Importing albums into Facebook


Joined: 2009-11-13
Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 2009-11-13 13:18

Hi there. Amazing project you guys have! I've been using Gallery2 for years now and I'm excited to make the upgrade to G3.

One feature I hope will be carried through by a community member with the skills is a module that will allow me to import my albums in future G3 onto my Fb account as albums... Album name and image captions copied as well...

Anyone have any plans for such a module?

Thanking you all in advance for a most amazing tool!

rWatcher's picture

Joined: 2005-09-06
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Posted: Fri, 2009-11-13 19:58

There's a feature request for something like this, but as far as I know, no one is actively working on it.


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Posted: Sat, 2009-11-14 13:38

Many thanks for your reply... I'm going to make the upgrade soon as this module is available.

I use the same one described in the link you provided above (G2 though!!):

Can't wait! Having your own gallery is awesome, but the exposure one can get through Fb is too great to ignore. My colleagues and family regularly see my photos on Fb and then visit the link to my G2 to download full res copies... (Love it!)

Thanks rWatcher


Joined: 2009-10-03
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Posted: Sat, 2009-11-14 21:55

If it helps I have an RSS app on FB watching my RSS feeds.... Ok not perfect but it works.



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Posted: Sat, 2009-11-14 22:49

Got excited for a moment when I saw this post!

RSS gets your stuff onto Fb, but nobody goes digging through your news feed from way back when you got married / visited Helsinki! Organization as albums makes viewing countless times more efficient.

I too badly want a G3 to Fb module ~ I've tried to contact the author of the G2 to Fb module but no response unfortunately :(

hebhansen's picture

Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Wed, 2009-11-18 10:14


I have the Public RSS on my FB as well. i agree, it does not do the job. Looking forward to hear more of this for G3. I totally agree. Exposure value in FB can nor be ignored.

all the best
HB -

hebhansen's picture

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Posted: Wed, 2009-11-18 10:20

I sent Gillaume a message asking for this...

all the best
HB -


Joined: 2009-11-13
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Posted: Wed, 2009-11-18 10:33

Excellent excellent!! I really hope he hears you. Please keep us informed as the outcome! Thanks hebhansen!


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Posted: Wed, 2009-11-18 10:45

Ditto gainsford...

rWatcher ~ You're the module machine! Any chance you could throw something simple together for the interim? (***Takes a fat chance...)

gboudreau's picture

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Posted: Wed, 2009-11-18 12:07

I'll update my Gallery Import FB app to support G3 once the import from G2 limitations have been fixed.

Last I checked, only specific file extensions would be imported by the "G2 import module" that comes with G3, and permissions would not be imported. I can't upgrade my Gallery to G3 before this is fixed, and I can't work on G3 support until my Gallery is upgraded to G3.
I'll keep checking the upcoming beta builds, and once those issues are fixed, I'll install G3 and start working on G3 support for my app.


- Guillaume Boudreau


Joined: 2009-01-20
Posts: 176
Posted: Wed, 2009-11-18 18:07

Hey hey its The Man! Thanks so much for your work on the G2 >> Fb module and again a prospective thanks for the G3 version!

Let't hope your module is completed soon! ;)

Please please keep us updated... Myself and a few others will be happy to beta your G3 module. Any will you be considering any of the additional features suggested in ticket: ??? Perhpas as a V2.0? (The existing one rocks! Don't keep us waiting for any extras plz!)

gboudreau's picture

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Posted: Wed, 2009-11-18 18:43

I'll post a FB app update once I have made any improvement to the app, or added G3 support. Any fan of the app should receive those updates on FB.

- Guillaume Boudreau

PS The link you included is just the homepage of the app; i.e. not a discussion thread link.

hebhansen's picture

Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Wed, 2009-11-18 19:33

FYI - I recieved this from Gillaume. I do not really know the app for FB/G2, so I placed a couple of questions. Maybe valid to you too:

(Gallery Import is not a G2 module; it's a FB application that requires you to add a PHP file to your G2 installation.)
- Images are imported as if you manually created an album with the same name as your Gallery album, and imported pictures using FB. Multiple albums (suffixed with a number) will be created if you have more pictures in your Gallery album than FB allows in a single album (I think it's 100 or 60... don't remember).
- Imported pictures will appear in the feeds as if you'd have uploaded them yourself. i.e. there won't be any mention of Gallery Import anywhere. To your friends, it would look as if you uploaded the pictures normally.
- Comments are not imported; I don't think the FB API allows such a thing. Comments can only be created by humans using FB, not applications.

Any ideas anyone to grab Image comments from FB and bring them to the Gallery. Afterall it brings life to G3.

all the best
HB -


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Posted: Thu, 2009-11-19 11:49

@gboudreau: Terribly sorry... here is the link I intended:

I see your message to hebhansen though ~ I see the Fb API has imposed some restrictions. It might be worth revisiting the Fb API though. I'm not very familiar with it, but I do believe there has been some relaxation of limitations as of late (I have successfully made a backup of my Fb inbox using an app which interfaces the API which was previously impossible)

Importation of comments really would be as great as G3 itself! Will add life to G3 indeed!!

gboudreau's picture

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Posted: Thu, 2009-11-19 12:16

My answer about comments import was about importing comments from Gallery into Facebook. Which is not possible.

Fetching comments from FB though should be possible, using FQL (Facebook SQL), and the Comment, Photo and Album tables:

But from what I know of Gallery comments (I don't use them), they are associated with a user ID (the user when entered the comment). How do you suggest I associate FB comments to un-existing Gallery users? Use a 'From Facebook' Gallery account (that might need to be created manually), and prefix the comment with the FB username?

- Guillaume Boudreau


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Posted: Thu, 2009-11-19 12:37

@gboudreau: I don't think I can beat that suggestion! A 'from Facebook' account with a Fb user prefix sounds ideal.

I greatly appreciate your contribution (as do many other I am sure) :)

hebhansen's picture

Joined: 2009-02-10
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Posted: Fri, 2009-11-20 08:05

Fetching Comments from FB and adding to Gallery is very much on my wish list

User structure as proposed above seems good

all the best
HB -


Joined: 2009-11-13
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Posted: Fri, 2009-11-20 08:20

Can't agree more. Gboudreau's suggestion is first rate and returning comments from Fb will be absolutely amazing.

I'd opt for a standard version like the previous one first though... would hate to be left behind with G2 while Mr Boudreau works his magic (assuming he might be willing to make such a plugin later)


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Posted: Mon, 2009-11-30 10:23

What are the chances the Fb app will respect G3 permissions????

gboudreau's picture

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Posted: Tue, 2009-12-01 12:21
doceave wrote:
What are the chances the Fb app will respect G3 permissions????

If you're talking about the app not allowing import into FB of pictures that are not visible to anonymous users, that's already done.

If you're talking about the possibility to enter a G3 username and password in the FB app, and being able to import all the pictures that this G3 user sees, then I'd say the chances are 50% or so. I don't use that feature (same as G3 comments), so those features are at the bottom of the priority list.

- Guillaume Boudreau


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Posts: 12
Posted: Tue, 2009-12-01 15:18

G3 user specific image access would be useful for my application ~ I run a social networking gallery for my university unicycling team along with my own personal photos. This would allow me to properly implement user specific albums on G3 as well as allow members access to the G3>>Fb plugin...

But by all means... bottom of the priority list

Any chance you could update us on the progress? (Cannot help but ask!)

gboudreau's picture

Joined: 2006-10-01
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Posted: Tue, 2009-12-01 15:47

No progress. As I said, I need an operational G2 Import module for G3 in order to get my Gallery upgraded to G3 before work can start.
I'm monitoring the commits for the module, but nothing has changed since Nov-19:

- Guillaume Boudreau

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
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Posted: Wed, 2009-12-02 00:41
gboudreau wrote:
As I said, I need an operational G2 Import module for G3

It works for me and a LOT of other people, so I suggest you start a thread with your issue, perhaps we missed it.

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team

gboudreau's picture

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Posted: Wed, 2009-12-02 17:40
floridave wrote:
It works for me and a LOT of other people, so I suggest you start a thread with your issue, perhaps we missed it.

It's not that it's not working.
It's that

gboudreau wrote:
Last I checked, only specific file extensions would be imported by the "G2 import module" that comes with G3, and permissions would not be imported. I can't upgrade my Gallery to G3 before this is fixed...

And by "I can't" what I really meant was "I won't". I'm sure the module works fine for people OK with those limitations, but I have no intention to upgrade my working-fine G2 to a non-working G3 that I'd have to take quite some time to fix (re-create permission, manually find and import all file types that were skipped, ...)

- Guillaume Boudreau


Joined: 2009-01-20
Posts: 176
Posted: Wed, 2009-12-02 19:08

I too am hesitant to migrate to G3 for two reasons ~ Mr Boudreau has not written a G3>>Fb module yet, and I have 6 gallery users with a combined 20K images... No ways I'm manually fixing permissions.

What are the chances the import module priority can be bumped up? I'm sure the Gallery Team is going to tackle the issue at some point ~ why not sooner such that Mr Boudreau might start work sooner? Two birds, one stone.

hebhansen's picture

Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Wed, 2009-12-02 19:09

Gillaume... How does this thing work when setup?

Du I select images manualy. Flag them or something for FB display.
Will it grab entire albums and only that
Will it copy everything to fb
Can I select no no images and albums (wife's boobs fx)

How are they sorted at FB

Mirror of gallery and structure
Can I put "flag'ed" images in one album at fb - even if they live seperate in Gallery
What happens when that album at fb hits the ceiling (200 images) - Manual intervention or create another album?

all the best
HB -

gboudreau's picture

Joined: 2006-10-01
Posts: 40
Posted: Wed, 2009-12-02 20:00
hebhansen wrote:
Gillaume... How does this thing work when setup?

You can try it yourself easily.
Just go on Facebook, add the Gallery Import application to your account, and use my gallery URL to try and import stuff:
The 1st step of the application has instructions on how to setup the thing on your Gallery install (which you obviously don't need to do, since I already did those steps on my own Gallery).


- Guillaume Boudreau

hebhansen's picture

Joined: 2009-02-10
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Posted: Wed, 2009-12-02 21:27

In case I don't want my gallery on other people's profile, can I limit that open approch...

all the best
HB -

hebhansen's picture

Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Wed, 2009-12-02 21:38

You can try it yourself easily.
Just go on Facebook, add the Gallery Import application to your account, and use my gallery URL to try and import stuff:
The 1st step of the application has instructions on how to setup the thing on your Gallery install (which you obviously don't need to do, since I already did those steps on my own Gallery).

I get this error using your url
Error: the export_fb.php script needs to be in a 'fb' subdirectory of your Gallery installation. Example:

all the best
HB -

gboudreau's picture

Joined: 2006-10-01
Posts: 40
Posted: Wed, 2009-12-02 22:06
hebhansen wrote:
In case I don't want my gallery on other people's profile, can I limit that open approch...

No, not at this time. Only public pictures can be imported using my app.
As I mentioned previously, I don't use anything else than public pictures myself, so adding support for pictures only visible to specific Gallery users is at the bottom of the priority list.

hebhansen wrote:
I get this error using your url
Error: the export_fb.php script needs to be in a 'fb' subdirectory of your Gallery installation. Example:

The complete URL to use, as stated in my example, is the Gallery URL, suffixed by '/fb/export_fb.php'. So for my Gallery:

- Guillaume Boudreau


Joined: 2009-01-20
Posts: 176
Posted: Thu, 2009-12-03 07:10
What are the chances the import module priority can be bumped up? I'm sure the Gallery Team is going to tackle the issue at some point ~ why not sooner such that Mr Boudreau might start work sooner? Two birds, one stone.

I see the roadmap for RC1 has makes no mention of working towards importation of permissions... ***Greatly saddened***

hebhansen's picture

Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Thu, 2009-12-03 14:51

I think the code team is under preassure as it is. For sure they could use more hands...

all the best
HB -

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
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Posted: Thu, 2009-12-03 19:21
I see the roadmap for RC1 has makes no mention of working towards importation of permissions... ***Greatly saddened***

The permission systems in G2 and G3 are totally different. In G2 you were allowed to assign permissions to users as well as to individual photos. In G3 you have to put users into groups, assign permissions to groups and permissions can only be set on albums. So if you have a performance degrading setup with tons of permissions on users and individual photos it's not going to map into G3 with any sort of ease.

Someone could create a 3rd party module for G3 to extend the permissions to photos and user at the cost of performance and simplicity, but it's not going to be in the core product.
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floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
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Posted: Fri, 2009-12-04 01:11
hebhansen wrote:
I think the code team is under preassure as it is. For sure they could use more hands...

That is for sure! :-)

Waiting for a development of a core feature on the development of another feature is not a good practice in my opinion. A test G3 install can be used for development before G2 items are imported.
It might be some time before the core team gets round to gboudreaus request for permissions to be imported. So, I guess that if that does not happen soon, then some other developer will have to be found for this feature or develop the feature that gboudreau needs to continue development of the face-book module.

There is only so much time available for this volunteer project, so if you need a feature you have 2 options:
1. Develop the feature you want yourself
2. Find a developer to do it for you.
FAQ: What about feature X? It's really important to me!

We wish we had more time for implementing features that some people want but when you only have a little time each day to work on a hobby project that you do entirely for fun (read: zero money), you have to prioritize your time carefully. There are lots people who are helping out in the forums actually making the project go faster by contributing, but there are very few people who are actually writing the code and doing the design work. If you'd like to see it sooner, help us. That's the only way it's going to happen sooner.
So create a fork and start working! :-)


Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team


Joined: 2009-01-20
Posts: 176
Posted: Fri, 2009-12-04 05:41

Mr Boudreau ~ I cannot code in php but I can click a mouse... How may images in your gallery, and how complex your permissions? (I.E. Majority album permissions or individual photo permissions)


Joined: 2009-01-20
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Posted: Sat, 2009-12-19 22:15

Mr Boudreau... another feature I've just though about which would be amazing:

Import to Fb from tags... I.E. I might want to import images tagged "holiday-to-france" into my appropriate Fb album... or even import images tagged with a "temporary-tag" for immediate upload...

My motivation has come now as I wish to import images of my little sister (contained in many different albums) over the years into a Fb album for her 21st birthday...

(and plz plz plz let us know when you're starting... Core coding team is busy splitting hairs over other things to meet your demands. Please we need you!)


Joined: 2009-01-20
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Posted: Thu, 2010-01-07 11:11

Mr Boudreau... Don't want to pester you but any news on G3 >> Fb ???

gboudreau's picture

Joined: 2006-10-01
Posts: 40
Posted: Thu, 2010-01-07 12:59

There is news, but it's bad.
There no way I can re-use the existing PHP script I had that lists albums and photos information (export_fb.php) in a Gallery 3 install.
That means I'd have to learn how to write a Gallery 3 module, then struggle to write one that do such simple things.

If you can find a G3 developer that could write such a thing, I'll give him specs on the output format the FB app needs, and that should be easy to integrate from there. I'd guess this wouldn't be very long or hard for someone who has knowledge of the G3 code base.

I have no intention to take time to learn and code a G3 module myself, since I have no intention to upgrade my Gallery2 install.

Sorry about the let down.


- Guillaume Boudreau


Joined: 2009-01-20
Posts: 176
Posted: Thu, 2010-01-07 20:16

The man to chat to is rWatcher ~ He's the G3-Module-Guru!! (He has contributed to this thread towards the top) I will send him a PM and I ask if you could do so as well (I'm an advanced end-user and will only able to express huge desire to see this aspect of gallery realized!)


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Posts: 12
Posted: Thu, 2010-01-14 07:19

Come on lets interface with the biggest social networking networking platform there is! I got over 112 comments on a photo I posted on my Facebook account and 1 on gallery! Images on Fb with links back to the original hosted with G3 will greatly increase exposure to your awesome product!

hebhansen's picture

Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Thu, 2010-01-14 09:48

I agree

all the best
HB -

hebhansen's picture

Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Thu, 2010-01-14 09:51

Should the images just embed in what seems to be an FB album? and not upload.... For me the FB Compression thing messes up my images to an extremely low jpeg. Both size and compression.

This would save us the concern right to use issues and it would save FB the HD requirements

all the best
HB -


Joined: 2009-01-20
Posts: 176
Posted: Thu, 2010-01-14 10:06

If I understand you correctly Hebhansen then in answer to your question - no... The proposed plugin would actually be for Fb and would allow Fb to import G3 albums for storage (compressed) on the Fb server.

The reason this is so convenient is that we have FTP access to our G3 servers and can keep our high res images safely there while allowing friends and colleagues to easily and conveniently view our photos... The Fb plugin imports the albums from G3 with a few clicks and is fast! Much faster than manual upload to Fb!

Our problem at the moment is will to write the Fb plugin that will interface with G3... You jumping on the wagon with us?? ~ Perhaps you could read Gboudreau's last post on this thread...

Peace out...

hebhansen's picture

Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Thu, 2010-01-14 16:24

I read the entire thread. Just filling in wishfull thinking if anyone with skills show up

all the best
HB -

gboudreau's picture

Joined: 2006-10-01
Posts: 40
Posted: Thu, 2010-01-14 16:36

If you just want to display thumbnails and link back to the original photos you have in your Gallery in a Facebook page, you can't use FB albums for that.
But you can use a FB application that does this.

I think someone posted one in the same thread I originally posted my FB app into.

- Guillaume Boudreau

rWatcher's picture

Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Wed, 2010-01-20 06:48
gboudreau wrote:
There is news, but it's bad.
There no way I can re-use the existing PHP script I had that lists albums and photos information (export_fb.php) in a Gallery 3 install.
That means I'd have to learn how to write a Gallery 3 module, then struggle to write one that do such simple things.

If you can find a G3 developer that could write such a thing, I'll give him specs on the output format the FB app needs, and that should be easy to integrate from there. I'd guess this wouldn't be very long or hard for someone who has knowledge of the G3 code base.

I have no intention to take time to learn and code a G3 module myself, since I have no intention to upgrade my Gallery2 install.

Sorry about the let down.


- Guillaume Boudreau

Okay, I've written up a module that I _think_ does what your "export_fb.php" script does, but with G3. However, the module URL is different from a stand-alone script, so the facebook app is rejecting it. Example:
I tried modifying it so that it would look more like a php script, but that was still rejected by the facebook app due to the different directory. Example:

Any suggestions?


Joined: 2009-01-20
Posts: 176
Posted: Wed, 2010-01-20 07:00

Hey rWatcher.... :) :) My faith in the G3 community has been restored! I can't wait to contribute something myself! Gonna PM gainsford ~ I'm sure he too is going to crack a lip smiling!

Thanks for the effort... Hopefully Guillaume will be able to make some tweaks to the Fb app...

gboudreau's picture

Joined: 2006-10-01
Posts: 40
Posted: Wed, 2010-01-20 15:18
rWatcher wrote:
Okay, I've written up a module that I _think_ does what your "export_fb.php" script does, but with G3. However, the module URL is different from a stand-alone script, so the facebook app is rejecting it. Example:
I tried modifying it so that it would look more like a php script, but that was still rejected by the facebook app due to the different directory. Example:

Any suggestions?

Nice work!

FB app modified to allow the 1st URL, i.e.

Step 2 seems to work fine. Albums are listed correctly.

Step 3 was missing the thumbnails to the photos, and the link on the thumbnails was wrong. Fixed too.

Step 4 had the same problem as step 3. Fixed too.

Quick Q: The export_fb.php script exports the summary, keywords and description, when they exists (for photos). Does your module do that too? The photos I imported didn't have them.

Quick Note: your module suffers from the same bug as my export_fb.php script: for ?a=albums, it counts albums as photos in the # of photos per album. For example, the "Test-Album" album contains 5 photos and one sub-album, so it should say it contains 5 photos, not 6. I still need to fix export_fb.php for that too, but since you're in your module already, might be a good idea to change that now.

Once you publish your module, just give me the URL I can link to in the FB app to point the users to what they need to install.

Cheers. Thanks for your time.

- Guillaume Boudreau

hebhansen's picture

Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Wed, 2010-01-20 16:10

Promising work Rwatcher and Gillaume. Is the module ready for pilottesting and where can it be found in that case.

Will you support the G3 solution from the FB Group?

what is required for this to work?
App for FB, same as for G2? and a contrib module G3?

Rwatcher - do you have any idea at all why none of your modules work in the 3nids theme? Calender,Updates,Contact and assumably this one as well? Nobody seems to pay attention to that issue, so I took my chance here. thanks for lending the thread...

all the best
HB -

gboudreau's picture

Joined: 2006-10-01
Posts: 40
Posted: Wed, 2010-01-20 16:14

Gallery Import FB app already supports the above module. As soon as it's published, you install it, and follow the instructions for Gallery 3 in the Gallery Import FB app.
As always, if you have issue with the Gallery Import FB app, you should ask / comment in the FB discussions page.

- Guillaume Boudreau

rWatcher's picture

Joined: 2005-09-06
Posts: 722
Posted: Mon, 2010-01-25 06:12
gboudreau wrote:
rWatcher wrote:
Okay, I've written up a module that I _think_ does what your "export_fb.php" script does, but with G3. However, the module URL is different from a stand-alone script, so the facebook app is rejecting it. Example:
I tried modifying it so that it would look more like a php script, but that was still rejected by the facebook app due to the different directory. Example:

Any suggestions?

Nice work!

FB app modified to allow the 1st URL, i.e.

Step 2 seems to work fine. Albums are listed correctly.

Step 3 was missing the thumbnails to the photos, and the link on the thumbnails was wrong. Fixed too.

Step 4 had the same problem as step 3. Fixed too.

Quick Q: The export_fb.php script exports the summary, keywords and description, when they exists (for photos). Does your module do that too? The photos I imported didn't have them.

It does now. G3 doesn't have a "summary" field, so I left that one empty, and I set it up to use tags for "keywords" (if the tags module is active, if it's not then keywords will be empty too).

gboudreau wrote:
Quick Note: your module suffers from the same bug as my export_fb.php script: for ?a=albums, it counts albums as photos in the # of photos per album. For example, the "Test-Album" album contains 5 photos and one sub-album, so it should say it contains 5 photos, not 6. I still need to fix export_fb.php for that too, but since you're in your module already, might be a good idea to change that now.

Fixed :) I also further limited it to only displaying publicly viewable albums and photos as those are the only one's the facebook app can actually import.

gboudreau wrote:
Once you publish your module, just give me the URL I can link to in the FB app to point the users to what they need to install.

Cheers. Thanks for your time.

- Guillaume Boudreau

I've attached the module to this post, and uploaded it to my github account at:

Be aware that this module will not work with Beta 3, anyone who wishes to use it will need to upgrade their gallery to the current version in git.

Also, I've set up a codex page for this module here: