Gallery 1.4.1 Released!

We are excited to announce the release of Version 1.4.1 of Gallery. 1.4.1 contains lots of new features that will give Gallery owners dramatic new control over their Galleries. The most noticable one is skins, which allow you to choose between nineteen different looks for your gallery - or develop (and share) your own! Other eagerly anticipated new features include voting, email updates and user self-registration. And there are now thirty-three language packs, available as separate downloads.

Other new features include:

  • Lost password reset feature
  • Option to restrict commenting permissions
  • EZ Prints photo print service added
  • New image frame styles
  • Clearer, easier to follow Config. Wizard
  • Optional auto-resize of images on upload
  • Gallery-wide slideshow, and choice of random order
  • Copy image feature
  • Tons of small improvements and bugfixes

You can download Gallery 1.4.1 from the Gallery download page, and you will find updated language packs for 1.4.1 final there in a few days.

[Note this release is the same as RC4, with some spelling corrections and one change of font colour]

I've just finished update my gallery 1.4 to 1.4.1. 5 minutes. No problem, very good job!!!<br />
All new features are great!<br />
Config. Wizard is better than older one.<br />
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Thanks to your job!!!

Are there any security fixes with this release??<br />
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This makes the differance between upgrading my sites now or in a month or so's time when I have more time :-)<br />
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Thank you, Dan

beckett's picture

There are no new security fixes. So upgrading from 1.4-pl2 will be entirely a feature upgrade. So there's no need to drop everything.

schultmc's picture

Version 1.4.1-1 of the Debian gallery package was uploaded on Saturday, December 6, 2003 and should be available in Debian unstable after the archive run completes in the afternoon (EST) of Saturday, December 6, 2003. I apologize for the delay in getting the Debian packages out, although the delay was partially due to circumstances out of my control.

4martin's picture

Well done Team!<br />
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Upgraded to 1.4.1 Final in just a few minutes, no hitches.<br />
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