Gallery Remote 1.0.1 Release Candidate Available

Alongside with the new Gallery 1.3.4 Release Candidate, a new Gallery Remote is also available.

Download Gallery Remote v1.0.1-RC1 from the Gallery Download Page now!This new release of Gallery Remote comes after a long hiatus where my day job claimed all my time. It's focused on stability and bug fixing: after 1.0 came out, a lot of bugs were reported, and fixed in the "bleeding edge" builds, but I didn't have the time to do a full release until now.

Of special note is the save functionality: in order to attempt to guarantee that you will not lose your hard work if the upload doesn't work and Gallery Remote doesn't recover gracefully, it will save the project before attempting to upload into the same folder your Gallery Remote options file resides. If something does happen, you can load the project again, and even modify it (it's XML).

You can also save and open a project at any time.

In the coming days, after Gallery Remote 1.0.1 is finally out the door, we will enter the beta cycle for Gallery Remote 1.1, with a new preferences dialog, the ability to seamlessly connect to galleries embedded inside Content Management Systems, and more...

have you already done a screenshot of the new version?<br />
I need an actual screenshot for a little part of the end user docu...<br />
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