I made one more structural change. I removed the admin/controllers and admin/views and rolled that code into admin/helpers/three_nids_event.php. This has the following advantages (I'll start the numbering from 8 since this is a follow on to my prior post with 7 things that I changed)
8) Much less code since we no longer need our own admin controller and view.
9) The 3nids configuration settings now show up on the Admin > Appearance > Theme Options page so theme options are fluid.
10) we no longer need to duplicate three_nids_event in themes/three_nids/helpers (in the non-admin theme code) because we no longer have to add our own menu option.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
I got funny problem Full sized pictures not loading in IE, showing "X" (404), but picture is there, and can be opened in Mozilla or any other browser.
And one question: can we did this sequence: main page > album with thumbs > page with resized picture > page with fullsized picture ?
sorry for offtop
P.S. 3 days i trying make gallery on my own design, but.. a lot of css files with similar tags, a lot of javascripts..
Who can set my design in gallery3? i can pay for this work.
Joined: 2006-04-12
Posts: 236
Posted: Mon, 2009-11-30 13:35
@bharat: hi, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! it's great, someone's more pro than me cleaned this code... When I started I never saw OO php code before...I did what I could ;) I do not fill theft at all, it's really great!
There is something I don't understand with the TODO: even if we are in header, the lightbox needs a <a> tag to select images, that's why there is one. I am not really sure to understand what you meant.
@geaux: just reduce images in admin config. Set them to 160.
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Tue, 2009-12-01 03:23
@joemonster: no problem at all. As for the todo, the problem is that this entire block of code wasn't there:
82 } else {
83 // NOTE: we don't want to open an <a> here because $view_type is "header", but lower down
84 // we're going to close one, so that's going to generate a mismatch. For now, just open a
85 // link anyway.
86 // @todo: figure out what we really should be doing here.
87 $link .= "<a href=\"" . $item->url() . "\">";
So it was never opening the <a> element. I added that <a> but I wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do since it's what you also do in the case when $view_type != "header" so presumably this is the case where $view_type == "header" -- what do you want to do in that case?
Images are triggered in the light box. Therefore, view count is not triggered. I get statistics for viewed albums, next, previous etc. Image views is not tracked... and views are indicated as 0 views.
Can this be fix'ed for Gallery as well as googleanalytics module???
Concerning the non working contrib modules for this theme..... This theme includes a header and a banner at top of page. To my knowledge this the only G3 theme that has that.
Contrib modules load the top bar on the page, and the rest is not loaded. In other words the load stalls at exact same location. Can it be that contrib-modules from Rwatcher don't expect the banner/header combination.
Am I the only one having this problem with 3nids???
Does the theme display movie files via a lightbox too? If yes this would give a lot more flexibility when specifying the size of a movie, especially in shared hosting environments like mine where the ffmpeg module is unavailable. I currently have to manually convert to flv and specify the dimensions in the g3 code for it to display.
Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Mon, 2010-01-11 10:27
mages are triggered in the light box. Therefore, view count is not triggered. I get statistics for viewed albums, next, previous etc. Image views is not tracked... and views are indicated as 0 views.
Google support provided this:
Every time pageTracker._trackPageview('/index.html') is called, Google Analytics will record a new page view to /index.html. This will not increase your visit numbers, but it will increase your page views.
I'd argue that you might be better served to make the URL something more specific: pageTracker._trackPageview('/images/lake-house') to see if certain images in your light box are getting more viewing than others. In that case, you will increase your overall page views to the site, but not to /index.html specifically.
I downloaded the latest version of the theme using http://github.com/gallery/gallery3-contrib/zipball/master but I seem to be missing the 3ndis_module? the theme doesn't seem to display right with thumbnails coming out of the boxes
nevermind ignore above post..I just read through all the pages on this topic and see that it has been integrated within the theme itself. Please make the change in the readme on github too.
Joined: 2006-10-02
Posts: 34
Posted: Tue, 2010-01-12 04:07
When I click on the first photo in the album (which also by default become the album cover) it doesn't load the lightbox instead taking me to a page with the image. If I click on the 2nd photo it loads the lightbox and then even the first one loads in a lightbox. I have tried this on multiple albums and even waited for the page to load fully to check if it is an early trigger problem.
1) Enter Album and click on first image > lightbox will not load instead taking me directly to image page
2) Enter album and click on any other image > lightbox loads fine and thereafter 1st image also loads fine
I don't know much coding but these are the settings for my gallery:
1) The first image is by default my album cover image. However I have tired making another image the cover image, it is still the first image of the album which refuses to load in a lightbox if it is clicked first.
2) All my albums are private (i.e only registered users can see them) and registered users have permission to see fullsize images.
browser: Firefox 3.5.7 I have the latest version of both experimental gallery and the theme installed.
Note: On further testing this doesn't seem to happen for public albums (see: http://gallery.adifry.com/ )
Also with regards to the theme:
I can't read the text of notifications such as (your photos need to be updated) and when i'm adding files..i think the text color needs to be changed
Joined: 2005-02-01
Posts: 132
Posted: Tue, 2010-01-12 11:07
I have the same problem with the first clicked picture in an album. But it doesn't have to be the first picture in the album.
All my albums are private too. Making them public does not change a thing. If I wait a few seconds before the first click the problem does not show.
Joined: 2005-02-01
Posts: 132
Posted: Tue, 2010-01-12 12:02
Small cosmetic issue in Firefox: "First" and "Previous" buttons don't fit. In IE it looks fine. See pictures.
Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Wed, 2010-01-13 15:03
sdroog & adises, we all have that issue. Not always but once in a while. Earlier in this thread it is claimed to happen when the page is not fully loaded. Personally I do not believe this is the case.
1) it not consistent - once in a while
2) even after letting the site load long time, it may still occur.
This is the issue I mention 5 posts ago. I found a link where other lightbox'es see the same on other CMS platforms. In the link/thread they point to Google Analytics and Jquery, causing this issue for Firefox.
However, I have the same for Chrome and IE....
I am kind of waiting for someone to give this theme a major overhaul as a follow up on Bharat's latest cleaning. After that it will be the best one for G3 at this time, in my book.
- Basically contrib modules do not work, latestupdates, calenderview, contact form, you name it...
- Gmaps has issues
- Comments not working
Very limiting for all the nice stuff showing up for G3.
I love the theme and am sticking with it regardless of the issue as I consider it minor - considering my gallery is small and mostly private.
Any idea how i can modify the lightbox to have forward and back buttons so users can go from one photo to the next within the lightbox itself? I know piclens does that already but I would prefer it if the lightbox had that option since it would occur to a lot of people that they can click on the slideshow button
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466
Posted: Thu, 2010-01-14 04:05
Lightbox 2 itself does allow it (see IMAGE SET section here)
But it need to be told about it
Looking at the demo of the theme, there are next/prior buttons when in LB mode - try to hover close to the right/left border about 1 inch from the top...
Joined: 2009-02-10
Posts: 573
Posted: Thu, 2010-01-14 16:19
Exactly hover at the top corner of the image. If there is no arrow it's either the first or last image, respectively.
Arrows right and left also allows for browsing images, as you may know it from Facebook
Ah cool! I never noticed that..any idea what code I should change if I want the next back selection border to extend further so that it activates when the user places the mouse on either side of an image instead of just the top corner?
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2010-01-18 04:25
I don't have the theme or tried this fix but you can try.
Edit 3nids/css/jquery.fancybox.css
Hi all,
Sorry, I am really busy those days, and I can't afford to update....
Just a word: if you change the arrows position, you won't be abble to play video correcty anymore: it will disable the video controls....
Joined: 2006-10-02
Posts: 34
Posted: Wed, 2010-01-20 06:02
Ok Thanks will try it out. My gallery is primarily image only since I'm on a shared hosting environment with no ffmpeg so its quite ok if I lose video controls
The pile adds up of things not working. I would love to help out, but my coding skills are limited to css and html.
urgent issues in my book:
- Lightbox trigger is not added to Google analytics as page views. In fact image views represent the volume views for Gallery.
- Image view, when missing the lightbox is not presentable. Could that be cleaned up if thats where users end up for what ever reason
- Contrib modules not showing. In other words G3 is only ½ a site under 3nids.
I have had a couple of mails regarding other peoples problems introducing 3nids. I am afraid people might abandon the theme, which is a shame cause it's the coolest. Is anyone, other than Joewatcher, able to help out?
Integrating G3 to FB is a giant step and in my book, this is where G3 goes public. Therefore, this is becoming urgent for G3.
This code uses the _trackPageviewfunction to log each click on the banner as though it were a pageview named /bannerads/advertisername/bannername. You may use any folder/filename structure that you desire, though it's a good idea to log all of your advertising banners into a logical directory structure as shown in the example. This helps to easily identify the number of referrals to each advertiser.
The equivalent code for a Flash banner is provided below:
Important: if your pages include a call to _trackPageview, _setAllowLinker _trackTrans(), your Analytics tracking code must be placed in your HTML code above any of these calls. In these cases the tracking code can be placed anywhere between the opening <body> tag and the JavaScript call.
@joemonster: I've been playing around with your theme for a while and was using git to store changes and all. Am still learning GIT and all it's terminology and how it translates to my (netbeans) project (both local and remote).
It seems Bharat pulled my git to the contrib. I don't mind, but I hope you don't either, since I copied everything you did and started fiddling.
Just wanted to let you know. If you want I can remove it.
I disabled the site credits. Didn't touch the footer in the code, if that's what you mean. The changes I made ar still pure css, although I am traying to seperate album/image name from the actual thumbnail (in function fancylink).
Haven't solved essential issues. Will let you know if I do. I do know some php/mysql, but it's quite basic. Chances are that if you can't fix it, I can't either.
Do you by any chance know what $theme->thumb_top and $theme->thumb_bottom are supposed to do? They don't seem to do anything (album.html.php), but might be movie related.
Also, is it normal to make a general <span></span> link to an image? Don't think you did that, have seen it with other themes. Just wondering.
If you did not change other than CSS I would say that your footer is not read at all. I also changed CSS and my page looks like this: www.skunk.agentura.dk
True I have a footer message but anyways. Looks half loaded, which is also the case for contrib modules, though it stalls at the header in that case. I guess 3nids has a deviation from G3 rules somewhere.
Theme thumb top: At a point of time gmap had it's own thumb in the banner top. Later on it also appeared where other thumbs are. Might be it, but this is a wild guess. So no I don't know what they do.
I was hoping for Bharat to adress these issues if joewatcher is ok with that. My php skills are non-existing. I can dump code and edit HTML CSS but that's it, so here I have to rely on someone elses skills or look for other theme...
Last link is very good. Watch it all the time. Some very useful tips there and fun to watch
Have added the default site credits. Does the site look okay to you now? Haven't got enough 'galleries' for the site to get to the bottom. Unless sticking to bottom is default behaviour. If it is, my site would be screwed.
Haven't added my own logo. I did actually, but some GIT's ago..
Btw. I'm always trying to learn new stuff: what do you use for an IDE? Netbeans? Eclipse? Same goes for other DEV's I guess. If any read this. Am constantly trying to work out how to work with local cloned GIT repositories, editing locally and hosting remotely..
Still don't know how to update my forked , cloned and local GIT with the 'official' GIT. English is not my native language and am having trouble understanding MAN pages and all that.
Btw, was looking at your models. You could try to use your (fill) flash when shooting on sunny days or a reflector thingy. Makes the shadows less distinctive or go away entirely. Unless you're doing a lot of family things like me.. Am not going to ask family members to hold this or that during a party
Are your models your friends and are you refining your skills on them, or are they professional models? Just curious. Am an amateur myself. Started in April 2008 and still trying out stuff and learning mostly. I have like 4000 photo's I still need to review/edit, but most are not very good or professional looking. Going for the latter.Composition is getting better. Still figuring out best DOF with my Nikkor 50mm 1.4 and 85mm 1.8 (crop 1.5). Have learned a lot of things, but it's hard to apply knowledge during parties
I use Lightroom for processing and at time Photoshop, where Lightroom doesn't go. Graphics and special effects, such as partial color, masking
Not sure what IDE Netbeans Eclips is. Please explain...
IMO flash ruins most images and only have a purpose in rare occasions
1) perfectly lit images loose their depth and become 2 dimensional
2) shadowed parts of faces create 3 dimensional depth, add mystery and are so much more believeable
I much prefer to shoot in manual mode and white balance where I want to go.Probably below suggested by the cam. Fx. decrease the light to less than what is actually available by faster shutter. The benefit is that it allows for faster shutter - sharper image and still in fx ISO 100.
Models are friends, daugthers, ex etc and people I just meet and ask if I can do a serie. Some people are sceptic. Other openminded. Not looking for Paris style models, I go for natural,personality etc.
If you use iphone, you should check out DSLR Camera Remote Pro in the app store
Was just curious. Not meant as critisizm. Of course I meant fill-flash.. Not full in the face blown hightlights flash Manual here as well.
Eclipse and Netbeans are both IDE's for programmers and developers. But I was confusing you with joemonster. So never mind.
No Iphone here, but considering the staggering amount of apps and the smoothness of the OS an Iphone might be my next phone. I just hate the vendor lockin and the silly prices for a subscription.
Is the footer fixed for you on my site? Or do you still miss something, and if so; what exactly..
I think your footer is fine. I guess it's because of too few albums. I had the same in a view with few albums. I notize because of all the non displayed contrib modules.
Can you confirm that they do not load and you only see the header. Calender view, latest updates etc? Noone seems to barther, so I start wondering if i am alone...
For iPhone also check out the google nalytics apps. (there are several, so try out the free ones to check what works for you) That way you are always in top of your stats.
Posts: 7994
It's a bug-- the github site is generating the wrong download url. Try this url instead: http://github.com/gallery/gallery3-contrib/zipball/master
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 7994
I made one more structural change. I removed the admin/controllers and admin/views and rolled that code into admin/helpers/three_nids_event.php. This has the following advantages (I'll start the numbering from 8 since this is a follow on to my prior post with 7 things that I changed)
8) Much less code since we no longer need our own admin controller and view.
9) The 3nids configuration settings now show up on the Admin > Appearance > Theme Options page so theme options are fluid.
10) we no longer need to duplicate three_nids_event in themes/three_nids/helpers (in the non-admin theme code) because we no longer have to add our own menu option.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 573
Thanks: link works ...
Feed back
1) theme added
2) modules added
3) core added
I ran the upgrade and evrything worked flawless...
As mentioned, images in tagsmap does not work, for now
I still have:
Calenderview not loading images
Latest updates not loading
tagclouds working, which was not the case before
Are 3nids settings working anymore?
other than that, really nice, thanks
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 8
I got funny problem
Full sized pictures not loading in IE, showing "X" (404), but picture is there, and can be opened in Mozilla or any other browser.
And one question: can we did this sequence: main page > album with thumbs > page with resized picture > page with fullsized picture ?
sorry for offtop
P.S. 3 days i trying make gallery on my own design, but.. a lot of css files with similar tags, a lot of javascripts..
Who can set my design in gallery3? i can pay for this work.
Posts: 236
@bharat: hi, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! it's great, someone's more pro than me cleaned this code... When I started I never saw OO php code before...I did what I could ;) I do not fill theft at all, it's really great!
There is something I don't understand with the TODO: even if we are in header, the lightbox needs a <a> tag to select images, that's why there is one. I am not really sure to understand what you meant.
@geaux: just reduce images in admin config. Set them to 160.
Posts: 7994
@joemonster: no problem at all. As for the todo, the problem is that this entire block of code wasn't there:
So it was never opening the <a> element. I added that <a> but I wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do since it's what you also do in the case when $view_type != "header" so presumably this is the case where $view_type == "header" -- what do you want to do in that case?
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 573
Request for this theme.
Images are triggered in the light box. Therefore, view count is not triggered. I get statistics for viewed albums, next, previous etc. Image views is not tracked... and views are indicated as 0 views.
Can this be fix'ed for Gallery as well as googleanalytics module???
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 573
Latest Updates
Image Calender
Tag Map
are still not working for 3nids theme. It seems there is a generic issue either in theme or contrib modules??? Can this be solved?
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 573
I was looking for the CSS file controlling the yellow border around buttons (previous next search etc). Where is that located?
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 573
Concerning the non working contrib modules for this theme..... This theme includes a header and a banner at top of page. To my knowledge this the only G3 theme that has that.
Contrib modules load the top bar on the page, and the rest is not loaded. In other words the load stalls at exact same location. Can it be that contrib-modules from Rwatcher don't expect the banner/header combination.
Am I the only one having this problem with 3nids???
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 34
Does the theme display movie files via a lightbox too? If yes this would give a lot more flexibility when specifying the size of a movie, especially in shared hosting environments like mine where the ffmpeg module is unavailable. I currently have to manually convert to flv and specify the dimensions in the g3 code for it to display.
Posts: 573
Google support provided this:
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 573
Launching images too early and not trigger the Lightbox was discussed earlier.
I came across this Thread:
where the Drupal's Lightbox2 has the same problem. Conclusion is that this is a conflict with Google Analytics and jQuery.
It seems that they only see the problem for Firefox. Concerning G3 I have the problem an Chrome as well as IE...
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 34
nevermind ignore above post..I just read through all the pages on this topic and see that it has been integrated within the theme itself. Please make the change in the readme on github too.
Posts: 34
When I click on the first photo in the album (which also by default become the album cover) it doesn't load the lightbox instead taking me to a page with the image. If I click on the 2nd photo it loads the lightbox and then even the first one loads in a lightbox. I have tried this on multiple albums and even waited for the page to load fully to check if it is an early trigger problem.
1) Enter Album and click on first image > lightbox will not load instead taking me directly to image page
2) Enter album and click on any other image > lightbox loads fine and thereafter 1st image also loads fine
I don't know much coding but these are the settings for my gallery:
1) The first image is by default my album cover image. However I have tired making another image the cover image, it is still the first image of the album which refuses to load in a lightbox if it is clicked first.
2) All my albums are private (i.e only registered users can see them) and registered users have permission to see fullsize images.
browser: Firefox 3.5.7 I have the latest version of both experimental gallery and the theme installed.
Note: On further testing this doesn't seem to happen for public albums (see: http://gallery.adifry.com/ )
Also with regards to the theme:
I can't read the text of notifications such as (your photos need to be updated) and when i'm adding files..i think the text color needs to be changed
Posts: 132
I have the same problem with the first clicked picture in an album. But it doesn't have to be the first picture in the album.
All my albums are private too. Making them public does not change a thing. If I wait a few seconds before the first click the problem does not show.
Posts: 132
Small cosmetic issue in Firefox: "First" and "Previous" buttons don't fit. In IE it looks fine. See pictures.
Posts: 573
sdroog & adises, we all have that issue. Not always but once in a while. Earlier in this thread it is claimed to happen when the page is not fully loaded. Personally I do not believe this is the case.
1) it not consistent - once in a while
2) even after letting the site load long time, it may still occur.
This is the issue I mention 5 posts ago. I found a link where other lightbox'es see the same on other CMS platforms. In the link/thread they point to Google Analytics and Jquery, causing this issue for Firefox.
However, I have the same for Chrome and IE....
I am kind of waiting for someone to give this theme a major overhaul as a follow up on Bharat's latest cleaning. After that it will be the best one for G3 at this time, in my book.
- Basically contrib modules do not work, latestupdates, calenderview, contact form, you name it...
- Gmaps has issues
- Comments not working
Very limiting for all the nice stuff showing up for G3.
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 34
I love the theme and am sticking with it regardless of the issue as I consider it minor - considering my gallery is small and mostly private.
Any idea how i can modify the lightbox to have forward and back buttons so users can go from one photo to the next within the lightbox itself? I know piclens does that already but I would prefer it if the lightbox had that option since it would occur to a lot of people that they can click on the slideshow button
Posts: 2466
Lightbox 2 itself does allow it (see IMAGE SET section here)
But it need to be told about it
Looking at the demo of the theme, there are next/prior buttons when in LB mode - try to hover close to the right/left border about 1 inch from the top...
Posts: 573
Exactly hover at the top corner of the image. If there is no arrow it's either the first or last image, respectively.
Arrows right and left also allows for browsing images, as you may know it from Facebook
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 34
Ah cool! I never noticed that..any idea what code I should change if I want the next back selection border to extend further so that it activates when the user places the mouse on either side of an image instead of just the top corner?
Posts: 27300
I don't have the theme or tried this fix but you can try.
Edit 3nids/css/jquery.fancybox.css
a#fancy_left, a#fancy_right { position: absolute; top: 15px; height: 50px; width: 30%; cursor: pointer; z-index: 111; display: none; background-image: url(''); outline: none; }
adjust the height.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 573
And width 50% maybe???
Top: 0px ???
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 236
Hi all,
Sorry, I am really busy those days, and I can't afford to update....
Just a word: if you change the arrows position, you won't be abble to play video correcty anymore: it will disable the video controls....
Posts: 34
Ok Thanks will try it out. My gallery is primarily image only since I'm on a shared hosting environment with no ffmpeg so its quite ok if I lose video controls
Posts: 573
Rwatcher did it again - new brilliant module for G3 that uploads images to Facebook:
Again things conflict a bit with 3nids.
Image upload to FB including the url back to that image in G3. The link skips the lightbox and jumps to image page that displays not nicely in 3nids.
The pile adds up of things not working. I would love to help out, but my coding skills are limited to css and html.
urgent issues in my book:
- Lightbox trigger is not added to Google analytics as page views. In fact image views represent the volume views for Gallery.
- Image view, when missing the lightbox is not presentable. Could that be cleaned up if thats where users end up for what ever reason
- Contrib modules not showing. In other words G3 is only ½ a site under 3nids.
I have had a couple of mails regarding other peoples problems introducing 3nids. I am afraid people might abandon the theme, which is a shame cause it's the coolest. Is anyone, other than Joewatcher, able to help out?
Integrating G3 to FB is a giant step and in my book, this is where G3 goes public. Therefore, this is becoming urgent for G3.
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 573
Lightbox and Google Analytics - missing statistics
Where is the Lightbox triggered? (js file)
and where should this go to work:
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 573
or is this the solution?
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 78
@joemonster: I've been playing around with your theme for a while and was using git to store changes and all. Am still learning GIT and all it's terminology and how it translates to my (netbeans) project (both local and remote).
It seems Bharat pulled my git to the contrib. I don't mind, but I hope you don't either, since I copied everything you did and started fiddling.
Just wanted to let you know. If you want I can remove it.
My playground (using customized 3nids theme) http://www.okat.nl
Posts: 573
What are your changes? css only or did you solve essential issues for the code?
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 573
It seems that your footer is not read, is that correct?
Nice shoots by btw
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 78
I disabled the site credits. Didn't touch the footer in the code, if that's what you mean. The changes I made ar still pure css, although I am traying to seperate album/image name from the actual thumbnail (in function fancylink).
Haven't solved essential issues. Will let you know if I do. I do know some php/mysql, but it's quite basic. Chances are that if you can't fix it, I can't either.
Do you by any chance know what $theme->thumb_top and $theme->thumb_bottom are supposed to do? They don't seem to do anything (album.html.php), but might be movie related.
Also, is it normal to make a general <span></span> link to an image? Don't think you did that, have seen it with other themes. Just wondering.
My playground (using customized 3nids theme) http://www.okat.nl
Posts: 573
If you did not change other than CSS I would say that your footer is not read at all. I also changed CSS and my page looks like this:
True I have a footer message but anyways. Looks half loaded, which is also the case for contrib modules, though it stalls at the header in that case. I guess 3nids has a deviation from G3 rules somewhere.
Theme thumb top: At a point of time gmap had it's own thumb in the banner top. Later on it also appeared where other thumbs are. Might be it, but this is a wild guess. So no I don't know what they do.
I was hoping for Bharat to adress these issues if joewatcher is ok with that. My php skills are non-existing. I can dump code and edit HTML CSS but that's it, so here I have to rely on someone elses skills or look for other theme...
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 78
Hmm, I think your photo's are very nice as well. Does look like you use lightroom filters a lot. Do you know the following websites?
Last link is very good. Watch it all the time. Some very useful tips there and fun to watch
Have added the default site credits. Does the site look okay to you now? Haven't got enough 'galleries' for the site to get to the bottom. Unless sticking to bottom is default behaviour. If it is, my site would be screwed.
Haven't added my own logo. I did actually, but some GIT's ago..
Btw. I'm always trying to learn new stuff: what do you use for an IDE? Netbeans? Eclipse? Same goes for other DEV's I guess. If any read this. Am constantly trying to work out how to work with local cloned GIT repositories, editing locally and hosting remotely..
Still don't know how to update my forked , cloned and local GIT with the 'official' GIT. English is not my native language and am having trouble understanding MAN pages and all that.
My playground (using customized 3nids theme) http://www.okat.nl
Posts: 78
Btw, was looking at your models. You could try to use your (fill) flash when shooting on sunny days or a reflector thingy. Makes the shadows less distinctive or go away entirely. Unless you're doing a lot of family things like me.. Am not going to ask family members to hold this or that during a party

Are your models your friends and are you refining your skills on them, or are they professional models? Just curious. Am an amateur myself. Started in April 2008 and still trying out stuff and learning mostly. I have like 4000 photo's I still need to review/edit, but most are not very good or professional looking. Going for the latter.Composition is getting better. Still figuring out best DOF with my Nikkor 50mm 1.4 and 85mm 1.8 (crop 1.5). Have learned a lot of things, but it's hard to apply knowledge during parties
My playground (using customized 3nids theme) http://www.okat.nl
Posts: 573
Nice links - thanks for sharing.
I use Lightroom for processing and at time Photoshop, where Lightroom doesn't go. Graphics and special effects, such as partial color, masking
Not sure what IDE Netbeans Eclips is. Please explain...
IMO flash ruins most images and only have a purpose in rare occasions
1) perfectly lit images loose their depth and become 2 dimensional
2) shadowed parts of faces create 3 dimensional depth, add mystery and are so much more believeable
I much prefer to shoot in manual mode and white balance where I want to go.Probably below suggested by the cam. Fx. decrease the light to less than what is actually available by faster shutter. The benefit is that it allows for faster shutter - sharper image and still in fx ISO 100.
Models are friends, daugthers, ex etc and people I just meet and ask if I can do a serie. Some people are sceptic. Other openminded. Not looking for Paris style models, I go for natural,personality etc.
If you use iphone, you should check out DSLR Camera Remote Pro in the app store
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk
Posts: 78
Was just curious. Not meant as critisizm. Of course I meant fill-flash.. Not full in the face blown hightlights flash
Manual here as well.
Eclipse and Netbeans are both IDE's for programmers and developers. But I was confusing you with joemonster. So never mind.
No Iphone here, but considering the staggering amount of apps and the smoothness of the OS an Iphone might be my next phone. I just hate the vendor lockin and the silly prices for a subscription.
Is the footer fixed for you on my site? Or do you still miss something, and if so; what exactly..
My playground (using customized 3nids theme) http://www.okat.nl
Posts: 573
I think your footer is fine. I guess it's because of too few albums. I had the same in a view with few albums. I notize because of all the non displayed contrib modules.
Can you confirm that they do not load and you only see the header. Calender view, latest updates etc? Noone seems to barther, so I start wondering if i am alone...
For iPhone also check out the google nalytics apps. (there are several, so try out the free ones to check what works for you) That way you are always in top of your stats.
all the best
HB - http://www.image.agentura.dk