Count on me if you want.
My last work as translator was translating 2 last eNvolution versions (1.2.0 and 1.2.5) into Spanish.
You can see them working on
Joined: 2003-07-25
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2003-08-12 05:39
I'm a web developer based in Boston, but I'm a native Spanish speaker from Monterrey, Mexico. You can see my resume at
I recently started using Gallery, and I would be glad to give something back to the community.
Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Tue, 2003-08-12 08:29
the spanish translation is fairly outdated.
Maybe you both can work together.
I amy be of assistance in localizing part of Gallery. I am natively a Spanish speaking person. Please contact me if I can be of assistance. :lol: javascript:emoticon(':x')
Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Sun, 2003-08-17 21:56
Hi restrepo,
i send you an email ..
Joined: 2003-08-20
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2003-08-20 08:22
I am a web application developer. My project in sourceforge is OpenClinic. You can see it in I am spanish and I could translate your program. My email is
Joined: 2002-09-01
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2003-08-25 06:58
I use gallery for a University website in Guadalajara, Mexico. I can help with the translation. Other works are the bpmstudio software and webpage (
Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Mon, 2003-08-25 18:49
hi trec,
the spanish team already has a few members...
but the more the better.
Please contact jact (see posting above) to get more infos about the spanish team.
Regards and thanks,
Joined: 2003-09-02
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2003-09-02 00:27
I have never done and official translation of any program
or code, but im fluent in english, and spanish is my native
language since im from Ensenada, Mexico.
Im willing to help out with anything i can do for the code of gallery.
El Genio. :evil:
Joined: 2003-09-23
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2003-09-23 05:44
Count on me :lol: anytime
Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Tue, 2003-09-23 10:33
Please contact Jact. He has done the latest translation.
Joined: 2004-08-31
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2004-09-08 00:24
I hope this is the right thread ...
30 images en este álbum en 4 pages"
"Editor de múltiples leyendas. 30 elementos en este álbum a 4 pages"
And other words are not translated. I tried to find the way to translate it myself, but it seems to be in binary.
I installed the 1.4.4u1 es_ES file.
If you need my help, I'm here.
Joined: 2005-03-08
Posts: 8
Posted: Tue, 2005-03-08 18:50
Hi where should I put exacly the foler es_Es and/or it files?
In my website es_MX is shown mixed with the english.
Please if is another way to translate by myself the conten would you tell me??
Thanks and best regards...
Oli, Spain.
Joined: 2005-03-08
Posts: 8
Posted: Tue, 2005-03-08 20:44
What an error....
1.x does not support GD2 .... and I haven't NetPBM nor ImageMagik ...!!!!!
I have installed 2.x and it works with GD2, FINE! ... but it seems to be diferent to install the language pack because it has not locale folder at the base folder.
It has modules/core/locale or module/multilanguage/xx_XX and others...
Please help me... Oli.
Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Thu, 2005-03-10 13:23
Hello Oli,
everybody can "install" at least netpbm binaries on his server/webspace.
So no need for 5 !
G2 is a beta version. Its still in heavy development on not meant to be used on productive sites.
G2 currently has no languages packs.
If you want to keep up with the latest code, you either need to use CVS, or download the nightly tarballs.
You get a mix of es_MX and english, because the translation is not 100%
Joined: 2005-03-12
Posts: 5
Posted: Sat, 2005-03-12 18:41
Cuando la traduccion oficial? yo ya tengo traducido gran parte del RC1
When the official translation? I already have translated great part of the RC1
Joined: 2005-03-26
Posts: 18
Posted: Sun, 2005-03-27 01:30
I just installed Gallery 1.5 and downloaded the Spanish es_ES language files. I have to say I was horrified because all the accent marks, etc. were apostrophes instead of real accent marks. Can we not get UTF-8 support?
These are my user agent settings: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; es-ES; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050321 Firefox/1.0.2
I don't think this is a problem with my machine since I am using the most current browser and every other page in other languages load properly.
Joined: 2005-03-08
Posts: 23
Posted: Tue, 2005-03-29 17:57
I saw a translation mistake to spanish in the configuration steps of Gallery 1.4.4-pl6 (maybe its fixed on newer versions, but anyway), on the third (3) step under "Presentation" tab the second row say:
"Columnas por defecto" and it should say "Filas por defecto" meaning Default rows.
If you need any aid just PM me :D
Joined: 2005-08-19
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2005-08-19 14:32
Hi! I've found an error of translation in es_ES-gallery_core.po of es_ES-1.5-u1 language pack. It's in line 3696: "Commenter" doesn't mean "Comentario", it means "Comentarista" or "Tu nombre".
i've just installed and tried Gallery2 on my system and have found it to be a great photo web publishing software. I speak spanish and i'm interested in contributing spanish translation.
How're things right now? Is there a base-file for a spanish translation? If so, where can i find it?
Joined: 2005-11-29
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2005-11-29 11:41
Estoy a punto de acabar de traducir parte de los archivos po al español (español, español... no mezclas raras). Cuando termine haré los MO e intentaré subirlo aquí. Si alguien tiene algunos archivos PO traducidos, que me los envíe al MAIL por favor (
Joined: 2005-11-30
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2005-11-30 16:19
Yo tambien estoy en busca de una traducion al español del g2, si alguien tiene una y me la pudiera mandar a
se lo agradeceria mucho.
Joined: 2005-12-01
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2005-12-01 03:41
hmm una pregunta, en el "site admin" me sale "Your webserver does not support localization. Please instruct your system administrator to reconfigure PHP with the gettext option enabled." ya pregunte a mi proveedor de hosting y no me van a instalar el "gettext", la pregnta es que si por este motivo es que no me funciona la caja de "language" veo ahí todos los ideomas disponibles pero ni uno me funciona hay otro modo de traducir la galeria?
gracias por la respuesta. Por cierto me ha gustado muchisimo la galeria esta cool ;D
Joined: 2004-09-14
Posts: 70
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-07 17:43
I have G2 installed but there is no es_ES Spanish language, where could I download this from, the only language packs I find are for G.1.5, are they compatibel?????
Joined: 2006-01-12
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-12 17:17
Is there an estimated release date for the G2 Spanish translation? What is the status of work on this translation?
Thank you for all of your hard work on a wonderful product!
Joined: 2006-01-21
Posts: 22
Posted: Mon, 2006-02-20 00:33
I want an official or complete Spanish translation because the available in the forum are not complete totally - Yo quisiera una oficial o completa traducción al español porque la que esta disponible en este foro no esta completa del todo.
Joined: 2005-03-26
Posts: 18
Posted: Mon, 2006-02-20 05:39
I'm also waiting for a complete es_ES translation for G2. It was OK in 1.5 and cannot wait…
Joined: 2004-09-14
Posts: 70
Posted: Mon, 2006-02-20 14:15
Hi friends,
I was waiting for sometime for the G2 spanish es_ES translation, at as it was not coming I started translating it myself.
I have finished a few folders and will continue this weekend. I don't mind sharing my work with you'll, I am not the oficial translator so I don´t know if I can upload my files here. If anyone interested PM me I'll passsit by email or something.
Gallery is a great script with a greater support forum and I would be glad if I was of any help.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Mon, 2006-02-20 17:22
I just found that zip file in the forums yesterday, and added a few more modules to CVS.. you can see this is the current nightly snapshot. There was also a tracker item opened on sourceforge for spanish translations, but the attachment was forgotten.. hopefully that will be resubmitted soon, to be included in Gallery 2.1
Joined: 2006-01-21
Posts: 22
Posted: Tue, 2006-02-21 05:29
mindless when do you planning release Gallery 2.1? Does new version will have all spanish translation complete?
Thanks for your help mindless but I have a mistake.
I upload the files you mentioned and setup with es_es language the gallery (check or All works fine when I setup as gallery admin (except buttons first, next and last they are in english!), but when I logout I go to home page, then click in any album and all change to english (although gallery is in es_es) Why?
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Thu, 2006-02-23 06:02
you can change the site default language in site admin / general.
each user can have their own language setting, or use the default.. so also check site admin / users. see what the guest user setting is.
Joined: 2006-01-21
Posts: 22
Posted: Fri, 2006-02-24 16:36
Dear mindless I changed the gallery language to es_es, also to admin account the same language before see the problem I mentioned you. Guest user in my case is not possible to change language because I not see the option available.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Fri, 2006-02-24 17:37
not sure what's wrong. maybe upgrade to 2.1-RC-1 or current nightly snapshot. start a new topic if you still have trouble.
Joined: 2006-02-13
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2006-03-02 18:08
i cant make it to have Spanish among the languages of f2. do i need to place any files in the template im using?, which ones? plz help, i want to know if i can translate the programm into spanish, since there's almost nothing done till the moment.
Joined: 2006-03-02
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2006-03-02 18:57
Same here, applying gallery2, tried finishing with es_AR translation, but even after uploading it, almost anything changes. Downloaded the file you point at in the upper link, uploaded it, even tried uploading it overwriting de_DE, es_AR, es_MX, fr_FR, but Gallery2 won't apply any change at all.
I even tried upgrading to the newer version. I even reinstalled it again putting the es_ES files with es_ES names, es_AR names, es_MX names, de_DE names and it will warn me that they were not in the original installation.
So mostly the gallery is still in english and it seems I cannot put it in Spanish. Care to explain how to install a non-implemented on install language, mindless?
Thx in advance.
Joined: 2004-09-14
Posts: 70
Posted: Thu, 2006-03-02 22:04
Hi Leilanz,
I have translated quite a few files in Spanish es_ES and they are working fine for me, I still have to translate quite a few, I am attaching a zip file with translations for 25 modules. If you need any other urgently let me know, I'll try to do that first.
Joined: 2006-03-02
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2006-03-06 15:17
I downloaded your files, uploaded them, Galllery2 still doesn't offer me with an option to switch to es_ES (and yes, my locale -a returns all sorts of es_X versions installed). My question now is: having all sorts of es_ES translations downloaded (and uploaded overwriting as many uncommon languages, even german and french, by the way), how do I install them so they work really. Permissions on overwriting is not the case (I have modules set on 777 so it overwrites without trouble). How do I make Gallery2 to recognize it has es_ES language uploaded?
Please, I need to know these, because it's a very neat gallery and my customers prefer to look at it in es_ES instead of looking to some kind of "spanglish" gallery...
Joined: 2004-09-14
Posts: 70
Posted: Mon, 2006-03-06 21:44
Hi Leilanz,
If you are refering to the files I attached above I don't know why ther are not working for you, I still have to transalte some modules but what is translated is working atleast for me in es_ES, give it a look here .
As far as the es_AR and es_MX are concerned they are not complete that's why I stated translating. My site is not open to public because I haven't finished translating. But I have activated registration, so you can use it.
Let me know.
Joined: 2006-01-21
Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 2006-03-08 06:48
Dear Leilanz your translation is the best of Gallery 2 congratulations!
But I have a problem and I don't understand why. Enter to, you will see all in spanish, but click in next and all will convert to english. Why? Mindless please help here!
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2006-03-08 15:26
It looks fine to me.
Joined: 2006-01-21
Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 2006-03-08 19:29
Dear mindless yesterday I upgrade my Gallery 2 to 2.1-RC-1. Apparently works fine but the words are not the same in english. For example the word "lista" is "last" in english, but the correct word in spanish is "ultimo". There are many bugs like this. When you enter as an admin the word "ultimo" appear and the other bugs not appear, but when I logout the bugs appear. Why?
Joined: 2006-01-21
Posts: 22
Posted: Wed, 2006-03-08 19:31
I my last post I mean this: When I enter to Gallery as admin all words are ok, but when I enter as guest the words change to anothers in spanish.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2006-03-08 21:51
balitas, please start a new topic to discuss further, thanks.
I have read every post you all have made but have not found out which files I shoud use to have a Spanish version.
Where can I download them?
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Thu, 2006-03-23 16:47
click "downloads" at the top of this page. 2.1-RC-2a has the latest translations.
Joined: 2006-04-18
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2006-05-11 16:29
Hi!. Because i have Gallery integrated with Phpbb i had some problems with the traslations. The problem is that some charaters look diferente as they are, p.e: ó looks ó .
I found that i have to use &<character>acute; html standard in the .po files to see as they would be. Now the integrated Gallery and the standalone Gallery are almost ok.
Some of the .po files have that 'acute' standard, others don't. I had worked to change the .po files that have problems and i see that some modules don't have es.po file, then i will create them and traslate them.
I would like to help with the spanish traslations, how can i do that?
Mauricio Solano R., from Costa Rica
Joined: 2006-08-07
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2006-08-07 14:17
I think I must be missing something really obvious here. I have downloaded a copy of a translation of gallery2. gallery is installed on my server, but I cannot work out what I have to do with the translation. It is not obvious where I have to place the files on the server and what I have to do to integrate them.
Posts: 2
Count on me if you want.
My last work as translator was translating 2 last eNvolution versions (1.2.0 and 1.2.5) into Spanish.
You can see them working on
Posts: 1
I'm a web developer based in Boston, but I'm a native Spanish speaker from Monterrey, Mexico. You can see my resume at
I recently started using Gallery, and I would be glad to give something back to the community.
Posts: 6818
the spanish translation is fairly outdated.
Maybe you both can work together.
As you can see on G1 localization report Spanish is on place 10....
Posts: 2
I amy be of assistance in localizing part of Gallery. I am natively a Spanish speaking person. Please contact me if I can be of assistance. :lol: javascript:emoticon(':x')
Posts: 6818
Hi restrepo,
i send you an email ..
Posts: 1
I am a web application developer. My project in sourceforge is OpenClinic. You can see it in I am spanish and I could translate your program. My email is
Posts: 4
I use gallery for a University website in Guadalajara, Mexico. I can help with the translation. Other works are the bpmstudio software and webpage (
Posts: 6818
hi trec,
the spanish team already has a few members...
but the more the better.
Please contact jact (see posting above) to get more infos about the spanish team.
Regards and thanks,
Posts: 1
I have never done and official translation of any program
or code, but im fluent in english, and spanish is my native
language since im from Ensenada, Mexico.
Im willing to help out with anything i can do for the code of gallery.
El Genio. :evil:
Posts: 1
Count on me :lol: anytime
Posts: 6818
Please contact Jact. He has done the latest translation.
Posts: 11
I hope this is the right thread ...
30 images en este álbum en 4 pages"
"Editor de múltiples leyendas. 30 elementos en este álbum a 4 pages"
And other words are not translated. I tried to find the way to translate it myself, but it seems to be in binary.
I installed the 1.4.4u1 es_ES file.
If you need my help, I'm here.
Posts: 8
Hi where should I put exacly the foler es_Es and/or it files?
In my website es_MX is shown mixed with the english.
Please if is another way to translate by myself the conten would you tell me??
Thanks and best regards...
Oli, Spain.
Posts: 8
What an error....
1.x does not support GD2 .... and I haven't NetPBM nor ImageMagik ...!!!!!
I have installed 2.x and it works with GD2, FINE! ... but it seems to be diferent to install the language pack because it has not locale folder at the base folder.
It has modules/core/locale or module/multilanguage/xx_XX and others...
Please help me... Oli.
Posts: 6818
Hello Oli,
everybody can "install" at least netpbm binaries on his server/webspace.
So no need for 5 !
G2 is a beta version. Its still in heavy development on not meant to be used on productive sites.
G2 currently has no languages packs.
If you want to keep up with the latest code, you either need to use CVS, or download the nightly tarballs.
You get a mix of es_MX and english, because the translation is not 100%
Posts: 5
Cuando la traduccion oficial? yo ya tengo traducido gran parte del RC1
When the official translation? I already have translated great part of the RC1
Posts: 18
I just installed Gallery 1.5 and downloaded the Spanish es_ES language files. I have to say I was horrified because all the accent marks, etc. were apostrophes instead of real accent marks. Can we not get UTF-8 support?
These are my user agent settings: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; es-ES; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050321 Firefox/1.0.2
I don't think this is a problem with my machine since I am using the most current browser and every other page in other languages load properly.
Posts: 23
I saw a translation mistake to spanish in the configuration steps of Gallery 1.4.4-pl6 (maybe its fixed on newer versions, but anyway), on the third (3) step under "Presentation" tab the second row say:
"Columnas por defecto" and it should say "Filas por defecto" meaning Default rows.
If you need any aid just PM me :D
Posts: 1
Hi! I've found an error of translation in es_ES-gallery_core.po of es_ES-1.5-u1 language pack. It's in line 3696: "Commenter" doesn't mean "Comentario", it means "Comentarista" or "Tu nombre".
regards :D
Posts: 1
Hi all,
i've just installed and tried Gallery2 on my system and have found it to be a great photo web publishing software. I speak spanish and i'm interested in contributing spanish translation.
How're things right now? Is there a base-file for a spanish translation? If so, where can i find it?
Posts: 1
Estoy a punto de acabar de traducir parte de los archivos po al español (español, español... no mezclas raras). Cuando termine haré los MO e intentaré subirlo aquí. Si alguien tiene algunos archivos PO traducidos, que me los envíe al MAIL por favor (
Posts: 1
Yo tambien estoy en busca de una traducion al español del g2, si alguien tiene una y me la pudiera mandar a
se lo agradeceria mucho.
Posts: 1
hmm una pregunta, en el "site admin" me sale "Your webserver does not support localization. Please instruct your system administrator to reconfigure PHP with the gettext option enabled." ya pregunte a mi proveedor de hosting y no me van a instalar el "gettext", la pregnta es que si por este motivo es que no me funciona la caja de "language" veo ahí todos los ideomas disponibles pero ni uno me funciona
hay otro modo de traducir la galeria?
gracias por la respuesta. Por cierto me ha gustado muchisimo la galeria esta cool ;D
Posts: 70
I have G2 installed but there is no es_ES Spanish language, where could I download this from, the only language packs I find are for G.1.5, are they compatibel?????
Posts: 1
Is there an estimated release date for the G2 Spanish translation? What is the status of work on this translation?
Thank you for all of your hard work on a wonderful product!
Posts: 22
I want an official or complete Spanish translation because the available in the forum are not complete totally - Yo quisiera una oficial o completa traducción al español porque la que esta disponible en este foro no esta completa del todo.
Posts: 18
I'm also waiting for a complete es_ES translation for G2. It was OK in 1.5 and cannot wait…
Posts: 70
Hi friends,
I was waiting for sometime for the G2 spanish es_ES translation, at as it was not coming I started translating it myself.
I have finished a few folders and will continue this weekend. I don't mind sharing my work with you'll, I am not the oficial translator so I don´t know if I can upload my files here. If anyone interested PM me I'll passsit by email or something.
Gallery is a great script with a greater support forum and I would be glad if I was of any help.
Posts: 8601
I just found that zip file in the forums yesterday, and added a few more modules to CVS.. you can see this is the current nightly snapshot. There was also a tracker item opened on sourceforge for spanish translations, but the attachment was forgotten.. hopefully that will be resubmitted soon, to be included in Gallery 2.1
Posts: 22
mindless when do you planning release Gallery 2.1? Does new version will have all spanish translation complete?
Posts: 8601
I have a new submission at
so that will go in for RC-2 later this week. 2.1 target is beginning of march; it will include whatever translations we receive..
Posts: 22
Thanks for your help mindless but I have a mistake.
I upload the files you mentioned and setup with es_es language the gallery (check or All works fine when I setup as gallery admin (except buttons first, next and last they are in english!), but when I logout I go to home page, then click in any album and all change to english (although gallery is in es_es) Why?
Posts: 8601
you can change the site default language in site admin / general.
each user can have their own language setting, or use the default.. so also check site admin / users. see what the guest user setting is.
Posts: 22
Dear mindless I changed the gallery language to es_es, also to admin account the same language before see the problem I mentioned you. Guest user in my case is not possible to change language because I not see the option available.
Posts: 8601
not sure what's wrong. maybe upgrade to 2.1-RC-1 or current nightly snapshot. start a new topic if you still have trouble.
Posts: 4
i cant make it to have Spanish among the languages of f2. do i need to place any files in the template im using?, which ones? plz help, i want to know if i can translate the programm into spanish, since there's almost nothing done till the moment.
Posts: 2
Same here, applying gallery2, tried finishing with es_AR translation, but even after uploading it, almost anything changes. Downloaded the file you point at in the upper link, uploaded it, even tried uploading it overwriting de_DE, es_AR, es_MX, fr_FR, but Gallery2 won't apply any change at all.
I even tried upgrading to the newer version. I even reinstalled it again putting the es_ES files with es_ES names, es_AR names, es_MX names, de_DE names and it will warn me that they were not in the original installation.
So mostly the gallery is still in english and it seems I cannot put it in Spanish. Care to explain how to install a non-implemented on install language, mindless?
Thx in advance.
Posts: 70
Hi Leilanz,
I have translated quite a few files in Spanish es_ES and they are working fine for me, I still have to translate quite a few, I am attaching a zip file with translations for 25 modules. If you need any other urgently let me know, I'll try to do that first.
Posts: 2
I downloaded your files, uploaded them, Galllery2 still doesn't offer me with an option to switch to es_ES (and yes, my locale -a returns all sorts of es_X versions installed). My question now is: having all sorts of es_ES translations downloaded (and uploaded overwriting as many uncommon languages, even german and french, by the way), how do I install them so they work really. Permissions on overwriting is not the case (I have modules set on 777 so it overwrites without trouble). How do I make Gallery2 to recognize it has es_ES language uploaded?
Please, I need to know these, because it's a very neat gallery and my customers prefer to look at it in es_ES instead of looking to some kind of "spanglish" gallery...
Posts: 70
Hi Leilanz,
If you are refering to the files I attached above I don't know why ther are not working for you, I still have to transalte some modules but what is translated is working atleast for me in es_ES, give it a look here .
As far as the es_AR and es_MX are concerned they are not complete that's why I stated translating. My site is not open to public because I haven't finished translating. But I have activated registration, so you can use it.
Let me know.
Posts: 22
Dear Leilanz your translation is the best of Gallery 2 congratulations!
But I have a problem and I don't understand why. Enter to, you will see all in spanish, but click in next and all will convert to english. Why? Mindless please help here!
Posts: 8601
It looks fine to me.
Posts: 22
Dear mindless yesterday I upgrade my Gallery 2 to 2.1-RC-1. Apparently works fine but the words are not the same in english. For example the word "lista" is "last" in english, but the correct word in spanish is "ultimo". There are many bugs like this. When you enter as an admin the word "ultimo" appear and the other bugs not appear, but when I logout the bugs appear. Why?
Posts: 22
I my last post I mean this: When I enter to Gallery as admin all words are ok, but when I enter as guest the words change to anothers in spanish.
Posts: 8601
balitas, please start a new topic to discuss further, thanks.
Posts: 22
Here the link
Posts: 1
I have read every post you all have made but have not found out which files I shoud use to have a Spanish version.
Where can I download them?
Posts: 8601
click "downloads" at the top of this page. 2.1-RC-2a has the latest translations.
Posts: 4
Hi!. Because i have Gallery integrated with Phpbb i had some problems with the traslations. The problem is that some charaters look diferente as they are, p.e: ó looks ó .
I found that i have to use &<character>acute; html standard in the .po files to see as they would be. Now the integrated Gallery and the standalone Gallery are almost ok.
Some of the .po files have that 'acute' standard, others don't. I had worked to change the .po files that have problems and i see that some modules don't have es.po file, then i will create them and traslate them.
I would like to help with the spanish traslations, how can i do that?
Mauricio Solano R., from Costa Rica
Posts: 1
I think I must be missing something really obvious here. I have downloaded a copy of a translation of gallery2. gallery is installed on my server, but I cannot work out what I have to do with the translation. It is not obvious where I have to place the files on the server and what I have to do to integrate them.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Ian Murphy