Troubleshooting and Problems

 TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
My Version Of: Error: Unable to make thumbnail (0)!2616 years 25 weeks ago
by JPW
16 years 24 weeks ago
by h0bbel
Windows Upload 'freezes' for multiple images2616 years 43 weeks ago
by -Lex-
14 years 5 weeks ago
by uogecko
Unable to rotate2716 years 7 weeks ago
by lexluthor
15 years 20 weeks ago
by DannoUK
still have: unable to create thumbnail(0)2716 years 8 weeks ago
by dominik
16 years 8 weeks ago
by dominik
Problem Adding Moviefiles2716 years 25 weeks ago
by Meelmuis
16 years 23 weeks ago
by h0bbel
Can't Create Thumbnail (0) and debug is not working2716 years 26 weeks ago
by apparition
9 years 49 weeks ago
by voucher code
Cannot login after install - Admin account newer created :-(2716 years 29 weeks ago
by janl
16 years 29 weeks ago
by haze
some pictures doesn't show up2716 years 31 weeks ago
by SunnyCB
16 years 29 weeks ago
by SunnyCB
Unable to make thumbnail(0)2717 years 21 weeks ago
by tzimel
14 years 41 weeks ago
by mikem
Parse Error – Not able to access gallery.2814 years 40 weeks ago
by PianoGenius
14 years 38 weeks ago
by PianoGenius
Problems moving & highlight pictuires !!!!!2815 years 39 weeks ago
by Amorphine
15 years 38 weeks ago
by Amorphine
Problems with the Perfomance of the Gallery v1.4.42816 years 14 weeks ago
by Thomm
15 years 33 weeks ago
by fryfrog
Uploading images doesn't work!2816 years 33 weeks ago
by emu5007
16 years 30 weeks ago
by earth2jay
Gallery 1.5.42914 years 11 weeks ago
by Tim_j
12 years 26 weeks ago
by Tim_j
Permissions2915 years 46 weeks ago
by markmusicman
15 years 40 weeks ago
by h0bbel
Yet another logging in problem2916 years 23 weeks ago
by misangela
16 years 23 weeks ago
by signe
Properties+Printing services problem on 1.4.43016 years 16 weeks ago
by jko
14 years 14 weeks ago
by salzstar
Gallery page doesn't show3115 years 35 weeks ago
by ckryger
15 years 32 weeks ago
by signe
Deleting Album not possible3116 years 15 weeks ago
by Herr.Vorragend
15 years 44 weeks ago
by brachiopod
That thumbnail error again...3116 years 17 weeks ago
by tourist
16 years 16 weeks ago
by deco
[b]Unable to make thumbnail (0)![/b]3116 years 28 weeks ago
by ajmboy
16 years 27 weeks ago
by lordofportals
it hangs up when proccessing. Photos are uploaded but thumbs3117 years 33 weeks ago
by sims
17 years 32 weeks ago
by alindeman
Problems when viewing gallery outside my network?3117 years 50 weeks ago
by bengaloo
17 years 50 weeks ago
by bengaloo
Unable to Move Album3216 years 30 weeks ago
by Stevo
16 years 21 weeks ago
by signe
Gallery 1.5.1-RC1 Bug Reports3315 years 17 weeks ago
by ckdake
15 years 14 weeks ago
by msandersen