Ice Theme
Joined: 2006-08-27
Posts: 133 |
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Hello, i've developed "Ice Theme" for personal needs inspired by Matrix, Sirux Please let me know what you think. Demo: Download: Greetings [img][/img] |
Posts: 32509
It's pretty cool ;)
There are a lot of good ideas in there and it looks good as well.
Using thumbs for the peers on the album level seems to work out pretty well. And I like the CSS/style (thumb frame hover effect, active input field color, ...).
Looking forward to seeing this theme in downloadable plugins. ;)
Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 133
Posts: 27300
Created a skeleton codex page:
Users: please add to the codex page.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 19
I love it!!!!
I thoroughly enjoyed Carbon's look and feel except the slideout sidebar. I will have users that wouldn't be able to figure it out.
I will need to change icons to words. What's the best way to do this?
Also, what would be required to make it have Carbon's colors, a colorpack?
It seems faster than Carbon too... or am I being retarded?
Posts: 19
I just noticed that when the sidebar is disabled, the icon is still visible on the photo page. The icon does nothing but can you change it to be like the other pages. Thanks.
Posts: 19
Another request, lol, sorry to be buggy with your brand new theme...
Can the separator used for gallery paths (the arrows) be changed to the same one used at the top of the page (|)?
Edit: Changed it in theme.tpl.
Posts: 133
New Version 1.1.4 includes an "Ice Carbon"-Colorpack...
Posts: 133
Fixed with new Version 1.1.3!
Posts: 133
Yes, just "copy and paste" « !
Posts: 19
Thanks for the update. I will load it tomorrow after I get some sleep and play with the colors and the navigation.
Posts: 19
I wanted it the other way. I found it in theme.tpl.
Posts: 133
Done! New Version 1.1.4
Posts: 133
The theme.css, album.tpl, photo.tpl and navigator.tpl has to be modified.
See samples in the "Attachment".
Posts: 19
Sweet, I got ICE Carbon ( rolling now but not too sure I like it after using the default ICE colorpack. I will see what my wife likes. I certainly liked the blue rollover over better than just the opacity change on thumbnails.
Thanks for making the following changes.
- Separator
- Left column width percentage with the ability to grow!! I have it set to 15% and now it doesn't cut off my navigation tree.
- Slideshow bug in photo.tpl
I will test out the icons-words later tonight.
Thanks again for the awesome theme!
P.S. What is the best way to upgrade a theme? I just spent 30 minutes breaking it then fixing it to get 1.1.4 rolling. Sorry, new to Gallery...
Oh, I tried removing the extra separator from the System Links bar but wasn't successful. Where can I omit that? It's the separator after login, seems out of place to me.
Posts: 19
After further testing, I like the ICE colors better. Thanks for letting me compare and have the option.
Posts: 19
haha, some more requests...
On album.tpl, can you make the navigation only span the thumbnails column so it's easier to find the previous link. This should also center the page numbers.
On photo.tpl, can you add Item x of y? Bottom is fine.
Since, I have view slideshow listed as a word link, can you add a disable function to kill the slideshow icon similar to the way the comment buttons don't show. I manually did it in album.tpl and photo.tpl in your previous build.
If this is too much, I can make (well try... hehhe) the tweaks myself.
Thanks again!!!!!
Posts: 133
Use the Gallery-Upgrader:
This is a Gallery-Core function and i am not sure how to do it.
Posts: 133
I think about it.
You can modify "modules/slideshow/ function getItemLinks"
Posts: 19
So just unzip it to the gallery root then go to that page?
Ultimatly, that's what I did but the upgrade page displayed automagically.
That's okay. I saw somewhere there is a contactowner module that I would like implement that fixes it. Thanks for looking at it.
Posts: 19
I think about it.
I will check out the hack later. Thanks again!
Ice Theme #1 Fan!!!
Posts: 133
Extract "" on your PC and transfer the folders "themes" and "modules" with your FTP-Program in your gallery root folder (overwrite all files).
Posts: 19
I did that and it broke... I must have messed something up... oh well, it's working.
Posts: 133
I'm working now on better "Image Frame" support, this is only a development release and there are still a few bugs...
Stay tuned!
@Edit: New Version 1.2.1 available!
Posts: 133
A new version 1.2.2 of Ice theme for Gallery 2.2.x is available.
- Now the theme supports "Floating Items"
- Size of floating items thumbnails.
- Album maximum number of micro navigation thumbnails.
- Album columns per micro navigation thumbnails.
- Album Size of micro navigation thumbnails.
- Fixed the "Image Frame" bugs.
Posts: 7994
Totally awesome! This theme is beautiful.. I'm going to use it on my site. Is it in the gallery-contrib repository? If not, let's get it in there so that we can distribute it via Downloadable Plugins!
Posts: 133
Thank you!
I still would like to test some things, after these tests the ice theme will be found in gallery-contrib repository!
Posts: 133
A new version 1.2.5 of the ICE theme for Gallery 2.2.x will be released today.
- It features the "Custom Style"-module (based on "Color Pack"), with this module
you can choose different stylesheets for the ICE theme (to override theme.css).
- Now the theme supports "Floating Items no padding" with colorpacks ("Custom Style"-module requiert)
Demo "Floating Items" with "Ice Carbon" colorpack:
Floating items with "Ice Default" colors:
Floating items:
Posts: 4
Great theme; the best I have seen in my trialling of Gallery. I aim to use this theme as the basis for my new and improved website. I just need to learn how to customise and integrate it into my site.
Posts: 133
Look here:
FAQ: Gallery2:How to visually embed Gallery in your own website by editing theme templates
Posts: 1
Ok, I'm fairly new to Gallery. I'm trying to "disable" the sidebar so it's always showing and not a slideout, but I can't find an option for it anywhere. Is this only something that can be done by editing the template files?
Posts: 133
Delete all blocks from "Blocks to show in the sidebar".
Add "Item Actions" block to "Blocks to show on album pages (below description)"
Posts: 2
I'm trying to see how to adda template to the script to go on every page. I have template for a site at that I want to convert to another site Im making for a tattoo parlor using G2... does anyone know how to go about this?
Posts: 9
Great theme!
I have two questions/issues:
1) When a photo is opened in a page (i.e., you can click the image (i.e. 640x480) and the page will reload with the image in full-size within gallery. If you click the full-size image, it will go back to the initial page with the small image. I am using Ice in an embedded WordPress, and the large image distorts the layout of the page. Is there a way to disable this feature?
2) How is it possible to remove the Gallery2 logo at the top? or move it to the bottom (footer)?
Thanks in advance.
Posts: 27300
1) dont give users permissions to view the larger images
2) in the css the logo is the background image where the system links reside, remove:
background-image: url('../ice/images/logo.png');
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 133
1) edit photo.tpl
2) edit the theme.css:
Posts: 133
A new version 1.2.8 of the ICE theme for Gallery 2.2.x is available.
- Show item links (album pages).
- Show item title (album pages).
- Show item date (album pages).
- Show item size (album pages).
- Show item view count (album pages).
- Show photo sizes (photo pages).
- Disable view image inline full size (photo pages).
- Show image size (album and photo pages).
- Micro thumbs page navigator.
Posts: 9
Your directions for 1) worked great. The image is still a link. When clicked, it refreshed with the same image. Is it posible to remove the link?
I followed the directions for 2) but I think my server/client needs to clear the cache. The logo is still showing, but i'll keep trying and see how it goes.
Posts: 133
Use the new Version of ICE theme
and "Disable view image inline full size (photo pages)" in "Site Admin" -> "Themes".
Posts: 28
I cant get the custom logo to show up. What should I put as path? It worked fine with the carbon theme but if I add the same url to the ice theme it will be ignored and the gallery logo stays.
Posts: 133
Replace "themes/ice/images/logo.png" with your logo.
Edit height in theme.css (if your logo is higher)
Posts: 28
Nice thanks for the help. What if I dont want a logo at all can I cancel it out somehow?
By the way great job on this theme, I'm a carbon lover and this theme makes it a lot better
Thanks for the work
Posts: 133
Yes, edit theme.css and replace:
Posts: 9
Everything worked like a charm. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. Great theme too!
Posts: 9
One more thing. My Gallery2 in embedded in a Wordpress. I would like to add a link in the navigation before (Gallery >> ...) linking to the home page. I think it's in the navigator.tpl file, but it looked pretty intense and I don't wanna mess anything up.
So basically, I would like (Home >> Gallery >> ...) and "Home" linking to http://...
Thanks again!
Posts: 133
No, you must edit the theme.tpl file.
Posts: 52
Where do I go to change the text located on the left hand side of the top level: "This is the main page of your Gallery" I see it in the DB via phpMyAdmin, but there has to be a better way.
Posts: 133
Click on "Show Sidebar" -> "Edit Album" -> "General"-Tab.
Posts: 4
Love your theme. I have installed it on my gallery2 installation (v2.2.1) and it is all working great except I can't quite work out the correct settings to get the floating no padding theme exactly as yours is at .
I am trying to get my topmost gallery to display in this fashion and I have tried going in to "Edit album" and setting the custom theme dropdown to "Floating Items no padding". I have also set the number of columns/rows to a higher value and set the frames to none. I am still getting padding between the images. What am I doing wrong?
Posts: 133
You must install the "Custom Style"-Module (comes with ICE Theme) and select "Theme" -> "Custom Style" -> "Ice - Floating Items No Padding".
See also the screenshot.
Posts: 4
Thats brilliant thanks. I think I had everything except the "Show Childs As" set to Floating and the correct number of columns. Thanks again.