[SOLVED] How to remove Date,Size,Views under Album thumbnails, ..
Joined: 2005-08-11
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How can I remove the Date, Size and Views under the Album,-Subalbums and the Photo thumbnails? |
Posts: 16504
Edit /themes/<yourtheme>/templates/album.tpl (save as /themes/<yourtheme>/templates/local/album.tpl)
Scroll down to this code (towards the bottom of the page)
And change "true" to "false" for anything you don't want to display.
Posts: 134
I did what you told me to do and it works!
I also changed the true to false in this part of the same file
{g->block type="core.ItemInfo"
Thank you very much
Posts: 16504
You are welcome. The other modification you made, will make the size and date info not display at the top. If you don't want that to display when looking at the actual photo you can make a similar edit in photo.tpl.
Posts: 134
Thanks for pointing me to the file photo.tpl, but the date there is no problem, maybe I remove the text with Owner.
I think about that. I know now where to look .
Maybe you can give me an answer me the next "problem"
I managed to changed the text "Gallery" at the left top of the page, with my own logo, but now I want behind the logo a button, or a simple text with the word HOME and that clicking on that button or text, bring me back to the main page of my website.
Can you help me out?
Posts: 3
vdd: How did you change the 'Gallery' text in the breadcrumb?
Posts: 32509
"Gallery" in the breadcrumbs is just the title of your root album.
click on gallery, then on "edit album", then change the title.
if you want to add a "Home" or something like that at the beginning to point to your website, see:
Posts: 14
Ok, I've done this and it works for everything but the Search feature. Search results still display the owner? Where can I adjust this?
Posts: 14
Hmmm does anybody have a solution?
Posts: 1
Hello! It's company <a href="http://google.com">web search</a>. Thanx!
Posts: 1
For me, the keywords appearing below the albums have proven to be a real pain. Just remove this line:
and voila, no more ugly keywords.
Posts: 3
Unfortunately doing this would remove any other modules showing up in your summaries. Ie: Rating and Status (new, updated)
I'm still trying to figure out how to remove just the keywords themselves from being displayed.
Posts: 29
Ok, I want to remove the date and I see how from what you wrote, but here is the problem - the reason I want to remove the date is some of my art I don't have a date for, and for others it puts the upload date which is not the date taken, and I would rather just put the date in the summary/description then change the date for all of them (is there a way to change all at once though?), but the thing is, I only want the date gone from some of the albums and if I change the template it would change it on every page, correct? (actually I am assuming I have to change photo.tpl? I was able to get rid of it from the side bar but that was it it's still on the photo page.
Posts: 16504
The modification above, is an all or nothing change. You can change the date of the album or photos by either editing the album or editing the photo(s) individually. Click on Edit Album for albums and Edit Photo for photos. On the first page that comes up you can change the Album Date and Time or the Photo Date and Time depending on if editing an album or photo.
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Posts: 29
So it is not possible to have no date? I didn't want anything for date unless I knew the date. Is there at least a way to change the date for more than one photo at once (besides on the edit caption, more like all items in the album). My only other thought is that maybe I should do away with the date completely and then when I want a date I can put it in the summary but that is still a pain. At least the ability to batch edit would be helpful but I don't if you can do that.
Posts: 16504
You can make it so the date won't appear. But it won't appear if you change the date for the item. I'm not entirely clear as to what you want, you make it sound like you want to not have the date displayed unless you specify the date to display. Unfortunately you can't easily do that.
See how to remote the date from being displayed above: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/36914#comment-134644
You can't batch edit the photos to change the date, but you can batch edit the summaries of the photos. In the album, click on Edit Captions
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Posts: 8
Thank you, that worked for me, too. What I'd also like to do is hide the keywords but I could find no reference to them in the code.
Any ideas?
Posts: 16504
What do you mean "keywords"? Keywords are searchable but not visible. Are you talking about description or summary? Can you post a screenshot highlighting what you'd like removed?
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Posts: 8
Hi nivekiam,
Thanks for the quick reply.
I also thought keywords were not visible but have a look [Edit: Link removed as it's now working] and you will see what I mean.
[Edit: It looks the same if I bypass drupal and use the standalone Gallery install.]
Posts: 16504
odd, it's been awhile since I've really dug into the latest version of Gallery. I'll need to take a closer look at this. But right off the bat, this is one great thing about CSS ;)
Add this to your theme.css
div.summary-keyalbum {display: none;}
And it will hide the keywords. They'll still get generated so I'll need to check into that.
Oh, I see now, you have the Keyword Album plugin enabled. Either deactivate that module or you can got to Site Admin > Keyword Albums and at the top change where Keyword Links are shown, by default they are shown in All Album Views.
Hope that helps
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Posts: 8
Hi Kevin,
Thank you so much for your help, the css tip is noted as well and may come in handy one day.
"Keyword Album" - right, I could've found that but didn't - many thanks for pointing it out, much appreciated.
Posts: 4
Dear Kevin,
spot on, the above theme.css code modification removed the keywords shown under the thumbnail using the carbon template here for my users, but are showing for admin user. Dunno why the keywords were showing up for everybody prior to this css modification, but they're hidden from users' eyes.
Michael Vitti
new user
Posts: 14
There are a lot of customizing features that should be part of the "general" or "theme" display settings. Choosing to show and hide EVERYTHING should be done through the admin and not hardcode changed by the user. This leads to breaks in updates and causes headaches when you have to remember what all files you manually edited.
Everything from font size to color and position, to show or not to show and creation of custom display items and text should be a core part of this app and module.
These items DEFINITELY need to be incorporated into the next major build.
Posts: 27300
If everything is customized then you get a theme like x_treme theme. It becomes hard to maintain and even complex to operate as it has 100s of options.
It is up to the theme author to choose what should be a admin option or hard coded. There is a fine line between usability, maintainability and complexity.
Please create a theme that has the option(s) you feel should be included. Then you will find that some users will find it is not enough and others will find that it is way to complex.
You can't please everybody.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 10
How can i hide the photo name at the gallery overvieuw.
Posts: 16504
Without testing to be sure, in album.tpl remove this
I'm assuming you've read this entire thread, know where the template files are, how to edit them and to create a local directory to put your changes as specified at the top of all the template files.
EDIT: this is what I get for not testing:
Remove this:
Or simply use CSS and hide the giTitle class, though I'd have to search to see if that's used anywhere else.
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Posts: 10
At the hybrid theme is no album.tpl ??
I Can't find the string ?
Posts: 16504
You didn't mention what them you were using ;)
Try this as it's a more generic solution. Edit theme.css and add this:
.giTitle is already defined for font size and weight at line 415 of theme.css for the hybrid theme. So if you want to keep like things near each other, I'd add those lines above in that area of the theme.css file.
Don't you just love the beauty and power of CSS? ;)
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Posts: 4
This i cannot remove the filename from my images when inside a album. I am using the floatrix theme.
Here is the code from my CSS
the website im working on is at http://www.karatela.co.uk - click on photos.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Posts: 16504
Your currently using the Siriux theme when I looked at it. The thumbnails with the siriux theme do not have the title of the image, but when I click on the thumbnail to look at the image there is a title like this "27072006(007)". Is that what you want to remove?
If so, you'll need to edit the Siriux theme template file, photo.tpl and either remove <h2>{$theme.item.title|markup}</h2>
or edit that so it has a class name for css and then hide that with css.
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Posts: 4
Ok perfect and thanks... i know which file to edit now cheers!
Posts: 424
This actually is not working for me.
I did as told listed above, changed showDate=true to showDate=false and created a 'local' folder within the template folder for my theme and it's not working.
I'm using the Matrix theme and changed showDate=true to fale in the album.tpl and the photo.tpl.
Posts: 16504
There are two places in album.tpl where that code shows up, one if for the top of the album page and the other is for the photo/sub-album thumbnails.
Did you clear you cache? FAQ: How can I clear cached data?
As well as your browser cache?
If clearing those doesn't make it start working, can you post a link to your gallery install??
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Posts: 424
It seems to be working now. I think I changed the code in the album.tpl from false back to true and never changed it...
Thanks a bunch!
Posts: 3
I have tried this on the greypop theme (creating a new subdirectory called local and updating files under that sub directory as well as editing the files for the theme itself) Nothing will work! I'm not sure why!
here is site
Please Help!
Posts: 27300
At gallery.havenmeadows.com ...I don't see the text. Cache in your browser?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 6
thanks for the help
Posts: 56
I am also having a problem where I cannot remove the Summaries text.
I have edited the album.tpl to say showSummaries=false in both the places specified above, cleared the Gallery cache and my browser cache, but it still shows up. Date and View Count switch on and off OK.
Is there anything else that controls the Summaries, that may be overiding the setting in album.tpl?
Posts: 16504
Link to your gallery?
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Posts: 56
Using Gallery2. Custom (stripped down) Carbon theme with Gallery page embedded into my own html page.
Posts: 16504
I don't see any summaries, could you link to a page that is showing what you are seeing?
A screenshot would be good too.
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Posts: 56
The link in my previous post is the page I can still see them. Weird that you don't. ?
I'm using Firefox & Safari on a Mac.
Here's what I see in Firefox - I've circled in red the summaries I'm trying to hide. (I want them to appear later below larger photos when I eventually add a lightbox feature, so don't want to just manually delete the text.)
Posts: 16504
Thanks, I see theme, the screenshot helps.
That's the Description, not the summary.
Take a look at this in album.tpl
BTW, I'd suggest upgrading to 2.3, 2.2.5 have some known security issues. But you'd want to test the theme to make sure all your changes are compatible and don't get overwritten as it appears you've not put your changes into a "local" directory:
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Posts: 56
I have been working in a local directory - I duplicated the Carbon theme and called it a new name - maybe you were looking in my original Carbon directory?.
Shall I link to the album.tpl file I'm using (dunno if that's a secure thing to do?)
Posts: 16504
Ah, I just searched your page source for "theme" saw carbon and went there. Looks like you're loading carbon's theme.js. I'd probably move that just in case you ever remove the carbon theme
In your album.tpl
That's what is bringing that text in there.
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Posts: 56
Wicked - sorted. Thank you!
Is this the time and place to also ask if it's possible to make the thumbnail titles the same links as the thumbnails themselves?
Posts: 16504
Sure, just edit the same file
I'm pretty sure, not 100%, that this is what you'd want to modify:
In several places
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Posts: 56
Yup, have found those lines - but what would I edit them to to make them a link?
(Please forgive my ignorance - I'm a designer by trade, not a programmer. :-/ )
Posts: 16504
Without testing probably something like
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Posts: 56
Spot on!
Thanks so much Nivekiam.
Right, I'm calling it a night for now. Need Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
BTW how serious is the security risk you mentioned eariler in 2.2.5 - is it an essential upgrade? (Will read reply in morning.)
Posts: 16504
I'd have to dig up the changes between 2.2.5 and 2.3 But I'd install it under a test directory and database and see what changes your theme needs there. There were also some improvements to performance.
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