Gallery 3.0 Release Candidate 2 is available!
The second and final release candidate of Gallery 3.0 (code
named Santa Fe) is here! Your feedback in our beta and
release candidate phases has been priceless. Now we're just going
to make sure that there are no last minute showstoppers before we
release the final version and our real journey with Gallery 3 starts!
it now! or read on for more details...
About Gallery 3
Gallery 3.0 means simple, powerful and secure photo management. Upload and manage your photos effortlessly, while creating a beautiful experience for your friends and family. If you're a developer, you can easily add new features or create your own elegant themes.
This release is code named Santa Fe to commemorate the location of our last team meetup. It was thanks to the generous donations from many of you that we were able to get to the team together and make a big push to move Gallery forward. We had a wonderful time in New Mexico and want to celebrate that milestone of our release.
Obligatory security warning
Our good friends at Gotham Digital Science did a professional security audit for us, and we have fixed all significant flaws they uncovered. As with all web applications, we encourage you to watch for new releases and be prepared to upgrade if we put out security fixes.
Note: You can upgrade from any beta or release candidate
version (but not from alpha releases or earlier -- sorry!)
Upgrading is really easy! Unpack the new version, move the var/
directory of the old version to the new version's folder and then
either browse to:
(except use your real domain name) or if you have shell access, run:
php index.php upgrade
So what's new in this release?
There's not enough room to list everything, but highlights include:-
Release Candidate 2
(hide details)
- Completely overhauled the Organize feature
- Considerable improvements to the REST API to allow access from desktop applications and support embedding into your site
- Improved themeing support for error pages
- Lots of fit and finish in the UI
- Quality and stability improvements to the Gallery 2 Importer
- For the complete list, see the 96 closed tickets including 62 bug fixes
- Oh, and don't forget that our community has been active too! Check out the 70 user contributed modules and 13 user contributed themes!
- Release Candidate 1 (hide details)
- Beta 3 (hide details)
- Beta 2 (show details)
- Beta 1 (show details)
- Alpha 4 (show details)
- Alpha 3 (show details)
- Alpha 2 (show details)
- Alpha 1 (show details)
The Gallery 3 philosophy
We set out to make an amazing application. Not only will you be able to easily host your photos, but you'll find that Gallery 3 makes it a joy. We focused on the following 4 principles:
Keep It Small - Gallery 3 is 5.3 MB with all of its features. This is a fraction of the size of most similar applications.
Make It Intuitive - We've got some great usability and user interface experts on our team, designing and prototyping interfaces that just make sense. Frequent tasks are now quick and easy. Tough tasks are possible with great new interfaces.
Make It Fast - We've made some tough decisions in keeping the scope of Gallery 3 small. We've created a set of features that we think will make most of you really happy, while avoiding some of the crazier features that might make the product slow. As a result, you're going to find that it's really snappy!
Make it Your Own - Modules let you tune your Gallery to have exactly the features that you want. The module system is so simple that even before the final release, the community has written 70+ modules ranging from facial recognition to slideshows to batch tagging. Download and play with them!
How did we do it?
We have stood on the shoulders of giants. Gallery 3.0 is made possible by some truly great advances in technology.
Kohana - We evaluated many PHP frameworks before choosing Kohana. It's speed, flexibility and power made it just what we needed. Thanks to the Kohana folks for providing this first class application framework!
PHP 5 - We're taking advantage of many of the new features and capabilities available in the latest versions of PHP. This allows us to write much less code and have a faster product.
jQuery - the write less, do more Javascript library. Gallery 3's rich user interface is heavily driven by Javascript and is made possible by the simple and powerful jQuery framework.
Since we're in the home stretch to the final release, we're going to restrain ourselves to UI polishing, cross browser support, performance and stability improvements now. We want to release this to you as soon as possible! A few things that we really want to include in the final product:
- More bulk editing capabilities in the Organize feature
- Improved tagging support
- Basic embedding hooks / instructions
As always, you can track development on our Trac roadmap.
Got feedback?
If you have any overall feedback, please visit the Gallery 3.0 RC 2 Feedback forum topic and let us know! If you have questions, please visit the Gallery 3 Wiki, the future home for Gallery 3 documentation.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
The new Gallery3 user interface makes heavy use of menus which pop open when the mouse moves over them, even without the user clicking on anything.
I find these auto-pop-open features distracting at best, and very much of an interference at worst. Too often, I slide the mouse towards something on which I want to click, happen to pass over a hot spot on the way, and when the mouse lands where I want it and I click, some unwanted menu has popped open and I've clicked on something entirely other than what I intended.
Please give us an option to disable auto-pop-open menus, instead requiring a single click to raise the menu.
Try a different theme.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
suprsidr, thanks for the suggestion; could someone please propose a specific theme, which does not use the automatic pop-up menus, and which works well?
I tried several themes, found that I could not judge without actually installing and trying each one whether it uses the pop-up menus, and NONE of them actually worked cleanly - all had visual artefacts, or text and graphics overlapping, or just plain were broken...
Playing around a bit more with G3, I must say I really love the new version. I've got a couple sites running for myself, and will be setting one up for a friend PDQ!
Only one thing would make this a complete slam-dunk switch for me ... Flash (SWF) support. I regularly post VR images which are packaged into SWF files. Gallery 2 allows these, G3 does not. I don't know if support for SWF is just not possible in G3, or if it is something that might be added "down the road" a bit, but here's one man's vote for sooner rather than later, if at all possible of course. For at least a couple sites I've set up, no SWF support is a complete show stopper.
Not sure how many others may have a need for SWF support, but thought I'd post a message here just to put it out there.
But, not to leave a sour note, my kudos and shouts of THANKS! to all the developers for the great work.
Gallery 2 allows you to host pretty much any file type. Gallery 3 is very restrictive.
- One reason for that is focus on usability / limiting the scope / designing the product for a specific use case.
- The other primary reason is security. In short: Flash's security model is lousy at best and Adobe improved things a bit just recently (2009).
If at all, I'd only allow .swf uploads to the Gallery admin and to no other registered users by default.
Understandable considerations, especially security (re. file types allowed, etc). I'd be quite happy with limiting the ability to upload SWF files to the admin only by default. For my sites at least, the admin is the sole uploader. I know where all my files have been. Of course, if someone sets up a communal sharing site, they ignore (or are ignorant of) security issues at their peril. There's risk to both the site and to its users. Limiting file types by default is prudent, still, I'd love to have the ability to broaden the mix a bit.
I'm curious however. While the ability to set up a photo sharing portal for a community of users is desirable, I suspect that a majority of Gallery (2 or 3) users fall into the "sole contributor" vs. the "upload your pictures here" bucket. Maybe I'm way off base with that assumption. After all, you know what they say about "assume"!!
The sole contributor is sort of a small proportion according to our usability survery:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Thanks for the link to the survey results. Informative stuff.
I'm not sure "number of user accounts" is indicative of how many Gallery sites are open to community uploading of photos, etc. Sure, lots of site owners set up user accounts, but how many of those users actually upload photos vs. the case where user accounts are used to control viewing permissions, image downloading, commenting, etc. Although one respondent answered that he/she manages 25,000 users, 82 users was the mean with a very large standard deviation of >1,000. It can be said with certainty that most respondents (76%) enforce some sort of permissions and, therefore, require creating users. The number of contributing vs. viewing only users is hard to gauge. I find it hard to conclude anything about "sole contributor" gallery usage from data re. the number of user account numbers alone.
I do see in the survey data, however, that 89% of respondents manage their own photos on their own sites, and that only 20% of respondents indicated they "...create collaborative albums where others can add photos." The high number of "own photos, own site" galleries, and the relatively low number of site owners who explicitly allow collaboration implies that sole contributor sites are the majority, not the minority, even if most site owners impose permissions due to reasons noted above.
Believe me, I'm not trying to be difficult here, just playing a bit of Devil's Advocate and responding to data with data. Statistics can be used to support just about any point of view.
If Gallery 3 won't support SWF files (which is where this all started), I'm okay with that. It's not my decision to make though I reserve the right to suggest/request it as a feature. The program is open source and development is at the pleasure of the contributors and for the benefit of the community at large including non-programmers like myself. I would love to have the skill to code up a solution to the shortcoming I've noted, but I'm not capable of that at the moment. In the meantime, I'll use Gallery 2 where necessary, Gallery 3 where content permits, and continue to be just thrilled to death that Gallery is out there! It's the cat's meow as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't trade it for anything else I've seen.
Thanks again for your reply, your help in the past, and your work towards making Gallery the best in the future.
Thanks for your response. I see where you are coming from; most results can be interpreted many different ways.
Me, for example, ( I consider my site as a "sole proprietor”) but sill allow users to add items (friends and family) So I, like others, might have answered the survey a bit biased. & thus biased the results? After all why would users want permissions and users to add items?
The main thing in that valiant has said is that swf files are a very large security issue and we are not willing to compromise our reputation in this regard.
It is too bad that you can't contribute code wize, but like me I can't code either, so I contribute the best way I can.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Security is paramount as it should be ... and Gallery's reputation is no small potatoes either; well earned and worthy to be maintained. Perhaps Adobe will work something out re. SWF files, but I'm not going to hold my breath. There may be some other way to work around the issue; links to pages outside Gallery, etc. though not as tidy to be sure. And, off course, there's always G2! It's been a trusted and valued friend for quite some time now.
I'll have to dig around, but perhaps there's a way to have clicked thumbnails call up an embedded or pop-up frame? There are also XML driven methods of presenting the content I want to show, but that too would require a link to an outside page as I can't see how that would fit into the gallery otherwise. I'd like to be able to keep everything "under one roof" as it were, both for simplicity of use - adding descriptions, captions, etc - as well as for consistency of appearance.
Thanks for the enlightening and enjoyable conversation on this matter ...
Best regards,
This software is good, I like very much.
Asks Chinese simplified form language package,
to be able to face the Chinese users to provide the simplified Chinese language?
——The google translates
Contacts with me
Kohana_Exception [ Framework Error ]:
The requested views, admin.html, could not be found
SYSPATH/core/Kohana.php[ 812 ]
807 if ($found === NULL)
808 {
809 if ($required === TRUE)
810 {
811 // If the file is required, throw an exception
812 throw new Kohana_Exception('The requested :resource:, :file:, could not be found', array(':resource:' => __($directory), ':file:' =>$filename));
813 }
814 else
815 {
816 // Nothing was found, return FALSE
817 $found = FALSE;
@my01bb: please start a new topic in the Gallery 3 forums about your problems.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
I just installed G3 - RC2 - fresh. I cannot get to the admin page. i recieve an error:
Hey wait, you're an admin! We can tell you stuff.
Kohana_Exception [ Framework Error ]:
The requested views, admin.html, could not be found
SYSPATH/core/Kohana.php[ 806 ]
801 if ($found === NULL)
802 {
803 if ($required === TRUE)
804 {
805 // If the file is required, throw an exception
806 throw new Kohana_Exception('The requested :resource:, :file:, could not be found', array(':resource:' => __($directory), ':file:' =>$filename));
807 }
808 else
809 {
810 // Nothing was found, return FALSE
811 $found = FALSE;
SYSPATH/libraries/View.php[ 83 ] » Kohana_Core::find_file( arguments )
SYSPATH/libraries/View.php[ 49 ] » View_Core->set_filename( arguments )
MODPATH/gallery/libraries/MY_View.php[ 56 ] » View_Core->__construct( arguments )
MODPATH/gallery/libraries/Admin_View.php[ 30 ] » View->__construct( arguments )
MODPATH/gallery/controllers/admin_dashboard.php[ 22 ] » Admin_View_Core->__construct( arguments )
{PHP internal call} » Admin_Dashboard_Controller->index()
MODPATH/gallery/controllers/admin.php[ 62 ] » call_user_func_array( arguments )
{PHP internal call} » Admin_Controller->__call( arguments )
SYSPATH/core/Kohana.php[ 331 ] » ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs( arguments )
{PHP internal call} » Kohana_Core::instance( arguments )
SYSPATH/core/Event.php[ 208 ] » call_user_func_array( arguments )
APPPATH/Bootstrap.php[ 67 ] » Event_Core::run( arguments )
DOCROOT/index.php[ 94 ] » require( arguments )
*** I literally just installed it. Did nothing else. i was able to upload some images.
I am with GoDaddy.. they say i am running Apache 1.3.33
any ideas?
You're running Apache 1.x It's not supported. Ah, just read through the rest of your post and see that.
Best thing to do, find a quality host.
You can probably get it working by enabling the URL Rewrite rules by editing the .htaccess file that ships with G3, there's information in that file on what you need to edit.
Though being on an unsupported (and dead) platform, if anything goes South, you're probably on your own...
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
wow.. this means anyone on cannot use! dang!
was able to get godaddy to upgrade my apache! just took a phone call. If GoDaddy is not a quality host, i dont know what is.. they have the best service!
Apache is not dead, Apache 1.x is dead. GoDaddy has had 8 YEARS to upgrade to a stable version of Apache 2.x.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
thanks for the responses and support nivekiam. much appreciated!
Thank you for the work you have put into this post, it helps clear up some questions I had.I
will bookmark your blog because your posts are very informative.We appreciate your posts and
look forward to coming back
Any offical date for final release of Gal 3? I have been checking the tickets for a few weeks and there has been nothing new that ive noticed
I've been making very small changes this week, so unless anything substantial pops up I think we're looking at Monday (Oct 4) or maybe Tuesday for the release.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
You guys are awesome! THank you for providing the community with such an awesome app!!
Any word on an integration similar to the G2 one using PHP?