Administration and Maintenance

 TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
How to have one a subalbum in different albums without actually having it double?1813 years 44 weeks ago
by fabs
13 years 42 weeks ago
by fabs
Importing multiple users199 years 44 weeks ago
by devospice2
9 years 43 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Easy access to originals of watermarked images1911 years 20 weeks ago
by abravorus
11 years 3 days ago
ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE with plugins after upgrading1913 years 19 weeks ago
by djonest
13 years 3 weeks ago
by djonest
g2_CacheMap table (too big)1913 years 51 weeks ago
by marco963
10 years 51 weeks ago
by floridave
Moving Gallery images, settings and such.1915 years 2 weeks ago
by supraman215
15 years 1 week ago
by supraman215
Edit Caption Font Size2013 years 35 weeks ago
by markmusicman
13 years 31 weeks ago
by markmusicman
Upgrade Problem!217 years 44 weeks ago
by buildaramp
7 years 43 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Gallery is asking for payment AFTER payment has already been entered2110 years 29 weeks ago
by Magician742
10 years 26 weeks ago
by Magician742
Upgrading Core Module step will not finish2111 years 33 weeks ago
by picdude
11 years 18 weeks ago
by nivekiam
Albums disappeared & I can't log in... This topic has been moved
Upload from local server stops after 30 secs2113 years 42 weeks ago
by bendix
13 years 37 weeks ago
by bendix
change of config.php: allowSessionAccess false->true2115 years 6 weeks ago
by Pinguin
15 years 4 weeks ago
by mindless
Disabled guest comments but being spammed by Guest2213 years 30 weeks ago
by Merira
13 years 29 weeks ago
by Merira
Custom Fields on Edit Captions pageThis topic has been moved
Upgradin Error From G2.2 to 2.32313 years 10 weeks ago
by ilker_eko
12 years 42 weeks ago
by katpatuka
User migration2410 years 39 weeks ago
by jhmac
10 years 38 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Recursive password protection2413 years 51 weeks ago
by nicolarsson1
13 years 50 weeks ago
by nicolarsson1
Upload paths?? "The webserver does not have permissions to read that directory. "2415 years 8 weeks ago
by MetalHellsAngel
11 years 33 weeks ago
by jerseyclassic
(ERROR_COLLISION) : Too many thumbnails2515 years 2 weeks ago
by laddil
14 years 30 weeks ago
by rick7
PLATFORM_FAILURE2515 years 18 weeks ago
by nickm3
15 years 15 weeks ago
by nickm3
Server migration and upgrade3111 years 32 weeks ago
by Totoleheros
11 years 31 weeks ago
by floridave
Issue when setting album as hidden with password...3113 years 30 weeks ago
by SinnerG
13 years 29 weeks ago
by SinnerG
Hiding empty albums when browsing3413 years 41 weeks ago
by james789
11 years 14 weeks ago
by shenmshih
Change slideshow defaults3915 years 10 weeks ago
by bensiebro
11 years 51 weeks ago
by suprsidr