Customizing Gallery 1

 Topicsort iconRepliesCreatedLast reply
Where Are These Things Located In This Latest Version?216 years 28 weeks ago
by Roo
16 years 28 weeks ago
by Roo
where are the username/passwords located?716 years 9 weeks ago
by m8solutions
16 years 9 weeks ago
by h0bbel
Where are the functions stored?016 years 8 weeks ago
by m8solutions
where are the file upload/processing methods located?117 years 11 weeks ago
by funkadelic
17 years 11 weeks ago
by vallimar
Where are http headers sent?117 years 6 days ago
by chrispy
17 years 5 days ago
by beckett
where are album.header and gallery.header117 years 6 weeks ago
by rayntara
17 years 6 weeks ago
by Gaile
When you click on a gallery it tries to go to /gallery/*dire317 years 51 weeks ago
by jodeyeman
17 years 51 weeks ago
by dtdgoomba
Whats going on with these shadows315 years 49 weeks ago
by jonG
15 years 49 weeks ago
by floridave
what's wrong with this code???217 years 3 days ago
by wimpie
17 years 2 hours ago
by wimpie
what's this frame type?716 years 23 weeks ago
by bbongyi
16 years 23 weeks ago
by bbongyi
What's this file for?015 years 47 weeks ago
by mikes
What's New Feature117 years 39 weeks ago
by beastlet
17 years 32 weeks ago
by stefank
What's new117 years 29 weeks ago
by tenaki
17 years 29 weeks ago
by joan
What's a CVS? How do I get and use it?217 years 43 weeks ago
by winkypicker
17 years 43 weeks ago
by winkypicker
What tool to use for resizing?417 years 44 weeks ago
by ppmnt
17 years 44 weeks ago
by ppmnt
What to edit..417 years 26 weeks ago
by Hikaru
17 years 26 weeks ago
by Hikaru
what to do with this url?116 years 20 weeks ago
by yli
16 years 20 weeks ago
by jdr0606
What to change the text "Sub-albums" on the page415 years 6 days ago
by hammon
15 years 5 days ago
by floridave
what is the significance of GALLERY_BASEDIR016 years 41 weeks ago
by sneakyimp
What is the advantage of having sub albums?217 years 17 weeks ago
by ola_one
17 years 17 weeks ago
by Andi
what html_wrap file do i edit to get a "logo" link317 years 46 weeks ago
by drazin
17 years 46 weeks ago
by kappaluppa
What happenned to the mod list?417 years 8 weeks ago
by crusader
17 years 8 weeks ago
by crusader
What happened to the separating lines on the main page?616 years 50 weeks ago
by autobulb
16 years 50 weeks ago
by joan
What files to edit for language customizationThis topic has been moved
What files do I need to edit?316 years 6 weeks ago
by stroh
16 years 6 weeks ago
by floridave