Gallery Remote for Mac

As many Mac users complained, the 1.2 release was a disaster for the Mac version, and I had to roll back and offer the 1.1 release again.

This required decisive action, which we took: we bought a used Mac so I could work on making sure Mac users have a user-experience at least as good as Windows users! Read on...

Updated download URL for ImageMagick.

Yes, the Mac version was completely broken. But now, a few days after getting a little old iBook thanks to donations we've received over the past few months (your donation dollars at work), I think the Mac version is at least on par with the Windows version, and a much lighter download.

I'm getting a 1.2.1 release ready for all platforms, but I wanted the Mac users to be able to use Gallery Remote to upload their Christmas pictures, so here's a beta release.

If you haven't installed ImageMagick on your Mac yet, you will have to. You can download it from Marc Liyanage, and it installs as a standard Mac .pkg.

And remember, if you don't like Gallery Remote and you use iPhoto, the iPhotoToGallery plugin is a great alternative.

Update: Apple used to offer a direct download of the .pkg, but recently changed the page to link to the source of the package instead of the ready-to-install version. Thanks to maddys_daddy and drcarlo for pointing it out.

Although I don't personally use gallery remote, as a Mac user I appreciate your commitment to staying as platform-neutral as possible. Good stuff :)

thank you so much for your commitment to the mac platform in this way. I was having problems with the latest release and was disappointed. however, the latest build, while it doesn't get the nice GUI and interface, does work with Apple's latest OS 10.3, Panther.<br />
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Thanks again - Bhavesh Patel

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paour's picture

What do you mean by "it doesn't get the nice GUI and interface"?<br />
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By the way, I would be very disapointed if none of the Mac users complained about the fact that GR is using the brushed metal look on the Mac :-)

DamienA's picture

Fabulous! Thanks for taking care of us Mac users! Look forward to the new release.

I really appreciate you taking the time to make a Mac version. I have one suggestion though, which is enable users to set the path to ImageMagick if the app can't find it -- I installed mine with fink, so it's in /sw/bin/.<br />
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I made symlinks to the components, but many people would have trouble with that.

paour's picture

How many Mac users use Fink? I myself set it up, because I was missing several Unix utilities too much, but how mainstream is it?<br />
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The other way you can set the path to ImageMagick in GR is to change the file inside img.jar inside the Gallery package. Not easy either...<br />
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But since Fink is also not easy, maybe this is acceptable. I'll try to remember to add a note to this effect to the <a href="">known problems page</a>.

iPhoto2Gallery is 100% perfect, now that you've told me of it, I haven't used anything else since. There's no real need for gallery remote anymore, not for me. :)<br />
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Thank you so much... another reason why I donated...

BiTurbo27t's picture

Thank you for the your Mac efforts...much appreciated!<br />
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Would anybody here know about or have a script to upload from iView Pro 2.0 to Gallery?<br />
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Not everyone uses iPhoto and that would save me a ton of time. I'm not an AppleScripter :( In the meantime, Gallery Remote seems my best option.<br />
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Thanks for working on a mac version and sorting out the issues so quickly. Its much appreciated

Well, I can't find the ImageMagick .pkg file you were talking about. Your link led to the Apple Download page, which led to a .tgz package, which, in turn, had uncompiled binaries. I'm somewhat familiar with compiling stuff on my linux box, but that's only because I know the basic tree structure. With Darwin, I'm not familiar enough with the tree structure for compiling stuff, so I heavily rely on installers. So where is this magickal ".pkg" file that you're talking about? It's nowhere to be found in ImageMagick's ftp directories. If I must compile it, where do I put it? I mean, does the config and make process automagically choose the correct directory to compile and install it to (the one GR is looking for)? I'm not afraid of compiling stuff, I'm just not familiar enough with BSD (Darwin) trees. FWIW, I do have fink, so if I compile and install it through fink, where do I put the symlinks so that GR will find them?<br />
Thanks again for considering us Mac users.

I had the same issue. My mac didnt have the GCC complier and fink just didnt want to work.<br />
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Finally found this site which has a pkg file and walla.. Works!<br />
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paour's picture

Thanks for noticing. That Apple download page used to point to the ready-to-install version, but for some reason switched to the source code recently.<br />
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I've updated the forum post and the documentation to reflect the new URL.

Hi everyone! First of all I just wanted to say what a great product Gallery is. I've been using it for over 2 years, and it just keeps getting better! <br><br>I'm having a problem uploading photos to my Gallery because my cable modem ISP is forcing me to run Apache on port 85.... This is not a problem at all for people visiting the site, but makes for a pain in uploading pics to it.<br><br>When I'm on my LAN, I just fire up Apache on my OS X machine and point Gallery at it and upload all my pics at once. This works great...but when I only want to send a few photos, or when I'm off my LAN, or behind a firewall I have to use the file system browser to add photos, or use Gallery Remote, or the iPhoto Plug-in. Herein lies the problem.... the filesystem browser fails to even send when using the "add photo" option. When using "add photos" and choosing, say 5, it will fail with <br><br><b>Processing status... <br>
No images uploaded! </b><br><br>Gallery Remote lets me log-in, create new albums, and goes through the process of sending the files but fails with this: <br><br><i>"Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL ("</i><br><br><i>(Yes, gallery_remote2.php is where it's supposed to be and is world readable. Both /gallery and /albums are owned and writeable by apache)</i><br><br>I also tried the <b>iPhotoPlug-in</b> and it fails as well, but no error message. As far as debug goes, on the server end a temp file is created (ie:sess_b188e6fa905f1a4a7fe862ea414f8dad) in /tmp (my default). <br><br> My only thought is that after the photos are sent and the tmp file is created, something doesn't know how to deal with the webserver running on a port other than 80. <br><br>My Gallery is version 1.4.1 on Red Hat 8 with netpbm only, using Apache/1.3.27 running on port 85. Any ideas???

paour's picture

You should post this call for help in the Gallery Troubleshooting forums.<br />
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As far as Gallery Remote and iPhoto2Gallery, we will only help you once you have gotten "Add Photos" to work from the web interface, using file upload, because we rely on the same mechanisms, with added layers of complexity...<br />
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Good luck.

Woohoo! Menus in the menu bar, and an about.. box thanks guys!<br />
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But what's up with the brushed metal look ;-)<br />
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I will test it out next week when I upload the Christmas pics, iPhoto2Gallery is nice but the iPhoto part is still so painfully slow on my 500Mhz TiBook it's barely worth it. Hoping for an update of iPhoto at MW...<br />
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Suggestion for Gallery in would be cool if you could set the highlight image per album to be a random<br />
picture from that album, n'est-ce pas?<br />
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MattD's picture

The only thing that's keeping me from using iPhotoToGallery is the fact that the EXIF data gets lost when exporting to Gallery. :( Other than that, it seems really great! The author has acknowledged this shortfall though, and hopefully it will be fixed in a future release!<br />
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Also, what's the diff between GR 1.1 and 1.2? I can't find a "what's new in 1.2" type of doc anywhere....<br />
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Thanks,<br />

paour's picture

<p>Usually, we post a condensed list of changes when we announce the new release. Look for that article down a bit on the main page of the site.</p>

<p>Also, the <a href'""> download page</a> has more info.</p>

<p>Finally, inside GR itself is a Changelog file, very detailed and technical.</p>

Agreed. The problem does not lie within Gallery Remote or in the iPhoto plug-in. It lies within Gallery itself. Something breaks <i>after</i> the photo is sent to the Gallery. GR and iPhotoPlugIn both make connections and send the photos - then fail.



MattD's picture

Ah yes, thanks paour...

Thanks for the dedication to the mac platform! We really appreciate it!

I had a very similar problem, but it turned out that the port was working fine. The problem was that I was uploading 5.1 Mp images at ~2.5 MB each. In PHP the default file size limit for uploads is 2 Megs, so you should try changing it.<br />
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Just change this line in your php.ini to something bigger:<br />
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upload_max_filesize = 2M<br />

What port are you running on? I'm running on 85 and still having this issue, even after changing the filesize.