Any idea where the currency symbol comes from as on my install a UK Pound sign appears as a lozenge with a question mark in it. I thought it might be gallery installed language related but it does not seem to be so.
Joined: 2005-05-07
Posts: 55
Posted: Mon, 2009-09-28 17:52
Hi Ben,
A bit more on the GBP selection. If I select US Dollars as the currency, the dropdown box for product selection displays the products correctly. However, if I select GBP, the dropdown product selection box appears very small i.e. it is empty. I think the GBP symbol must blow the browser's ability to display the product correctly.
Any ideas?
p.s. is there an easy way to add a "postage" product automatically to the list of selected products. For a fixed price postage option?
p.p.s. The prices per product options doesn't seem to accept decimal amounts i.e. cents, pence etc. It just rounds down to the nearest whole number. Is this intentional?
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Mon, 2009-09-28 19:03
Hi Hazzy,
Fixing the pound problem now..
Also fixing the problem with rounding... This is going to require an upgrade of the database but I'll post instructions later when I've got the new build done
As for postage.. I'm still unsure the best way to proceed. You mention having it as a separate product?.. So would you require just a flat rate postage that you would always apply per order, regardless of ordered products and quantity? Currently I was looking at a weight + size + flat fee... kinda of thing though to be honest it all seems a bit unworkable. (the weight of a 4x6 being so small... and of course it depending on packaging weight etc... )
A flat postage fee on the other hand would be easy to implement
I had a look at the gallery 2 documentation to see how modules there did it... and as far as I can tell they didn't have postage options!?
A flat rate postage would work for me but a more flexible option would be nice.
I think the cart in Gallery 2 had lots of postage features but it was a while since I used it so my memory might be patchy.
Maybe for your cart module a simple equation = number of products * product postage cost. The postage cost per product could be a database field? Let the gallery admin set these in the database. Forget weight - too complicated. Percentage discount for postage over certain amount - could be 100% discount for free postage if over certain spend. Should be enough for most folks.
Thanks again,
Joined: 2005-10-16
Posts: 18
Posted: Mon, 2009-09-28 19:49
As I recall, the Cart module allowed the user to create custom postage "bands", which could then be selectively assigned to different product classes. So you could create a class called "4x6 glossy" and assign it to postage band 1, and also "11x14 walnut framed" and assign it to postage band 5. Shipping charges were defined per-band.
I imagine that would add a lot of coding complexity, but I found it fit the bill very nicely when creating a site for a professional photographer, once we had it all dialed in she loved it.
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Mon, 2009-09-28 20:17
So how would it work if you ordered two items one from each band... would it charge postage based on the highest band or would it just add the postage together for both bands?... I could see both being applicable... i.e if someone ordered an A2 poster and a framed picture, chances are they would have to be posted seperately and postage charged accordingly... or alternatively if someone ordered a framed picture and a 4x6 print then the 4x6 print could easily be stuck in the same package as the picture frame and thus only the postage for the picture frame would be required.
I'm probably over thinking this.. perhaps I should just add a flat rate + additional postage per item rate... at least to start with and see what people think?
OK.. heres a new version... the following have been added or fixed
Fixed the decimal point problem.. money is now always shown as x.xx...
Pound sign, euro and yens should now be displayed properly.
You can now delete the originally added product lines... Though you are prevented if and item or gallery has it in it's include list (maybe I'll work away around that at some point but it doesn't seem too important to me)
Added Postage and packaging options.
Hopefully I've come to a reasonable compromise with the postage and packaging that will fit most people requirements. I went for the idea of postage bands as mentiond by badjeros. Each band has two numbers... a fixed rate and a per item cost. You can then assign each product a postage band... For instance here's how it would work with a couple of scenario's
If you only sold prints and always charged $5 for P+P regardless of quantity bought then you would set up a postage band called say "Fixed Rate For Prints". And have the fixed rate set to 5 and the per-item set to 0... This postage band would be assigned to all products. And as such the client would only ever get charged $5 for postage.
If you sold framed prints and sent each print separately regardless of ordered quantity and as $5 for each framed print then you would create a postage band called "Per Item For Framed Prints". And have the Fixed rate sate to 0 and the per-item set to $5. now if a client ordered 10 framed prints, he she would be charged $50 postage and packaging.
It maybe that you post frames in the same package but wish to charge a little extra for each print as the weight increase... as such you can edit the previous postage band and set the fixed rate to say $5 and the per-item to $2. Now if a client ordered 10 framed prints, he she would be charged 5 + 2 * 10 = $25.
you can of course have many different postage bands set up and applied to different products.. if a client has products from different postage bands then all the postage options are added up... i.e. if he/she bough 5 prints and 10 framed prints he/she would be charged 5 (for the prints) + 25 (for the framed prints) = $30 postage
Hope that all makes sense and fits most your needs.. let me know if there are any problems..
I've not tried this on a new install as I don't have one available, but it should work fine (famous last words).. if anyone has a problem let me know and I'll try to solve it ASAP
Ben, great work, I think this workaround weight+size will work for most situations and one will have to wait for a response from people who will actually use it. The estimate and rounding is probably the only solution to quite complex formula that is used by national post and courier services where to variables such as weight+size there is one that is most troubling and that is a destination (country+region(zip or postal code). When I went to the post office and tried to get a variable for different regions of Canada, I got stuck - the cost was anywhere from $6.00 - $14.00. So people will have to find an average for their mailing and plug-it into the band postage table.
Thanks a lot for all your effort, installation and upgrade went without a problem. William
Joined: 2005-05-07
Posts: 55
Posted: Wed, 2009-09-30 15:49
Hi Ben,
The upgrade went well. Decimal numbers and postage seems good so far. Thanks.
Still a problem with the UK Pound sign - it is displaying in the rendered HTML as &Pound; and not an actual pound symbol £.
Any ideas?
Another minor point is the "add to basket" link does not appear as a button - instead just text in the default theme.
Otherwise great.
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Wed, 2009-09-30 22:23
hmm.. strange.. what version of g3 are you using... beta3 or the latest experimental code.. I've not upgraded since beta 3 so it could be something that's changed in the core.
In the file modules/basket/helpers/basket.php change line 45 from
"GBP" => "£",
"GBP" => "£",
Let me know if that works or not... If that still doesn't work then there is definitely a bug in the Gallery3 which I'll raise with the developers.
I can change the Add to Basket to a button if you like... For some reason I'd just added it as a link rather than a button but it can easily be either ... will update when we have a resolution for the pound sign problem
Well I changed as you suggested and the small dropdown box problem returned. A rendering issue.
The UK Pound problem is not universal in Gallery 3. It only seems to happen on the AJAX screens. For instance on the postage bands screens, it displays correctly. Just on the "Add to basket screen" it comes as "&Pound;". Is this a clue?
Also sorry to say the latest Gallery 3 code seems to have broken the "add to basket screen" in another way. It seems not the be styled in anyway. Just a white screen, all content in top left corner. The source just shows it starting and ending <div> and </div>. It that how it is supposed to act?
I think I know what's going on... I'm guessing there's been a couple of changes to the way dialog boxes appear. Unfortunetly I haven't upgraded my g3 yet and have to do some work on beta 3 over the next few days. I'll upgrade as soon as I can next week and see if I can sort these issues out then. I hope thats alright? Thanks for the help
Sorry to hassle you but any progress on this likely over the new few days?
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Thu, 2009-10-08 20:10
sorry, I can't change anything at the moment as one of my live site is on G3 beta 3 and we have an event this weekend that we are using gallery with... so if anything goes wrong or is required a quick fix I need to keep the code working on g3 beta 3.
once this is out of the way I will get some time to look at the latest g3 and upgrading this module. I believe there's been a few changes in the latest g3 that effect this module so will need to do a new version before RC1 comes out.
Sorry to keep you waiting.. but I will fix it... it just might have to wait a week or two...
Is there a way to add a whole album to the basket?
Does this cart has the same "download to zip" function as the cart from gallery2?
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Tue, 2009-10-13 18:19
Not at the moment.. but I can put it on a wish list for it.
Still can't work on fixing issues with this module at the moment, but should get sometime in the next few weeks. I will try to make sure that everything is in place for RC1 whenever that is close to being released .
Just to let you know.. I found a bug with the product override section... such that albums and sub albums with product overrides currently don't work correctly. I've corrected this in my code base but can't for the main code base until I've sorted out the other issues and upgraded to the latest experimental code.
sorry to nudge again but any chance of a working version of this soon with the latest experimental code. It must be approaching RC status soonish.
I know you said that you are stuck on a back level of code but maybe you could install the new gallery 3 code again in a different directory?
I can live with the Pound sign issue but the current code just does not work properly at all. It dumps the shopper into a white screen devoid of styling.
Pretty please...... ;O)
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Wed, 2009-10-28 00:33
I'm sorry Hazzy. this is still on the backburner for me. I may be able to pick it up again soon, but at the moment my paying customers have to come first. ... I have been doing a little bit of work imbetween jobs... and paypal encryption is almost done... however I can't upgrade until RC1 as my live customers need to be on a reasonably stable releases and I haven't the time to maintain two different versions. I'm keeping an ear on the developers mailing list for when RC1 is going to be released... but I think they have a fair amount of work left yet. All I can suggest is that you either move back to beta3 or try and persuade someone else to do some revisions for you... or of course pay me :P, that way you'd get priority!
Are there any plans to add a 'download image' option to the cart products?
Joined: 2005-05-07
Posts: 55
Posted: Wed, 2010-02-03 16:09
Hi Ben,
Not sure if this Basket is still an ongoing project for you but after bharat updated the GIT version recently your Basket module seems to be working again with recent Gallery 3 post Beta 3 code. Hurrah!
I think I have found a small issue in helpers/product.php.
Line 105 - $producta[$product->id] = $product->description." (".basket::formatMoney($cost).")";
should be
Otherwise the dropdown list is filled with the Product description which can be too long for it to cope with. The name is kept short.
Joined: 2005-05-07
Posts: 55
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-01 16:09
Hi Ben,
Another bug report for you and anyone else who is following this module.
If you add an item to the basket and then add it again, instead of adding the original quantity and the second quantity together, the Basket module adds the $id instead of the $quantity making a suprisingly large number of orders for the item!
I have made a local fix for this bug by editing line 119 of libraries/Session_Basket.php
$this->contents[$key]->add($id, $quantity);
Joined: 2010-03-01
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-01 20:52
I installed Gallery3 RC1; its running smooth.
However, after adding the basket module, I ran into problems:
1. Basket - Configure-> works!
2. Basket - Product Lines throws "Kohana_Exception [ Framework Error ]: Invalid method orderby called in Product_Model"
3. Basket - Postage bands throws "Kohana_Exception [ Framework Error ]: Invalid method orderby called in Postage_Band_Model"
I added the details in a file for #2
Any ideas if the problem is within my installation or perhaps in the gallery3_RC1 or in the module?
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Mon, 2010-03-01 22:15
This module was developed on Beta 3. I have not yet brought it up to date with the latest release. It's on my list of things to do but I'm afraid I have other priorities at the moment. Hopefully other people can help you in the meantime... I don't have this module on any of my RC1 sites... so can't help with getting it fixed at the moment.
actually the basket doesn't activate from the modules using 3.0 rc1
can anyone give the final version till now of basket.
Joined: 2010-03-01
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2010-03-07 12:15
the good news: i installed the last version from gitrepository. I had to insert manually the tables to mysql database and after that the kohana exception failure was gone and it worked.
the bad news: i was not able to add the product items via basket configuration interface but adding them manually in the database products table bypassed the problem.
I am looking forward to having a clean version of the basket for RC1 or later versions, but so far there is no need to hurry - at least i can work with it.
Joined: 2009-11-12
Posts: 33
Posted: Sat, 2010-03-13 01:42
Is anyone looking at a fix for this module? Sure would be nice to be able to go live with this version of Gallery 3. Just hope someone can look at it soon.
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Tue, 2010-03-16 19:53
I've just started work on this module again. I've got it working ok with rc-1. I've added a lot of proprietary stuff for the client which I'm going to rip out and change into a more usable way. I can then re-release this module for RC-1.
Fabulous. Thanks for volunteering your efforts Ben.
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Wed, 2010-03-17 01:10
As promised here's a new version. It has the following new features.
- Click on an image in the basket show a resized version (click on the image to close)
- Option to allow P+P can be waived if buyer chooses to pick up images.
- templates to order confirmation e-mail, confirmation page, and checkout for when using offline payments.
- Off-line orders are recorded in the system with new view-orders option to see them or print them. You can prefix the order number with your own brand.
Features I would still like to add
- Encryption of paypal... In my opinion this is essential before I can use paypal on a live site.
- Recording orders when using paypal. Perhaps going through checkout and moving to paypal after address has been received.
- order tracking to include processing state of order.
- ordering resized version as a downloadable zip.
I've attached the module in this post. I've not yet put it back into github... I need to do some more testing before I do that. Currently I've not tested the e-mails fully as my mail server is down. But I thought i'd put it up now and get you guys to test it for me in the meantime!
Let me know if there are any problems. (there probably will be some!)
I installed the latest version, but I am having an issue with paypal. If I do an exception on a price in an album it shows in the cart correctly but when I pay with paypal it reverts back to the orignal price on the paypal side. also this is the same for the pickup at store. It strike out the shipping and changes thetotal in the cart but adds the shipping back on in paypal.
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Mon, 2010-04-12 16:34
First off, I want to thank Glooper for this awesome module. It is my absolute favorite!! It was the single driving force for me to get back into selling pictures again, and for that, I thank you!
I just installed Santa Fe, and the new version of this module... There are only 2 things I see wrong with it, if you want to throw on your "to-do" list.
Firstly, when I go through and place an order for pictures, and pay with paypal, the transaction finishes no problem, but when I go back to the gallery, the item still remains in my basket.
Secondly, when selecting the option to "Pay Offline", the email that is generated to myself and the customer do not have any cents, if the dollar value is an even dollar... For example it shows Cost of ordered products = 40, yet the value of %total_cost in the template shows the proper 40.00
Other than that, a great piece of work... Thank you again!
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Wed, 2010-04-14 03:07
I'm looking to rewrite the paypal section. I'm about to start working on a paypal module for Kohana (the open source framework behind gallery3), which should allow better integration, allowing gallery3 to communicate directly to paypal to confirm payments.. and hopefully allow for encryption in the communication. Once I've sorted this out I'll look at sorting out this module to use this new paypal system... and will fix all the bugs mentioned above at the same time. Might be a little while though I'm afraid as I've a lot on at the moment.... Will post when I've got a new version.
@glooper: I have got a request for better integration of your module with my theme.
0. I have started with latest experimental version and posted here. Looking at default Wind theme, I am trying incorporate it within my theme. I am logged in. IE 8
1. View Orders link is in the header but is not linked to the menu - just jump to the top next to the logo.
2. Add to Basket button is added in such way that it shifts [Next] button down
3. Shopping card item appears in the top right corner and potentially could interfere with form layout
Now questions
1. It does not have an id so it is difficult to move it around to fit the theme. or since it is an admin function would it be more convenient to become part of the main menu instead?
2. Would it be better to move link (as button) into the toolbar next to [slideshow][full view] buttons?
3. There is also big basket image appears with number of items. Would you consider making it part of the toolbar also with number displayed inside, next or as a hint?
4. g-block in Basket page content has more distinct name or extra class name for identification
5. Same for checkout and view orders page
This is a starting points for me.
Great work and I almost done with integration
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Sat, 2010-04-17 04:33
@Serge D
To be honest.. I never imagined this module to be used with the positioning etc I put in there... Certainly where I've used this module I've customised it within the theme to get the effect I want/ creating my own basket.css to override the basket.css in the module... which is why the basket.css included is a little bit rough around the edges!
Having said that... I'll try and add some of the functionality you requested and provide better integration for the next release of this module. I can't promise to do everything you've asked for... but will tick off a few for you.
Also it might take a while.. Currently have a heavy workload so not much time to put on this module at the moment... But I am wanting to sort out the paypal integration fairly soon (i.e sometime in the next few months) so will look at these issues then.
I suspected this, but others try to use it as is which while not as bad in wind theme, still look slightly out of balance.
I do not worry about CSS per se, but I do not want to hack your code either creating custom version.
For me adding missing id/class name would allow smooth some corners and it would be sufficient for now.
No big changes are required in your default CSS.
Joined: 2005-09-21
Posts: 225
Posted: Sat, 2010-04-17 04:48
K... I'll make sure to prioritise adding IDs to the various elements. ...
Was playing with markup today and made some progress for better integration. not perfect, but better. so I can wait on IDs
I was thinking, why not use sidebar block and put all the operations in there as just links
very simple, easy to style, does not dance around
See 6 minutes slap on
Joined: 2010-04-22
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2010-04-22 22:31
Hello everyone!
I'm testing different gallery softwares for our use. Gallery3 seems to be one of the most modern galleries available.
The main idea behind our gallery is to provide a national photo bank and sell photos..
So, your plugin is extremely valuable for us but it still needs few fixes and features to be complete.
Bugs? 1) For me, removing products doesn't work. Should it be possible to have only one product?
2) Viewing orders should list all orders with e.g. 10 per page view. It is pretty hard to know what number would be the next, if you have kept few days off.. Table view would also be a lot clearer for listing.
Features 1) I manually changed the localizations in many files. It would be wonderful, if it was possible to integrate localized texts in some kind of global language file.
2) Settings for required Contact details. In our country there are no suburbs or house numbers, just a plain address, which includes the house number e.g. "Teststreet 30". No-one would understand to put the number in house number here. I changed this manually, but it would be great to have a field management options or something in the administration.
3) Minor feature: visible shopping cart in the sidebar or a more easily visible cart icon lol... I got feedback they didn't understand the shopping cart icon, even though it seems very clear for me.
These are just my 2 cents, but they definitely would help many people out when G3 goes stable.
Keep up the good work!
Joined: 2009-10-14
Posts: 89
Posted: Fri, 2010-04-23 00:37
I have also noticed that you can not delete the 3 default items that ship with the module, but it is not an issue for me. I just change them to what I need, and add the rest.
Joined: 2009-08-20
Posts: 47
Posted: Sun, 2010-04-25 14:54
Is their a way to have options or sub catagories. Ie 8x12 with options of matte, glossy etc. with different costs added to the costs. With the current way my list of products would be long and difficult for the customer to use.
Thank you for creating this module.
Joined: 2010-05-09
Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 2010-05-11 09:05
Good idea on the module - however I've got a weird issue. I've uploaded the software (pretty simple) however when I tick the module to turn it on, then click UPDATE, it turns itself off. Ideas? Doesn't give error screens, and I downloaded the one off here, no where else.
Scratch that - ver 2 works...the link from the modules area went to ver1 :D
Joined: 2010-05-25
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2010-05-25 15:24
Hello Ben...
No problems with the module...just a question. Is there a way to have a dollar or percentage discount for members in a certain group?
Thanks for your help.
Joined: 2010-06-01
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2010-06-01 05:12
What about a function to passively create a pay download link therefore opening gallery 3 to stock imagery sales etc? What do you recommend? Could it be possible?
Joined: 2006-06-01
Posts: 14
Posted: Tue, 2010-06-29 12:07
Awesome! I will be putting this to test for an upcoming event and print sales.
Posts: 55
Hi Ben,
Thanks for developing this module.
Any idea where the currency symbol comes from as on my install a UK Pound sign appears as a lozenge with a question mark in it. I thought it might be gallery installed language related but it does not seem to be so.
Posts: 55
Hi Ben,
A bit more on the GBP selection. If I select US Dollars as the currency, the dropdown box for product selection displays the products correctly. However, if I select GBP, the dropdown product selection box appears very small i.e. it is empty. I think the GBP symbol must blow the browser's ability to display the product correctly.
Any ideas?
p.s. is there an easy way to add a "postage" product automatically to the list of selected products. For a fixed price postage option?
p.p.s. The prices per product options doesn't seem to accept decimal amounts i.e. cents, pence etc. It just rounds down to the nearest whole number. Is this intentional?
Posts: 225
Hi Hazzy,
Fixing the pound problem now..
Also fixing the problem with rounding... This is going to require an upgrade of the database but I'll post instructions later when I've got the new build done
As for postage.. I'm still unsure the best way to proceed. You mention having it as a separate product?.. So would you require just a flat rate postage that you would always apply per order, regardless of ordered products and quantity? Currently I was looking at a weight + size + flat fee... kinda of thing though to be honest it all seems a bit unworkable. (the weight of a 4x6 being so small... and of course it depending on packaging weight etc... )
A flat postage fee on the other hand would be easy to implement
I had a look at the gallery 2 documentation to see how modules there did it... and as far as I can tell they didn't have postage options!?
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 55
Hi Ben,
Thanks for the speedy response.
A flat rate postage would work for me but a more flexible option would be nice.
I think the cart in Gallery 2 had lots of postage features but it was a while since I used it so my memory might be patchy.
Maybe for your cart module a simple equation = number of products * product postage cost. The postage cost per product could be a database field? Let the gallery admin set these in the database. Forget weight - too complicated. Percentage discount for postage over certain amount - could be 100% discount for free postage if over certain spend. Should be enough for most folks.
Thanks again,
Posts: 18
As I recall, the Cart module allowed the user to create custom postage "bands", which could then be selectively assigned to different product classes. So you could create a class called "4x6 glossy" and assign it to postage band 1, and also "11x14 walnut framed" and assign it to postage band 5. Shipping charges were defined per-band.
I imagine that would add a lot of coding complexity, but I found it fit the bill very nicely when creating a site for a professional photographer, once we had it all dialed in she loved it.
Posts: 225
So how would it work if you ordered two items one from each band... would it charge postage based on the highest band or would it just add the postage together for both bands?... I could see both being applicable... i.e if someone ordered an A2 poster and a framed picture, chances are they would have to be posted seperately and postage charged accordingly... or alternatively if someone ordered a framed picture and a 4x6 print then the 4x6 print could easily be stuck in the same package as the picture frame and thus only the postage for the picture frame would be required.
I'm probably over thinking this.. perhaps I should just add a flat rate + additional postage per item rate... at least to start with and see what people think?
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 225
OK.. heres a new version... the following have been added or fixed
Hopefully I've come to a reasonable compromise with the postage and packaging that will fit most people requirements. I went for the idea of postage bands as mentiond by badjeros. Each band has two numbers... a fixed rate and a per item cost. You can then assign each product a postage band... For instance here's how it would work with a couple of scenario's
If you only sold prints and always charged $5 for P+P regardless of quantity bought then you would set up a postage band called say "Fixed Rate For Prints". And have the fixed rate set to 5 and the per-item set to 0... This postage band would be assigned to all products. And as such the client would only ever get charged $5 for postage.
If you sold framed prints and sent each print separately regardless of ordered quantity and as $5 for each framed print then you would create a postage band called "Per Item For Framed Prints". And have the Fixed rate sate to 0 and the per-item set to $5. now if a client ordered 10 framed prints, he she would be charged $50 postage and packaging.
It maybe that you post frames in the same package but wish to charge a little extra for each print as the weight increase... as such you can edit the previous postage band and set the fixed rate to say $5 and the per-item to $2. Now if a client ordered 10 framed prints, he she would be charged 5 + 2 * 10 = $25.
you can of course have many different postage bands set up and applied to different products.. if a client has products from different postage bands then all the postage options are added up... i.e. if he/she bough 5 prints and 10 framed prints he/she would be charged 5 (for the prints) + 25 (for the framed prints) = $30 postage
Hope that all makes sense and fits most your needs.. let me know if there are any problems..
to upgrade the module unzip it into the modules directory and goto and click the upgrade button. This will update the database with the new tables.
I've not tried this on a new install as I don't have one available, but it should work fine (famous last words).. if anyone has a problem let me know and I'll try to solve it ASAP
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 225
Added some documentation in the codex page about postage.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 155
Ben, great work, I think this workaround weight+size will work for most situations and one will have to wait for a response from people who will actually use it. The estimate and rounding is probably the only solution to quite complex formula that is used by national post and courier services where to variables such as weight+size there is one that is most troubling and that is a destination (country+region(zip or postal code). When I went to the post office and tried to get a variable for different regions of Canada, I got stuck - the cost was anywhere from $6.00 - $14.00. So people will have to find an average for their mailing and plug-it into the band postage table.
Thanks a lot for all your effort, installation and upgrade went without a problem. William
Posts: 55
Hi Ben,
The upgrade went well. Decimal numbers and postage seems good so far. Thanks.
Still a problem with the UK Pound sign - it is displaying in the rendered HTML as &Pound; and not an actual pound symbol £.
Any ideas?
Another minor point is the "add to basket" link does not appear as a button - instead just text in the default theme.
Otherwise great.
Posts: 225
hmm.. strange.. what version of g3 are you using... beta3 or the latest experimental code.. I've not upgraded since beta 3 so it could be something that's changed in the core.
In the file modules/basket/helpers/basket.php change line 45 from
"GBP" => "£",
"GBP" => "£",
Let me know if that works or not... If that still doesn't work then there is definitely a bug in the Gallery3 which I'll raise with the developers.
I can change the Add to Basket to a button if you like... For some reason I'd just added it as a link rather than a button but it can easily be either
... will update when we have a resolution for the pound sign problem
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 55
Hi Ben,
I am using the latest code from GITHUB.
Well I changed as you suggested and the small dropdown box problem returned. A rendering issue.
The UK Pound problem is not universal in Gallery 3. It only seems to happen on the AJAX screens. For instance on the postage bands screens, it displays correctly. Just on the "Add to basket screen" it comes as "&Pound;". Is this a clue?
Also sorry to say the latest Gallery 3 code seems to have broken the "add to basket screen" in another way. It seems not the be styled in anyway. Just a white screen, all content in top left corner. The source just shows it starting and ending <div> and </div>. It that how it is supposed to act?
<div id="gAddToBasket">
<div id="basketThumb">
<img src="/mysite/var/thumbs/If/2008/6197-24-1-08_POWERSATWORK.jpg?m=1253277187" title="6197-24-1-08 POWERSATWORK" alt="6197-24-1-08 POWERSATWORK" />
<div id="basketForm">
<form action="/mysite/index.php/basket/add_to_basket" method="post" id="gAddToBasketForm">
<input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="211e85f28d46827ae90d908e45a0ce04" />
<legend>Add To Basket</legend>
<label for="product" >Product</label>
<select id="product" name="product" class="dropdown" >
<option value="4"> Product 1 (&pound;75.00)</option>
<label for="quantity" >Quantity</label>
<input type="text" id="gQuantity" name="quantity" value="1" class="textbox" />
<input type="submit" value="Add" class="submit" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="4174" />
Posts: 225
I think I know what's going on... I'm guessing there's been a couple of changes to the way dialog boxes appear. Unfortunetly I haven't upgraded my g3 yet and have to do some work on beta 3 over the next few days. I'll upgrade as soon as I can next week and see if I can sort these issues out then. I hope thats alright? Thanks for the help
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 55
Look forward to the update. Thanks Ben.
Posts: 55
Hi Ben,
Sorry to hassle you but any progress on this likely over the new few days?
Posts: 225
sorry, I can't change anything at the moment as one of my live site is on G3 beta 3 and we have an event this weekend that we are using gallery with... so if anything goes wrong or is required a quick fix I need to keep the code working on g3 beta 3.
once this is out of the way I will get some time to look at the latest g3 and upgrading this module. I believe there's been a few changes in the latest g3 that effect this module so will need to do a new version before RC1 comes out.
Sorry to keep you waiting.. but I will fix it... it just might have to wait a week or two...
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 16504
There have been some major changes with css. There have also been some other changes as well.
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Posts: 18
Hi, Ben!
Is there a way to add a whole album to the basket?
Does this cart has the same "download to zip" function as the cart from gallery2?
Posts: 225
Not at the moment.. but I can put it on a wish list for it.
Still can't work on fixing issues with this module at the moment, but should get sometime in the next few weeks. I will try to make sure that everything is in place for RC1 whenever that is close to being released
Just to let you know.. I found a bug with the product override section... such that albums and sub albums with product overrides currently don't work correctly. I've corrected this in my code base but can't for the main code base until I've sorted out the other issues and upgraded to the latest experimental code.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 55
Hi Ben,
sorry to nudge again but any chance of a working version of this soon with the latest experimental code. It must be approaching RC status soonish.
I know you said that you are stuck on a back level of code but maybe you could install the new gallery 3 code again in a different directory?
I can live with the Pound sign issue but the current code just does not work properly at all. It dumps the shopper into a white screen devoid of styling.
Pretty please...... ;O)
Posts: 225
I'm sorry Hazzy. this is still on the backburner for me. I may be able to pick it up again soon, but at the moment my paying customers have to come first.
... I have been doing a little bit of work imbetween jobs... and paypal encryption is almost done... however I can't upgrade until RC1 as my live customers need to be on a reasonably stable releases and I haven't the time to maintain two different versions. I'm keeping an ear on the developers mailing list for when RC1 is going to be released... but I think they have a fair amount of work left yet. All I can suggest is that you either move back to beta3 or try and persuade someone else to do some revisions for you... or of course pay me :P, that way you'd get priority! 
Sorry I can't be more help at this time.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 1
Are there any plans to add a 'download image' option to the cart products?
Posts: 55
Hi Ben,
Not sure if this Basket is still an ongoing project for you but after bharat updated the GIT version recently your Basket module seems to be working again with recent Gallery 3 post Beta 3 code. Hurrah!
I think I have found a small issue in helpers/product.php.
Line 105 - $producta[$product->id] = $product->description." (".basket::formatMoney($cost).")";
should be
$producta[$product->id] = $product->name." (".basket::formatMoney($cost).")";
Otherwise the dropdown list is filled with the Product description which can be too long for it to cope with. The name is kept short.
Posts: 55
Hi Ben,
Another bug report for you and anyone else who is following this module.
If you add an item to the basket and then add it again, instead of adding the original quantity and the second quantity together, the Basket module adds the $id instead of the $quantity making a suprisingly large number of orders for the item!
I have made a local fix for this bug by editing line 119 of libraries/Session_Basket.php
$this->contents[$key]->add($id, $quantity);
Posts: 2
I installed Gallery3 RC1; its running smooth.
However, after adding the basket module, I ran into problems:
1. Basket - Configure-> works!
2. Basket - Product Lines throws "Kohana_Exception [ Framework Error ]: Invalid method orderby called in Product_Model"
3. Basket - Postage bands throws "Kohana_Exception [ Framework Error ]: Invalid method orderby called in Postage_Band_Model"
I added the details in a file for #2
Any ideas if the problem is within my installation or perhaps in the gallery3_RC1 or in the module?
Posts: 225
This module was developed on Beta 3. I have not yet brought it up to date with the latest release. It's on my list of things to do but I'm afraid I have other priorities at the moment. Hopefully other people can help you in the meantime... I don't have this module on any of my RC1 sites... so can't help with getting it fixed at the moment.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 7
actually the basket doesn't activate from the modules using 3.0 rc1
can anyone give the final version till now of basket.
Posts: 2
the good news: i installed the last version from gitrepository. I had to insert manually the tables to mysql database and after that the kohana exception failure was gone and it worked.
the bad news: i was not able to add the product items via basket configuration interface but adding them manually in the database products table bypassed the problem.
I am looking forward to having a clean version of the basket for RC1 or later versions, but so far there is no need to hurry - at least i can work with it.
Posts: 33
Is anyone looking at a fix for this module? Sure would be nice to be able to go live with this version of Gallery 3. Just hope someone can look at it soon.
Posts: 225
I've just started work on this module again. I've got it working ok with rc-1. I've added a lot of proprietary stuff for the client which I'm going to rip out and change into a more usable way. I can then re-release this module for RC-1.
Hopefully it won't take long.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 18
Fabulous. Thanks for volunteering your efforts Ben.
Posts: 225
As promised here's a new version. It has the following new features.
- Click on an image in the basket show a resized version (click on the image to close)
- Option to allow P+P can be waived if buyer chooses to pick up images.
- templates to order confirmation e-mail, confirmation page, and checkout for when using offline payments.
- Off-line orders are recorded in the system with new view-orders option to see them or print them. You can prefix the order number with your own brand.
Features I would still like to add
- Encryption of paypal... In my opinion this is essential before I can use paypal on a live site.
- Recording orders when using paypal. Perhaps going through checkout and moving to paypal after address has been received.
- order tracking to include processing state of order.
- ordering resized version as a downloadable zip.
I've attached the module in this post. I've not yet put it back into github... I need to do some more testing before I do that. Currently I've not tested the e-mails fully as my mail server is down. But I thought i'd put it up now and get you guys to test it for me in the meantime!
Let me know if there are any problems. (there probably will be some!)
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 225
forgot to say.. you'll need to run the upgrader as there's a new table in there.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 33
Posts: 1
Hi Ben,
I installed the latest version, but I am having an issue with paypal. If I do an exception on a price in an album it shows in the cart correctly but when I pay with paypal it reverts back to the orignal price on the paypal side. also this is the same for the pickup at store. It strike out the shipping and changes thetotal in the cart but adds the shipping back on in paypal.
Posts: 89
First off, I want to thank Glooper for this awesome module. It is my absolute favorite!! It was the single driving force for me to get back into selling pictures again, and for that, I thank you!
I just installed Santa Fe, and the new version of this module... There are only 2 things I see wrong with it, if you want to throw on your "to-do" list.
Firstly, when I go through and place an order for pictures, and pay with paypal, the transaction finishes no problem, but when I go back to the gallery, the item still remains in my basket.
Secondly, when selecting the option to "Pay Offline", the email that is generated to myself and the customer do not have any cents, if the dollar value is an even dollar... For example it shows Cost of ordered products = 40, yet the value of %total_cost in the template shows the proper 40.00
Other than that, a great piece of work... Thank you again!
Posts: 225
I'm looking to rewrite the paypal section. I'm about to start working on a paypal module for Kohana (the open source framework behind gallery3), which should allow better integration, allowing gallery3 to communicate directly to paypal to confirm payments.. and hopefully allow for encryption in the communication. Once I've sorted this out I'll look at sorting out this module to use this new paypal system... and will fix all the bugs mentioned above at the same time. Might be a little while though I'm afraid as I've a lot on at the moment..
.. Will post when I've got a new version.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 2466
@glooper: I have got a request for better integration of your module with my theme.
Now questions
1. It does not have an id so it is difficult to move it around to fit the theme. or since it is an admin function would it be more convenient to become part of the main menu instead?
2. Would it be better to move link (as button) into the toolbar next to [slideshow][full view] buttons?
3. There is also big basket image appears with number of items. Would you consider making it part of the toolbar also with number displayed inside, next or as a hint?
4. g-block in Basket page content has more distinct name or extra class name for identification
5. Same for checkout and view orders page
This is a starting points for me.
Great work and I almost done with integration
Posts: 225
@Serge D
To be honest.. I never imagined this module to be used with the positioning etc I put in there... Certainly where I've used this module I've customised it within the theme to get the effect I want/ creating my own basket.css to override the basket.css in the module... which is why the basket.css included is a little bit rough around the edges!
Having said that... I'll try and add some of the functionality you requested and provide better integration for the next release of this module. I can't promise to do everything you've asked for... but will tick off a few for you.
Also it might take a while.. Currently have a heavy workload so not much time to put on this module at the moment... But I am wanting to sort out the paypal integration fairly soon (i.e sometime in the next few months) so will look at these issues then.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 2466
Hey, module is popular, so...
I suspected this, but others try to use it as is which while not as bad in wind theme, still look slightly out of balance.
I do not worry about CSS per se, but I do not want to hack your code either creating custom version.
For me adding missing id/class name would allow smooth some corners and it would be sufficient for now.
No big changes are required in your default CSS.
Posts: 225
K... I'll make sure to prioritise adding IDs to the various elements.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Pikitia - New Zealand Photography
Posts: 2466
I'll wait
Posts: 2466
Was playing with markup today and made some progress for better integration. not perfect, but better. so I can wait on IDs
I was thinking, why not use sidebar block and put all the operations in there as just links
= Shopping basket = (id=g-basket-block)
Add to basket
Checkout (1 item)
View orders
very simple, easy to style, does not dance around
See 6 minutes slap on
Posts: 1
Hello everyone!
I'm testing different gallery softwares for our use. Gallery3 seems to be one of the most modern galleries available.
The main idea behind our gallery is to provide a national photo bank and sell photos..
So, your plugin is extremely valuable for us
but it still needs few fixes and features to be complete.
1) For me, removing products doesn't work. Should it be possible to have only one product?
2) Viewing orders should list all orders with e.g. 10 per page view. It is pretty hard to know what number would be the next, if you have kept few days off.. Table view would also be a lot clearer for listing.
lol... I got feedback they didn't understand the shopping cart icon, even though it seems very clear for me.
1) I manually changed the localizations in many files. It would be wonderful, if it was possible to integrate localized texts in some kind of global language file.
2) Settings for required Contact details. In our country there are no suburbs or house numbers, just a plain address, which includes the house number e.g. "Teststreet 30". No-one would understand to put the number in house number here. I changed this manually, but it would be great to have a field management options or something in the administration.
3) Minor feature: visible shopping cart in the sidebar or a more easily visible cart icon
These are just my 2 cents, but they definitely would help many people out when G3 goes stable.
Keep up the good work!
Posts: 89
I have also noticed that you can not delete the 3 default items that ship with the module, but it is not an issue for me. I just change them to what I need, and add the rest.
Posts: 47
Is their a way to have options or sub catagories. Ie 8x12 with options of matte, glossy etc. with different costs added to the costs. With the current way my list of products would be long and difficult for the customer to use.
Thank you for creating this module.
Posts: 9
Good idea on the module - however I've got a weird issue. I've uploaded the software (pretty simple) however when I tick the module to turn it on, then click UPDATE, it turns itself off. Ideas? Doesn't give error screens, and I downloaded the one off here, no where else.
Version: 3.0 RC1 (Santa Fe)
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5
PHP: 5.2.9
MySQL: 5.0.90-community
Scratch that - ver 2 works...the link from the modules area went to ver1 :D
Posts: 1
Hello Ben...
No problems with the module...just a question. Is there a way to have a dollar or percentage discount for members in a certain group?
Thanks for your help.
Posts: 1
What about a function to passively create a pay download link therefore opening gallery 3 to stock imagery sales etc? What do you recommend? Could it be possible?
Posts: 14
Awesome! I will be putting this to test for an upcoming event and print sales.