be out? Really hoping to get a checkout on my gallery in the next week or so. don't really want to have to go back and install gallery2. It looks great though! and i agree, the scroll is probably the best idea!
Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Fri, 2010-08-27 16:30
Glooper got a couple "fixes" too.
Line 7 of views/add_to_basket.html.php have be changed from Add To Basket to <?= t("Add To Basket") ?>
That will allow that text to be translatable.
While you're at it, I'd suggest changing "Add To Basket" to "Add to basket" to match the naming/capitalization convention used through out the test of G3. I only caught that because of this thread: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/97672 so there may be other text that needs to be able to be translated and made change the case on.
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Posted: Mon, 2010-08-30 01:01
At last I got some time to sort it out.. turned out it was working fine.. Paypals sandbox was playing up. So here we are
This version was posted on 30 August 2010
new to this version
- Paypal IPN and order tracking. There are 3 statuses for an order
1. Awaiting Payment (red) - this will stay awaiting payment until either the admin confirms payment or paypal sends it IPN message to confirm that CC payment was successfull.
2. Payment Confirmed (green) - this means payment has been received but the item hasn't been posted. To mark as completed you will need to view the order and click "confirm order delivery"
3. completed. These aren't shown on the view orders but the order can still be viewed by typing in the order number.
- Side bar integration, Basket contents appears on the sidebar.
@Glooper: I'm getting lots of merge conflicts when I try to pull in your code. From looking at the network graph, it looks like you haven't merged down from master recently. Can you do that please? After you sort out the merge conflicts, I'll pull your stuff back in.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
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Posts: 225
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-30 03:19
I would if I knew how!?
I'm a bit clueless when it comes to git/github.
It depends a little bit on how you set it up, but if you're using git from the command line and you followed the github instructions, then you can do "git pull upstream master". See http://help.github.com/forking/ for details. Since it's been a while, you may have merge conflicts.
Hmm. Ok, I just cloned your repo and tried merging master into it and there are a ton of conflicts. If you get really far out of date, it's hard to catch up sometimes. This is in part because I've been maintaining our version of your module in github for you and keeping it up to date with the latest version of Gallery 3. It looks like your version has diverged a fair bit. I see at least some things that won't work with the latest version of Gallery 3 so I'm assuming that your fork is aimed at RC2.
I suggest that you bite the bullet and pull from master. You'll get merge conflicts in about 20 files, mostly in modules/basket. For the files in modules/basket, you should edit the files and merge them as appropriate. For the files in the modules outside of modules/basket, just accept our changes. You'll notice that they're mostly around changing things like json_encode() to json::reply(). When your merge is clean and the changes in your branch are only within modules/basket, I'll pull them into gallery3-contrib.
Once we have this going properly, you should merge from master on a regular basis (pretty much any time you start working, so that you're not dealing with a big buildup of merges).
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Joined: 2010-08-27
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-30 13:52
just gave basket_3 a try on my RC2 version.. it kinda works, when i go to add pics to the cart the box does not go away, you have to cancel out of it.
and i cant "view orders"
and when i try to submit an order it craps out as well.
Just though i would let you know what the issues i see are.
Thanks for your hard work! really like the cart though! really looking forward to using it when it is up and running!
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Mon, 2010-08-30 17:56
Will try github again later. I had been looking for a button on the online thingy.
@mdabyo .. this version was built on the latest development build (as of a couple of weeks ago) rather than RC2. This might be the problem you are seeing. Can you check the logs to see if there is any errors.
I had the same problem as @mdabyo, with the dialog box not disappearing; I can confirm that using the latest build from from GitHub solved the problem. Many thanks!
Joined: 2010-08-27
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2010-08-31 15:22
Thanks guys, i am now running the latest version from GITHub and all is working now..
Only issue i noticed is the version of basket in gallery3-contrib would not activate for me, used the one linked here and it worked great though..
Joined: 2006-04-20
Posts: 60
Posted: Tue, 2010-08-31 16:16
Glooper wrote:
[*] You can now delete the originally added product lines... Though you are prevented if and item or gallery has it in it's include list (maybe I'll work away around that at some point but it doesn't seem too important to me)
uhm - noob question - what are "include lists"?
i just installed latest basket module and tried deleting products - but it doesn't work
Joined: 2010-08-27
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2010-08-31 16:48
when you go to edit album, you can select what products are viewable for the album, i did it for my main album and all the ones bellow it inherit the setting..
so you don't need to delete products, just disable them.
Joined: 2010-08-27
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2010-08-31 17:13
Just had some time to play around, it is looking great, my only request would be if you could put in a button to clear the whole basket, i am planning on using it as a POS terminal at a shoot i am going to and this would be a great feature!
Joined: 2006-04-20
Posts: 60
Posted: Tue, 2010-08-31 19:21
mdabyo wrote:
when you go to edit album, you can select what products are viewable for the album, i did it for my main album and all the ones bellow it inherit the setting..
indeed, just found that myself.. ok.. so i had *nothing* ticked there anywhere, but still couldn't delete those products.
understood that i can disable them that way, but still, seems a bit odd..
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-01 01:09
I just tried and I think there might be a bug with the product delete. will look into when I next do an update.
I've installed the current module on the latest experimental release and I've got a couple of issues. When using GreyDragon I'm getting an overlap with the registration link and a basket button (see screenshot). Is there an easy way to eliminate that button? If we're using the sidebar I see the button as unnecessary.
and I'm getting a result:success screen after adding an item to my basket. Any way to get this to return me to the original screen?
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-02 19:17
@Glooper: Works with GD Theme now
Would it be possible not to use tables in sidebar layout. it goes out of the box for me
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-02 19:26
@jbilings - in the configuration options there is an option "use sidebar only". this will get rid of the link at the top
with regards to result:success... that shouldn't happen and doesn't on my version? Could be a conflict with theme or version of gallery.
@serge - to be honest, I doubt I will get time to sort that out. It's taken me six months to find the time to spend the hour to allow it to go into the sidebar and a table suits the type of data being shown.
and I'm getting a result:success screen after adding an item to my basket. Any way to get this to return me to the original screen?
Known issue with prior version. I would suggest to try 2.4.0 version of the theme. it now uses standard dialog engine and deals better with dialogs. It would require latest experimental G3 code though.
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-02 21:20
@glooper: oh, ok. may be next time. just right now a sidebar is to tight for it and only suited for Wind theme
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-02 21:41
@serge you could reduce the size of the thumbs in your css to get it to fit? Add something like
.gBasketList img{max-width:60px !important}
the "!important" is needed as I foolishly added the style to the html tag itself(my bad!)
Should work (nb: I've not tried it though, just in case it doesn't! )
@bharat I've been using Git GUI. I can't seem to find the command on it's menu. I tried using the command line and I get the following error
fatal: 'upstream' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
bring back svn or cvs I knew how to use that! Git seems over complicated to me!!
I'm obviously doing some rookie mistake and have something setup incorrectly or am missing something!
Would it not be quicker/easier to just re-fork the master and copy my new code on that new fork? I don't know enough about git to know if that would be a better solution!?
What Git GUI are you using? We can help you find the right instructions. But basically what you need to do is point the "upstream" remote at the original version (what you forked from).
$ git pull upstream
// then merge any conflicts
$ git push
// that pushes it to your fork
I bet there's a pretty obvious way for you to set up a new remote with your GUI.
I agree that git is more complicated. However, it's a *huge* win for us that we can combine your fork and ours and pull changes between the two. We can't do that in svn at all (we have to pass patches around -- ugh).
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-02 23:04
It's actually called... git-gui. I believe it's distributed with git.
git-gui version
git version
Tcl/Tk version 8.5.5
I think I've found the add upstream command in the gui. However I get the following error.
ERROR: Permission to gallery/gallery3-contrib denied to Glooper.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
I tried on the command line and the following happened
fatal: remote upstream already exists.
So assuming that's setup already I tried step two to pull the upstream and the following error occurs
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
There is seems to be a problem with install procedure - attempt to activate it second time gives me this
2010-09-02 16:09:15 -07:00 --- error: exception 'Database_Exception' with message '#1060: Duplicate column name 'name' [ ALTER TABLE gd_orders ADD COLUMN `name` varchar(1024); ]' in zzzzz/gallery3/system/libraries/Database_Mysqli_Result.php:27
Stack trace:
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-02 23:17
Glooper wrote:
@serge you could reduce the size of the thumbs in your css to get it to fit? Add something like
.gBasketList img{max-width:60px !important}
the "!important" is needed as I foolishly added the style to the html tag itself(my bad!)
Should work (nb: I've not tried it though, just in case it doesn't! )
did not help
I left it up for now, you can try on my web-site
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-02 23:25
Glooper wrote:
ERROR: Permission to gallery/gallery3-contrib denied to Glooper.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Oops, I gave you the wrong url! Remove your upstream remote, if you still have one, and then readd it with this git url:
Note that the "git reset" line will clean up any outstanding edits/operations in your client. Let me know how it goes!
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 79
I downloaded this module but when I go to Admin > Module and select thius module and click on Activate then nothing happens and module automatically gets deselected.
Can you highlight the reason behind this behaviouir.
Posts: 9
I have followed the installation instructions and am unable to activate the module. I'm running Gallery 3.0 RC2 (Santa Fe).
Please let me know how I can fix this.
Thank you,
Josh Kellman
Posts: 16504
Make sure you guys are using the latest version of the basket module. Looks like there are at least 4 versions that I can see (really wish these guys would STOP posting their work in the forums and use git, it would make EVERYONES life easier)
I've updated this to point to what I believe is the current version:
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Posts: 16504
Or at the very least keep editing one post and replacing the link in that post...
Looks like Glooper is on github but it looks like the post with the zip I pointed to above is newer than what's in his git repohttp://github.com/Glooper/gallery3-contrib/tree/master/modules/basket/
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That's the version I installed.
Posts: 16504
hmm, then perhaps it needs some updating for RC2. Glooper has been pretty good about keeping things up and I believe he was working on something else so hopefully he'll be able to make sure it's working with the current code soon.
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Yeah.. sorry.. I've been out the loop for the last few months working on another project. I hadn't even realised RC2 was even out!
. I'll see if I can allocate some time in next couple of weeks to bring it up to date.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 9
Awesome thanks.
Posts: 16504
Hey Ben, if you're going to update the basket module, might as well git pull for G3 as there have been lots of changes since RC2 and will hopefully mean fewer (or no) changes for you for G3's final release.
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Posts: 22
There is a lot of material here to read through, so I hope I'm not stirring dust that has already been dealt with. I have need of a shopping cart, but not physical delivery. I want the system to e-mail the buyer a digital copy of the image upon paypal authorization. I know there is a plugin for OSCommerce ( http://www.oscommerce.com/ ) that provides this exact function, so it is possible, I just don't have the coding know-how to make it work. Gallery is a MUCH better interface for image viewing, but oscommerce has the advanatge on sales... if the two could be combined....... < insert evil grin, maniacal laughter, and methodical rubbing of hands here >
Posts: 3
Just wondering if anyone had come across this error before - the basket doesn't like adding the same thing twice. This is running Gallery 3 RC2 with the latest Basket version that I could find, which is "basket_2.zip". I'm running a testing version of Gallery 3 RC2 on XAMPP for OSX v1.7.3 (Apache 2.2.14, mySQL5.1.44, PHP5.3.1). The Basket module installs fine, shows up fine, allows me to edit and change the product line fine. All is well! However, then I run into the follow set of events.
I add one product to the basket. The basket displays 1 product. I then add any number of the same product to the basket again. The basket now displays [1 + the image's ($item->id) number] eg if the $item->id is 39, then the basket displays 40 items. The same thing occurs whatever the different numbers; the basket has the initial number of products + the image identification number. There doesn't seem to be a way to add the same item twice in two separate goes to the basket.
I did think that it might just be XAMPP, so I tried a fresh installation of Gallery 3 RC2 with Basket on my webhost; unfortunately this still had the same glitch, whether the default set of modules was activated or just the Basket module
It looks as if the "id" input gets muddled with the "gQuantity" input, but with my limited experience I can't figure out how to prevent this.
The obvious solution is to tell people not to add the same thing twice, but that doesn't really fix the problem. This is preventing me using this module, which is a real shame since it is fantastic in every other respect. I would really appreciate any advice in how I can solve the problem so I can use the module
Is it likely my setup needs altering in both live and local environments? Or is it a glitch in the way I've installed Gallery 3? Again, I really really appreciate any help with this
Thank you 
Posts: 5
I need help to move "add to cart" and "basket" to sidebar block. Is here anyone who can help a little bit?
Posts: 225
Hi All,
I'm currently working on a new version of this module.. I'll try and sort out some of the bugs people have mentioned. I'm also going to add Paypal IPN and an order status system so you can keep track of whether an order has been paid for or processed.
Give me about a week to sort it all out
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 225
Side-bar integration is done. You can have a preview here http://pikitia.co.nz/g3dev/index.php/bens try adding some photos to the basket and you should see them appear in the basket in the side bar. Still working on the IPN integration before I can release this version. Let me know if you have any feedback.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 33
Fantastic! Can't wait till it's available. Great work.
Posts: 3
The preview looks really good; the sidebar gives a lot more info, something which is quite reassuring. Can't wait either!
Posts: 5
Fantastic, waiting new version to get change payment type to my gallery...
Posts: 5
I tested your demo. If customer make order with 20 pics, to page is quite long.....
Is it better that if order including more than 5 photos, then only link to separate checkout page?
Posts: 225
Would have had this finished by now.. 'cept I'm in a losing battle with Paypal's sandbox at the moment!
Not sure what to do about a large basket. I don't really like the idea of hiding the basket when it gets too big. The other option is to only show the first five or last give items in your basket.. or have a scroll bar and still show them all?
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 33
I like the idea of a scroll bar.
Just my $0.02 worth
Posts: 5
any news on when the new version may be out? Really hoping to get a checkout on my gallery in the next week or so. don't really want to have to go back and install gallery2. It looks great though! and i agree, the scroll is probably the best idea!
Posts: 16504
Glooper got a couple "fixes" too.
Line 7 of views/add_to_basket.html.php have be changed from Add To Basket to <?= t("Add To Basket") ?>
That will allow that text to be translatable.
While you're at it, I'd suggest changing "Add To Basket" to "Add to basket" to match the naming/capitalization convention used through out the test of G3. I only caught that because of this thread: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/97672 so there may be other text that needs to be able to be translated and made change the case on.
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Posts: 225
At last I got some time to sort it out.. turned out it was working fine.. Paypals sandbox was playing up. So here we are
This version was posted on 30 August 2010
new to this version
- Paypal IPN and order tracking. There are 3 statuses for an order
1. Awaiting Payment (red) - this will stay awaiting payment until either the admin confirms payment or paypal sends it IPN message to confirm that CC payment was successfull.
2. Payment Confirmed (green) - this means payment has been received but the item hasn't been posted. To mark as completed you will need to view the order and click "confirm order delivery"
3. completed. These aren't shown on the view orders but the order can still be viewed by typing in the order number.
- Side bar integration, Basket contents appears on the sidebar.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 225
Changes pushed to git hubs contrib directory too.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 7994
@Glooper: I'm getting lots of merge conflicts when I try to pull in your code. From looking at the network graph, it looks like you haven't merged down from master recently. Can you do that please? After you sort out the merge conflicts, I'll pull your stuff back in.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 225
I would if I knew how!?
I'm a bit clueless when it comes to git/github.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 7994
It depends a little bit on how you set it up, but if you're using git from the command line and you followed the github instructions, then you can do "git pull upstream master". See http://help.github.com/forking/ for details. Since it's been a while, you may have merge conflicts.
Hmm. Ok, I just cloned your repo and tried merging master into it and there are a ton of conflicts. If you get really far out of date, it's hard to catch up sometimes. This is in part because I've been maintaining our version of your module in github for you and keeping it up to date with the latest version of Gallery 3. It looks like your version has diverged a fair bit. I see at least some things that won't work with the latest version of Gallery 3 so I'm assuming that your fork is aimed at RC2.
I suggest that you bite the bullet and pull from master. You'll get merge conflicts in about 20 files, mostly in modules/basket. For the files in modules/basket, you should edit the files and merge them as appropriate. For the files in the modules outside of modules/basket, just accept our changes. You'll notice that they're mostly around changing things like json_encode() to json::reply(). When your merge is clean and the changes in your branch are only within modules/basket, I'll pull them into gallery3-contrib.
Once we have this going properly, you should merge from master on a regular basis (pretty much any time you start working, so that you're not dealing with a big buildup of merges).
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 5
just gave basket_3 a try on my RC2 version.. it kinda works, when i go to add pics to the cart the box does not go away, you have to cancel out of it.
and i cant "view orders"
and when i try to submit an order it craps out as well.
Just though i would let you know what the issues i see are.
Thanks for your hard work! really like the cart though! really looking forward to using it when it is up and running!
Posts: 225
Will try github again later. I had been looking for a button on the online thingy.
@mdabyo .. this version was built on the latest development build (as of a couple of weeks ago) rather than RC2. This might be the problem you are seeing. Can you check the logs to see if there is any errors.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 3
I had the same problem as @mdabyo, with the dialog box not disappearing; I can confirm that using the latest build from from GitHub solved the problem. Many thanks!
Posts: 5
Thanks guys, i am now running the latest version from GITHub and all is working now..
Only issue i noticed is the version of basket in gallery3-contrib would not activate for me, used the one linked here and it worked great though..
Posts: 60
uhm - noob question - what are "include lists"?
i just installed latest basket module and tried deleting products - but it doesn't work
Posts: 5
when you go to edit album, you can select what products are viewable for the album, i did it for my main album and all the ones bellow it inherit the setting..
so you don't need to delete products, just disable them.
Posts: 5
Just had some time to play around, it is looking great, my only request would be if you could put in a button to clear the whole basket, i am planning on using it as a POS terminal at a shoot i am going to and this would be a great feature!
Posts: 60
indeed, just found that myself.. ok.. so i had *nothing* ticked there anywhere, but still couldn't delete those products.
understood that i can disable them that way, but still, seems a bit odd..
Posts: 225
I just tried and I think there might be a bug with the product delete. will look into when I next do an update.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 33
I've installed the current module on the latest experimental release and I've got a couple of issues. When using GreyDragon I'm getting an overlap with the registration link and a basket button (see screenshot). Is there an easy way to eliminate that button? If we're using the sidebar I see the button as unnecessary.
and I'm getting a result:success screen after adding an item to my basket. Any way to get this to return me to the original screen?
Posts: 2466
@Glooper: Works with GD Theme now
Would it be possible not to use tables in sidebar layout. it goes out of the box for me
Posts: 225
@jbilings - in the configuration options there is an option "use sidebar only". this will get rid of the link at the top
with regards to result:success... that shouldn't happen and doesn't on my version? Could be a conflict with theme or version of gallery.
@serge - to be honest, I doubt I will get time to sort that out. It's taken me six months to find the time to spend the hour to allow it to go into the sidebar and a table suits the type of data being shown.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 2466
Known issue with prior version. I would suggest to try 2.4.0 version of the theme. it now uses standard dialog engine and deals better with dialogs. It would require latest experimental G3 code though.
Posts: 2466
@glooper: oh, ok. may be next time. just right now a sidebar is to tight for it and only suited for Wind theme
Posts: 225
@serge you could reduce the size of the thumbs in your css to get it to fit? Add something like
.gBasketList img{max-width:60px !important}
the "!important" is needed as I foolishly added the style to the html tag itself(my bad!)
Should work (nb: I've not tried it though, just in case it doesn't! )
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 225
@bharat I've been using Git GUI. I can't seem to find the command on it's menu. I tried using the command line and I get the following error
fatal: 'upstream' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
bring back svn or cvs I knew how to use that!
Git seems over complicated to me!!
I'm obviously doing some rookie mistake and have something setup incorrectly or am missing something!
Would it not be quicker/easier to just re-fork the master and copy my new code on that new fork? I don't know enough about git to know if that would be a better solution!?
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 7994
What Git GUI are you using? We can help you find the right instructions. But basically what you need to do is point the "upstream" remote at the original version (what you forked from).
On the command line you'd set it up with this:
Then whenever you want to merge you'd do:
I bet there's a pretty obvious way for you to set up a new remote with your GUI.
I agree that git is more complicated. However, it's a *huge* win for us that we can combine your fork and ours and pull changes between the two. We can't do that in svn at all (we have to pass patches around -- ugh).
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 225
It's actually called... git-gui. I believe it's distributed with git.
git-gui version
git version
Tcl/Tk version 8.5.5
I think I've found the add upstream command in the gui. However I get the following error.
ERROR: Permission to gallery/gallery3-contrib denied to Glooper.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
I tried on the command line and the following happened
fatal: remote upstream already exists.
So assuming that's setup already I tried step two to pull the upstream and the following error occurs
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 2466
There is seems to be a problem with install procedure - attempt to activate it second time gives me this
2010-09-02 16:09:15 -07:00 --- error: exception 'Database_Exception' with message '#1060: Duplicate column name 'name' [ ALTER TABLE gd_orders ADD COLUMN `name` varchar(1024); ]' in zzzzz/gallery3/system/libraries/Database_Mysqli_Result.php:27
Stack trace:
Posts: 2466
did not help
I left it up for now, you can try on my web-site
Posts: 7994
Oops, I gave you the wrong url! Remove your upstream remote, if you still have one, and then readd it with this git url:
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 225
err.. should that still be gallery3-contrib.git at the end..
I think I might screwed things up even more!
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 7994
Waah. I am having a bad day! Ok, 3rd time is the charm. The correct url is: git://github.com/gallery/gallery3-contrib.git
If you've already gotten your client in a weird state do this from the command line:
Note that the "git reset" line will clean up any outstanding edits/operations in your client. Let me know how it goes!
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git