Mambo / Joomla! + G2
Joined: 2005-05-10
Posts: 100 |
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MAMBO CMS 4.5.x + GALLERY2 DEVELOPMENT The purpose of this project is to intiate more Mambo + G2 oriented development as well as provide needed support to the exisiting releases that are related to this integration. These aspects are meant to be covered: :: components For G2 + Mambo documention, please take a look at the FAQ and Document. DOWNLOAD The mambo component which integrates G2 in mambo, various modules and themes are available at: MINOR HACKS (.tpl and .css) :: albumbody hack for album background to match the :: css font size/style hack for breadcrumbs font to :: gallery/xhtml/codename buttons removal to clean up the gui :: top pathbar hack to remove G2 welcome message, since there is no user integration yet BUGS and ISSUES The known bugs and issues as well as some resolutions are listed in this thread right here: Please post all the bugs you found and the issues have to that thread. ORIGINAL MAMBO EMBEDDING THREAD (obsolete): In this thread you can follow the history and evolution of the G2 for Mambo component/module. Most of the issues listed there have been migrated to the Mambo + G2 Issues thread. FUTURE PROJECTS (possible): |
Posts: 100
I posted a thread on Mambers and Mamboserver to initate production of a a Mambot that will allow searching of G2 items through existing Mambo search function. Here are the links if you have something to add:
Here is the thread on Gallery forums:
Copy of the post:
Mambo uses bots to perform automated and triggered tasks. Most of the famous component for Mambo have a search bot which basically enables to use Mambo's primary search function to search them all at once. I had a working searching box for image gallery/forum/faq/bookmarks/links and news at the same time which proved to be very convenient. I'm not big on coding, but I have some idea on how this works and since there are a lot of working examples of components utilizing cms' search function, I'm sure this is quite possible. If anyone wishes to start something like this, I would be more than happy to do what I can to help. Take care.
Posts: 100
I went through MamboPortal and MamboForge as well some forums to see what has been developed in the past for Menalto's Gallery to see what hopefully can be used in the future. The following are G1 add-ons:
Gallery Random Photo Module August 1, 2004
Menalto Gallery Last Image 0.2a October 13, 2004
Going to try and contact both developers to see if they are interested in continuing to develop for next generation of Menalto's product (G2).
Posts: 347
here are some more add-ons and Modules for Mambo and G1:
Featured photo,
Newest Album,
Top X Albums,
Last X Updates
You can find the add-ons and links to the developers at
Posts: 100
Nice. Thank you, Kai
Letter sent:
"As you probably already know a new version of Gallery script, called simply: "G2", has emerged and is actively being developed to reach it's Final version (It's on Beta3 right now). I was wondering if you have any plans to continue developing Mambo material for Menalto's Gallery script, considering that you already have experience working with the previous versions of Gallery. Such work would be certainly beneficial to both Mambo and Gallery communities and I'm sure would be greatly appreciated by a lot of people. I'm a fan of both and do what I can to contribute to both of these projects. If you have any interest in this please check out the official Mambo + G2 Thread located on Gallery's forums here (It shows the progress that has been done, as well as some brief outlines for the future):
Feel free to come visit #mambo and #gallery on Freenode IRC in case you have any questions. Thank you once again for your time and your work with Menalto. Take care. "
Posts: 100
Posted on few Mambo Forums my calling to Mambo + G2 development (revised version of the latter basically):
As you probably already know, a new version of Gallery script, called simply: "G2", has emerged and is actively being developed to reach it's Final version (It's on Beta3 stage right now). However there is a lack of material in the Integration section for the Mambo CMS. There is some work that was done on the Embedding component, yet there is no user synchronization bridge as of today. There is a also a general lack of modules that can be used by Mambo to display Gallery content. The reason why I'm posting this is that I truly believe that Mambo still lacks a fully featured Image Gallery component. In my opinion Zoom comes close, yet it's buggy and lacks much of the needed configuration options, Coppermine is good, yet 1.4 has been in alpha for a long time now, plus it has poor template system as well lack of real plug-ins. However I mean nothing but respect to the authors of those projects, as I'm simply stating my personal opinion after evaluating the product. After playing with G2 for few days I truly think that this could be it , if proper amount of time and work is put towards this project. Please check out the script for latest CVS of G2 yourself so you can form your own opinion:
I'm a big fan of both scripts, and do what I can to contribute to both of these communities. If you have any interest in developing or helping in any way to this open source product, please check out the official Mambo + G2 Thread located on Gallery's forums here (It shows the progress that has been done, as well as some brief outlines for the future):
Feel free to come visit #mambo and #gallery on Freenode IRC in case you have any questions. Thank you for your time and take care.
Posts: 100
Trying to see if I can start some Mambo + SMF + G2 development here (this was posted on forums):
"This Image Gallery is a very powerful script (it outdoes Coppermine as of right now, in my humble opinion) and Team Gallery has done some hefty changes to the core for allowing easier bridging with other components such as CMS/Forums/Blogs and etc as well as implemented usage of Smarty templates which makes skinning much easier. The product is currently in Beta3 stage, however it's steadily moving for it's final release which is promising to be a good one. If you are interested check out the latest CVS here:
And the G2 Integrations Forum here:
There is also some Mambo + G2 Integration in development right now, but sadly no user synchronization yet) . Maybe there is a possibility of combining bridges in the future to develop a truly powerful cms/forum/gallery combination."
Posts: 32509
see my opinion in:
Posts: 430
I don't know if somebody already made a module for gallery that displays the external block of G2. I just tested my first draft and is looking good.
If you are interest i'll post the code or load the file some where. Is there a mamboforge project already for G2 where i can post them or send them?
Posts: 100
That's a negative on mamboforge. Only G1 projects over there. If you choose to start one, that would be great. There is an existing module which can display G2 sidebar as a module and is included in this package:
However there are a lot of comments regarding it's quality, so if you have something different or updated, we would be more than happy to see it.
Posts: 430
It is for diplaying random images, recent, etz like gallery random block only in a mambo module and back end controls.
at the moment you can:
Working to get the rest of all the options to work also with this block.
Like more info shown, linking, max size, etz
not the side bar module you were talking about[/]
Posts: 164
There's already a random image module for G2 but it does not have all those option you have put into your module. Can't wait to try yours.
I'd love to be able to have the module show the "jump to album" block.
Posts: 100
My mistake, and yes like KAC mentioned there's a random image module. And anticipating to see your work michiel 1981. Sounds just what G2 + Mambo dev. needs
Posts: 430
Do you have a link? I couldn't find it on mamboforge.
Posts: 164
Posts: 430
it's based on the same concept only working in all the options G2 has to offer.
i started out the same way, only aligment was wrong(had to be right not left) for my website and liked to have recent added pictures so started this module. I think i'll have this finished to night and spellchecked ;). Then i'll post it here.
Posts: 164
thanks michiel 1981, looking forward to it
Posts: 430
This module can be used to display images in mambo, only if you have installed the component discussed in the first post of this thread.
[planned for next release]
> Image frame to use around images
> Image frame to use around albums
version changes:
[1.5]block fix //got lost in the clean up, sorry.
[1.4]bug fix
[1.3]Guest permissions solved
[1.3]language from mambo used[need testing]
[1.2]info fetched from gallery2 component.
[1.2]pictures link to embedded Gallery.
[1.2]bug report possible.
[1.1]"maxSize" fixed.
[1.0]First release
[last updated:]
29-05-2005 17:42 GMT
Posts: 347
the module works great.
I have found 2 little issues:
- Mambos Counter (Who's online), count 1 up with every refresh when the module is published
- the max pic size does not work in my case
Thanks, Kai
Posts: 430
I have fixed the max pic size, i don't have any problems with mambos counter. I have checked if they have overlapsing variables or something but they don't. Could you send me a pm with some extra info. Modified counter module? URL server type, etz
Posts: 430
I was just on my way to make registrate a project on but their is already a project started:
If the admin will contact me i'll happly join and upload the module and develp further. Anybody here started it?
Posts: 100
Multisite/Rewrite/Embed/Cookie/Session fun
This is now part of the latest G2 beta CVS. Should improve the integration process and hopefully fix some existing issues.
Posts: 32509
michiel_1981, nice module. i guess you have to change from fullInit false to fullInit true when you do a cvs update of your G2 installation. we had a bug there that treated fullInit = false exactly like fullInit = true.
so, please change it to fullInit = true in your code, because pretty all G2 interactions but GalleryEmbed::handleRequest() need fullInit => true and so does the getimageblock().
Posts: 430
valiant, will do. i'll repack the zip and upload it.
valiant, which cms has gallery2 integrated very good and have good documentation with it?
Posts: 32509
i developed the integration stuff with G2/xaraya. it's a very nice CMS and my integration there is a little overcomplicated.
but the visual integration isn't that good, CSS conflicts etc.
the WP guys did a better job at visual integration, but they don't synchronize users based on events as xaraya does. so xaraya/G2 has IMO the best user synchronization.
i'd look at the WP, mambo and xaraya integrations as models. But none of them have good docs, as far as i know.
@edit: typo
Posts: 430
I was looking at those 3 to get a better integration for mambo and your are totaly correct in your statement. I'm beginning to day to write function for mambo/g2 (user: creation, update, remove, add_to_group, remove_from_group, List_int, list_none_int ) So it can easely be called if needed.
it is a start i think.
i have send the develper who posted the component to a e-mail but haven't got any reply yet. Can i just modifie those files and post adjustment here. i don't know how this goes?
Posts: 32509
michiel_1981, you mean because of the license?
they put it into GPL (see the headers), so you're free to modify the code.
then we let community decide if your changes are an improvement (just wait for 2, 3 feedback messages if it still works) and commit the changes to the cvs.
Posts: 32509
ozgreg pointed out that fullInit is not needed for getimageblock. and he's right.
you can ommit fullInit in the init call or set it to true for getImageBlock.
Posts: 430
i'll remove the init call the next time i release as it is true at this moment and shouldn't be a problem.
what does it do? because i didn't know and just searched for it. and my search result peaked at false so i included first false then true after your post.
Posts: 32509 -> GalleryInitSecondPass.
it used to do a whole lot. now, it seems that it only does something equivalent to GalleryEmbed::checkActiveUser().
Posts: 100
This was posted on MamboServer forums:
"It will be good to know that a full integration of Gallery2 with user synchronisation is perfectly possible in the upcoming Mambo 4.5.3. We have added special mambots for handling sessions and user management, called userbots. For more information see this thread
I have used Gallery2 beta 2 as a proof of concept to test the new mambot triggers and everything is working as expected. This was done on DrBob's request. I read on the Gallery2 forum thread several people are working on a Mambo integration. I strongly advice them to checkout the cvs and take a look at the userbot implementation."
Here's the link:
This is really good news for further development
CVS link is in the post below by stingrey:
Posts: 32509
that's really great news! that's exactly what we were asking for.
now we can synchronize users based on events in mambo!
Posts: 430
Nice to know that the mambo develper uses Gallery2 as testing base. See his Post.
Posts: 1
Just meandering through and thought I'd correct this, to access latest active development CVS module for Mambo see here for info:
Posts: 100
My mistake. That was the CVS syntax line posted on MamboForge. Yours is indeed correct
Posts: 100
michiel_1981, I'm beta testing your module. Will post the URL here in the next few hours of my LIVE site where I'll be using the module. So far it looks just excellent.
EDIT: beta test succesfull. module is stable, at least on my config.
Posts: 164
I agree. I've installed it on my site. It works great!
I have two question in the module options.
What's the difference between "Recent" and "Recent Album"?
How do you find the ID of an album to specify a random picture inside a specific album only?
I ask here because I'm not sure if this is specific to the module or a general G2 question.
Posts: 430
Recent stand for "Last added Picture"
Recent Album for "last added Album"
the id you can find in the url, g2_itemId=??
just go klik on the album or picture you want the id from and retrieve it from the url.
thxs for testing
Posts: 430
At the moment i'm rewriting the "back end" of the component to support multiple "back-end" pages. So this will take sometime to get done.
Changes i allready made and will include new component:
# Language switch included (mambelfish support)
# user list; show which mambo users are in the G2 userlist or not!
# tools: sync G2 database with mambo database(mambo >> G2)
i'll keep you all informed
Posts: 164
Awesome Michiel! Thanks for the effort, we appreciate it!
While you're at it, if you could add a "Jump to album" module to use for the front page of my Mambo, I'd be one happy dude!!!!!
Posts: 430
I attached a rough script for what you asked. i couldn't post it because it was too big to fit in a msg.
Posts: 164
:o :o :o :o :o
Wow! Many thanx. I'll test it out tonight
Posts: 100
This is regarding Mambo search bot (mambot) possible future development. Here's a link to script that integrates coppermine/smf/bridge search function. Even thou coppermine and Gallery are 2 different products, maybe someone is knowledgeable enough to look at this and get some ideas from the strings used:
Thank you.
Posts: 164
Michiel, I copied your code and created a module with it.
The installation went fine but the module didn't work. Instead of showing the Jump To Block, it showed the actual code in the module.
I do appreciate the time you took to try and whip something together though!!!!
Posts: 100
"I attached a rough script for what you asked. i couldn't post it because it was too big to fit in a msg. "
michiel_1981 pm me or IRC. I'll host it for you. and put the link in the first message of this thread.
Posts: 430
Did you made a zip file with my_code.php and a xml file zipt it abd installed or did you create a new module in mambo back end and copied the code in there.
if the later it will not work because mambo thinks it is text it must show and can handle php that way.
If you have patient i'll make a module out of it. and attached it.
i meant that it was to big to past it in a post not to big to attach it to a post so no problems here.
I have contacted de accaunt owner of gallery2 at mamboforge and he will add me to the project, maybe more people want too join the team?
Posts: 100
"I have contacted de accaunt owner of gallery2 at mamboforge and he will add me to the project, maybe more people want too join the team?"
I will see what I can do. There was some promotion for G2 that I did recently on mambers/mamboserver forums. Since now there's some real progress, maybe some of them will be more interested.
Posts: 164
I copied your code in a file called mod_jumpto.php and also created a mod_jumpto.xml, put them in a folder called "module, then zipped it up and named it "". I installed it with the module installer. Installed just fine! I copied everything in your code except for the first and last line (which were just text coments from you) and these two " [ code ]" & "[ /code ]".
Was that wrong?
Posts: 16
the embedding component will not install. Keep getting this error
Any ideas?
The number letter combinations after the install_seems to change every time. The latest was
Posts: 164
How are you installing it? At what point to do you get this error? Are you using the Component installer in the Admin panel of Mambo?
Posts: 430
Module to display a album tree.
To navigate easely to your albums, and only shows albums where you have permission to view.
[planned for next release]
# which indent images to use
# depth control
version changes:
[1.2]bug fix
[1.1]use of indent images and not a flat list anymore
[1.0]First release
[last updated:]
03-06-2005 17:46 GMT