Troubleshooting and Problems

 TopicRepliesCreatedsort iconLast reply
Deprecation error--albums and files not showing up237 years 12 weeks ago
by Tikatu
7 years 11 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Gallery not loading or returning error67 years 12 weeks ago
by pakMan2010
7 years 12 weeks ago
by pakMan2010
Admin login does not stick - login required with every move27 years 13 weeks ago
by wittenbp
7 years 13 weeks ago
by wittenbp
[SOLVED] ImageMagick binaries "identity" error57 years 15 weeks ago
by battledingo
7 years 14 weeks ago
by battledingo
Gallery 2.3.2 "This GD version is too old" error137 years 15 weeks ago
by iannel
6 years 46 weeks ago
by varrin
Gallery2 Using 1GB virtual ram.17 years 15 weeks ago
by pcp20us
7 years 15 weeks ago
by pcp20us
Recovering with xml-file27 years 18 weeks ago
by bifo
7 years 17 weeks ago
by bifo
[SOLVED] Some thumbnails are not uploading. Some thumbnails are broken, but the photos are normal.77 years 18 weeks ago
by battledingo
7 years 17 weeks ago
by battledingo
Thumbnails are not loading randomly37 years 19 weeks ago
by edk
7 years 8 weeks ago
by pixelmap
How to get "_view=slideshow.Slideshow&g2_" back in my slideshow url07 years 19 weeks ago
by pi2000
[SOLVED] Unable to delete photo107 years 20 weeks ago
by battledingo
7 years 17 weeks ago
by danielwerner
[SOLVED] Weird!!! Blank Page Error and Weird Fix07 years 20 weeks ago
by KungFuJosh
SQL/PHP has gone crazy. ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED107 years 20 weeks ago
by accphotography
7 years 20 weeks ago
by Dayo
Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT) 127 years 22 weeks ago
by cdrake666
7 years 21 weeks ago
by cdrake666
[SOLVED] Database Error ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE) : Can't write to the versions file 17 years 22 weeks ago
by pushback
7 years 22 weeks ago
by pushback
Problems after changing the name of an album/directory17 years 22 weeks ago
by innova
7 years 11 weeks ago
by innova
Open specific album77 years 22 weeks ago
by jtumath
7 years 21 weeks ago
by jtumath
One column matrix theme with pull downs at top...37 years 22 weeks ago
by JesseHansen
7 years 22 weeks ago
by suprsidr
Textured background27 years 22 weeks ago
by JesseHansen
7 years 22 weeks ago
by JesseHansen
Changing URL in Drupal embedded27 years 23 weeks ago
by tomccabe
7 years 17 weeks ago
by thedrupalpeople
Downgraded from G3 to G2. Can't redirect URLs with hypens to URLs with plus signs27 years 24 weeks ago
by andreste
7 years 24 weeks ago
by andreste
None of my images (thumbs or originals) display in gallery07 years 24 weeks ago
by Thanatoast
[SOLVED] Error (ERROR_BAD_PATH) : Invalid path: modules/imageframe/classes/ImageFrameImpl.class47 years 25 weeks ago
by mr_boon
7 years 25 weeks ago
by mr_boon
[SOLVED] Custom Fields info not showing37 years 26 weeks ago
by badsocref
7 years 26 weeks ago
by badsocref
[SOLVED] Thumbnail problem crashes entire site57 years 26 weeks ago
by tommcgee
7 years 5 weeks ago
by tommcgee