Gallery v.1.3.4 Release Candidate 2 Available

This is the second (and, we fully expect, final) *release candidate* for Gallery v.1.3.4. Thanks to everyone who installed the first release candidate and reported back to us! Changes from RC1 amount to a small number of bugfixes discovered since the first release candidate in the new album backup script and the new "custom fields" code.

We encourage you to install RC2 and report any problems you find, though we're confident that there will be few if any changes needed before the final release.

Download v1.3.4-RC2 from the Gallery Download Page now!

Read on for information on how to BACK UP YOUR GALLERY *before* installing RC2...

We have provided a small PHP script with this version to assist you in making a backup. Since this version is still a *release candidate*, we urge you to back up your Gallery data files before upgrading. When you download and decompress this release candidate, the script will be located in:

To run this script, copy it out of its location in the setup directory and into your existing main Gallery directory. Log in to Gallery as an administrator, then run this script from your browser. It will package the important album data and save a backup to your computer, in one of two formats: .tar.gz (useful on Unix/Linux systems) or .zip (useful on Windows systems).

The script gives you the option of backing up your entire albums ("All files") directory or just the Gallery database files ("Data files only"). While you should have a backup copy of all your photos, for most upgrades, it is sufficient to just back up the data files only. Note that backing up all the files could produce a *huge* file, since all of your photos will be included.

Finally, verify the contents of the downladed backup file to make sure the files were indeed saved. Once you have the data files backed up, you can confidently upgrade to this version.

**Note for Windows-based Webservers** On Windows systems, it is recommended that you back up directly using WinZip or your favourite archiving software. If you decide to use this tool, choose 'zip' backup, and ensure the path for the zip.exe is correct.

dmolavi's picture

what's the difference between RC2 and the current cvs (1.3.5-cvs-b10)?

dmolavi's picture

i know that anything 1.3.5 is development and not stable (though i'm running it without a hitch). i just asked because i recall some "features" (or were they still bug fixes?) added to the 1.3.4 branch after it went into feature freeze. just curious. i always use the bleeding edge anyway (just haven't had time to upgrade to cvs-b11 yet...).

Has the PHP 4 3.2/W32 issue been taken care of when upgrading from an older Gallery version?<br />
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beckett's picture

No, not yet. We just received some insight into the problem, and are going to look further into it immediately. If it's easily resolvable, we will implement the fix before releasing version 1.3.4. To keep up-to-date, please follow the discussion in the forums.

beckett's picture

Hi again. Please try implementing the fix in the bottom of this thread. If it works, then we'll make sure it gets into the final 1.3.4 release:<br />
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