Troubleshooting and Problems

 TopicRepliesCreatedsort iconLast reply
Unable to process photos26 years 40 weeks ago
by BrianCanuck
6 years 39 weeks ago
by judopro
Server_add : problem with the path 16 years 40 weeks ago
by majolie
6 years 40 weeks ago
by floridave
New 3.0.9 successful install - Getting Blank page46 years 39 weeks ago
by txblackbird
6 years 39 weeks ago
by txblackbird
is gallery3 the wrong solution at scale?46 years 39 weeks ago
by hohum
6 years 17 weeks ago
by mblythe
Few sorting alternatives for pictures56 years 39 weeks ago
by UfukBuyukozkaya
6 years 39 weeks ago
by floridave
[SOLVED] Overexposed images46 years 39 weeks ago
by Apfelkuchen91
6 years 37 weeks ago
by floridave
UPDATE query thrashing mySQL16 years 39 weeks ago
by Sad Eeyore
6 years 17 weeks ago
by mblythe
Search trouble no. digits16 years 39 weeks ago
by Kdesign
6 years 39 weeks ago
by tempg
Remove old files86 years 39 weeks ago
by a1000w
6 years 37 weeks ago
by a1000w
Kohana_404_Exception - Theme dispatcher56 years 38 weeks ago
by mothsireland
6 years 38 weeks ago
by mothsireland
Upload in Firefox not working after clicking "choose images" 16 years 38 weeks ago
by Franz47
6 years 38 weeks ago
by floridave
Sizeproblem for thumbnails theme wind36 years 38 weeks ago
by Haz_69
6 years 38 weeks ago
by floridave
[SOLVED] problem reinstalling approvalque66 years 38 weeks ago
by Haz_69
6 years 38 weeks ago
by Haz_69
Reducing image file sizes in the Gallery16 years 38 weeks ago
by destaylor
6 years 38 weeks ago
by floridave
Reset password without email16 years 38 weeks ago
by Tracey.shelton@...
6 years 38 weeks ago
by floridave
change photo size in /var/albums56 years 38 weeks ago
by slart
6 years 38 weeks ago
by floridave
Rebuliding images16 years 38 weeks ago
by Haz_69
6 years 38 weeks ago
by floridave
Thumbnails are looking overexposed136 years 37 weeks ago
by Baraja
6 years 37 weeks ago
by Baraja
[SOLVED] Rebuilding images does not finish36 years 37 weeks ago
by Baraja
6 years 37 weeks ago
by Baraja
my gallery is not see last photos56 years 37 weeks ago
by autostyling
6 years 37 weeks ago
by floridave
Dashboard Side Bar06 years 37 weeks ago
by huisinr
[Solved] server_add problem with fresh installation26 years 37 weeks ago
by dspguy1
6 years 35 weeks ago
by dspguy1
[SOLVED] You don't have permission to access /gallery3/index.php/search on this server…156 years 37 weeks ago
by Lucad01
6 years 35 weeks ago
by floridave
Gallery very slow (again)116 years 36 weeks ago
by jptned
6 years 27 weeks ago
by jptned
gallery3 - pop-up ads16 years 36 weeks ago
by bndon
6 years 36 weeks ago
by floridave