[WINDOWS] localhost - language problem

fneurieser's picture

Joined: 2009-04-26
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2010-11-28 19:27

Error during Language update.

Hi all, I tried to install gallery3 into my local testserver (xampp) using a subfolder ->


everything worked fine till I tried to change the default language to german. First "Update translations" started but suddenly stopped with: 'Passed variable is not an array or object, using empty array instead'. Does somebody know what to do?

Thanks for your help

sorry when somebody thinks this is not worth to be answered. I've searched and read through this forum, found some similar threats, read them, tried them but it doesn't work.

Has noone any idea what could be the problem? You're a great community and I can't believe that there is noone who knows about the problem and the solution.

I would be very pleased if someone could answer and solve this issue.

Thanks in advance