Gallery 2.x

 TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
Gallery 2 request: Captcha support for password security2315 years 43 weeks ago
by Tumble
15 years 33 weeks ago
by bharat
Using EXIF "Description" when Adding Item2315 years 48 weeks ago
by chaff
15 years 47 weeks ago
by elliotshepherd
Zip Download2316 years 15 hours ago
by duhaas
15 years 37 weeks ago
by mindless
Too late for G2 design ideas?2317 years 15 weeks ago
by ToyKeeper
14 years 50 weeks ago
by mindless
G2 Project Plan2317 years 44 weeks ago
by bharat
15 years 50 weeks ago
by bharat
Migrated to an Ubuntu Server with major problems with viewing pictures. 2211 years 18 weeks ago
by johnlon
11 years 16 weeks ago
by johnlon
Media RSS? PicLens compatibility2213 years 20 weeks ago
by conorboyd
10 years 29 weeks ago
by chrisatlemon
G2 Security Hack: Making Displayed Images a Bit More Secure2215 years 11 weeks ago
by cmarshall
14 years 44 weeks ago
by nomad76
Watermarking existing photos2215 years 31 weeks ago
by buut
15 years 30 weeks ago
by c4actbe
Linking to G2 images2216 years 12 weeks ago
by robinbowes
16 years 11 weeks ago
by Arithon
Suggestion: mobile user agent recognition2216 years 38 weeks ago
by jmr
11 years 1 week ago
by sarasamuels
PicLens - Immersive Slideshows Accross the Web (Gallery Inclusion)2112 years 35 weeks ago
by Cruise
12 years 26 weeks ago
by honvl
auto start slideshow based on keyword album?2113 years 5 weeks ago
by al_uk
9 years 49 weeks ago
by voucher code
Installing Gallery on Windows 2000 Server2115 years 32 weeks ago
by xtremcoder
15 years 30 weeks ago
by buut
installing errors2116 years 10 weeks ago
by jay-c
16 years 7 weeks ago
by tache
Can't activate Image Magick (composite fails)2116 years 23 weeks ago
by U.Haessler
16 years 21 weeks ago
by noderat
ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT2116 years 34 weeks ago
by wcktklwn
16 years 6 weeks ago
by mindless
Storage Errrors - none of the articles / searches so far are helpful2011 years 6 weeks ago
by darb
11 years 5 weeks ago
by darb
Default movie size for Flash Video plugin2013 years 45 weeks ago
by mailman
13 years 2 weeks ago
by shivaya
Invisible Digital Watermarking2015 years 3 weeks ago
by Takeshi Nishino
10 years 43 weeks ago
by alecmyers
Imageblock.External - modify link target2015 years 6 weeks ago
by wogri
13 years 33 weeks ago
by jleezer
Feature request : Movie streaming / downloading2015 years 23 weeks ago
by Tonton_Fred
14 years 36 weeks ago
by jwjp
Maintenance task to get rid of .jpg in picture title2015 years 29 weeks ago
by pelle
15 years 17 weeks ago
by Florie
Dashes instead of spaces in urls?2015 years 31 weeks ago
by CarLBanks
15 years 30 weeks ago
by bharat
Gallery 2.x virtual machine (vmware appliance)This topic has been moved