Gallery 2.x

 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
[G2] Installation Step1116 years 12 weeks ago
by Maurits
16 years 12 weeks ago
by mindless
[G2] How can I get the actual Language ????1114 years 45 weeks ago
by me-myself-and-eye
13 years 34 weeks ago
by rotpar
[g2.3] where to activate diashow?711 years 33 weeks ago
by MarcW.
11 years 33 weeks ago
by MarcW.
[G2.3] local upload issue when folder name is multi byte111 years 47 weeks ago
by momo-i
11 years 47 weeks ago
by cmjimmy
[G2 A3] Error when trying to import Gallery 1816 years 6 weeks ago
by prwood
16 years 6 weeks ago
by prwood
[G2 A3] Aborted G1 -> G2 Migration3516 years 6 weeks ago
by prwood
15 years 50 weeks ago
by alextoft
[Future idea] Automatic BBcode-link generator -- Solved (geturls)212 years 39 weeks ago
by emil.s
12 years 39 weeks ago
by emil.s
[feature request] random image117 years 44 weeks ago
by ClowRead
17 years 44 weeks ago
by bharat
[feature request] Album Layout recursivly115 years 46 weeks ago
by Luxus
15 years 46 weeks ago
by bharat
[CVS] ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER: Unknown permission id: core.view115 years 49 weeks ago
by CSpotkill
15 years 49 weeks ago
by CSpotkill
[b]Want to know G2's datebase structure[/b]316 years 18 weeks ago
by jecky
16 years 18 weeks ago
by bharat
[BUG] Truncation of Characters...916 years 13 weeks ago
by Jurgentje
16 years 12 weeks ago
by jmullan
[BUG] Problem displaying new thumbs and scaled images816 years 13 weeks ago
by metzen
16 years 12 weeks ago
by bharat
[BUG] movie/ffmpeg thumbnail offset715 years 35 weeks ago
by valiant
15 years 34 weeks ago
by valiant
[BUG] Global setting not sticking after modification316 years 13 weeks ago
by metzen
16 years 13 weeks ago
by metzen
[BUG] Error in GdToolkitHelper.class216 years 13 weeks ago
by fryfrog
16 years 13 weeks ago
by baschny
[BUG] '"Add Files" -> "From Local Server&q315 years 32 weeks ago
by tokachu
15 years 31 weeks ago
by tokachu
[BUGREPORT] EXIF handling and exifer314 years 51 weeks ago
by pwagland
14 years 50 weeks ago
by mindless
[albumselect] real hiding hidden albums in albumselect albumtree412 years 9 weeks ago
by leine
12 years 9 weeks ago
by leine
zphoto: a flash-based photo album generator014 years 16 weeks ago
by deytonh
Zombies716 years 5 weeks ago
by fedak
16 years 4 weeks ago
by fryfrog
Zipcart/Zip Download does not show on checkout page. Can you help?711 years 30 weeks ago
by BlueNight83
11 years 30 weeks ago
by BlueNight83
ZipCart download reveals hidden items, Bug or Feature?012 years 33 weeks ago
by sanders
Zip upload and __MACOSX414 years 34 weeks ago
by Egypt Urnash
14 years 33 weeks ago
by Egypt Urnash
Zip Path Setup116 years 3 weeks ago
by jester4281
16 years 3 weeks ago
by valiant