Administration and Maintenance

 TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
550 Could not change perms on /g2data/cache/module/core: Bad file descriptor1214 years 44 weeks ago
by Iced Coffee
13 years 50 weeks ago
by valiant
Forced into the Upgrader.1215 years 1 week ago
by quniform
15 years 1 week ago
by quniform
Migrate from Windows --> Linux1215 years 25 weeks ago
by mackis5
13 years 48 weeks ago
by igrcic
Empty sequence id!138 years 30 weeks ago
by w91803
8 years 29 weeks ago
by floridave
Changing uploaded from wmv video to flv1311 years 25 weeks ago
by kiwiwanderer
11 years 25 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Blank Page on Upgrading1312 years 30 weeks ago
by tomtomgoo
12 years 29 weeks ago
by tomtomgoo
Moving to a new host1313 years 22 weeks ago
by aagons
13 years 22 weeks ago
by valiant
Just another upgrade error, from 2.1.2 to 2.2 any ideas1313 years 26 weeks ago
by avatarworf
13 years 18 weeks ago
by valiant
System checks problem on upgrade1313 years 34 weeks ago
by newbie455
13 years 16 weeks ago
by star1
Trying to migrate from one G2 installation to another1314 years 25 weeks ago
by David of Broadway
14 years 24 weeks ago
by David of Broadway
Remove Login and Register links?1314 years 27 weeks ago
by theunhuman
12 years 25 weeks ago
by yugo23
1 album public1314 years 27 weeks ago
by calubro
14 years 27 weeks ago
by calubro
What do people use to resize images?1314 years 31 weeks ago
by rick7
14 years 29 weeks ago
by bharat
Gallery is working slow because of large image files and thumbnail online creation1314 years 31 weeks ago
by zeevikn
14 years 30 weeks ago
by bjcbjc
change gallery logo1314 years 41 weeks ago
by hagi
10 years 23 weeks ago
by dubyte
Upgrade loop1314 years 42 weeks ago
by stukoch
14 years 42 weeks ago
by stukoch
Help plisssssss1315 years 6 weeks ago
by djloverslmp
15 years 5 weeks ago
by djloverslmp
Help with loading Pictures1315 years 36 weeks ago
by btaub
13 years 48 weeks ago
by btaub
Creating thumbnails from .swf files1411 years 17 weeks ago
by picdude
8 years 2 weeks ago
by picdude
can't hide *all* albums1411 years 21 weeks ago
by eco
10 years 49 weeks ago
by heejun123
Cant login to "site admin" after upgrade to 2.3. Session Expired?1411 years 36 weeks ago
by James266
11 years 28 weeks ago
by achet
"Build all thumbnails/resizes" times out.This topic has been moved
[Solved] Unable to upgrade to 2.31412 years 4 weeks ago
by Sageth
11 years 48 weeks ago
by Al-Hala
Database overload1412 years 19 weeks ago
by fivestone
10 years 51 weeks ago
by cartwatchessale
no admin menu1413 years 22 weeks ago
by teclive
13 years 22 weeks ago
by teclive