Gallery 3.0 is ready!
Gallery 3.0 is here! It's been two years since Bharat sent out the original
call to arms email that started the ball rolling. Since then
we've had multiple coding sprints, 9 intermediate releases and seen
over 6000 changes from 18+ developers. The final product has gone
through many design and coding iterations and has had tremendous
feedback from you, the community. Get ready to have a great
it now! or read on for more details...
About Gallery 3
Gallery 3.0 means simple, powerful and secure photo management. Upload and manage your photos effortlessly, while creating a beautiful experience for your friends and family. If you're a developer, you can easily add new features or create your own elegant themes.
This release is code named Santa Fe to commemorate the location of our last team meetup. It was thanks to the generous donations from many of you that we were able to get to the team together and make a big push to move Gallery forward. We had a wonderful time in New Mexico and want to celebrate that milestone of our release.
Obligatory security warning
Our good friends at Gotham Digital Science did a professional security audit for us, and we have fixed all significant flaws they uncovered. As with all web applications, we encourage you to watch for new releases and be prepared to upgrade if we put out security fixes.
Note: You can upgrade from any beta or release candidate
version (but not from alpha releases or earlier -- sorry!)
Upgrading is really easy! Unpack the new version, move the var/
directory of the old version to the new version's folder and then
either browse to:
(except use your real domain name) or if you have shell access, run:
php index.php upgrade
So what's new in this release?
There's not enough room to list everything, but highlights include:-
3.0 Final
(hide details)
- Fixed lots of little places where we'd show the Dang page
- Improved the performance of moving/deleting many items at once
- Improved notification module to reduce notification spam and send individual notifications
- Minor improvements to the Organize feature
- Added JSONP support for REST
- Better support for totally private Gallery installs
- Tag url format is now /tag/{name} for SEO
- Fixed delete/spam comment expiration
- For the complete list, see the 195 closed tickets including 156 bug fixes
- Release Candidate 2 (show details)
- Release Candidate 1 (show details)
- Beta 3 (show details)
- Beta 2 (show details)
- Beta 1 (show details)
- Alpha 4 (show details)
- Alpha 3 (show details)
- Alpha 2 (show details)
- Alpha 1 (show details)
The Gallery 3 philosophy
We set out to make an amazing application. Not only will you be able to easily host your photos, but you'll find that Gallery 3 makes it a joy. We focused on the following 4 principles:
Keep It Small - Gallery 3 is 5.5 MB with all of its features. This is a fraction of the size of most similar applications.
Make It Intuitive - We've got some great usability and user interface experts on our team, designing and prototyping interfaces that just make sense. Frequent tasks are now quick and easy. Tough tasks are possible with great new interfaces.
Make It Fast - We've made some tough decisions in keeping the scope of Gallery 3 small. We've created a set of features that we think will make most of you really happy, while avoiding some of the crazier features that might make the product slow. As a result, you're going to find that it's really snappy!
Make it Your Own - Modules let you tune your Gallery to have exactly the features that you want. The module system is so simple that even before the final release, the community has written 70+ modules ranging from facial recognition to slideshows to batch tagging. Download and play with them!
How did we do it?
We have stood on the shoulders of giants. Gallery 3.0 is made possible by some truly great advances in technology.
Kohana - We evaluated many PHP frameworks before choosing Kohana. It's speed, flexibility and power made it just what we needed. Thanks to the Kohana folks for providing this first class application framework!
PHP 5 - We're taking advantage of many of the new features and capabilities available in the latest versions of PHP. This allows us to write much less code and have a faster product.
jQuery - the write less, do more Javascript library. Gallery 3's rich user interface is heavily driven by Javascript and is made possible by the simple and powerful jQuery framework.
The 3.0 product stands on its own, and there are ton of contributed modules to make it better. But we still have a long way to go. We're going to be balancing improvements to the features and usability of the core product against creating better infrastructure so that module and theme developers can do really cool things with it.
In the 3.1 release, we're looking forward to getting Gallery embedded into popular content management systems like Drupal, Joomla, etc. We're also going to spend more time thinking about ways to improve the theming system. If you have ideas for what you'd like to see on our roadmap, let us know!
Got feedback?
If you have any overall feedback, please visit the Gallery 3.0 Feedback forum topic and let us know! If you have questions, please visit the Gallery 3 Wiki, the home for Gallery 3 documentation.
Well done guys,
RE: In the 3.1 release, we're looking forward to getting Gallery embedded into popular content management systems like Drupal, Joomla, etc.
I'm keen for the new vsn to work with Joomla. when would you expect 3.1 with Jooma compatability to be release?
G3 as compared with G2 has very few functions and lots of requirements, and so I will continue using G2. G3 is very very useless at the present time.
Lots of requirements? No more so than G2. Also G3 has much more functionality than G2 did when it was initially released. That functionality takes time to write. It will all mature and come around.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Negative. It's got less then G2, it's only got more specific requirements if you are running Windows Server 2008. It does indeed run faster and smoother so in the end, isn't that what matters?
I use NGINX.
I don't have ffmpeg. I have lots of different types of video files at my site. It is not problem for G2.
Bharat or Floridave, can you make my link show up under documentation. I'm going to be testing more things and having this link live other then the few of us that know it will allow me to find more issues if we do this... I don't know how to make it part of the wiki part....
Nginx isn't a supported platform for G3.
G3 (and G2) use FFMPEG to grab a frame from the video to use as the thumb and get the dimensions of the video. In G2, you're probably manually setting the dimensions and using the custom thumbnail module.
In G3, you'll need to manually replace the thumbnail under /var/thumbs if you want a custom thumb. You'll also need to manually set dimensions using the Video Dimensions module:
Since you don't have ffmpeg you'll need to probably use the noffmpeg module
Though since you're using Nginx, I assume you're root on the server, why not install ffmpeg?
G3's core also only supports FLV and MP4.
There is probably nothing that's going to change in the core product to make your life easier for your setup. You'll need to use 3rd party modules and work arounds to get video on your site.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Ranger, are you talking about on this page?
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
To the gallery team:
You all deserve congratulations on a job well done!
Love it, installed it on my web server but won't be moving forward with G3 until I can integrate successfully with WordPress.
Ok, stupid question probably, but I don't have a /var/ within my gallery2 folder. Is this possibly because I installed it from CPanel? With no /var/ directory, how do I upgrade my 2 to 3?
Please RE-READ the upgrade instructions again. There is NO /var dir in ANY g2 install. This is ONLY in G3.
I saw that around 2 minutes after I made the stupid post! Got it figured out now, and my G2 content is currently being imported into my new G3 install. Thanks!
Short note about my upgrade. I'm running Debian Linux Server. I had Gallery 2 in directory /galerie. This gallery was using PostgreSQL DB. I created new MySQL DB and installed Gallery 3 to directory /galerie_new and perform normall installation. Then I went to administration, activated Gallery2 import module and deactivatde modules notification, exif and search. On the page with settings of Gallery 2 import module are some hints what to do. Follow them.
Upgrade took very looooong time (over 10000 items) - almost whole day, but it worked fine. Everything was imported, except translations of some items from Czech to English... Well, I have to wait for the translation module. Bad surprise - it should be core feature. Never mind... :-/ Then I moved Gallery 2 from /galerie to /galerie_old and Gallery 3 from /galerie_new to /galerie and edited Gallery 3's .htaccess. I added some modules and configured them and now it works very well.
It has same URLs as Gallery 2 had (both galleries have same directory structure and same way how to make the URLs - I was using rewrite rules in Gallery2, fortunately in same way as Gallery 3 does) so I do not need special rewrite rules to convert the URLs from old style to new one. But if You need it, the import module will tell You what to do.
Many thanks to all developers! 
Thanks for the feedback and we are glad it all worked well for you.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
It is
Just go to Admin/settings/languages enable your language of choice. This should download the chosen languages from our central repository. You can also request a translation key which allows you to upload translations to the repository.
Translations are done right in the application and you can even choose to over ride a translation locally.
Ok, I've got a question. I'm running with a resized image size of 800px (same as my old Gallery2 install). Unfortunately, this seems to cause the sidebar to obscure the corner of the image. Is there any way around this, or do I need to have my resized image size set to 640 from now on?
oops, double post
Some themes have different widths. Try the wide_wind theme.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
They all seem to do it once you resize the viewport. Here's how it looks with wide_wind:
I might have to pick the theme I like best, then edit the CSS to my liking.
Yes, but I had some items (albums, ...) with description in Czech as well as English. The translation You mention translates only user interface, but there is currently no way how to have translations for items...
As you know there is a translation module in development and perhaps it will have a G2->g3 import feature.
If we waited for all features of G2 to be in G3 then you would have to wait years.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
please start a new thread for your width issue.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Great work, thanks a lot to the whole team!
I'll move from Gallery2 asap
+1 on the Wordpress Integration. Is this possible? IF so how? IF not will this be something we can look for in the future?
Deleted and posting in a new thread....
Start a new thread in the forums. Don't use a news story. When you create you new thread post logs as a txt attachment.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Once again brother, you come to the rescue! I want to thank you for being patient with me and most of the users and I PERSONALLY appreciate your help.
Looks like it's listed now. ;)
I just lost my main server but all the data was recovered so I'll get back to updating it.... Thanks!
Also is there a way to get me subscribed to a list when people ask Windows questions so I don't have manually scan the forums? Maybe a simple "Check this box if you are running windows OS only" and have it goto
or just PM / email me if you want so we can discus something. Thanks again brother....
*I provide ONLY windows support* ;)
Provide OS, Service pack, it's 32 or 64bit. Mysql, PHP version etc.
Rang3r187 = AIM
Rang3r_187= yahoo
Is there an embed API in the current 3.0 release, like there was in Gallery2? Or is this going to come in 3.1?
This G3 is totally amazing and I love it. In my G 2.3 install I could never get the thumbnails and pictures to stay clean. If I fixed on album it died on another by itself and I just kept pulling my hair.
With G3, its a joy to see them working fine. I think there something to be said about simplicity and working core functionality.
Just like XBMC, Gallery Gods may want to consider certifying and then including in an online download mode only those that pass the muster. Others that are WIP can be made available through forum where brave can brave it out!!
Just a small question... Under G 2.3 "Server add", we could add a complete tree including sub albums. Under G3 the individual files need to selected by clicks and wish one could click the album and click including sub-albums to drop the tree..
Once again great job doing G3.
Anil Garg
Anil Garg
My Picture Gallery
Seems to work for me. Start a new thread in the forums if you can't sort it out.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Strange but it worked in Google Chrome and not in IE8. I tried a couple of time. I will post this in Forum.
Anil Garg
My Picture Gallery
Sorry but because there is no compatibility to Apache 1.3 (1+1 Ready to run Server) I am very disappointed of this new Gallery 3. I have tried to install it 4 times.
I always get a 500 Error. (also with the method described here: )
I am waiting so long for this new version and in my opinion this new thing is rather uncool.
If you want to increase the number of users you have to go the way of Wordpress (s. the comment above) and not the way of a 'perfect' modern piece of software, which doesn't run on the servers of the biggest hosters worldwide.
Please don't misunderstand my statement: I am very grateful for your huge work on the real stable Gallery 2: Gallery 2 has given me the possibility to build up a fotocommunity with 150 photographers, thousands of visitors a day. But now I need a better user-interface and Gallery 3 doesn't run... A change of the hoster 1+1 is impossible for various reasons.
Please visit my gallery if you are interested in good B/W-photos:
Get a new host. Simple as that.
You are comparing a gallery to a blog. You understand this right? I can't fathom to see the relevance in your point here. Stop paying $4/month for some crappy host and you'd not have SHARED hosting issues. HostGator hosts my 36,000+ image site fine and the one locally I host myself and that's 5x as large.
Instead of bashing something and showing NO evidence why not start a troubleshooting thread and provide logs etc. Considering this was made for *ix systems I doubt your issue is "typical" and it's either USER ERROR or HOSTING ERROR. K thanks K. ;)
My galleries run on a dedicated (ready-to-run) 1+1 server (Quad-Core XXL, 16 GB Ram) with 100 Domains and 10 different websites inkl. complex communities with pic-upload etc. Therefore I cannot change the server.
Gallery 3 is the only software, which doesn't run on this server! I have a lot stuff, which was programmed individually. Everything does fine. Only gallery 3 does nothing.
In my opinion just Open Source has to be compatible with great hosters like 1+1.
I am bashing no one and nothing.
I HAVE started a troubleshooting thread with logs as part of this solution-thread ( but up to now I have got no answer which does help.
Please visit my gallery if you are interested in good B/W-photos:
I stick by my previous reply..... ;)
Just because G3 is open source does not mean that it will work with any hoster. We chose to to support Apache 1.x. We stand by that decision and if you don't like that you are welcome to continue to use G2. We are not forcing you to change.
Any service or site can be moved. Just a matter of reason, resources, time and effort. You have to balance those... we can't.
Regarding your support request @
It would seem that it has worked for other community members and you might or might not get support from them as they have more experience with your host than anybody else in the community.
I stand by Ranger187 comments as well.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
1+1 is not 'any hoster': 1+1 ist the biggest Hoster in Europe (in Germany and France with 3 Mio customers THE biggest) and one of the 6 biggest in the USA)
It is your decision but it is bad for the spreading of Gallery 3 in Germany and France (;-)
As you said: I try to get help fom the other community member. Changing the GAllery Software is rather difficult, because up to now GAllery 2 seems to be the best open source solution for me. I have tried Coppermine and I don't like it... (;-)
Thanks for this discussion.
Please visit my gallery if you are interested in good B/W-photos:
This is what amuses me. People will spend more time on complaining on something then focusing on a solution.
SOLUTION: Host it yourself, or change host companies. End of story.
I PERSONALLY host it all myself and I MYSELF won't goto 3.x until more features are added. That doesn't mean the product is flawed, it means it's still in development. I simply put my ticket in about (issues with me is it didn't import total views and votes from G2 to G3) it and they said it should be added around 3.1/3.2
I still continue to use G2, and I also setup VMware tests with G3.
FYI, 1&1 is a poor host provider. Considering I work with the largest companies in the world that deal with this, I'd know. Check out Hostgator. (There, I did something most don't, dissed something then offered a SOLUTION). ;)
@Ranger187 - same here, still testing G3 (learning as much as possible) like I did when G2 first came out and was still using 1.4.x
@Ralf-Schlieper - hosting providers like 1&1 are a dime-a-dozen - whichever you pick, don't go with the cheapest that offers the most xxxxxxxx-amount features you don't need to get a working/functional Gallery 1/2/3 site. Do some research (try forums on WebHostingTalk), ask the host, and take action. A dedicated server like you mentioned with all bells & whistles and still can't manage to run a Gallery 3 instance - your hosting provider have serious issues they need to resolve, and you need to let them know. They need to adapt soon, or loose potential/current customers who want Gallery 3 hosting that works in the long run. How about you lobby for all of us - let them know the situation and/or give them hints that you might consider moving somewhere else, and I'm sure they will sure take action. You have a community of 150 photographers and 10000s of photos - reconsider your future goals with 1&1 - in your mind, do you REALLY think you have no other option but them? try Hostgator or a VPS somewhere - think long term.
liberate your photos with Gallery, make the switch today!
For what its worth, my G3 (Santa Fe) is working fine under 1and1 shared hosted service.
Anything can be built for platform and even though I am a 1and1 long time user, there is logic in supporting "supported" platforms. Apache 1.x is like win95.
Anil Garg
My Picture Gallery
what is your trick to get it run?
Please visit my gallery if you are interested in good B/W-photos:
Have you ever moved a big server with 100 registered Domains, 80 E-Mail-Adresses, 10 different websites to another hoster...
Thats the pure horror ...
Please visit my gallery if you are interested in good B/W-photos:
Yes, I will speak with 1+1 Support about an apache-modernization...;
Please visit my gallery if you are interested in good B/W-photos:
100 domains? We have 1 server alone here that does that. Try adding about 5,000 more servers into the mix. That's what level I deal with. So yes, it's funny. ;) 1 and 1 is NOTORIOUS for bad reviews. You get what you pay for.
Ralf - As a novice/noob I shudder to offer my recipe but here is what I did:
I first created a database on 1and1 panel.
Then I created a document root directory with G3 fully unzipped.
then I edited the .htaccess to add following at the top:
then I uncommented within .htaccess following:
then I pointed my domain to this document root and went through install by providing (1) database name, (2) database username, and (3) hostname.
I used Chrome because earlier IE8 gave me some grief.
It then asked me for user name, password change, email id.
Then I changed the domain to point to lala-land.
backed up .htaccess and /var/database.php files on my laptop.
on my laptop, I installed Virtual box.
then I installed Ubuntu 10.04 using live.
then went to terminal mode and did following:
using laptop I logged into webmin through https://ip-addy:10000
used webmin to samba and make /var/www a chmod 777 and exposed it to CIFS as var-www
copied unzipped g3 files under \\ip-addy\var-www
### there is way to point to user home directory but I am not going to use this ubuntu install for anything else
copied the entire broken G2.3 install albums at 1and1 into \\ip-addy\var-www
used webmin to create a mysql database and assigned a password.
edited .htaccess to uncomment at the bottom
fired up http://ip-addy to bring up G3 install.
After the install and password change, enabled a few modules including the server add.
configured server add to point to /var/www
using chrome, added all folders under album
it took a while (30 minutes) to add some 3500 pictures.
set this G3 install into maintenance mode.
winscpd all files including /var/www to 1and1 as www-u10.04 directory
it timed out and aborted a few times.
winscped again with (only new ones) option flagged and set so that any corrupted files are refreshed.
winscped again (third time) with (only new ones) option flagged and set so that any corrupted files are refreshed.
it timed out and aborted a two times.
winscped again (third time) with (only new ones) option flagged and set so that any corrupted files are refreshed.
it finished with no abnormality.
exported the g3 mysql into ascii sql
logged into
used phpadmin to delete everything under the previous G3 database contents.
used webmin exported database file to populate the 1and1 database.
went to www-u10.04 directory at 1and1 and restored the .htaacess file and the /var/database.php file.
renamed the www-u10.04 directory to the name my domain was previously pointing to...
used chrome to point to
used the user id and password from virtualbox G3 install to log back in.
went to maintenance mode when it said 27 pictures need to rebuild.
did the rebuild.
removed the maintenance mode.
And the G3 is up.
Its working fine but it has not been extensively tested. Will post more when that is complete.
I think the problem with 1and1 is its prices are very low and for hobby people like me, I am reluctant to increase my outlay.
1and1 is notorious with any process that is resource hungry. This recipe moved all the processing to a local machine. and now I am unlikely to be shooting over 100 pictures a month and that much load easily.
Now I am just a few steps away to become Otto Bettmann!!
Anil Garg
My Picture Gallery
Thanks a lot for your explanation; for a 'novice' this seems rather good for me... (;-)
The first step with PHP5 Selection + .htaccess and creating the database etc. I have tried by myself: It always ended in error 500 Screen.
Perhaps my dedicated 1+1 Server has another (older) configuration than your - perhaps newer) shared webspace-Server?
Which Apache Version does on your 1+1 webspace run?
Your local linux-installation perhaps is the second step (data-transfer from G2 -> G3), which I would like to try, when the first step would not fail.
Please visit my gallery if you are interested in good B/W-photos:
I checked my dashboard and it dows not show apache version.
I also used and that too does not show apache version.
Then I wrote a few PHP hacks to show and it still does not.
I think 1and1 is being very secretive about their antiquities.
Anil Garg
My Picture Gallery
On my server a phpinfo.php with:
shows the 'antiquities':
PHP Version 5.2.14
Apache/1.3.41 Ben-SSL/1.59
Please visit my gallery if you are interested in good B/W-photos: