@wbarek: we do not have a magic wand that we can wave to translate our text into all languages. It requires volunteers to do the translation. We've created a system that lets volunteers do the translation. Some languages are already well translated, like Hebrew and Traditional Chinese. It's going to take time and volunteers to get it right, but when it's ready, your guests will see an interface in the language of their choosing (we'll add a sidebar block that lets them choose a language, eventually).
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Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2009-07-15 13:37
Yes, you're missing something. It's a tool for admins. It's not intended for your general audience to do that work. I'm not exactly sure how the language settings work in G3 yet. But if you install other languages G3 might just already use the user's preference based on their browser settings. I know in G2 that was an option. I don't know if there is work still to be done there or not.
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Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2009-07-15 13:38
dang pagination, didn't see bharat's response...
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Joined: 2007-05-02
Posts: 155
Posted: Wed, 2009-07-15 14:30
Thanks both bharat & nivekiam, for the explanation, I guess as someone smart said: "patience is a virtue", I just like to explore all possibilities, sometimes way ahead of timeline. W
Joined: 2008-11-14
Posts: 55
Posted: Wed, 2009-07-15 14:52
Bharat, Nivekiam,
Thanks for your help with all this. It's turning out that http://<YourURL>/gallery3/index.php/upgrader and #git pull are solving some problems. They are becoming my new best friends!
You guys are obviously hard at work!
Figured out the interface language, issue, however - and it makes me look dumb (even dumber than I actually am!):
You guys have TWO Save settings buttons there! - and I didn't see the first of these. Yes, it is a minor point in the scheme of things, but having two such buttons on one page is somewhat counter-intuitive.
Right, that was the problem: The browser's ability to 'select' its preferred language...
We do have Firefox set to prefer French [fr] and French-France [fr-fr], but the interface is always presented in English. for this test, I had logged out, and deleted all cookies for the site.
I only see one, can you post a screen shot please.
DrLou wrote:
We do have Firefox set to prefer French [fr] and French-France [fr-fr], but the interface is always presented in English.
Patience young jedi:
wbarek wrote:
I guess as someone smart said: "patience is a virtue"
The internationalization team is hard at work....."but when it's ready, your guests will see an interface in the language of their choosing (we'll add a sidebar block that lets them choose a language, eventually)."
I only see one, can you post a screen shot please.
Well, no.. not easily. But if an admin goes to Admin-Settings-Languages, he will see two Save settings buttons, one 'terminating' the language choices, the other 'terminating' the Translations API key entry.
Scanning quickly to the bottom of the screen for the 'Save' button - as most of us humans have been conditioned to do! - one can be forgiven for missing the upper Save button kinda buried in amongst the language names...
I'm sure you have many more important things to do, but I might suggest that the Translations section is a discrete function - well apart from language choices - and it should be segregated appropriately. The translations interface in general is a little confusing for newcomers. Granted, in your current design model it may be targeted toward Admins, but the more casual user may ultimately be your best translator...
we'll add a sidebar block that lets them choose a language, eventually
Though the sidebar block chooser will be a nice benefit for savvy users, thanks for your work in making the browser-selectable interface language work; this is a biggie for us, and we see it as much more valuable for the casual user. Had I known this was not yet ready for prime time in G3, I could have saved a lot of hair-pulling!
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Thu, 2009-07-16 14:42
Well, no.. not easily. But if an admin goes to Admin-Settings-Languages, he will see two Save settings buttons, one 'terminating' the language choices, the other 'terminating' the Translations API key entry.
Scanning quickly to the bottom of the screen for the 'Save' button - as most of us humans have been conditioned to do! - one can be forgiven for missing the upper Save button kinda buried in amongst the language names...
Meanwhile, I am reminded of another question: in G2, we were having trouble getting translations to work. I think this had little to do with Gallery, but was more likely an issue with Solaris localizations. In any case, never got to the bottom of it. We'd like to offer our interface in French, Italian (Spanish? Portuguese?).
Do you know if anything has changed in G3 which might get us closer to this goal?
Thanks - You guys have built a nice system here! Lou
yes, g3's translation system is independent of gettext, thus independent of system locales.
so what ever issues you had with solaris / g2 related to translations should be gone in g3.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2009-07-19 22:26
DrLou wrote:
Thanks, Bharat, I've tried this again.
I select 4 languages: English, French, Catalan and Spanish, and Save settings.
At this point, the interface un-selects Catalan and Spanish (not French!), and I cannot choose any other language - even French - in the pull-down. Interface always switches back to English...
I then Get updates. G3 scans about 300 files, downloads updates, and says 'successful'! But still cannot choose 'French'...
Meanwhile, any idea on why I still have no thumbnails in G3? Lou
i can't reproduce this with beta 2 / the current version from git. it works as expected.
does this still fail for you?
Joined: 2008-11-14
Posts: 55
Posted: Mon, 2009-07-20 01:44
Problem remaining is, per my previous note:
We do have Firefox set to prefer French [fr] and French-France [fr-fr], but the interface is always presented in English.
IE, that we still cannot get the browser-selectable interface language to work. IE, with browser language set to French, and with French available and appropriate updates loaded, the interface is still presented in English.
On the other hand, other aspects of language handling appear to work great!
We can select a default language for the site; say, French - and it works.
We can select an interface language for the Administrator; why not German? - and it works.
However, we cannot select a default language of English, yet allow our francophone users' browsers to auto-select French for them!
Our testing is being done on Firefox 3.0.11 Mac, if this helps. Have also just done a git pull (50+ files changed) and an update to all language translations we've loaded (several). Both went without a hitch. We also clear the browser cache between tests, just for good measure.
Posts: 7994
@wbarek: we do not have a magic wand that we can wave to translate our text into all languages. It requires volunteers to do the translation. We've created a system that lets volunteers do the translation. Some languages are already well translated, like Hebrew and Traditional Chinese. It's going to take time and volunteers to get it right, but when it's ready, your guests will see an interface in the language of their choosing (we'll add a sidebar block that lets them choose a language, eventually).
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git | help! vote!
Posts: 16504
Yes, you're missing something.
It's a tool for admins. It's not intended for your general audience to do that work. I'm not exactly sure how the language settings work in G3 yet. But if you install other languages G3 might just already use the user's preference based on their browser settings. I know in G2 that was an option. I don't know if there is work still to be done there or not.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 16504
dang pagination, didn't see bharat's response...
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 155
Thanks both bharat & nivekiam, for the explanation, I guess as someone smart said: "patience is a virtue", I just like to explore all possibilities, sometimes way ahead of timeline. W
Posts: 55
Bharat, Nivekiam,
Thanks for your help with all this. It's turning out that http://<YourURL>/gallery3/index.php/upgrader and #git pull are solving some problems. They are becoming my new best friends!
You guys are obviously hard at work!
Figured out the interface language, issue, however - and it makes me look dumb (even dumber than I actually am!):
You guys have TWO Save settings buttons there! - and I didn't see the first of these. Yes, it is a minor point in the scheme of things, but having two such buttons on one page is somewhat counter-intuitive.
Right, that was the problem: The browser's ability to 'select' its preferred language...
We do have Firefox set to prefer French [fr] and French-France [fr-fr], but the interface is always presented in English. for this test, I had logged out, and deleted all cookies for the site.
Thanks again!
Posts: 7994
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git | help! vote!
Posts: 27300
I only see one, can you post a screen shot please.
Patience young jedi:
The internationalization team is hard at work....."but when it's ready, your guests will see an interface in the language of their choosing (we'll add a sidebar block that lets them choose a language, eventually)."
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 55
Well, no.. not easily. But if an admin goes to Admin-Settings-Languages, he will see two Save settings buttons, one 'terminating' the language choices, the other 'terminating' the Translations API key entry.
Scanning quickly to the bottom of the screen for the 'Save' button - as most of us humans have been conditioned to do! - one can be forgiven for missing the upper Save button kinda buried in amongst the language names...
I'm sure you have many more important things to do, but I might suggest that the Translations section is a discrete function - well apart from language choices - and it should be segregated appropriately. The translations interface in general is a little confusing for newcomers. Granted, in your current design model it may be targeted toward Admins, but the more casual user may ultimately be your best translator...
Though the sidebar block chooser will be a nice benefit for savvy users, thanks for your work in making the browser-selectable interface language work; this is a biggie for us, and we see it as much more valuable for the casual user. Had I known this was not yet ready for prime time in G3, I could have saved a lot of hair-pulling!
Posts: 27300
there is a task/bug for this:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 32509
yes, g3's translation system is independent of gettext, thus independent of system locales.
so what ever issues you had with solaris / g2 related to translations should be gone in g3.
Posts: 32509
i can't reproduce this with beta 2 / the current version from git. it works as expected.
does this still fail for you?
Posts: 55
Problem remaining is, per my previous note:
IE, that we still cannot get the browser-selectable interface language to work. IE, with browser language set to French, and with French available and appropriate updates loaded, the interface is still presented in English.
On the other hand, other aspects of language handling appear to work great!
We can select a default language for the site; say, French - and it works.
We can select an interface language for the Administrator; why not German? - and it works.
However, we cannot select a default language of English, yet allow our francophone users' browsers to auto-select French for them!
Our testing is being done on Firefox 3.0.11 Mac, if this helps. Have also just done a git pull (50+ files changed) and an update to all language translations we've loaded (several). Both went without a hitch. We also clear the browser cache between tests, just for good measure.
Posts: 27300
Drlou, this feature has not been implemented yet. There is a feature request/task for this:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team