Gallery 3.0 Beta 1 Feedback
Joined: 2002-05-21
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Beta 1 is ready.. wahoooo! Have you tried it? What did you think? Let us know! |
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994 |
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Beta 1 is ready.. wahoooo! Have you tried it? What did you think? Let us know! |
Posts: 28
Haven't tried it yet, but I plan to set it up in a sandbox so I can kick it around a bit...
I do have 1 question thou;
Does G3 have an API yet to allow for Eye-Fi automatic uploads?
See also: Eye-Fi Forums: Gallery3 Support
p.s. Thanks for the fixes #278 & #281, Keep up the great work
Posts: 1153
will there be support for 2.3 multisite migration, or am I dreaming too soon?
testing now...thanks for considering the ticket i filed "password reset" notification.
Posts: 1153
none of the changes I make to the following variables in Settings > Advance take effect:
gallery resize_size
gallery thumb_size
even if I go into Maintenance > Rebuild Images (it renders 0 images)
but when I do it through Theme Options, I prompted to update/fix the images.
or go through Maintenance > Rebuild Images (which does the same thing)
am I missing something?
Posts: 9
Damn! Nothing works. In the past 1 day things have gone from bad to worse with my attempts to use gallery3 (alpha 4 and beta 1 and now the code at While alpha 4 at least had the links working (but failed to import anything from g2), in beta 1 absolutely nothing works for me!
The only line in the logs is:
2009-06-06 03:39:50 -07:00 --- error: Uncaught Kohana_404_Exception: The page you requested, , could not be found. in file system/core/Kohana.php on line 841
Do a search at or try clicking on the login links (nothing happens)!
Am I facing compatibility issues?
Posts: 1153
in FireFox 3.0.10 on Mac OS X 10.4, attempting to
Login > login popup box > click "Forgot your Password? link >
Reset Password box comes up
Dang... Something went wrong!
We tried really hard, but it's broken.
Talk to your Gallery administrator for help fixing this!
which is
error: Uncaught Exception: @todo FORBIDDEN in file modules/gallery/helpers/access.php on line 176 in ~/var/logs/
click X > select "Login" again
The screen refreshes and I'm redirected to http://mydomain.tld/gallery3/index.php/login/ajax
and this what appears in the source:
No further entries on /var/logs/ and I could not reproduce the issue with Safari either.
Posts: 11
I've tried all the Alphas and just got beta1 installed...a huge improvement! I received several error messages about php options that were missing. These were very helpful and made it easy to get things up and running quickly.
I'm testing the import of 2022 images from my g2 install now, so I have more to play around with and test. The alpha's were buggy enough that I couldn't really test G3 as a replacement for my stable G2 install, but it looks like I should be able to do much more extensive testing of b1.
One suggestion from the install. Would it be possible to prompt for the location G3 stores it's data, during the install? I like keeping my gallery data on it's own partition, not necessarily in var under G3. I solved this by using a symlink from g3/var to my other directory.
Posts: 11
Import of 2022 images from g2 went fine. During the alpha's I requested some exif info. Related to those requests, will the exif data displayed be configurable, even if it's a more limited set than what was available in g2?
Under maintenance there's an option to rebuild images. Is this supposed to work the same as the rebuild all thumbnails option in g2? I didn't think I could change the quality of the images with g3 yet and I realized after I imported all 2000+ that the quality could still be adjusted. In g2 I would just change this and then select rebuild images. If I choose rebuild images in g3 it just says 0/0 and the progress bar completes immediately...assuming that's a bug.
Layout looks pretty nice even with the default theme. I'll definitely be looking forward to some different themes, or more options to customize the existing theme. One thing I really like in the themes I use in G2 is the ability to set various default image sizes. I usually do something like 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and full size. I think this is more accomodating for the wide range of monitors and resolutions visitors might have.
Posts: 55
Many thanks for this! - been waiting a while for the Beta; checked today and here it is. Installed, ran migrate module from G2, and I have a working gallery.
After G2, looks pretty "bare" - lacking loads of choices. I know simplicity is a major aim, which is great; also that more is to come.
Upload certainly improved; status bar, and uploading one photo even as work on add more. Should especially suit people who've become used to Facebook, say.
On fairly quick look, some of things I'd like to see - which might not be too troublesome - include:
Ability to add links; esp as I run my Galleries in tandem with Drupal sites (currently, can't embed).
Just seen in settings that I can add link at bottom, where it says "Powered by"; so there's a ready workaround, but still good if can have link(s) in main column.
Black (or v dark grey) background for theme; on web, photos surely better against black.
Nice if can have chance to rearrange the random image - I'd move it up. Cracking if can do this w drag n drop, as per Dashboard.
Good to see URL rewrites evidently on way, inc support for G2 URLs: I may wait for this till I make change for a couple more sites; faffing with 301 redirects isn't fun!
Any chance of some control over description in head for each page? Might help with search engine results, and with adding text to entice visitors. [I haven't looked into issue hard, but always felt my Gallery photos didn't do too well in Google, say.]
Option of text as well as image for, say, slideshow might be worthwhile. I'm not sure all my visitors will figure meaning of the icon, nice tho it is.
The above link re community repository no longer works
Hope these comments of some use; I look forward to further progress - and hope users of gallery I've migrated to G3 like the improvements.
Posts: 28
Funny you asked, I had the same question. I asked bharat via IRC a few weeks ago, and the responce was that they removed this functionality due to the fact that it used a PHP based Proxy which was SLOW,
and one of the MAIN goals for G3 is SPEED, so they removed it completely.
Checkout the full IRC log:
So I think the solution for now is to stick with symlinks.
Posts: 7994
@BassKozz: no Eye-Fi support yet, but it'd probably be easy to write a module to support it. If somebody wants to work on that, I'll assist.
@scaturan: I haven't scratched the surface of that yet. Short answer is "yes" but it's not going to be a high priority right now (got to build a working product first!). Settings > Advanced is a "caveat emptor" kind of thing. Changing the values there don't trigger the code which marks the images dirty and rebuildable. On the password reset front-- you found -- good work! I've fixed it in the latest code.
@nrajesh: sounds like you're using PHP on CGI. If the latest code doesn't work for you, can you post your phpinfo() output for me to look at?
@rbr28: glad to hear beta 1 is working better for you. We will eventually support letting you move the var dir somewhere else, but it's a little complex so for now a symlink is your best bet.
@DocMartin: It would be easy for somebody to write a links module, if somebody starts on it we'll help. More themes are coming! But right now we're focused on making one really good one first. Ticket for reordering the sidebar is here: .. url rewrite are coming (I need this too!). What kinds of changes do you want to see in <head/>? Some we can do in the theme, others could be done in a module.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post! and file bugs here!
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Posts: 52
I just installed Beta 1 - and it is working fine (including changing password on first login -- I still think, though, that it should ask for your assigned/generated password just like wordpress does when its first installed - what do you think?).
I did have one crash which for the life of me I haven't been able to recreate. I believe it was choosing admin->appearance->theme choice right after I changed the generated admin password (i.e. first thing I selected from the menus after installation). Sorry that I didn't capture the dump output.
Can you tell me how to upgrade from beta1 to the latest zip build? Do I just do a blanket delete of the directory and unzip? Or are there certain files that need to be kept? Any chance of an automated update like Wordpress? Sorry for all the questions...
Posts: 27300
@Ability to add links; you can add links to the theme header/footer:
appearance -> theme options
add regular html in the header/footer.
This is likely to change in the future ( html sanitization/bbcode/security )
Also you can change the the "Powered by" as you said in the Settings -> advanced change the settings in the credits section.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 52
Me again. I am pretty sure that I entered a URL into the initial user config box (for admin) but I saw nothing in the User/Groups->Edit screen for admin.
I changed the 'admin' username to 'AndrewRH', changed the full name to mine, and filled in the URL (note: email was shown properly) and clicked Modify User. Then I clicked edit again - everything but the URL had changed.
Posts: 39
@bharat : Getting better and better. The translation is nice! Here is the report
1-Pictures, when shown in the gallery, do not respect the Orientation Exif meta information.
2-A maximum size limit in pixcel size or bytes size configuration would be nice (or resize). This too could be in the theme options...
3-Search : Just to be sure, I have deleted all old database and files. This is a new installation, and after adding a couple of pictures IMG_4442.JPG, IMG_4488.JPG, and looking if there was no maintenance left, searching for "444" gives no results. Actually, searching for watever gives no results. What do you need so I can help you on this?
4-Looking at permissions, will there be more à la drupal? Who can post comments, who can see comments, etc?
5-I have 3 albums, and the "Gallery Stats" in the dashboard says : Albums : 4.
Have a nice day.
Alexandre Racine - Évènement, photos et beaucoup plus!
Posts: 55
@bharat, floricadave:
Thanks for the rapid responses
For links, I'd especially meant link such as to home page of site - which I'd want on every page of gallery. Fine that can do in footer n head, as well as "Powered by" footer. If possible to make this work so that folk can add URL n title without html, would likely aid usability. Not key issue I realise; dave mentioned changes are likely.
More control re internal links too: for passing pagerank around, as well as helping users navigate around the gallery. (Surely coming too.)
I figured more themes on way. Thought revision to current theme, w different background, text colours, might be quick (esp for folks who know their way around theme; would take me some time!)
For <head>, I believe it's important to have good page titles, and descriptions. I now have a photo where page title is "Browse photos photo".
Might be best if can have the <head> titles and descriptions straight from album/photo titles and descriptions; option to change these could be useful.
Could be more that will help people to find albums n photos.
I've always believed photo titles should not be from file names; esp when folk may have names like DSC00987.jpg; file names could be ok as fallback, if no title given.
To me, best if can input photo titles during upload process (maybe indeed coming); again somewhat as Facebook. Descriptions, keywords, tags too.
- I've uploaded photos, then had to go find them to edit their titles
For photo editing, I think text links [below photo and its title/description] would be faster. The interface looks funky; but row of edit buttons prone to vanishing and reappearing as I move mouse over buttons. [Firefox browser, on a Mac]. Choice of having text links in addition to funky interface?
The defunct community repository link is on - not this page
Very good there could be UI for reordering image block etc.
Posts: 55
Maybe I was missing something, but couldn't readily see how to edit header text (when it's empty at start)
Via addvanced settings source code, I found URL for editing this; went to URL, and could enter something, after which easy to click on it to edit.
Posts: 27300
should be fixed in beta2:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
Admin -> Appearance -> Theme Options: Header text & footer text
That way works as well.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 29
I just installed Beta 1 and uploaded some photos, and the upload was successful. But no thumbnails get shown. No images get shown. Can't view any pictures. Nothing. Bummer!!
Probably, gallery 3 can't find my graphics toolkit - it says I don't have any installed. I do, of course... but it's not in the same place on every Unix server! I reported this as a bug back in Alpha 3, and indeed it's a bug. It's still in there. You have to check for where gd is located during the install. It's a simple check. I checked the database manually in the 'var' table. The path to gd is showing up as blank in the database of my system.
I'm running plain old Unix / Apache 2.2 / PHP 5, plus gd version 2.0.35,1. The Unix system is FreeBSD 7.2, very common system in the hosting world. Pretty much plain old BSD Unix. Gallery 1 and Gallery 2 works fine on this config. I haven't been able to test anything else because I can't even see any photos or thumbnails with the default install. Sort of a show-stopper for a picture viewing application...
UPDATE: I also have ImageMagick installed. Both appear to be located at /usr/local/bin. I manually updated the path to gd, but it still says I don't have any graphics toolkits installed [sigh]
Kelly's smooth running, free flowing Gallery 1.x: [url][/url]
Posts: 1
I'm really enjoying using Gallery3 Beta 1. It was easy to import all the pictures from G2 and didn't get any errors. All the pictures loaded up really quickly compare G2. There are some suggestions though.
1. When adding new photos, I get an error: Error: your server is configured to use the suhosin.session.encrypt setting from Suhosin. You must disable this setting to upload photos. Where do I disable this setting?
2. Adding the "Show subalbum links" will be very useful to have without having to click on every album to see what's inside. Here's a link of an example:
3. After importing from G2, when the title is italic and I believe in bold as well, it shows up as [i]Title[/i]. Here's an example of that:
4. When using RSS, "All new comments" and "Comments on [Title]" still shows up even when "Comments" is unchecked in the Gallery Modules.
5. In the Admin Dashboard, there's nothing under the "Content" tab, so I'm not sure what that is actually.
6. If there is an option to add to removed the grey backdrop on the albums that will be great.
7. If it's possible to have an option to randomize the pictures in the album to be the album cover so each picture will be different on the album cover every time you visit the gallery.
Keep up the great work!
Posts: 28
I don't think my scriptfoo is strong enough to put something like that together, but I'll take a peek at the old code from G2 and see if I can extrapolate it into G3, or is that not the correct way to go about it?
I'll get on IRC tomorrow and have a chat with you about how to attack this, because I would love to help out, and this is a feature I can't live without (I use Eye-Fi card to auto upload to my works G2), so this is the only thing holding me back from upgrading (well this and the fact that it's still in Beta, but I would like this to be ready once the final version is released).
p.s. I opened up a ticket:
Posts: 78
Congratulations on finishing 3b1 and thanks for the hard work.
I mostly want to use my site as a family pictures sharing thingy so I'd like cousin x to have access to his' own directory in the family/family_rotterdam/cousin_x directory to which only he (and admin obviously) has add/edit access the rest of the family can watch, comment but not add or edit. Guests and registered can't even watch. Currently the only way I can find is to make a new group with only cousin_x as a member and give access to that. Is or will there be some other way to do this?
Since may 1st gallery is unable to find imagemagick. I can't find anything in my phpinfo, so I'm fairly sure my hosting company did something wrong. They reinstalled it (so they say) but it still doesn't work. GD works fine. Since I couldn't find a forum post on this, I assume I'm the only one experiencing this, which would be logical if my hosting company is at fault.
Posts: 4
Awesome beta release, love the new ajax/web2.0 stuff, especially the uploader as the old methods were my major gripe, it was never plain-dead-simple for the novice user. Hopefully there are plans to support common platform installs in a similar way to G2 - so a single instance can be offered to multiple web hosting users. Great work guys, look forward to testing further and seeing more progress.
Posts: 7994
@AndrewRH: what's the benefit of asking for the generated password? We just told them the password, so it's not a big security hurdle.. their session is authenticated already. Adding extra security hurdles usually just frustrates users. For now, you can download a new zip and just unpack it. Later on, we'll have an actual upgrade step that you run after unpacking a new zip file. Good catch on the url bug.. ticket filed:
@alexanderracine: 1) 2) Please file a ticket for that feature. 3) we don't support substring searches yet, would you please file a ticket for that also? 4) we have the ability to easily add more permissions, but we've held off on it because we don't want to clutter the permissions interface. more decisions to be made there. 5) you have 4 albums because the root of your gallery is an album too
(I guess that's non-intuitive.. maybe we should adjust the stats)
@DocMartin: and there's a much better upload workflow coming, see
@kellym: It sounds like /usr/local/bin isn't in your PHP's path. To verify, try running "which convert" from a shell. That turns up /usr/local/bin, right? Now try:
<? system("which convert"); ?>
and when you open that in a browser, it should tell you the same path. If not, you need to configure the path for your Apache user so that Gallery can find your binaries.@cyberinviso: you need to put
7) is possible would you please file a ticket for it?
suhosin.session.encrypt = Off
in your php.ini and restart Apache, or I think you can putphp_value suhosin.session.encrypt Off
in your Apache conf file just for the gallery3 directory. 3) we don't support BBCode yet. I filed to work on that. for the comment rss feed appearing when it shouldn't. for the menu issue. 6) is a theme setting.. create a new theme and you can hack it up any way you want@Okat: currently we've decided to make permissions at the album and group level, because that gives us some performance benefits. So creating a new group is the only way to do it.
@mg83264: yup, we do plan to support multi-site installs. It's not there yet, though.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post! and file bugs here!
Latest zip:
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Posts: 61
Base system. Suse 11.1 - Apache 2.2.10. Mysql 5.0.67. PHP5.2.9.
Loaded Gallery 3 Beta 1 and here are just a few thoughts.
Importing Data from Gallery2.
* 4 users
* 3 groups
* 308 albums
* 8974 photos
* 29 movies
* 0 tagged photos/movies/albums
Attempt 1. Seemed to be going well then stopped at picture 614. Nothing seemed to get it past this point but did create all galleries and some of the photographs.
Cleaned everything out of public_html and re-created MySQL database
Attempt 2. Stopped during import of gallery at 290. Again nothing seemed to un-stick it. Could find no log files reporting any issues.
Quick note on data location. As recommended in Gallery 2 security, this should be outside of the public_html directory.
Gallery2 supported "html" tags in comments / description ... Everything imported in as pure text with all the html tags showing.
example : # From the Show "Chaps" (link at top of page)
After importing I have some "stuff" appearing in the "Popular tags" section in large blue text.
If I copy paste:-
# "
# 2 photos are tagged with Colorado Lucy roses beauty
# 2 photos are tagged with Fort Collins"
# 2 photos are tagged with glow sticks
# 2 photos are tagged with psychedelic
# 2 photos are tagged with temptation
But none of this is readable (like this) in the tags section.
Can not find a way to have "Album" options available in some places but not others.
Example. Random image. Only want this to appear in one of the top level galleries and never on the "home page". Also, could not find a way to stop images in an album from being used in random viewer.
I personally use the "Carbon" theme in my Gallery2. I do not have the programming skills (or anywhere close) to modifying and creating a theme.
Will Gallery3 (if it existed) support a theme that is as complex as "Carbon". If the answer is yest it would really be worth the effort to convert some of these most used Gallery2 themes over. It would probably make importing data a lot cleaner as well.
Graphics. Need options for compression level to use. My preference would be two settings. One for thumbnails and one for re-sizes.
Exif. That seems to hang and never complete. No messages as to what might be wrong.
Status boxes in Admin. Can not seem to copy / paste from them, only move / delete them
Should probably think about getting Gallery Remote working.
I think my only concern here is that Gallery2 is one heck of a hard act to follow. My only criticism (the phone interviews we did) was the lack of built in documentation on some of the more complex tasks. URL Rewrite being a classic example! Gallery3 interface is clean (if somewhat lacking in settings) and reminds me a lot of Joomla (1.5.x).
What I'm really needing is a complex theme (like Carbon) so that I can really put Gallery3 through it's paces. The supplied theme is far to simple and if this was "it" (for the future) then I would simply start using the Phoca Gallery (plugin module) in Joomla, but because of the great effect that Gallery2 has (great viewing experience) I run both. (Just a handful of albums using Phoca / Joomla and then everything in Gallery2).
All that said. I think this is a great start without a doubt. It looks like you have chosen a good platform for the future in simplifying the programming tasks.
But as a user I have to make the comment that if the latest software can not do what the previous software was capable of doing then there's a good chance I'll not change.
Posts: 7994
@Nigel_Aves: 1) on the import problem.. sanity check: did you look in gallery3/var/logs for output? We should not be stopping without putting some indication of the reason in a file there. Another thing you can do is to try resuming the stalled task while using tcpdump/tcpflow/wireshark or some other network sniffing tool to see the network traffic. If it's a fatal error in PHP, you may see a result there. You may have to edit gallery3/index.php and set display_errors to true for it to dump out anything of interest (but maybe not). 2) for the tags block we're using a semantic HTML approach which degrades nicely on browsers that don't have CSS support. If it looks bad, please attach a screenshot. 3) we don't yet allow you to configure sidebar blocks, but there's a ticket open ot wokr on that. 4) yes Gallery 3 will support arbitrarily complex themes. none are written yet. we will support themers who are willing to try, though. 5) Most people don't care about quality settings, but you can configure it in Admin > Settings > Advanced (look for 'graphics_quality'). 6) please check your logs for exif errors. 7) yeah known issue.. you actually can copy/paste if you're creative about how you click but it's a pain.. 8) we'll get gallery remote or something similar working eventually, but that takes time and we're prioritizing the web experience first. Oh and the data location absolutely should be in the document root. Forcing it to be outside was a mistake in gallery 2 that resulted in a large performance issue. This approach is much faster, without trading off security.
In general I agree that we need more theme options, but all things in due time.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs before you post! and file bugs here!
Latest zip:
Latest git:
Posts: 61
Found a log file this time through. Here's the message I get when trying to "Import" Gallery2 (this is a re-start).
2009-06-07 16:10:46 -06:00 --- error: @todo MALFORMED_INPUT_FILE in /home/sfi/domains/ at line 195:
#0 [internal function]: graphics_Core::resize('/home/sfi/domai...', '/home/sfi/domai...', Array)
#1 /home/sfi/domains/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#2 /home/sfi/domains/ graphics_Core::generate(Object(Item_Model))
#3 /home/sfi/domains/ photo_Core::create(Object(Item_Model), '/home/sfi/g2dat...', 'Image19.jpg', 'Grande Place, B...', '', 3)
#4 /home/sfi/domains/ g2_import_Core::import_item(Array)
#5 [internal function]: g2_import_task_Core::import(Object(Task_Model))
#6 /home/sfi/domains/ call_user_func_array('g2_import_task:...', Array)
#7 /home/sfi/domains/ task_Core::run('11')
#8 [internal function]: Admin_Maintenance_Controller->run('11')
#9 /home/sfi/domains/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#10 [internal function]: Admin_Controller->__call('maintenance', Array)
#11 /home/sfi/domains/ ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Admin_Controller), Array)
#12 [internal function]: Kohana::instance(NULL)
#13 /home/sfi/domains/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#14 /home/sfi/domains/ Event::run('system.execute')
#15 /home/sfi/domains/ require('/home/sfi/domai...')
#16 {main}
2009-06-07 16:10:46 -06:00 --- error: Uncaught Exception: @todo MALFORMED_INPUT_FILE in file modules/gallery/helpers/graphics.php on line 195
Exif. I'm not getting any message in the file.
"nicely on browsers that don't have CSS support" - Just a personally comment but these browsers are probably about 1% of use. The main browsers (Exploder, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Google Chrome) all have full CSS support and now that MicroSoft has at long last decided to follow standards even IE8 renders CSS pages correctly!
Here's what I am seeing.
Performance. It's strange really cause I do have a reasonably large gallery and I've never once been disappointed by performance. I test it quite rigorously from the "net" and it performs pretty darn well!
Take good care,
Posts: 61
Was looking into the EXIF a little more. Click a link and this happened.
So here's the error:
The page you requested, , could not be found.
File: system/core/Kohana.php, line: 841
And here's how we got there:
Kohana::show_404( )
* system/core/Event.php [209]:
call_user_func_array( Array
[0] => Kohana
[1] => show_404
, Array
[0] =>
* system/libraries/Router.php [163]:
Event::run( system.404 )
Router_Core::setup( )
* system/core/Event.php [209]:
call_user_func_array( Array
[0] => Router
[1] => setup
, Array
[0] =>
* system/core/Bootstrap.php [49]:
Event::run( system.routing )
* index.php [72]:
require( system/core/Bootstrap.php )
I then noticed that it thought it had loaded a picture but no thumbnail was displaying. I clicked the "blank thumb" and this happened.
So here's the error:
There was an SQL error: Unknown column 'weight' in 'where clause' - SELECT COUNT(*) AS position FROM items WHERE parent_id = 345 AND weight <= (SELECT weight FROM items WHERE id = 623) ORDER BY weight ASC
File: system/libraries/drivers/Database/Mysqli.php, line: 142
And here's how we got there:
* system/libraries/drivers/Database/Mysqli.php [90]:
Kohana_Mysqli_Result->__construct( mysqli Object
, 1,
SELECT COUNT(*) AS position FROM items
WHERE parent_id = 345
AND weight <= (SELECT weight
FROM items WHERE id = 623)
ORDER BY weight ASC )
* system/libraries/Database.php [259]:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS position FROM items
WHERE parent_id = 345
AND weight <= (SELECT weight
FROM items WHERE id = 623)
ORDER BY weight ASC )
* modules/gallery/libraries/MY_Database.php [56]:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS position FROM items
WHERE parent_id = 345
AND weight <= (SELECT weight
FROM items WHERE id = 623)
ORDER BY weight ASC )
* modules/gallery/models/item.php [386]:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS position FROM {items}
WHERE parent_id = 345
AND weight <= (SELECT weight
FROM {items} WHERE id = 623)
ORDER BY weight ASC )
* modules/gallery/controllers/photos.php [28]:
Item_Model->get_position( 623 )
* modules/gallery/controllers/rest.php [91]:
Photos_Controller->_show( Item_Model Object
[children:protected] => items
[view_restrictions:private] =>
[sorting:protected] => Array
[rules] => Array
[name] => required|length[0,255]
[title] => required|length[0,255]
[description] => length[0,65535]
[model_name:private] => item
[has_one:protected] => Array
[belongs_to:protected] => Array
[has_many:protected] => Array
[has_and_belongs_to_many:protected] => Array
[load_with:protected] => Array
[object:protected] => Array
[id] => 623
[album_cover_item_id] =>
[captured] =>
[created] => 1244412645
[description] =>
[height] => 490
[left] => 4
[level] => 4
[mime_type] => image/jpeg
[name] => 638791809.jpg
[owner_id] => 3
[parent_id] => 345
[rand_key] => 0.229015
[relative_path_cache] => colour/pole I/pole II/jewels/leaves/cem/Graffiti/chair/toy/sub/corset/skull/Blood I/blood II/window/black and white/school/nude/lingerie/jewels/window/prom/woodland/rack/black_dress/Silhouette/tree/corner/pirate/meta2/meta1/stairwell_1/window_2/whip_1/roo
[resize_dirty] => 1
[resize_height] =>
[resize_width] =>
[right] => 5
[sort_column] => weight
[sort_order] => ASC
[thumb_dirty] => 1
[thumb_height] =>
[thumb_width] =>
[title] => Grande Place, Brussels
[type] => photo
[updated] => 1244412646
[view_count] => 0
[weight] => 311
[width] => 720
[view_1] => 1
[view_2] => 1
[changed:protected] => Array
[related:protected] => Array
[loaded:protected] => 1
[saved:protected] => 1
[object_relations:protected] => Array
Posts: 39
@bharat : Done
Alexandre Racine - Évènement, photos et beaucoup plus!
Posts: 28
My first impression is that international characters are still broken. 'ładne zdjęcie.jpg' was uploaded. Thumbnail created by I can't access the picture itself. Got error page. This error was reported on Gallery 3 Alpha 4 feedback page. I checked ticket and I see it will be fixed with next release. Will wait to test it again
Otherwise, I noticed very slow picture regeneration. I have fast, testing server at home but it take like 60 s to rebuild 64 images (changing thumb size from 200 to 15 and image size from 640 to 800). Those images are small (below 900px). My only modification to gallery was to change in advance admin panel image quality from 75 to 90, but going back to 75 did not increased image rebuilding speed. I am using Imagemagick as a graphic engine (server is a standard Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit server edition @ Athlon 64 X2 5400 + 4GB RAM). I can swear under the oath that Alpha 4 was lighting fast at this task when compared to Beta 1. My production G2 on virtual served (shared) can resize few thousands thumbs in few minutes. G3 is much, much slower, even on dedicated server.
That's it. I will test this release for few days. Hope to go for G3 Beta 2 as a gallery of my choice if ticked 283 will be fixed.
Good work!
Posts: 7994
@Nigel_Aves: ah, looks like you have an empty (ie: corrupt) image in your Gallery 2 which we're failing to import. I've just committed some code to work around that, so if you get the latest code and re-run your import it should resolve that particular problem. By the way, make sure that you've got enough disk space because that's a common culprit for zero-length files. As for your tags, that's a little odd. Do you have tags with quotation marks in them in your Gallery2? Can I see a dump of your tags tables from gallery2 and gallery3? On the performance front, we had to do a *lot* of work to improve performance, but even with our efforts apache can serve up static thumbnails at least 100x faster than PHP can proxy them, and we can do away with the tons of cache files that we had to have to make things fast (check out how many files are in your g2data/cache dir to see what we were doing there). On the exif problem, that's really interesting. We should take this to a thread in the forums and get into the details, but I can't fathom how you're missing the "weight" column from your database. Are you sure that this is a totally clean install of beta 1, and you're not reusing an older database install? Also I notice that the relative path for that item from that trace is
-- do you really have that many levels of albums? That's uh, a little crazy
@alexandreracine: thanks!
@m-d-d: sorry that I couldn't fix that ticket for b1. I tried, honest.. it's harder than it seems. As for slowness in picture regeneration, I have no idea what's going on there. As far as I can tell, that code hasn't changed significantly since alpha 4. Can you run "top" on the box while regenerating and see if it's spending most of the time exec'ing "convert"? Also if you're really into it, running xdebug + webgrind would really help us narrow down what's going wrong.
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Posts: 55
floridadave: thanks for this re header n footer; I'd seen this screen, overlooked later. Easier than my daft way.
@bharat: glad page titles will be sorted. The forthcoming upload flow looks like being the bee's knees
Posts: 61
I may be crazy but your 100% correct. That path is wrong and on a quick glance it looks like it's from three or four different galleries all concatenated together.
This was a clean MySQL database but probably corrupted by the bug you have fixed. Lots of available disk space in my /home partition 23G used with 80G available
Can I see a dump of your tags tables from gallery2 and gallery3? Yes you can if you quickly tell me what you need. Is this a MySQL dump? (I'm no developer, just a dangerous photographer who runs his own web server!).
I'll down load the zip file and re-test and let you know how it goes.
Posts: 61
Just tried the Import Fix and it did work (there where however a series of photographs not imported and that was because they where .tiff format, really need this format supported as it is the preferred format for sharing photographs (for printing) being a no loss format).
Exif issue is still there but did get further. First thing was that it reported all photographs need updating (one shot thing, no big deal), worked up to photograph 580, stalled. Will not re-start. No messages at all in log file.
I have a lot of photographs broken over many galleries and use different photo sizes depending on the album. (Especially for Panoramic or download high-res versions)
We need to have photo sizes by album through the theme (this includes number / page by rows and cols not a global number) - Same as Gallery2. Most of the Album Options under General and Theme I would not want to loose.
The sizes issue was obvious when I noticed my Panoramic photos had all been shrunk!
Gallery Itself.
Click a thumbnail to get to photograph. You know have an option in top right for "View Full Size". I could not find a setting for the "Full Size" size
(This of course is really a re-size to Max size to use in Gallery, we should not need to re-size locally then do another re-size in Gallery ). BTW - Import did not import the full size images (set to 1024) from Gallery2 (or had not seemed to).
If you have time have a quick look here at one of my gallery pages in Joomla -
If you click the thumbnail it opens directly in Highslide and if you hoover the cursor over the photograph you'll see options appear for previous, next, slideshow, close. (I have commenting turned off).
A lot of people who have visited my site like this kind of format, especially the built in slideshow.
Just thoughts,
Posts: 8
Gallery 3 beta 1 is great, but only problem is with the watermark system in place, 1st why is it watermark being applied to all thumbnails, there is no point in applying to it and its blocking the view of thumbnails, and NO watermarks being applied to my full size image, why is that ?? G2 has the option to turn off thumbnails watermarking which useful when rebuilding images in shared hosts, so please G3 Team, please make the watermark system a better one, Thank you,
and thank you guys for the CGI fix,
Posts: 7994
@Nigel_Aves: On the exif front, that's pretty interesting. If you can create an admin account for me and give me the u/p I can probably get enough information to figure out what's going on there (email me at
). Album options: we may eventually offer custom sizes per album. It's not on the roadmap for now, though since most people don't absolutely need it and we're trying to minimize esoteric features. Please file a ticket for that. I'm not following what you mean about full sizes. In G3 there's only the thumbnail, a resize, and the original. If you click on the resize, it'll show you the original. Does that clear it up? If not, I need more details. As for highslide-- that's cool stuff. You can easily implement that as a theme in Gallery3 (and in fact, lvthunder has made a lightbox theme for G3 already which does most of that, iirc).
@suren: Sigh. If we watermark the original, then anything we create from the original will have that watermark stuck in it which looks terrible when you resize it down. So we'd have to stash away a copy of the original and then watermark it and use the copy as the source for resizes and thumbnails. We did that in G2 and it was a major pain, so we're not going down that road again (well, I don't anticipate writing that code myself-- perhaps you'd like to help out). In G3, you should watermark the resize and thumbnail and then hide the original so that nobody will see it. There's also some code in this ticket: to support multiple watermarks. Try it out and let us know what you think.
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Posts: 13
Can't wait for further development of G3. Currently have Beta 1 installed with thousands of photos (transferring 250,000+ from G2). The gallery works fine when viewing as a surfer.
Server photo add works well most of the time although hangs up and have to go to maintenance to resume. If I try to add too many photos, the dialog box disappears and nothing happens. Suggestion: option to remember previous folder and file location when server adding photos/folders as it is a chore to scroll through hundreds of thousands of images each time.
Would like to see title of "Albums", "Galleries" or similar instead of "Photos" for folders of photos when browse photo album. Nice if option to list total number of photos overall and for each album. Would like to add external link within description (already take advantage of header and footer for links). Would like to have convenient admin page to move sections around layout (hopefully new themes will allow modification if default doesn't in the future.)
Bugs: can only import 100 or so photos at a time and still stalls at times. When choosing folder image or deleting an image or folder, often wrong folder or image is changed. G3 deleted an entire folder of thousands of images which will take several hours to restore all the different folders.
Thanks for a wonderful photo gallery solution!
Posts: 27300
You are aware that you can translate most text in gallery even form English to English?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 96
I just tried using the server add function.
It worked fine as long as I selected each item individually, but when I selected a directory to add (so that it creates an album with that directory name) it hung on the uploading dialog box for ages, I cancelled it and found that it had been continually duplicating everything until I cancelled it.
73 items in directory, when I cancelled it, the number of items in the album was at 1697 !!
Posts: 96
Probably getting way ahead of myself, but something I like and use in G2 is the googlemaps module, where photos can be placed on a map based on GPS data in exif headers.
I take it at the mo, the photo info (exif data) is only showing a select amount of data...can I show the GPS data too?
Posts: 13
Dave- Did not know the English to English which is cool idea, however, instead of a blanket change, I like "Albums" for when it is albums/folders leading to photos and "Photos" for when you are inside the folder of photos. Currently, when someone visits my home page of Gallery3, they may think that I only have 18 photos instead of 250,000. Surfers may not immediately get the folder icon. It will be interesting to see what changes and options evolve over the next few months. I was trying to keep folder titles short and simple but may change the titles to include "Collection", "Album" or "Photos"
Posts: 13
Jonreynolds-Using server add, I was able to add up to about 10 folders with about 16 photos within each. Any more and nothing would happen as function cancelled. About 25% of the time it would hang up on me. I then clicked pause and closed the dialog box. I would then close the fatal error box and click on maintenance tab to click resume of server add. Most of the time it would finish the job. I never had duplicating problem.
Posts: 96
SECgirls: This is the second time I have had this duplicating error, both times when trying to add directories via server add, once was in Alpha
Posts: 7994
@SECgirls: the server_add module is going to get rewritten.. stay tuned for that. The problem you're probably hitting is that on the server side it's trying to ram too much data into a single database column. Stay tuned for the rewrite.
@Jonreynolds: we've got a prototype google maps module in the gallery3-contrib repo on github, if you'd like to pariticipate in coding on that I'll assist.
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Posts: 27300
I guess I don't follow, as the root album is a album as well. So I guess it is hard to differentiate between albums that have sub-albuma and albums that only have photos.. I guess a custom theme could accomplish that. But we want the product to work great before adding very minor feature like this to a core theme.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 13
agree about root as album...for me only albums (no photos) on first level, then only albums again on second level, etc... Eg. Albums at first level: Sports / Nature / Events / Cities, etc.... Albums second level within Sports: Baseball / Football / Golf / Basketball / Hockey.... Albums third level within Baseball: Atlanta Braves / New York Yankees / Chicago Cubs.... Albums fourth level: Specific game dates versus teams or similar then photos. Nested folders are used for organization.
on board with that...G3 needs to be as close to perfect as possible first!
I am paranoid right now about deleting an empty or unneeded album as it could delete a different folder with thousands of photos! I wish that G3 would confirm specific name when deleting instead of generic notice. I have already been burned once with this bug. At least when it made the wrong photo the cover thumb, I could easily correct that by selecting the wrong photo and then go back to the original photo and try again. I wish I could also import more photos at a time or without losing my place from the source and that it would not stall so often. I also had one album become nested about 100 folders within somehow. Half the page was the bread crumb trail and the url was a mile long. Somehow dozens of image file names were in the nesting. Regardless, I am making it work and I am excited about G2.
Posts: 7994
@SECgirls: great feedback.. can you file bugs (see my sig) on these issues? We'll try to knock off some of the easy ones as we go forward.
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Posts: 421
In title bar of your browser need update to album name / photo name.
Currently only: "Browse Photos album"
Posts: 421
And can you remove: index.php/ in URLs?
Posts: 5
It's looking nice so far. Very slick.
Is the feature to have multiple resize-resolutions planned for inclusion by 3.0 final, or is that out for the time being?